A/N: the last chapter, ahh!

Be the whole group

After the four-hour drive from Alternia, the group finally arrives at Roxy's house in Prospit. The five of you walk up to the door where Rose rings the bell.

"Shit! Callie, they're here!" you hear from inside.

"I thought you said Rose said they would arrive at around seven, it's hardly six!"

"I don't know why they're early!"

"Hide the booze, hide the booze, hide the booze!" The sound of stomping feet and slamming emit from behind the door.

"But they went clubbing last night, why do we have to hide it?"

"We have to look decent, they're our guests!"

"Don't put the Bacardi under the sink! Mommy's favorite goes downstairs in the bar!"

"Oh, no we forgot about the basement! It's a complete wreck down there!"

"Just lock the door, we'll clean it later!"

"Don't just leave them outside, Roxy! Let them in!"

"But it's still a mess in here!"

"Lead them to the kitchen, the kitchen isn't that bad!"

All of a sudden, the door swings open, revealing an out of breath Roxy.

"Hey guys! Come on in!" She holds open the door for everyone to walk in. "You're here early. Hey, Rose, where's the sixth, I thought you said you met a little lady friend last night." She says, sitting down at the kitchen table with everyone.

"Kanaya could not come here with us," Rose says. "She has class tomorrow. We promised to remain in contact with each other."

"Ooo, college girl!" Roxy says. She holds up her hand for a high five, but Rose leaves her hanging. "What about you, tall, pale, and handsome, where'd you come from?"

"My name ith Thollux Captor, I'm Karkat'th boyfriend." He says, putting an arm around Karkat, who has his head lying on the table. "You'll have to excuthe him; we got pretty wathted latht night."

"Aww, baby's first hangover." Roxy coos. Karkat flips her the bird, and she laughs. "I remember my first hangover, I was fourteen. I gotta ask, though, how many of you got laid last night?" Everyone raises their hand. "Lost virginity?" Sollux puts his hand back down. "Haha, you guys are great!"

All of a sudden, a petite blonde girl with bright green eyes enters the kitchen. "Hello!" she says with a British accent. "My name is Calliope, Roxy's roommate, but you can just call me Callie! It's a pleasure to meet all of you! Would you all care for some dinner? We could get some takeout, or I could order a pizza. Anything you want, we can get it!"

"Anything but Chinese takeout and I'm good." Dave says.

"Pizza it is then!" Callie says, "I'll go ahead and order it, and you all can make yourselves at home upstairs in the guest room!"

The five of you walk up the stairs and into Roxy and Callie's guest suite and just kind of fall everywhere. Rose sits in a brown recliner, Dave sits on the floor with John in his lap, and Sollux cuddles up to Karkat on one of the small beds.

"Last night was crazy." says John.




"Shut the fuck up."

"We went to a club! We're six hours away from home! Dave is finally my boyfriend- and oh my gosh! I still have to call my dad! I'll be right back!" John says, kissing Dave's cheek and walking into the hall.

"If you had told me twenty-four hourth ago that I'd be in thome random chickth' houthe with a bunch of people I jutht met with a new boyfriend, I would've laughed tho hard I'd pith mythelf." Sollux says.

"Didn't I just say to shut the fuck up, like seriously I have a big-ass headache and I want to sleep." Karkat growls.

"Thorry, babe. But, uh I have to leave in a few dayth."


"Yeah, but I'm gonna come right back up. I'm gonna grab thome thit from my houthe and come right back up to thtay with you… if that'th okay with you guyth."

"Yeah, we don't care, you're shouty's boyfriend, you're more than welcome." Says Dave.

"Thankth, guyth."

Just then, John walks in looking upset.

"Hey, man, you okay?" Dave asks, standing up and giving him a hug.

"My dad wasn't too happy about everything. But he said that since I'm all the way up here, there's nothing he can do about it." He says.

"But hey, at least you can stay, right?" Dave says, rubbing his back.

"Yeah. I think I'll like it here better. Derse can suck my dick."

"Hell yeah. Derse can suck my dick."

A/N: well there it is! the ending to this story! sorry if it was short :P

i'll be gone for a week, but check back the 24 or 25 for my new fic!

thank you guys so fucking much for reading, following, favoriting, and reviewing this fic, it means so much to me!

see you next time!
