As the Village Hidden in the Leaves was suddenly assaulted by the Suna and Oto forces, Naruto turned to the now wide awake crowd and boomed out, "Alright everyone! We need to move fast! All Chūnin and Jounin available, we need you to go out and spread throughout the village, combating the incoming forces! Spread the word to every Chūnin and Jounin you meet, Tokubetsu or not! The Eight-Tails' and Two-Tails' jinchūriki will be taking care of the giant snake that should be popping up right about... *giant smoke cloud appears just outside the village* ... now. All Genin available! We need you to help take the civilians to a safe place!"

"Why the Yami should we listen to you?" a random Genin called out.

Before Naruto could answer, a 'civilian' jumped up next to him and aimed a kunai right at his forehead. Naruto bent back and grabbed the attacker by the throat, tossing him into another attacker that had come up to his left, sending them both crashing to the arena like meteors. A third ninja tried to impale him with a sword, but Naruto merely dodged, transforming his right arm into a Whipfist and sending it straight through the attacker, who he then used as a blunt weapon by throwing him against a random Suna ninja, who was impaled by the Whipfistas well. Shifting his arm back to normal, Naruto then moved back and grabbed the arm of an Oto Chūnin who had come up from his right. Shifting his left hand into Claws, he bisected the offending arm, then sliced the offender's head clean off, throwing the arm down to the arena.

Everyone was wide eyed at this display of ruthlessness, but Kakashi quickly recovered and yelled out, "You heard him! Chūnin and Jounin, head out and confront the oncoming enemies! Genin, take all the civilians you can to shelter!"

As everyone scattered to follow the order, the ninja left, who were Kakashi, Zabuza, Haku, one ANBU operative, and the three Prototypes noticed Naruto walk up to the railing, shift out, and unfold his new dragon wings.

"Naruto-kun, where are you going?" Haku asked.

Looking back over his shoulder, Naruto responded, "I'm gonna pick up Sasuke and then we're going to help Jiji fight Orochimaru. Despite having the Raikage and Pervy Sage along with him, I'll be more assured about the pedo being dead by seeing it with my own eyes."

Without further ado, he jumped and flew off, right towards Sasuke and Hayate, who were battling five Oto and Suna ninja.

Looking at the prototypes, along with Zabuza and Haku, Kakashi said, "Well, better go help out in the village. If you guys can, help us driving Oto and Suna back, will ya?"

Everyone nodded, and Kakashi was suddenly aware that the ANBU operative that had been with them had mysteriously disappeared. Shrugging, but taking note of this, he jumped away and over the arena wall. The other five followed him, with Zabuza drawing Kubikiribōchō, James activating his Blade, Dana using her Claws, and Amaya using Double Whipfists.

"Let's go wild!" James called out.


Sasuke was in the middle of stabbing an Oto ninja through the neck when he heard Naruto's voice call out, "You guys, jump!"

Deciding to heed the voice, both Sasuke and Hayate jumped up as high as they could go, and watched in mild fascination as one of Naruto's Whipfists came from the left and cut through the six ninja perfectly, leaving them a mess of blood and limbs.

As they landed, so did Naruto, who said, "Hayate, I know I have no business ordering you around, but all the Chūnin and Jounin are outside battling the invaders."

Hayate held up a hand. "Say no more, kid." With that, he jumped up and onto the wall before dashing away, his sword glowing in the noon sun.

"We are going to help Jiji fight Orochimaru, Teme," Naruto said, folding out his wings and taking flight. Holding out a hand, he circled the arena.

Sasuke, catching the hint, jumped and grabbed on to the proffered hand as hard as he could for, a moment later, Naruto accessed Tailed Beast Mode and flew off at ridiculous speeds towards a square barrier on one of the large rooftops of the village.

Halfway there, Naruto called out, "I told you about using that Genjutsu on Sakura, Teme."

"Are you really gonna bring this up now?" Sasuke asked incredulously.

"Yes!" Naruto vehemently countered. "You knew perfectly well that that Genjutsu is brutal! And what do you do? You go and use it on the one girl you can actually say you love! Now, how the fuck does that work out?!" Sasuke looked down at that. "Yeah, thought so. Yami, do you even know where she might be right now?! Or how she might be feeling?!"

"No," Sasuke replied.

"Well, think on it, but later. Barrier's coming up," Naruto said, and Sasuke looked up to notice the purple barrier was coming closer to them fast.

"Naruto! Wait, what the fuck are you doing?!" Sasuke called out.

Naruto merely laughed and activated his Mangekyo Sharingan, using the Kamui on both him and Sasuke so as to easily bypass the barrier.

"How the fuck did those punks get through the barrier?!" a loud redhead asked.

"Fuck if I know, Tayuya! Must be that intangibility of his!" Another ninja answered, this one having six arms.

Naruto ignored the bickering and continued flying forward, catching sight of the Hokage, Raikage, and perverted Toad Sage having a standoff with the slippery Snake Sannin.


"So, Sarutobi-sensei, are you finally ready to accept your fate and die?" Orochimaru asked, chucking.

Hiruzen smirked and responded, "I've still got plenty of life in these bones, and so long as I'm alive, you'll have no chance of ending Konoha, especially not with a half-baked plot such as this one."

"Wait, so you knew of this invasion?" The Raikage asked, confused.

"Yes, Raikage-dono, we did. I apologize for not informing you, but given the way our villages have interacted these few years, I could not be assured about which side you would pick," the Hokage said carefully.

Ay grunted in response. "Don't worry about it, I'd have probably done the same in your place."

"Well, well, three on one? Those aren't very good odds," Orochimaru said, actually feeling slightly nervous.

"Not just three, but FIVE on one, Teme!"

The four combatants looked up at this call, just in time to spot two blurs that landed to the left of the Raikage. Once the dust that had picked up at the landing was gone, it revealed Naruto and Sasuke, both in battle ready stances, with their hair and clothes billowing lightly.

"Oh, so you decided to come along, Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun?" Orochimaru asked, now even more on edge.

"You two, what do you think you're doing here?!" Hiruzen asked loudly.

"Helping you end a snake that should have been dead long ago, Hokage-sama," Sasuke responded, unknowingly making Hiruzen wince slightly.

"He tried to come after me and my team during the Second Task of the Chūnin Exams. With his shady history, there's no bloody way I'm leaving him alive!" Naruto continued, activating his Sharingan, an action Sasuke emulated.

"Oh? And who says you won't be too busy with other fighters to worry about me?" Orochimaru asked.

"What?" Jiraya asked, feigning ignorance.

Orochimaru quickly went through four hand seals and clapped his hands together, calling out, "Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei!"

The other four fighters, minus the Raikage, were actually surprised at this point when not three, as they had expected, but five coffins rose quickly from the ground. The Hokage, being the most experienced of them all, recovered first and tried to stop at least one, but was unsuccessful, and his shuriken merely bounced off of the middle coffin.

The five coffins each had a different sign on them. The first three had the kanji for 'One', 'Two', and 'Four'. The fourth coffin seemed to have a Sharingan carved on it, while the fifth one had what appeared to be the Uzumaki swirl on it.

"No..." Hiruzen whispered.

"He didn't..." Naruto whispered as well.

The five coffins opened up, and the five reincarnated people walked out.

The first ninja had long, black hair with a wrapping near the end, and two strands hanging over his Konoha headband. He was wearing black clothes under red armor that covered his chest, arms, and sides. It was Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage.

The second person had similar armor, but his was blue and had a collar of fur. He had white, shaggy hair, two red lines on his cheeks and one on his chin, and red eyes. He was also wearing a happuri engraved with the Konoha symbol. He was Tobirama Senju, Hashirama's brother and the Second Hokage.

The third person was easily recognizable by his mane of golden hair, bright blue eyes, and white trench coat over a Jounin uniform. It was none other than Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage and Naruto's father.

The person to Minato's left was a woman of average height, with silky raven hair and dark eyes. She was wearing a standard Konoha Jounin uniform, but her short-sleeved shirt had the Uchiha fan on one shoulder. She was Mikoto Uchiha, the matriarch of the Uchiha clan and Sasuke's mother.

The final person was also a woman. She had long red hair which was pulled into a ponytail, with two long stands framing her face and Konoha headband. She also had the Konoha Jounin uniform, but hers was sleeveless. On her back was a regular katana. She was Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze, the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero, wife of Minato Namikaze, and Naruto's mother.

"I think this is better odds, don't you think? Kukukuku..." Orochimaru chuckled.

The chuckle ended abruptly when he was hit by the combined assault of four massive killing intents, coming from the four Konoha ninja. The Raikage himself was shocked at just how much killing intent the two Genin could blast out.

"Orochimaru..." Sasuke intoned, his Eternal Mangekyo spinning ominously. "I will end you for desecrating my mother."

"I have twice as much reason," Naruto also said, his voice deathly quiet, "You desecrated both of my parents' graves. I will never forgive you!"

"You dare to bring back my student and the girl I came to see as my own daughter for your sick plans?" Jiraya said quietly. "That's the last straw, Orochimaru. Your life is forfeit."

Pointing at Orochimaru, Hiruzen finished it off by saying, "You no longer have the right to call me sensei. This time, there will be no mercy for you."

The killing intent being sent out seemed to awaken the reincarnated, for they all seemed to twitch before life came to their eyes. As soon as this happened, though, Minato's eyes widened as his body was blasted apart into pieces of paper, leaving behind the body of Kin Tsuchi to flop on the ground.

Everyone, even the reanimated Shinobi, stared at this for a moment. Then Naruto stated to chuckle, before laughing outright, drawing odd looks from everyone.

"You seemed to forget a critical point in your plan, Orochi-teme!" Naruto said, still laughing. "My father's soul was taken personally by the Shinigami. There's no way a mere mortal, especially not one as weak as you, could defy the God of Death."

Orochimaru developed a tick mark at this, and quickly shoved four kunai with some kind of seal into the heads of all four reincarnated shinobi, forcing them to obey his will.

"Hey," Hashirama stated, squinting at Hiruzen, "Hiruzen, that you? My, my, you've grown pretty old, haven't you? That's a rarity in this world."

"I cannot believe my Jutsu managed to make it into the hands of someone like this 'Orochimaru', " Tobirama stated, looking back at the Snake Sannin.

"Then you probably shouldn't have developed that horrendous Jutsu in the first place, brother," Hashirama said dully. "Bringing back the dead is an ability no one should have."

"Sasuke... is that you, sochi?" Mikoto asked, tears developing in her eyes.

"Yes, Kaa-chan, it's me," Sasuke responded. "I'm sorry to have to see you again under such circumstances."

"It's alright, sochi, I don't blame you," Mikoto said.

"Hey, Kaa-chan," Naruto said, his voice quivering.

"Naruto?" Kushina asked, squinting at Naruto. "Is that you? What happened to you, sochi?"

"Oh, this?" Naruto gestured to his body. "This is my version of Tailed Beast Mode, Kaa-chan."

"Tailed Beast Mode? But I heard you needed to have a partnership with your... Tailed Beast for that..." Kushina's eyes widened.

"Yes, Kaa-chan, Kurama and I are partners and friends. He's actually very nice, if a little bloodthirsty." Naruto admitted.

"Oh, enough of this sentimentality," Orochimaru groaned, making a hand seal. "Kill them already!"

The Konoha ninja's and Raikage's eyes widened, jumping away as the four reincarnated corpses dashed forward.

"We've got to come up with a plan," Ay stated.

"I think I have one," Naruto responded, drawing all eyes to him. "It's best to counter the abilities of the Edo Tensei ninja. Jiji, I think it's best if you go after the Shodaime. You know his Mokuton best, and I can tell he's not at his full power. Raikage-sama should go after the Nidaime. His lightning and speed will be a good counter for Tobirama's water attacks. Sasuke, you're best going after your mom. Your Sharingan will be a good counter for hers, and with your speed, you can outmaneuver her. I'll go after Kaa-chan. I've studied her kenjutsu extensively, so I should be able to counter it well, along with the fact that she doesn't have the Nine-Tails' power anymore. That leaves Pervy Sage to deal with Orochimaru. I have a feeling there's a major elephant between the two of you."

"Not a bad plan, Naruto-kun," Hiruzen nodded.

"Sounds fine by me," Jiraya said.

"Heh, I'll go along with it," Ay said, activating his Lightning Armor.

"Hn," was Sasuke's only input.

"Alright, break!" Naruto called out, and they all separated.


Jiraya landed a few paces away from Orochimaru, who merely looked on in interest.

"Alright, this farce ends now. You've done more than enough evils, Orochimaru, and now, you're about to be put down."

"You could never defeat me when we were Genin, nor when we evolved into Sannin," Orochimaru taunted. "What makes you so sure you'll be able to do so now?"


Jiraya quickly bit his thumb and went through five hand seals before slamming his hands on the ground for a summoning, being subsequently engulfed in a cloud of smoke. Orochimaru looked on in interest, then in slight shock as a powerful aura emanated from the smoke cloud, which slowly dissipated.

The change in Jiraya was pretty obvious. His pupils shrank, red markings covered his face, his hair seemed even shaggier, and his nose was now bulbous and covered in warts. Even stranger, however, were the two toads on his shoulders, glaring at Orochimaru with the same fervor as Jiraya.

"... I am not going to hold back at all!"

"Well, I'd heard about your so called Sage Mode, but this is the first time I've seen it. Let's test it out, shall we?" Orochimaru said, spitting out his Sword of Kusanagi and grabbing it with one hand before swinging it around to get a feel for it.

Without another word, both combatants charged.


Hiruzen landed in front of Hashirama and immediately bit his thumb, drawing blood, then slammed his palm on the ground, summoning the King of the Monkey Summons, Emma.

"What the...?" Emma's eyebrows rose as he looked at the reincarnated Shodaime. "Isn't the Shodaime Hokage supposed to be... uh, dead, Hiruzen?"

"He is dead, Emma," Hiruzen said, "He's simply reanimated through the Impure Reanimation Jutsu."



Emma shook his head at the living Hokage. "I warned you about him long ago."

"I know, Emma, and I don't plan to make the same mistake once again. Transform!"

Emma nodded and transformed into a black adamantium staff with white ends, which Hiruzen promptly grabbed and swung around before entering a battle stance.

"Hiruzen..." Hashirama said sadly. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do."

"It's alright, sensei," Hiruzen responded. "I'm equally sorry for not finishing Orochimaru sooner."

Without further ado, Hashirama jumped as Hiruzen swung the transformed Emma towards him.


Ay dashed in front of Tobirama and shot a tremendous punch to his sternum before the latter could react, sending the reanimated ninja flying with a hole in his chest.

Quickly following him, Ay watched as the Nidaime got up and his wound was healed within seconds.

"Haven't seen you before... Who are you?" Tobirama asked.

"I am Ay, the Fourth Raikage," Ay said shortly.

"Ah, I see. Well, I apologize, but I will not be able to hold back much, Ay," Tobirama commented, making two hand seals and summoning a large amount of water from the air to attack Ay.

The Raikage merely watched it approach before disappearing in a flash of lightning, reappearing behind Tobirama and giving him a rough uppercut, then chasing him into the air.


As Sasuke landed on the ground in front of his mother, he noted that her Sharingan was already activated and spinning ominously.

"Sochi... your eyes," Mikoto commented sadly. "So young and you've already gotten the Mangekyo?"

"Don't worry, Kaa-chan, I didn't have to kill anyone close to me if that's what you're thinking," Sasuke assured her, pointing at his Eternal Mangekyo. "Thanks to my friend Naruto's special abilities, I was able to develop the Eternal Mangekyo."

"I see..." Mikoto commented, looking down. "I'm glad. I can tell you firsthand that this..." As she looked up, Sasuke noticed a new pattern in her eyes, which looked like a blooming flower. " more of a curse than a blessing."

"Y-you have the Mangekyo..." Sasuke stuttered, eyes wide. "B-but how? How did you get it? Who did you kill?!"

Tears gathered into Mikoto's eyes as she dashed forward and began to trade punches and kicks with Sasuke, who was able to keep up with his Sharingan and Swift Release.

"I... betrayed my best friend..." Mikoto cried, throwing a one-two combo which Sasuke blocked, followed by a spinning kick that Sasuke ducked under.

"Who?! Who was it?!" Sasuke demanded, pushing Mikoto back slowly but surely.

"It... her name... was..."


Naruto landed in front of Kushina, immediately ducking under a horizontal slash before kicking her torso and sending her stumbling away.

"What's happened to you, Naruto-kun?" Kushina asked as she stood. "Your eyes... they're the eyes of someone who's lived through a lot in life."

"Well, Kaa-chan, my life at first wasn't easy... I was beaten, chased from stores, charged exorbitant prices, and overall ignored by the majority of Konoha..." Naruto said sadly.

"What?!" The blonde had to take a step back from the massive amount of killing intent that his mother was blasting out. Every other combatant stopped their battles just to glance over in worry. "Those bastards! There you are, a poor little boy, saving their asses from the Nine-Tails, and that's how they repay you?!"

"Kaa-chan!" Naruto called out, causing her to stop in her tracks. "It's ok. I survived, in large part thanks to Kurama and James, and I met many great people."

"Oh... ok." Kushina said simply, before asking in confusion, "Who's James?"

"He's the guy who revived me when I was born," Naruto said nonchalantly, making Kushina sweatdrop.

Suddenly, Naruto's danger sense went off, and he jumped back in time to dodge his mother's katana from cutting off his head.

"I'm sorry, sochi, it seems our time to talk is over," Kushina said hurriedly, trying her best to fight the Edo Tensei.

"Its fine, mom. Let's just do this," Naruto assured her, activating his Claws, which gave off a fiery aura of their own thanks to the Tailed Beast Mode.

After nodding at each other, they charged.


As Kakashi, Zabuza, Haku, James, Dana, and Amaya landed on one of Konoha's main roads, they were immediately assaulted by enemy ninja. Kakashi went through three hand seals and activated his Raikiri, shooting off towards the nearest ninja. James quickly turned and split one Oto ninja in half horizontally, and the one after that vertically. Dana merely began to run down the road, slashing to pieces anyone that stood in her way. On the other hand, Amaya jumped on top of a building and used the Hunter Pulse along with her Whipfists to decimate ninja from afar, whether they be solo or in groups.

Haku used her Ice Release kekkei genkai to create several mirrors all around a section of Konoha, then used the mirrors to jump quickly all around, killing ninja left and right. Zabuza had much less finesse, considering he was simply beheading any ninja that came near him, using his superior speed to quickly run through their ranks.

After stabbing through his tenth enemy ninja, Kakashi's Sharingan was aware of multiple tiny specks of chakra gathering all around them. Closing his red eye for the moment, he noted that said chakra specks seemed to glint in the sunlight, and when they gathered together, they appeared to be... golden sand?

'But that's the Fourth Kazekage's signature weapon!' Kakashi though frantically.

Looking around, he could immediately spot said Kazekage standing just a few feet from them, an emotionless look on his face. His hands were up and moving, controlling the golden sand.

The odd thing, Kakashi noted, was that the sclera of his eyes were a dark gray, not the usual white of any living human.

In a mere second, Kakashi, Zabuza, and James were caught inside a small dome of golden sand, one that kept getting smaller and smaller.

"Shit, we're going to be turned to paste at this rate!" Zabuza shouted. "I can't even swing Kubikiribōchō!"

"You two get your asses down! I'll handle this golden shit!" James called out before clutching his body as if he were in pain.

Kakashi and Zabuza glanced at each other before dropping, ending up in a circle due to the continuous tightness.

James stopped struggling for a moment before yelling out. With a thrust of his hands, a large amount of thick spikes erupted from his body in every direction but down to the ground, for which Zabuza and Kakashi were thankful. The spikes shattered the golden igloo that had trapped them and several had nearly impaled the reincarnated Kazekage in his surprise. The man had just barely cleared the area, though, and only watched and growled as several of his ninja were impaled by the spikes and turned into biomass that was consumed by James.

Kakashi and Zabuza slowly stood as the spikes retracted and James straightened, dusting himself off. He noticed the two ninjas' stares and asked, "The fuck are you lookin' at?"

"I'll never understand you prototypes," Zabuza chuckled, shaking his head.

James was saved from responding when he had to dodge a spike of golden sand that nearly skewered him in half.

"You'll pay for that…" the Kazekage growled.

"Oh, please," James scoffed, "You're the one who decided to bark up the wrong tree, asswipe!"

The Kazekage yelled in frustration and sent several golden sand spears to surround James on all sides. However, as soon as the spears lunged, a massive sphere of normal sand surrounded James and blocked the spears.

"What?!" the Kazekage growled, following the chakra signature and spotting none other than Gaara. "You!"

"Hello… father…" Gaara said, his tone on the last word making it sound like the man was anything but.

The Kazekage's eyes narrowed. That was the only warning Gaara got of his dead father's attack.

Several lances of golden sand suddenly sprouted from Gaara's chest, having been stabbed from his back. The Kazekage smirked in triumph, a smirk that became a frown as he noticed that Gaara didn't seem to be at all affected by the golden sand currently lodged in his torso. As if he were only a mirage, Gaara simply dissolved into sand that quickly flew and surrounded the ex-Kazekage in a tornado, although the man didn't seem too fazed about this. The sand quickly reformed right behind the reincarnated Suna leader, who turned around confidently only to receive a bone-shattering kick to his jaw, which sent him flying right into an empty building.

Putting his leg down, Gaara yelled out, "You guys go battle the invaders. I shall deal with this one."

"You sure about that, kid?" Zabuza asked skeptically.

Gaara slightly smirked and said, "I am not the same child that was under the control of this man back in Suna. I shall not allow him to do as he wishes to the home of the one who saved me from my darkness."

James, Kakashi, and Zabuza nodded and jumped away, preparing themselves to deal with the invaders. Meanwhile, Gaara turned back to his father's reanimated form, watching as the man appeared in front of him in a small wave of gold.

"So… it seems you have become a little more powerful, Gaara," the ex-Kazekage said, eyes narrowed.

"I have indeed," Gaara nodded, "Thanks to the help of the only friend of mine that was willing to help despite the fact that I tried to kill him… Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze…"

"Namikaze, you say…" the older redhead mused, "So Minato indeed had a son…"

"You knew Naruto's father?" Gaara question, one non-existent eyebrow raised in surprise.

"Of course. I was already the Kazekage by the time Minato became Hokage, and he was a rather friendly man, always willing to put the safety of others above his own, but also a ruthless man in battle, willing to make all sacrifices necessary to ensure he protected his loved ones," the reincarnated shinobi responded.

Gaara nodded and said, "Well, I believe it's time we fight, is it not?"

The ex-Kazekage sneered and nodded, moving his arms to the side.

"You have never won against me before. I don't think you will now."

"We shall see," was all Gaara said before launching a massive wave of sand towards his opponent, which crashed against a slightly smaller wave of golden sand with a resounding crash.

The battles were now underway: Hiruzen Sarutobi vs Hashirama Senju, the Shodaime Hokage; the Fourth Raikage Ay vs Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage; Sasuke Uchiha vs Mikoto Uchiha; Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze vs Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze; Gaara of the Sand vs the Fourth Kazekage; and the rest of Konoha vs the forces of Sunagakure and Otogakure no Sato. What will be the outcome?