Disclaimer: I don't own FE!

Well, here it is: The Bonus Chapter

This is written by me and Gunslinger. Every page break, we switch off who writes starting with Gunslinger. This was our role-play of The Wellspring of Truth. It was our Avatars meeting up instead of fighting themselves.

Now, Gunslinger has vanished, so I had to write up the end. Huzzah

One more thing…we started this at the beginning of Sanity. A lot of characters didn't exist, like Matt, Heather, Lowell…etc. Not many characters are in character to what you're used to. You can see what my early ideas were. What never was, what could have been, and what was changed. For example, Jessie was originally intended to be a Trickster. As you can see, different ideas. And A LOT were dumb and stupid. No idea if Gunslinger's were though.

Though I do think I captured Vincent's character in some parts quite perfectly.

Chapter ?x

(Insert Witty Title Here)

The Wellspring of Truth was definitely not somewhere Ori wanted to be. Chrom had heard of tales of this place, that you can find your true self here and that you may leave feeling renewed. So far she hated this place, what with seeing Aversa, (whom she had struck down and killed herself not too long ago). After giving chase to the new Aversa, her and her army were led to the chamber of the actual Wellspring of Truth.

The chamber was dark and damp, a chill was in the air and struck deep within anyone who dared step inside. No light reached inside the chamber, instead it was illuminated by the glow from the waters. Crumbling walls and columns were arranged in a circle around the spring, as if the place was the site of many battles. Origeld clung to her precious Pegasus, Niphelheim, who snorted and rolled his eyes agitatedly. He fluttered his wings and asked Ori, since she is a Pegahiin and could understand him. "Hey, Bubbles. I don't like this place one bit."

Ori shuddered as she dismounted from Nihl, "Neither do I." She turned back towards the army, searching for Chrom. "Chrom! I don't see Aversa anywhere." She shivered and ran her hands along her arms, trying to warm herself. "This place is giving me the creeps."

Ori was then warmed as she was enveloped in a warm embrace from Stahl, her beloved husband. "Don't worry, Ori. I'll keep you warm." He said happily as he nuzzled her. Even though she was being warmed by Stahl, she couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen. Good or bad, it didn't matter. Chrom had ordered that the area be checked out and sent out a small party of Lucina, Morgan, Kjelle and Owain to scout the area and check back in.

Perhaps this Well Spring of Truth actually had some merit to it...

This place is creepy. A creepy creep place. Why in the hell did I go here instead of with Chrom to find some 'Radiant Hero?' Why did he have to trust me with this shit?

Vincent walked at the front of his force. Being a leader was shitty. At least he had Anna beside him. And Morgan. And Remy and Jessie. One big happy family. Well, not that happy, war is a bitch!

"Father! Did you see that?" Morgan gasped.

"Huh? Wha-, the hell? She can't be here, she's dead," Vincent insisted. Aversa was decaying under the desert sun without a head, she couldn't be here!

"Ha, then let's go kill her again! She doesn't have the Deadlords this time!" Remy said, hefting his silver axe.

The half of the shepherds that Vincent commanded entered the strange structure the witch lady disappeared into. "The Wellspring of Truth...sounds romantic!" Anna playfully winked at Vincent who grinned.

They entered the Wellspring. The pale blue lighting gave Vincent the shivers. "Not sure how romantic this is..." They instinctively stood closer together and walked slowly forward. Followed by their three future children.

A flickering of light began to cover their eyesight. They were all momentarily blinded.

Romantic is not the first word to describe this...

After the other found nothing, not even an undead Aversa, Origeld was already getting pissed off. Which wasn't surprising since she's such a hot head for such a tiny body.

"Don't worry, mother." A shy quiet voice soothed Origeld as she was enveloped in an embrace by her daughter, Aldis. Origeld was still trying to get over the fact that her daughter was a head and a half taller than her and her face was being engulfed by Aldis' gigantic breasts. "I'm sure we'll find Aversa and get all of this straightened out."

"Hrrrmmf mmrfff mmmm."

Aldis cocked her head, but didn't let go of her mother. "What's that mother?"

Morgan face palmed as he saw his slightly ditzy sister suffocating their mom. "Aldis!" Morgan groaned as he patted his baby sister's back, "You do know mom has to breathe, right?"

Aldis flushed in embarrassment as she immediately let go of Origeld. "Mother! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to suffocate you!" Aldis's face was now many shades of red, darker than her own orchid pink hair, like her mother's.

Origeld waved them off, taking deep breaths. "It's okay, honey." She hobbled over to the edge of the wellspring, sitting on the edge. "Mommy just needs a breather."

Stahl was nearby, taking care of Ys and Nihl, making sure they don't fight with each other. He watched the scene from afar, smiling at his family's antics. He just couldn't wait for this war to be over so he and Ori could spend their time together with their kids.

Origeld was just fanning herself, already healed up from her breast suffocation from her daughter. She couldn't help her own downward glance to her own chest to lament o the fact that she doesn't have a chest. As she glanced downwards, her ears picked up on a sound.

"The Wellspring of Truth...sounds romantic!"

It was soft, but she definitely heard it. It sounded like Anna's voice! But Anna was back at camp, looking after everything with her family, Nana and Kellam! She got up and peered into the Wellspring, as it was the only thing possible that could have generated the voice. A single ripple emerged, giving Ori a glimpse of the red head in question. She leaned towards it to get a better look, when her hands slipped and helped her fall face first into the spring with a scream and splash.

Stahl immediately dropped everything he was doing and ran straight for where Ori was, panicking when he didn't see her. Instantly he came to the conclusion that she fell in and couldn't get out. With a cry, he dash forward and dived into the wellspring after her.

There was the sound of a splash, a rather large one. Vincent blinked a few times, trying to regain his vision. And failed, for a little while.

But when he gained his vision, he gasped. Yes, Vincent the hero tactician gasped. For before him was an army the size of his. An identical army the size of his. With differences.

He couldn't find Remy or Jessica in the reflection like group. Nor could he find Anna. And there were people he didn't know. Then his gaze fell on the woman at the forefront of the army.

This pink haired woman stood in as much shock as he stood in. She seemed extraordinarily like himself. The expression on her face, the coat she wore, and the list went on and on.

"Is...that me?" Stahl asked, staring avidly at the man next to the female-Vincent-clone.

What...is going on?

"Hello...strangers. Or not. Maybe. I dunno, so let me put this bluntly, who the HELL are you?" Vincent said dumbfounded.

Origeld stared at the army's tactician, noting with great distaste... He was much taller than her.

In Ori's mind, she can't help but notice height and bust sizes immediately.

Stahl plopped down next to her and started inspecting her, "Ori!? Are you ok? Did you get hurt!? If you're hurt, tell me where!" Stahl gushed quickly as he inspected her. To anyone outside of their army, he looked like a father tending to his daughter.

"There were many more splashes as more people from the army burst through the wellspring, all worried over their beloved friend.

Morgan and Aldis both burst through and quickly tended to their mother. "Mother!? Are you alright!?" Morgan asked frantically.

Aldis already had a staff out for her. "Don't worry mother! I'll heal you!"

Before another word was said, Origeld stood up and glared at her over protective family. "I'm fine! Gods! A little tumble is not going to hurt me!" Her family started to frown, which caused her to quickly change her tune. "W-wait! Don't be sad! I'm not angry!"

"Is...that me?"

Ori stopped and turned to see an army near them. An... Army that looked exactly like hers... The voice was from Stahl, but... The other Stahl said it. This was going to confuse the hell out of her.

"Hello...strangers. Or not. Maybe. I dunno, so let me put this bluntly, who the HELL are you?" The tactician demanded. Ori puffed up, not liking his tone already.

"I am Origeld, tactician and leader of the Ylissean Pegasus Knights." She stated proudly, hoping to intimidate them. She stripped off her cloak to show her Dark Flier uniform, Stahl, Morgan and Aldis standing with her as more of her army emerged.

Vincent stared at this person, clearly trying to intimidate him. Vincent the Hero Tactician doesn't get intimidated however. It is a fact.

He laughed. Maniacally. Now it was his turn to show off!

"And I am Vincent, Hero Tactician. Holder of the Valflame, none who have gone up against me have survived. Do you seek to be hostile, doppelgangers? Or..." He conjured heat. Not fire, but heat so powerful it made friend and foe alike begin to sweat. He then conjured a sword out of pure flame. For appearances of course, how the hell would that even be possible to fight with? "...Shall we see which of us the gods deem stronger?"

He felt Morgan step up next to him. She held her Valflame tightly, hoping to prove to her father how strong she had become.

Remy muttered, "Oh father, subtlety is not your strong suit. So will we accept the invitation to madness and dance the dance of death?"

"Let us wait...I have a feeling this is gonna get quite amusing..."

Origeld eyed the Valflame tomes, knowing exactly how powerful those tomes were. But their words of doppelgangers angered her to no end!

"You really take us as clones!? Of you?" She answered, already feeling her temper rising. "Fine then, think what you want." She pulled one of three tones from her bag. "But let me show you true magic! The power of the Legendary Book of Naga, Mjülner and a magic I wrote myself, Shining Hope!"

Stahl stood next to her, his horse, Ys had jumped through the Wellspring as well. "I will never let my wife fight alone! If you wish to fight her, you must fight me too!" He then brandished his forged weapons, brave sword and lance and killing edge and lance.

Morgan saw that both of his parents were getting riled up, so he decided to stand by them. He was equipped with forged silver weapons and a forged Thoron. He said nothing as he got into his stance.

However, Aldis stood in front of her family, her hands up. "Mother! Please, we don't have to fight. We don't know what happened, these people have done nothing wrong against us." She turned to the other army, "can't we lay down our arms and figure this out together? Maybe help us get back home?" She asked both sides in a gentle voice.

Vincent looked at the tomes in the doppelganger's hands. She held the book of Naga and Tor Hammer. Weapons from the Holy War. How did they get them? There can only be one of them, except for Morgan's Valflame, but that was a special circumstance

"Help you back home? Nothing would please me greater, but do you really think I know how the hell you got here? Much less how to get back?" Vincent eyebrows raised, tome still at the ready.

Anna grasped her killing edge tighter, "I hope they figure out how to go back to where they came from, if they attack us, it might ruin profits!"

Jessie nodded aggressively while Remy just shook his head in wonder. Morgan smiled at the twin's antics.

Morgan turned to size up the other army. They were all familiar faces, most of them, not all. But they wielded different weapons and stood close to different people than she was familiar with. Her free hand brushed up against the other tome she had, but she wasn't going to use that. They weren't in THAT much trouble.

Aldis smiled at the other army, happy to have a semblance of peace. "Well, we can start from the beginning! I'm sure we can figure this out with enough talking and enough research. As long as we keep our wits about us and no one starts fi-"

Before Aldis could finish her statement, Vaike started screaming and was charging the other army, killer axe and silver axe in each hand.

Tharja started following him, cursing her husband's stupidity. "Vaike, you revolting oaf! You broke Aldis's peace!"

Aldis could only watch as her uncle Vaike ran past her, followed by Auntie Tharja. She covered her face with her hands and groaned. Not again...

Vincent moved quickly. As much as it seemed unlikely, he actually didn't want to fight. He didn't want to waste time on it.

He grabbed his wind tome. Wind was so boring, not like fire, fire is fun. Unless it was Morgan's Holsety. THAT was powerful. But Vincent didn't need power. The Vaike double was running screaming towards him. He shot wind at his feet to trip The Vaike.

Vaike did a face plant on the ground. And didn't move. Problem solved, he's knocked out. The Tharja double ran towards his body.

"Well, good thing that worked! I've never done that before, good thing it didn't kill him," Vincent said with a maniacal grin.

Vaike then jumped back up after getting zapped by his wife, Tharja. She scowled as he got ready to charge again, "Vaike you idiot! We're trying to be peaceful here!"

Vaike growled, rubbing his stinging rump. "The Vaike knows a snake anywhere! The guys just want to wait till our backs are turned and SHING! Slit throats!"

Tharja, rolled her eyes and asked herself again why she married this idiot. "Ori didn't give a signal to charge. So sit down and shut up before I curse you into oblivion."

Aldis looked back to the other Tactician, "I'm... Guessing this means no more peace talks...?"

Origeld stood by her daughter and gently led her back to the army, making sure she dragged back Vaike as well. "Don't worry, sweetie. Everything will be alright." Though the truth in that statement didn't sound so promising.

Gods dammit, Vaike...

"Well...I should have seen that coming, it IS Vaike we're talking about," Vincent said with a ghost of a smile. But he didn't trust them. Not. One. Bit. "Might I make a suggestion? Perhaps each army should send a representative to the middle of the room for a discussion?"

"I'll go father," Remy said, "You fucking suck at peace." Remy put his axe back to its holding place on his back and began to walk forward.

Anna whispered, "Be careful!" And Vincent said, "If they try to kill you, kill them first. You're not dying on me."

Aldis started forward, since she was the only one who had peace in mind at the moment. Before she could say anything, a familiar hand placed itself on her back.

Owain now stood beside her, not wanting her to go near that guy by herself. "Fear not, my lady! I shall escort you, so that no foul deed could possibly befall you!" He eyed the other side, "none shall harm you."

Aldis smiled softly at Owain, glad to see him care so much. She shook her head, "I'll be fine, Owain." She held her recover staff tightly, "if anything should happen, I'll hunt for treasure."

Every man in the army visibly cringed as they put a protective hand over their crotches

Remy stood between the two armies waiting for the other force to select a representative. Soon after he walked up, the woman who had first suggested peace walked toward him.

Well, let's see where this takes us

"Hello there miss, I'm Remy."

He thought about holding out his hand, but there could easily be a knife concealed in the woman's hand. The very beautiful woman's hand that is.

She gave her name and greeting as well. Her name was Aldis.

Sounds like that evil man Alvis from dad's stories. Fun

"I'll be the first to say, I don't know shit about peace. But I figured I'd do a better job than my dad over there." He pointed back toward Vincent and awaited her reply...

Aldis walked up to Remy, bowing slightly to the man.

"Hello there miss, I'm Remy."

She gave him a smile, "well, um... Hello there..." She suddenly felt shy, now talking to a stranger one on one. "M-my name is Aldis..." She really wished Owain was there, at least to help her get over her nerves.

"I'll be the first to say, I don't know shit about peace. But I figured I'd do a better job than my dad over there."

Aldis giggled nervously, knowing how he felt, especially with how mad her mom gets sometimes. "It's ok. Mother sometimes loses her temper." She gripped her staff anxiously. "Well, we just need a way back home, kinda alive?"

"We just need a way back home, kinda alive?"

Remy grinned, "Good thing you have your priorities straightened out. My mother would take a profit over most things. But enough of that, do you have any ideas on how to get home? 'Cause I really don't sadly." He shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant way.

He could hear people talking behind him, but he didn't dare turn around. They might take it as a sign of aggression. But he could see the other army without much difficulty. He tried to find Anna, his mother even though she wouldn't be his mother in the doppelganger world.

Aldis began to say something and he snapped back to attention.

I really need to stop doing that...

Aldis thought for a while, "Well, we did jump into the wellspring. Perhaps we should try to jump through again." The she realized it wouldn't work, since Uncle Vaike accidentally fell into the Well Spring again. "No, that wouldn't work..."

She was going to say another suggestion when suddenly both Stahls on each army were struck with Thoron spells. The Stahl on Ori's side got back up easily, since Aegis protected him, but the other did not.

"W-What the-?" Aldis stammered as she saw her father on the other army fall over. Instincts coming over her, she ran towards him, ready to heal.

Both armies stared accusingly at each other, it would have dissolved into a massive fight if Remy hadn't seen what he saw, "Look!"

Despite the situation, both groups turned. And gasped. Two Aversas were flying on their pegasi. Thoron tomes out.

"Oh this ends here!" Vincent screamed. He had his Valflame tome already out and was conjuring something big. It was a terrible sight to see his father fight in pure hatred. "BURN!" Vincent began amassing a huge fireball above his head, "IN!" He threw the fireball at the Aversas, "HELL!" The fireball divided into five balls of fire and blew up on the Aversas.

Only when the smoke clears will the other army witness Vincent, Insane tactician's might...

The smoke cleared, and both Aversas were nowhere to be seen. With a quick magic scope, Ori was able to tell that both Aversas were still alive and hiding. Damn.

As Ori turned her gaze back to the other army, she caught sight of one very pissed off tactician. His eyes visibly darkened and his face was scrunched with fury. He was beyond furious.

His posture and aura reminded her of when Chrom snapped at the Midmire. Almost as bad.

She was rooted to the spot.

"Calm down father, they couldn't have survived that," Remy assured Vincent. The only other time in his memory he had seen his father this angry was when their mother and Morgan had been kidnaped by Valmese forces.

"They didn't die. I can feel it. That aura of dark magic... They will die!" Vincent hissed. He marched over to the front of his force and yelled, "An issue seems to have risen. Let's deal with this problem before going back to our stand off!" Without waiting for a response, he walked over to Stahl. Jessie was tending to him so he wasn't worried. That girl was better with a staff than her mother. Not quite as good of a merchant though. He smiled inwardly at that

Origeld shook her head, ridding herself of those thoughts. No need to think about them now. Aldis was tending to her father when the Tactician told them they had to work together to find Aversa.

Not wanting to split anyone up with someone they don't know, she suggested. "I'll partner up with your tactician, and everyone else pairs up with their..." She paused, "...their double. No one will expect to have themselves fight them."

She eyed the man before her, "Fair enough, isn't it?"

He turned to look her right in the eye. "...Agreed." He held his gaze for slightly longer and motioned for the other tactician to follow him through one of the many corridors. As he walked, he only assumed the other woman was following. He searched out torches that he could light from afar to help their vision.

"Come to think of it, I never got your name," he stated thoughtfully.

But whatever she would say was lost in the Thoron bolt slamming Vincent in the chest and knocking him backward.

The others paired up with their doubles, the tactician's children paired with hers and went their own way. She followed the crazy guy, never letting him out of her sights. She had to practically run to keep up with him, what with their legs being so drastically different in length.

She heard him ask her name, about to answer him when he was struck with a Thoron spell in the chest. As he fell behind her, she stepped in front of him and readied her own Mjülner attack. She saw a shadow dart away and sent her attack towards it, hoping to frighten it away.

With the threat of their unknown enemy gone for now, she turned and crouched next to the man, placing a hand on his forehead, feeling for a fever caused by the excessive magic entering the system. Can't have the body overheat. "Hey! You ok?"

Oh, that's gonna leave a mark

His vision was hazy. But he could see the other tactician, who still seemed nameless put a hand on his forehead and ask, "Hey! You ok?"

"My handsome looks are ruined," he muttered. "Don't worry...about overheat. Demon's Ingle was hell compared to this. Took a fire spell to the heart there. Try not to do that," he attempted a grin but clutched his stomach in pain. "Least I don't have to put on a show, there isn't anyone I know here." He sighed and the maniacal grin fell off his face into a calm smile.

Origeld knew not to push a person too hard after being struck with magic. Knowing from experience, moving a person too much could cause in magical backlash, causing more pain to the person. She simply sat on the ground next to him, waiting for him to sit up when he was ready.

"Don't move unless you're ready to. Don't wanna cause Magic Backlash." She said to him, a motherly tone in her voice.

She sat by him, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings, ready to jump to battle when need be. "And to answer your question... My name is Origeld. Origeld Mühle." She glanced at him, "and yours?"

"Vincent. Just Vincent. Not nearly as fancy as yours," he said, slowly sitting up. He brushed his hair out of his face. "That Thoron spell was a bitch. So is Aversa so that fits," he added humorlessly.

He suddenly jumped up. "Well, no time to dilly-dally, we've got a witch to burn." He conjured a ball of fire to light the way. He grimaced noticeably, he may have a high pain tolerance, but a Thoron spell was a Thoron spell and it hurt. A lot. He did his best to shrug it off.

Although your best while in pain is pretty shitty

Origeld stood and, despite the incredible height difference, she managed to snag him by the ear and yank him back. "Oh no you don't, mister! You are clearly still in pain. You are to sit down and wait out the pain."

Incredibly, using what little physical strength she has, she got Vincent to sit down. "Now you stay put, young man!"

Vincent was almost thrown to the ground. "Now you stay put young man!" She said.

Young! Why!...I don't know how old I am. Fuck

"Pain is just the body's way of saying be careful. Careful is boring. Risky is fun. So I, as an equal to your stature, refuse your order," he jumped back up. Ever since Jessie had taught him how to do that he always did it. He rose to full height for good measure, fully intending to get his way with the shorter Origeld.

Ori stared up at the man before her. Her maternal instincts were haywire right now!

Despite being two whole heads shorter than him, she rose to the challenge. "Pain means that you are hurt and need recovery! Taking risks sometimes is ok, but right now, we're in a situation that needs both of us alive and well!"

For added measure, she jabbed a finger on his chest HARD, watching with satisfaction how he cringed in pain. "See? You're hurting! Now be a good boy," jab again, "sit down," jab jab jab, "and take a rest!"

An angry Ori can make even Frederick cringe in fear, but how will Vincent react to her logic, reasoning and jabs?

Her jabbing was annoying. Why would he take risks? Such a question, such a question.

"Tell me this then, does being careful let you enjoy life? Do you feel the adrenaline coarse through your veins? Being careful is like sitting in your room all day because you're afraid to get burned by the sun. Taking a risk is jumping off a cliff onto a flying wyvern to save the damsel in distress. Been there done that. Had the time of my life. Yeah, I could have died. No one would have missed me then. So let me ask you this, would you rather experience fun on the ultimate level? Or doom yourself to boredom in the closed up room?"

Give her something to think about. Maybe it'll stop the poking

Origeld held her gaze against him, seeing glaring flaws in his words. "Oh really? It must be nice."

At his now confused face, she began with, "it must be so nice to live in such a black and white world. With only two ways to go, both to the extreme. You talk of taking risks or being a complete coward, yet you are naive enough to believe those are the only two ways. Taking risks is something I don on occasion, but only when I know my chances are good. I take risks when I know if I fail, the repercussions won't be too severe."

"But the risks you talk of, those are the crazy risks. In fact, they're a whole other category! It's called being stupid! Having fun and cutting loose are well and good, but only at the right times! Clearly, you don't see the difference!" And to add the finishing touches, she finished with, "What will happen to your family if you end up getting so hurt that you can't be healed? Or what if you, 'take a risk' and end up getting me hurt or killed? Are you going to explain to my family, my friends, my army that because you didn't want to listen, you caused something horrible to happen!?" Hands on her hips, she glared at him, blazing fires behind her blood red eyes.

He stared at her for a split second before refuting, "Seeing things in a black or white is practical. A criminal can't be kind of guilty, he either is or isn't. Yes or no. Life or death. Sane or insane. There is no in-between. Taking a risk is called a risk for a reason. It has to be done. I'm a soldier, just one life compared to others. I jumped on that wyvern to save Emmeryn the Exalt. No matter the chance, a risk has its rewards. If fight for one goal, to win a better tomorrow. Whether it costs my life or not. I seem like an arrogant prick, and I probably am. Your choice.

I have never asked someone else's life of them unless they freely let me. Why would I take a risk in this situation? I don't exactly give a damn about you, so risking my life to save yours is pointless. Tacticians are no heroes, we take lives with the ease of a spider catching a fly. And my family? Hah, if I'm dead that means they have a better future to look forward to. I will die knowing it is for them," he finished his tirade smoothly

Origeld wanted to shake him until he had gotten whiplash. "There is just right and wrong! There are always in-betweens! There can be evil with some good in them, there can be good with some evil in them. Its life, and life isn't black and white, despite what you say. Of the two of us, I may look like a child, but you definitely are the real child!" She snorted, "You absolutely refuse to open your eyes and see that you have to be smart with your decisions!"

Jabbing again at his chest, she growled at his now more intense wince. "Look at you! You're feeling worse! That attack is clearly affecting you, but nooooo!" She rolled her eyes, "you're too stubborn to admit I'm right about your condition! You need just a few minutes of rest, to self-heal, get rid of the extra magic! But no! You're going to keep pushing yourself, risk your life and not give a damn about your family!"

She knew she struck a nerve with her last statement, but she could care less! "That's right. I went there." She got closer, ready to jab again, "you don't care, you say your family will be better off without you, but that is not the case and you know it. You should be doing everything you can to make sure you live another day to be with them. But obviously, the thought must have never crossed your mind!" She then added acidly, "all about taking risks, isn't it?"

Vincent suddenly grabbed her forcefully, "Never...say that." He let go of her, regretting his action. "Maybe you're right. Maybe your world is bright colors with ponies. I don't know shit according to you. But I do know about good and evil. How would you feel if one of your closest friends were to betray you?" He shrugged down his cloak on his shoulder, exposing a long scar that probably went further down his side. "Our experiences have been different. I don't see in-betweens. A man who betrayed you doesn't get forgiven when he pleads for his life in front of you. I killed him," he shivered. "Won't mention names since you may know him."

"And my family? My children from the future appear and tell me I vanished when they were five. Some father I was. But I have to be bold. A tactician can NEVER look weak. Weakness is a chink in the armor for enemies to expose."

He leaned up against the wall and slowly slid down it. "I dream about them. The men and women I've killed. Every night for the past two years. Doesn't really allow you to have an open mind about good and evil."

Origeld didn't react at all to his anger, even when he grabbed her. It just reminded her of past events. She sat next to him, listening to his words. "I never said that my life is sunshine and rainbows. I only said that there are many more sides than just the right and wrong. The gray areas." She sighed, "I took a risk, long ago when I first started out. Maribelle had been kidnapped and we were setting out to save her." She paused, remembering the event. "This kid, not even sixteen, Ricken... He wanted to come, Chrom told him no and stay behind. It was too dangerous. I felt something bad was going to happen, but I took a risk and left the kid to his thoughts! If I hadn't of taken that risk and played it safe, Ricken wouldn't of followed us! He wouldn't of gotten murdered by Gangrel!" She clenched her fists, "If I had played it safe, his death wouldn't have happened. It wouldn't have been my fault."

She let another fly from her lips. "Emmeryn... I was a new recruit for the Pegasus Knights... Phila was by my side... I took a risk and my precious friend and mentor was killed. Penthesilia, my pegasus was slain as well, all because I had to take a risk to save Emmeryn..."

"After Emmeryn's death, Chrom snapped... He was angry, twisted... Downright despicable. He fought and killed every single enemy soldier himself, all while laughing and taunting them... Even though most begged him that they didn't want to fight. I couldn't do anything against him, he almost killed Frederick! If I hadn't of tried to save Emmeryn, Phila would be alive, Penthesilia would be alive... All those innocent men would be alive."

She stopped, her eyes filling with tears. "I almost got Aldis and Morgan killed... Because I took a risk and tried to fight a powerful enemy myself..." She shook her head, "if I had never taken those risks, so many people would be spared." She stared at him, "their blood wouldn't be on my hands if I had played it safe..."

Vincent smiled ruefully, "I guess we both have our sins then."

He closed his eyes and sighed. "I am sorry if my apparent lack of care about my family offended you. The last time I showed open caring, Anna and Morgan were kidnapped to force me to surrender. When I was about to leave to come up with a rescue plan, they threatened to...let the soldiers loose on them, if you know what I mean. I have never killed more in a night than that one..."

He summoned a fireball with his mind and made it spin in circles to occupy his mind.

The past is best left there. If we linger, we become useless

Origeld listened to Vincent. She could only imagine what it was like for him in his world. His outer persona was just a ruse, to hide all his pain. Kind of like how she tries to be smart mouthed, sassy and angry, to hide the fact that she's scared like everyone else.

"I'm sorry for what I said, about your family." She gave him a small smile, "I can tell you love all of them, just as I love my own." Her smile faded, "but I shouldn't have said what I said. So now I humbly apologize."

She listened to his answer, just glad to get him out of his now depressed mood.

"I wonder how our families are doing...?" She mused.

"Don't worry about it. None of us are saints. Especially Henry," he grinned. "He rubs off on me too much..."

"I wonder how our families are doing..." Origeld trailed off.

"Ori! Huff...I found you!" Stahl came around a corner out of breath. Which one? "What are you doing here? With...him." He look suspicious. That one.

Time to do what I do best. Lie

"We were disarming a magical trap. In the process I was hit by a spell, your wife was merely helping me out in my pain. She performed amazingly," he lied smoothly. Vincent didn't want everybody to know what they had talked about. And he didn't want to be the one to ruin it for Origeld, if she wanted it secret.

Ori stood and smiled at the sight of her husband but stopped and saw his double. "Gods my dreams have come true. I now have two Stahls." She grinned at their now red faces.

Truthfully, she really didn't want either her husband or anyone else to hear what was said. Those types of conversations were private. "Calm down you two. I'm joking. Besides, I have enough sense to know that as great as Stahl is, he must have a wife in this world as well."

She glanced at Vincent trying to think about having Stahl check him out to see if he was ok, but decided against it.

He almost laughed when he saw Origeld rapidly looking between the Stahls. "Haha, this may get awkward. Origeld thank you for saving me back there. Stahl should be happy to have you. Your Stahl that is. Now we have some evil doppelgangers to find!" He gestured forward for the four of them to move. When they began to move forward, he whispered to Origeld, "Masks cannot change, but the Masquerader can change. I've always wondered about that phrase, and you proved it tonight. Thank you." He walked forward as if nothing happened

Ori said nothing to his statement, knowing from experience that men don't like it when they're perceived as weak. "Let's go, Stahls!" She began to follow after Vincent, keeping her eyes on her husband and his clone.

Stahl glanced at the second Stahl, "So uh... Stahl..." He paused at how ridiculous this sounded already. "Tell me, how is your life here...? Married? Kids?"

Too bad I don't have a double. That would be fun

Vincent vaguely paided attention to the Stahls' conversation. Something about his Stahl's wife Miriel.

These damn corridors, they all look the same!


Origeld flicked her head towards them, followed by Vincent and the Stahls.

Aversa didn't run, she flew on a pegasus

They were getting closer, much closer

Vincent breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his daughter Jessie run around the corner. When he saw her tears that relief dissolved.

"Father! Mother...she was attacked by Aversa! Hurry! Remy sent me to get you!" And like that she was running back the way she came.

...How many times am I going to have to kill that witch!

Origeld glanced at the Stahls, "Hun, we need to find her, now!" She then turned to Vincent, "lead us to where she is. Aldis and Morgan were following your kids. They're apothecaries, so let's go!"

Vincent said something to her and soon the four of them were following a frantic Jessie. They followed her through the many corridors, searching for any sign of recent battle. Along the way, they ran into Male Morgan, who had lost Jessie when he was following her.

"Mom! There you are!" He started to pull her along. He explained to her what happened, in full detail. "Aldis should be working on her, but then again, her damages were pretty bad..." He muttered lowly.

"-they're apothecaries, let's go!"

"They better be good..." He trailed off in a deathly voice. Of course he wasn't angry at them, but when your wife's life is on the line, you don't give a fuck what other's think.

They met up with Origeld's Morgan. The guy one. He had muttered something about Anna's injuries being very serious. Vincent redoubled his efforts.

"Father!" a voice called out to him. He glanced down the nearest passage way to see Remy running towards him. He quickly caught up with Vincent, he was more physical than Vincent. "After Aldis came I chased after the Aversas. They got away, but I'm pretty sure one of their pegasi is dead. I don't think they can live without heads," he said with a touch of grim humor.

Jessie turned the corner being several feet ahead. Vincent turned the corner next. No amount of preparation could have prepared him for this...

Aldis was crouched by Anna, who had severe burns along her abdominals. Everyone could practically feel the intense magic there.

What made it worse was her pained moans that made a person want to cry when hearing them. Aldis soothed her gently, trying to calm her down. "Please, Anna, I can't heal you properly if you don't calm down." Aldis said softly, stroking her head.

Stahl, from Ori's universe, crouched by his daughter. "What happened? What's the diagnosis?"

Aldis didn't let her eyes stray from Anna's face. "Aversa, I'm not sure which one, did a concentrated attack after stealing Valflame from the other Morgan. Anna tried to get it back but..." She trailed off, everyone figured out what happens next. "It's just a case of magic burn, but worse than any I have seen." She looked up to Vincent, "I can't safely treat her unless she's calmed down. Perhaps you...?"

After freezing up at the sight of his wife, Vincent did what he did best. Act. He walked up to Anna and stared right into her eyes. He grasped her hands tightly. "Anna...focus on me," he said gently. When he had her attention, "Deep breaths Anna... Don't let your eyes leave my face." When Aldis began the painful process of healing, she cried out again. Vincent brought his hands up to her head and positioned it so she had to look at him, "Anna, remember that night in Ylisse? We had just killed Gangrel and we were celebrating, remember? What did we do that night?"

Anna answered hoarsely, "We danced, and you couldn't dance and you stepped on my feet a lot." She grinned despite the pain.

Vincent smiled, not grinned, "Ah yes, and you threatened if I kept doing that you'd make me pay in gold. Do you remember what I said?"

Anna began to smile. Aldis began to heal again, uninterrupted. "You said you'd practice before our wedding, and you pulled out a ring and quietly proposed to me."

Vincent, if possible, smiled even more, "And do you remember the story behind that ring?"

Anna gave a laugh despite the pain, "You and Henry made it out of a gold coin. Henry only helped because of how you helped him with Olivia. And because his curses were useful. Remember that stupid disguise you used to rescue me and Morgan in Valm that he made?"

Vincent faked a hurt look, "I wanted to be heroic! So of course I had him disguise me as King Eltshan and Remy as Prince Levin. He told me I was being stupid but did it anyway." Vincent drew her in for a kiss. He didn't know if Aldis was done healing or not, but no one would deprive him of this moment with his wife.

Aldis said Morgan lost her Valflame... That's fine. It wasn't nearly as powerful as mine, hers went through hell. She has the Holsety, she is far from defenseless

As soon as Vincent started to calm down Anna, Aldis placed both of her hands above Anna's abdominals. She conjured up the magic within her and used it to reach deep into the burns, searching out the hidden dark magic.

Her eyes were closed, but her gaze fleeted around quickly, literally looking through Anna's injury. As she looked around more, she healed and scraped away the dead skin, replacing it with new skin. A complete reconstruction of Anna in that small radius.

Stahl watched his daughter, wiping away her sweat and holding down Anna's legs from spasming. He was proud to see her successfully incorporate a new healing magic technique on Anna. Though neither of them would tell that this is the first time she's trying it.

Aldis found the dark magic, a low level fiend fyre that was burning deep inside Anna. Without a single word, she used powerful light magic to snuff away the fiend fyre.

With the threat gone now, she worked much faster at the reconstruction.

Anna was going to be fine.

Vincent held Anna tight after hearing the words from Aldis.

"She'll be fine."

Vincent sighed with relief. After carefully laying her down, he faced Origeld, the Stahls, Remy, Jessie and Aldis. "We need to finish this once and for all. Remy, Jessie, where's Morgan?" Vincent asked worriedly.

Jessie shook her head, but Remy said, "She left to find her tome. We both know how important it is to her."

Vincent nodded in understanding. It was the only thing she had to remember him by in the dark future. "We need to find her and the Aversas. I know for those of you who don't know me this sounds strange from a tactician, but does anyone have a plan? 'Cause I don't." He couldn't keep a slight grin out of his voice. After he said that he sat back down and laid Anna's head in his lap, stroking her hair while looking at the others

Origeld raised her hand to her mouth and started chewing on her thumb nail. Aversa was out there somewhere with female Morgan, a Valflame and she was dangerous.

They could try splitting up to find Aversa, but that would leave them completely at her mercy whenever she wanted them. Her Stahl cold take countless hits of magic, but the other Stahl probably wasn't as built as her husband. The only times Aversa had shown herself was when they were alone and when there was...

Origeld stopped and smiled when the plan formed in her head. Aversa was attracted to conflict in the ranks, she gets a rise out of seeing them fight amongst themselves, like their first meeting and when Origeld and Vincent were verbally battling.

Verbal battles only made Aversa some close enough to hurt the ones they loved... But if it was an actual fight...

"I got it." She whispered, keeping her voice beyond hearing. "Aversa is attracted to conflict, like when she was alive. We just have to lure her out to get her close." She glanced around, trying to see if the surroundings changed, and they didn't. "Verbal battles only get her close enough to find our families... But and actual battle..."

Vincent listened intently, then gave a feral grin. "My my, what a fun plan. No shooting to kill people!"

And with that Vincent brandished his tome, Remy and Jessie their weapons and Anna weakly held her staff.

Remy said chuckling, "It's show time!" And he jumped at the other Stahl. Jessie followed and attacked Aldis. Vincent looked at his Stahl and then at Origeld. Indeed it was show time...

Stahl brandished his Killing Edge and blocked the blow from Remy, his training as an assassin and a swordmaster has honed his skills so that he can see an attack coming from miles away. He quickly pushed Remy back with one hand, making sure to slash at him immediately after.

Aldis paled as Jessie came at her, ready to fight. She knew that no one would attack to kill, but she still feared to get hurt. With a scream of terror, Aldis used her magic tome to shield herself as she ran around the small space, crying out that she doesn't want to fight.

Origeld took the initiative and started to shoot out a blast of Mjulner at Vincent, making sure to deconcentrate her attack so that it wouldn't cause much damage.

What they didn't see was that two people had noticed their now battle. Ori's Morgan and Aversa, who stuck to the shadows to watch the battle with a sick grin. Morgan dashed into the clearing and brandished his axe and sword, crying out, "don't you touch my mother!"

"Shite!" Remy yelled for effect as he tried to hit Stahl with his axe. It was an elementary attack that only an amateur used. And Stahl seemed everything but an amateur

Jessie continued chasing Aldis. The peaceloving girl couldn't run as fast as Jessie though. The merchant assassin quickly caught up to her

Vincent brought up a shield of flames protecting him from the intense thunder. Morgan, Origeld's Morgan that is ran into the battle screaming something that was lost in Vincent's flames.

Was he even here to hear the plan? Or is this going to get bloody? Shit...

Stahl deflected the blow again, reading all of Remy's movements. "Ganz im Mund auf Sie, junger Mann." He stated as he charged forward, attacking at Remy with the flat end of his sword, to not cause any damage. He cried out as Astra activated and sent a barrage of slices at Remy, only aiming in places that he knew Remy could catch. He really didn't want to hurt the kid.

Aldis who saw that Jessie was catching up to her, shrieked again. She hated conflict, but... If she had to... Aldis stopped and quickly spun in place, "Don't hurt me!" She sent out a Thoron strike, trying to get Jessie away from her.

Origeld saw Morgan jump into the fray, instantly knowing he didn't stop to ascertain the situation. "Morgan! Stop-"

"DONT YOU HURT MY MOTHER!" He slashed with his silver sword, spun and chopped with axe and repeated with ferocity to kill.

All Origeld could think about was, OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!

Remy deflected Stahl's blows. For a mock battle, he still was very good. But Remy's shield came in handy for blocking, an advantage was still an advantage even in a mock battle

Jessie held up her sword to block it. Being the daughter of two magic users (staff in her mother's case) she had excellent resistance and the attack had little effect. Although her sword was...melty

Vincent dove out of the way of Morgan's attack. He rolled on the ground and quickly got back up. He brought up another shield of flames to stop Morgan's next attack. It didn't work. Morgan's sword plunged into Vincent. Several times.

There was a cry of despair. The female Morgan stood watching the spectacle unfold. She had found her way back to the group to see her father being cut open by the male version of her. The winds of Holsety swirled around her. There would be blood tonight, she thought in her fury...

Morgan stopped, he knew the sound of charging magic. He turned to see the female version of him charging a Forseti at him.

Origeld had to watch as her plan fell apart. Why does Morgan have to charge in half cocked!? She stepped forward and looked like she was going to attack Vincent, but only cased smoke to appear around him. She crouched beside him and helped him to his feet. "I'm sorry! Morgan doesn't know how to control himself." She handed him an elixir. "This should help you. Drink it quickly!" She then jumped back, like she was hit by him.

Charging another attack, Aldis sent forward another Thoron attack, concentrating it on accident in her fright.

Stahl turned to see what happened between the Morgans. What happened over there!? As he was thinking that, he kept up his battle with Remy, Not even looking at him, he deflected every blow and sent out another.

Oh...that'll leave a mark

Vincent gasped in pain. This was one of his worst injuries to date. Three stab wounds in the same area. Shit.

Smoke encased him and Origeld placed an elixir in his hand. He quickly drank it and waited for the effects to work. He felt a wind hit his face and blow the smoke away. He looked up in his blurry vision. "Morgan...?" He doubled over and began coughing up blood. Must have hit a lung.

Jessie's sword was completely destroyed in Aldis' magic attack. She merely pulled out her twin knives. She actually was better with them than her sword.

Remy and Stahl kept up the fighting. Remy heard some commotion, but the Mad Hero didn't waver. He kept is eye's and axe on Stahl the whole time.

As everything went on in the clearing, from the bladed battle between Stahl and Remy, to the magic duel between the two Morgans even the Magic/knife fight between the girls of the family, Aversa was sitting leisurely on her dark pegasus, Helel. "Oh how the weak fight amongst themselves..." She said to herself, licking her lips at the bloodshed. She couldn't help but watch the blood shed between the two armies.

This was definitely a better distraction than finding her weak other self.

She saw Aversa sitting watching the carnage. She had drunk an elixir she had hidden and was back to normal. She would protect her husband and children from this witch's ultimate harm.

Anna unsheathed her sword quietly and brushed her red hair out of her face. Aversa's head would roll once again

She watched as Vincent and Morgan continued fighting, being joined by the pink haired midget and the female Morgan. She enjoyed watching the juggernauts fight each other, tiring themselves out for her to finish off at the right time. Everything was going so well!

Helel, who usually enjoyed the pain of her enemies, saw movement approach them from the side. She snorted and communicated telepathically to Aversa, 'We got trouble.'

Anna realized she had been discovered not a moment too late. A Thoron spell shot from Aversa's fingers. Anna managed to jump out of the way in time. She quickly ran at Aversa, sword raised to kill.

A fierce wind blasted Aversa out of the sky. Anna missed her mark.

The female Morgan stood, hand raised. She had knocked the other Morgan out. She said in a cold tone that didn't fit her, "Don't touch mother."

Origeld glanced to the female Morgan, seeing their target on the ground. "Stop! She's here!" Her son, Morgan, stopped and turned to his mother.

"Wait... This was all part of the plan!?" Ori nodded, causing Morgan to scream in frustration. He got maimed for no reason! "Way to fill me in on the plan, mom!"

"Well if you would stop to check out the full scenario instead of charging in head first and half cocked, maybe you would have understood!" Morgan only grumbled as he chugged down an elixir.

With Vincent by her side, they came down upon the grounded Aversa, both ready to strike her down yet again. "Hey Aversa, you look terrible. Did a little wind magic ruffle your feathers?" Ori smirked, loving how she can rub in Aversa's face the fact that she can't take a hit from wind, but she can.

Vincent glared at the witch bitch. He was so happy half of his problems would soon be over.

"I say we slit the bitch's throat. She's done plenty of harm," Vincent growled.

Aversa's pegasus suddenly reared up with a whatever-sound-a-horse- makes and kicked Vincent backward. He hit his head hard on the stone.


Origeld dashed to the Pegasus, taking hold of the reins. "Stop it you damn, stupid horse!" She yanked the reins, trying to hold the rabid pegasi.

Nearby, Morgan who had just drank a whole elixir, rushed to Aversa to keep her down. "You're not going anywhere you witch!" Before another word could be uttered, Morgan was scratched in the face by Aversa, causing some blood to leak from Morgan's new cuts. "Oh you lowly, evil sl-"

Origeld was having a stare down with the much larger dark pegasus, who was snorting at her dangerously. To anyone outside from the two, they would not hear the conversation going on. "Listen to me, you big fiend. You are not going to ruin this chance for me again." She glared at the red eyed monster, "You're not going to save her again. You are not going to stop me from ending this..." She trailed off, noticing something quite odd.

There was a scar on the pegasus' eye.

The right eye.

But the scar was always on the left eye...

Vincent got back up. He unsheathed his knife and nonchalantly walked back over. "There will be no mercy," he coldly said. And he sank the knife into her heart.

Then her body disappeared

Vincent said, "The hell?"

He looked at everyone else to make sure he wasn't imagining things. They all had startled and horrified expressions. "What?" Vincent asked curiously. Then he had an idea, "She's standing behind me isn't she?"

His question was answered with a knife in his stomach.

After the pegasus disappeared, Ori whipped her head to Vincent, watching as he stabbed the Aversa in the chest. But when she disappeared, it confirmed Ori's suspicions. It was a doppelganger!

When she was about to tell Vincent, she watched as a knife was thrust into Vincent from behind, going straight through his stomach. "Vincent!" She cried as the knife was pulled away harshly.

"You're not going to kill me again!" Aversa, the real one, screamed as she made her escape, making sure to send out a powerful Thoron spell at Aldis while her guard was down. "And this time, your little healer won't be able to save you!"

Vincent clutched his chest where the knife left. Blood started pouring out. "Don't just stand there assbutts! Kill her!"

Vincent tumbled onto the ground. He fumbled in his coat for an elixir. Empty.

"Shit," he looked at Aldis who was on the ground not moving.

"Double shit," he muttered when he saw Anna's broken staff.

"Triple shit!" Vincent yelled as Aversa stood over him

"Miss me?" one of the Stahls said as he stabbed her in the heart.

Finally. One down. Well, the other doesn't have a pegasus.

"Elixir? Hell, even a vulnerary?" Vincent said weakly to the Stahl.

He nodded and gave him one. Vincent drank it as he'd drink a mug of ale. Greedily.

He got up and assessed the situation. Everyone seemed to be alright, albeit broken and bruised. Nothing fatal.

"Father! Come look at this!" Jessie exclaimed.

Vincent ran to her side. He saw another dead Aversa up against a wall near Jessie.

"That was…anticlimactic," Vincent said simply.

"A stray Thoron spell must have hit her. We were firing them like crazy," Origeld said.

Vincent nodded. When he next looked over towards her, she was glowing in blue light. Same with her children and her Stahl.

"Well done heroes. You have rid us of a great evil," an ominous voice said calmly.

"What the fuck?" Vincent said surprised.

"It is time for Origeld and her friends to return," the voice said.

"Who are you?" Origeld said as surprised as Vincent.

"I am Naga," the feminine voice said.

There was a flash of light. The others were gone.

They all sat in silence for a while until, "Tell me Remy, what did you put in my drink last night?"

Author Notes: Well, I think I got most of the spelling mistakes. Ah well, whatever. That ending was abrupt, I know. But without my partner in crime here, I didn't want to screw up her characters or anything like that.

I invite you to check out Gunslinger's fanfic, My Name Is Origeld

Now this is the official end of Sanity. As well as my Holiday Gift for you all for being such great readers.

Just curious, who do you think won that argument on risks and stuff back there? Origeld or Vincent?

"I need the pie!"

-Castiel, Supernatural

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