Reviews for My Own Take
Scarlet Lupin chapter 12 . 11/28/2015
Ooh can't wait for the next chapter when will Chloe's first shift be? I would have it on the day of the dance just to be really inconvenient haha but this story is amazing!
Balletbeth chapter 12 . 4/12/2015
Nooooooooooooo it's over
Guest chapter 3 . 2/24/2015
Well written and thoughtful, but (sorry about this by the way I'm a grammar and spelling freak) the grammar and spelling aren't very good. Besides that, I really love it so far and can't wait for future installments! :-)
Shadow Night 0227 chapter 12 . 11/29/2014
can u update plz? this is such a good story
Gothic Rain chapter 5 . 3/29/2014
Very OOC chapter 12 . 11/16/2013
Please please please please! write another chapter!
SLEclipse chapter 12 . 10/7/2013
Very good story want to see more valor and fate if possible
Guest chapter 12 . 10/5/2013
Whoop whoop
Go Derek
Kill Lauren
I love it now make my drams come true and have Chloe and Derek rip her apart limb from limb
Nerdlit8861 chapter 12 . 9/18/2013
I love the story, but it's a little fast, don't you think. But I love how Chloe's part werewolf, part necromancer. But try to slow it down a bit and savor the moments between them.
But other then that it's a really good story.
From: Broken baby Girl :D
PiptheSnake chapter 12 . 9/18/2013
Evil Lauren. I hate the woman as much as the next Derek, but she can't catch a break. Can't someone just kill her already?
Guest chapter 12 . 9/17/2013
don't fucking stop... UPDATE REALLY SOON!
emily chapter 11 . 8/22/2013
I shuddered at the thought of a lip piercings. ugh. (mentalt shudder)
GigglingFangirl chapter 11 . 8/19/2013
More. I woke up now I can't go back to sleep and this is amazing pm so tired and hot and bah!
vanima gurtha chapter 11 . 8/14/2013
PiptheSnake chapter 11 . 8/14/2013
Awwww... so sweet :)
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