Fanfiction story (A. to the wonderful and crazy mind of mine. The updating for this story will not be very frequent seeing as how this is spurre of the moment thinking. I love darkest powers. Any way, basically at a young age Chloe had been bitten by a werewolf but she was also the same Chloe we all know and love. Except she has a backbone. In highschool, she protects the people who are bullied. Then Derek, Simon and Tori come along. They then get sent to lyle house. And I don't own darkest powers unfortunately :(. On with the story. CPOV "

CHLOE GET OUT OF BED! IF YOUR LATE AGAIN YOUR MOTHER WILL BE TALKING TO YOU!" Screeched Viviana, the newest housekeeper, seeing as how we moved last month and dad was on yet another business trip with mom. My insides started writhing around, making me feel nauseous. I ran to the bathroom, skidding around on my hardwood floor in my haste. I finally made it to the bathroom. Five minutes later I was still hunched over the bathroom sink, when Viviana walked in.

"Oh My God! Chloe are you ok?" She exclaimed.

"Just peachy." I mumble under my breath.

"Hey now, no sarcasm from you missy.

I'll call the school and tell them you won't be in today." She ranted while walking away.

"I'm going to school Viviana!" I called after her.

"No you are not."

"I have to!"

"No you don't." Then I'm sneaking out. God, I'm crazy. No one in their right mind would want to go to the hell hole called Bedingford High. It's a screwed up place. Stopping at my closet I pulled out my outfit. It concluded of black skinny jeans with holes, a black shirt that says 'Give Me Monster Cookie' with the Cookie Monster. Slipping on my black and purple Osiris's, I slung my book bag over my shoulder. I took my IPhone 5 off the charger. Looking at my bedside table, I couldn't find my bank card. I kind of panicked. That thing had 1500 dollars on it. You would too. Digging around in my drawer I found it under my dream journal. Slipped on my leather jacket, dumped everything in my bag, slipped on my motorcycle helmet and jumped out my window. You're probably wondering why I'm not hurt. Well, when I was little, I had been kidnapped and taken to a top secret lab where they experiment on innocent supernatural children. I was one of them. My mom is part of original necromancer line so that in its self is pretty powerful its self. They gave me even more powerful powers. So now I'm the most powerful in history. Not only that they had a werewolf bite me. So now any day I will transform into a freaking wolf. I'm also supposed to be really powerful that way too.

"Hey Liz. Can you come to school with me? I feel like something's going to happen today and I'm not sure if its good or bad yet."

"Yes of course I can, Chlo." Came Liz's voice. She's dead. The Edison Group terminated her because she couldn't control her powers. She was a Volo Half-demon. Now she's like a poltergeist.

"Thanks so much." I raced off to school, seeing as how I missed my bus and it was just about lunch. I kind of passed out getting ready(hehe). Five minutes later I pulled into the parking spot everyone avoided. They all called 'Chloe's Spot'. No exaggeration. I'm the badass in the school. The nerds I befriend are always safe. In gym, one of them got a broken nose. A stupid ass jock got cocky and thought he was better than him. That day I had been in trouble for something. Thank god my best friend Reece had been there. He gave it to the jock right back. Back to the present. I caught three new scents in the school. One just so happened to be a werewolf. God dammit. I walked into the school and to my locker. The crowd parted for me like the sea did for Moses. (Yes I know stuff too). When I saw what was going on at my friend Flane's locker, well if I was a cartoon character steam would be coming out my ears.

"What the hell did you say about me?" Came Zake's angry voice.

"I said that I thought you were an idiot." Flane replied. Zake's fist shot forward. I shot forward. When his fist was an inch from Flane's face, I caught his fist.

"Now what the hell do you think you're doing?!" I snarled.

"He called me an idiot and walked into me. He didn't grovel at my feet begging for forgiveness, either!" He explained.

"Go screw one of your whores." I said. Just then I started to feel lightheaded.

"Flane, can you go get Reece and Ry for me, please? And sorry I'm a little late today." I ask

"Hey no worries. You still managed to save my ass. I'll go get them."

"Thanks." About five minutes later, all three showed up and I was siting on the ground with my head against the lockers.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Asked Reece and Ry at the exact same time.

"I'm sick today but I felt like something bad would happen today." I explain.

"What would you like us to do?"

"I would like help getting to the cafeteria please."

"No problem." They wrapped their arms under mine and hoisted me up. After some coordination and my legs feeling like jelly, they just decided to carry me. Reece put me on his back.

"Is this your stop?" He asked.

"Why yes, yes it is."

"No tip! This is madness!" He shouted in mock anger.

"Just go get my food."

"Alright fine Chloe." I laid my head on the table, thinking about when my dad took me on my first hunting trip.


It was November 25th. One of the worst days in the year for me. It was the day three years ago when I had gotten home my mom was sitting on the couch with my younger brother crying on her lap. I asked her what was wrong. She said my great grandfather had died because of a heart attack. I had cried my eyes out that day. Anyway it was really hard for me and it still is. It had been been the worst three years since he died. I was 12 on my first hunting trip. So I was 9 when he died. My dad had just boughten me a hunting riffle for my 12th birthday. I had practiced and practiced till I could shoot almost as good as my dad. That day he took me out and the first deer we saw was my first kill. We took it home, got a picture of me hugging its head, drained it of blood and gutted it. I kind of took all my pain out on the poor animal. For the next two years and every hunting trip I was a ruthless killer of animals. My parents understood my need for it. It was a way for me to release my stress. On my sixth hunting trip in three years, the house had been robbed and both my younger brothers had been home while mom was working. The robbers shot them. When me and dad got home, dad stayed and told me to go after the robbers. He knew about me being a werewolf and necromancer. I traced their scent 5 miles away and their the snottbags were. The had a picture frame. Walking closer, I saw that it was the picture of me, dad and my first deer. I told them to give it all back to me. They didn't. They pulled guns on me. I screamed at them that they killed my brothers. They were dead a minute later. I had ripped them to pieces. And I didn't even care.

End Of Flashback.

Two shadows fell on my table.

"Mind if we sit here?"