So, my darlings. I believe an apology is in order.

First off, this is not a chapter, so for those of you who skip Author's Notes (like me), you can stop here. As for the rest of you, let's get moving, shall we?

So... "Inermis" has turned into the very thing I hate: a once-delightful story that hardly ever gets updated, so much so that you just skim over the chapter and don't bother. I started Inermis because I really hated all those other dance stories, but only because the author never updated.

In addition, my work has gotten sloppy. That's never good. The story has gotten no where, especially not to the point that I know it will end on. The characters are too...fantastical, to fit their actual characters personalities. Etc., etc.

That being said, I believe revisions are in order. There will be major changes to the story. Here's what I have planned:

1.) Toothless is not a dragon. I know, sad, but he was kind of a complication that I couldn't work around. Maybe he'll be a dog, or a cat. Something.

2.) Hiccup's not going to be good at so many damn things. No one is that talented and not under eighty pounds of stress.

3.) No Rose. Rather, no Indigo. I'm sorry to whoever suggested it, but she was really just there and random. But, in all honesty, thank you so much for bothering to suggest.

4.) I'll try to avoid clichés.

5.) Etc.

If you have any suggestions, don't be afraid to tell me. Everything is welcome. It is all immensely appreciated. Plus, I'm having a bit of a writer's block.

Thank you so much, all of you, for caring to read my story and for caring to get frustrated with me. Thanks a million.

A little late, but happy holidays everyone! Sorry if this wasn't the gift you wanted... (Better than socks?).