Wow, so it's been just about a year since I finished this story. I still get notifications about it here and there, so I assume people still come across it and read it, which is totally awesome. I actually received a comment from a guest in June of this year that reads:

I didn't like this. Beca should have just spoken to Chloe. That would have made all the difference. And c'mon, she would not jump off of a building, especially not in front of Chloe.

Before I go any further, let me make it clear that you guys are 100% entitled to dislike, hate, or roll your eyes at any of the cliché crap that I write. Obviously. However, I felt the need to respond to this feedback in particluar, because it seems that the dislike of the story spurs from the fact that it seems unrealistic.

I wrote this story three months after I watched a good friend of mine jump off of a building. This was the second friend I lost in the span of six months.

Her situation was very similar to the one that I wrote Beca into. She was always impulsive and always overcome with what she felt in the moment, which is often how I view Beca, and in turn, how I write her. Someone who is feeling these waves of rejection, fear, and depression doesn't always recognize that talking to someone is the best option. Beca tried talking to her father, and the outcome of that encounter didn't exactly make her excited to talk to anyone else.

As for the second part of your statement: Stacy jumped in front of me. So my Beca jumped in front of Chloe. I wrote from my heart and my personal experience, because people can surprise you and things like that can happen. Perhaps you see Beca in a different way, as a different person in your life who wouldn't make that decision.

This story isn't canon (thankfully), so we'll never know what the "real" Beca would've done.

But anyway yeah uh I just felt the need to explain that, in case anyone had the same thoughts. :)