It was a warm, summer day. Meenah and Aranea were on their way to becoming juniors in high school, and life was good for the new freshmen Feferi and Vriska. A lot had happened after Meenah and Feferi had come to live with the Serket's. For one, Mrs. Peixes had finally been captured in Italy, and the rest of the family was imprisoned as well. Meenah and Aranea had gone on their first date, to a nice movie theater. They still weren't comfortable sharing their relationship with her mom, but they figured they'd do it eventually. Vriska and Feferi had even made a few love interests of their own. Life was pretty good.
Currently, the five were at the beach, visiting Aranea's grandparents. They had been so intrigued to hear everything that had gone on with Aranea and Meenah the past year. The conversation started out quite interesting too.
"Aranea, what happened to all of your lovely hair?" her grandmother had asked with slight disapproval. "You look like a boy now. And you've dyed it blonde, not that it looks bad, but I just don't understand! And your friend has quite the short haircut too!" Aranea's grandpa just looked at both of them and sighed.
"I'll never understand kids these days." Aranea just sighed and shook her head while Meenah had snickered. This was going to be a long explanation for sure.
By the time the two had explained everything, her grandparents understood, but still didn't understand why Aranea had to be the boy, and not Meenah, even though she had explained it at least ten times.
"Well anyway dear, we're so glad you were able to carry out the mission successfully. The Sufferer and your dad would've been proud." Aranea smiled and looked down at her necklace. Yeah. Both would've been, not only because she was successful, but because she challenged herself and thought outside of the box. And even when everything didn't go according to plan, she found a way to compromise. She smiled at Meenah, a signal that meant 'let's go down to the water and relax.'
The day had come to an end, and the sunset was beautiful. Hues of yellow, orange, and pink filled up the sky as Meenah and Aranea sat by the shore, holding hands and feeling the waves lap softly at their feet.
"Hey Serket. How do ya think life for us will be from now on? Just askin." Meenah had asked while absentmindedly drawing circles in the sand. Aranea just smiled.
"I'm not sure. But what I do know is that every second will be worth it as long as I'm with you." Meenah grinned, tilted Aranea's chin up toward her, and kissed passionately.
Being a boy was a terrible pain, but I'm so glad I did it. After all, I would've never gotten to be close to Meenah if I hadn't. I wonder what other surprises lie ahead?
Short epilogue is short! Anyway, thank you thank you thank you to everyone who reviewed, favorited, and followed. It makes me so happy to see all of you enjoy my story :D