Miles Edgeworth sat, alone, at his newly polished wooden desk in Room 1202- the High Prosecutor's Office. It had been quite a long time since he had reconciled with his old friends or even his subordinates; it was the summer break for a lot of people in Los Angeles and there was a lot less crime- meaning there was absolutely no work to do.

"It's quite strange," he sighed, taking a sip of freshly-brewed green tea, "that I'm one of the only people around here at this time. You would think other people would have some things to do, at least- like filing papers and all that lot."

After scribbling down a few quick notes about a trial he was attending next week (not prosecuting, though- his adoptive sister, Franziska, had been assigned to this case), Edgeworth walked over to his small, albeit very unique and treasured chess table and began fidgeting with the red and blue pieces.

Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind.

I wonder what Detective Gumshoe is up to right now? He's usually at work, helping me, or at home eating with his beloved girlfriend.

The door burst open at that precise moment, much to Edgeworth's astonishment…and in skipped Gumshoe himself.

"O…" he started to sing in a voice Edgeworth knew would be heard throughout the entire building,

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know…!"

Gumshoe continued to sing while Edgeworth put his head in his hands.

"Detective. That is a Christmas carol. It is mid-summer. Do you have a sufficient explanation for this?"

The look of embarrassment on the poor detective's beet-red face told him the answer was clearly 'no', but Gumshoe smirked and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, sir…it's certainly a great time to be merry! Hahaha…"

Edgeworth couldn't help smiling at Gumshoe's response. It was a habit of the detective to be absent-minded at times, and it made him both an unhelpful but humorous partner to work with.

"You can sit down, Detective."

"R-really?! On your expensive couch?!" he exclaimed in delight; he had never sat on a couch this comfortable before in his life.

"Yes, Detective." Edgeworth confirmed, and took notice of how carefully Gumshoe sat down as to not leave a trace of dust on it.

"So, did you come to tell me something?" asked Edgeworth, taking another sip of tea. "Most of the, um- how can I say this? - lower-ranking detectives are having a break right now."

Gumshoe sighed heavily, and caused Edgeworth to feel a little bit uneasy.

I hope I haven't hurt his feelings…I certainly didn't mean to…

However- to Edgeworth's great surprise- Gumshoe smiled and turned towards him.

"You didn't hurt my feelings at all, Mr. Edgeworth!" he reassured, as if he had read Edgeworth's mind, "It's just that….after lunch, I'm to work another shift…"

The detective jumped up from the sofa, though, sending a few of the cushions into disarray. He hastily fixed them into a neat order before turning back.

"But even if I have to work another shift, I still need to save up for a better apartment for me and Maggey- and that's just what I'm going to do from now on!"

Edgeworth marvelled at Gumshoe's determination.

Poor Detective; always working for others and never once thinking of himself.

Sometimes…I wish I could be like that man.

Suddenly, a deep laugh came from behind the desk. Edgeworth turned around to see Gumshoe looking at a bouquet of roses, protea and other assorted flowers on the shelf.

"Sir…" he grinned, trying not to burst out laughing, "Why have you got some flowers from Ms. Oldbag on your shelf? I thought you didn't like her."

He noticed them…

"I don't like her one bit, Detective! She's the one who stalks me!"

Gumshoe laughed in disbelief.

"Well….if you say so, sir." he chuckled, remembering Edgeworth's reaction whenever she popped up near him.

"But if you don't like her…..why keep the flowers?"

Edgeworth flushed bright red.

He has a good point, Miles….!

"Um…well, you see…I…" he spluttered, wringing his hands in anguish, "I think she'd kill me if I didn't."

The detective swiftly sat back down, a wide grin lighting up his face.

"I don't think so, sir." he began, shaking his head in disagreement. "She'd probably send another batch of flowers to her dear Edgey-poo…"

"Detective!" Edgeworth cried, glaring savagely at the now anxious Gumshoe.

"Call me by that name once more and…and…" he hesitated, thinking intently of a suitable punishment,

"And Franziska will be on your case."

Gumshoe gasped in horror, trying to take in what was just said.

"M-m-miss von Karma?! B-but, sir!"

The image of Franziska doing what she does best- whipping Gumshoe and screaming the word 'fool' over and over again- filled both of their minds.

Thank goodness me and her are on good terms now…

Edgeworth smiled innocently and finished his tea in one quick gulp.

"You'd better be careful, then."

Suddenly the clock struck one; the start of Gumshoe's extra shift.

"May all detectives on the afternoon shift finish their lunch break now, please." the speakers blared, and both Edgeworth and Gumshoe had no doubt in their minds that everyone heard the message.

After he had heard it, though, Gumshoe's face fell and he stood up. Slowly dragging his feet across towards he door, he rested himself on the doorframe.

"I-it's the start of my shift, sir…" he sighed, before getting ready to leave. Edgeworth, however, sat back down at his desk and started to write something of importance down onto a piece of paper.

"Detective…" he mumbled, unsure of what to say next. He decided on a compliment; after all, Gumshoe did just use most of his lunch break talking to him.

Here goes…

"Thank you for the visit. I-I appreciate it."

There! That's wasn't awkward at all, was it?

Gumshoe smiled.

"You're welcome, sir! But," he hesitated, looking suddenly nervous, "I have to tell you something before I go…"

"Hm?" Edgeworth queried, looking up from his desk.

"Th-there's rumours going round there might be a….quake….later on tonight, so…be careful, sir." Gumshoe rushed out of the room, and at that moment Edgeworth was hit with the full blow of his words.
