So I'm back with another chapter, hope you guys like it, or not, leave a review and let me know what you thought of it, I'll update whenever I can, thanks for the support on the story as well, enjoy.

(Flashback/ Mt. Silver)

He sat on the boulder with Lucario, eyes solely on Red who held out a master ball towards him, "Legendaries…..that's what this tournament revolves around, making legends, becoming a legend".

Riley stepped in, "Meaning you should be ready to face any type of opponent, especially the ones who are hiding secret weapons, legendaries".

"Legendaries"? Asked the raven haired boy, looking at his Lucario who shrugged.

Red nodded, "This tournament has no limits, every one of those trainers are competing for the ultimate title, the title that will define them as a master trainer, a trainer superior to others, if they have even the slightest advantage, they will take it, and that means competing with Legendaries, it's happened, and no doubt it will happen again this time, so you need to be prepared".

"My pokemon have fought legendaries-".

"Yeah and that's not enough, you need to be fully prepared, left and right trainers will be surprising you with these tricks and secret weapons".


"Hm….". All of there heads shifted away from the screen and over to Ash who had already started walking away, being followed by both his Greninja and Goodra.

"You're not going to stay and watch the match"? Asked May.

He stopped, turning his head slightly to gaze at them from the corner of his eye, "I'm not your friend, I have no need to stick around you people".

It was like a shot to them directly, they felt the utter coldness from his words, not having anything to say in immediate return.

Dawn held a frown while releasing a tiny sigh, "Bye…..Ash".

Serena seemed surprised by Ash's sudden cold attitude towards the others, "Whoa…...what's with the tone"?

"It's…..a long story". Mumbled Misty, turning her eyes away to avoid looking at Serena and the others.

"Well, I'm going to talk to him, I'll see you guys around". She ran after the raven haired trainer, gesturing the others to stay behind so it would just be the two of them.

Sawyer chuckled wearily, walking away with both arms behind his head, "Whatever it was, it must have really affected Ash deeply, I'm glad I'm not on that guy's bad side".

Iris clutched the pokeball in her hand, "I'm not taking back anything I've said to him, I'll stand by my words until he proves me wrong in this tournament".

"!" everyone's ears had perked up at the sound.

"AGH"! The crowd had all rushed over to the source of the scream, finding Trinity on her knees with tears streaming down her face.

"Trinity"! Misty hurried to her side, kneeling down beside the water trainer who grabbed onto the redhead.

"Misty! T-they took them! They took all of my pokemon"! She cried, clenching strongly onto Misty who flinched, feeling the fear and panic rising out of the girl's voice.

"W-Who"?! She responded back, looking towards the others who were just as curious.

They watched as Trinity had her eyes to the ground, attempting to stop crying only to fail, her voice had become noticeably shaky, "T-they were strong….s-scary…...they just….beat me and my pokemon and fled with them…"

"Whoa"! Misty had caught the fainted trainer in her arms, being aided by Brock and Cilan who came to lift her up.

May had looked around, finding the crowd to now be talking about what Trinity had said, most of the comments being about the trainers themselves being scared of being robbed of their pokemon, "This is bad, if someone's out there stealing trainer's pokemon then that must mean they have their eyes set on the competitors pokemon as well, we have to warn somebody"!

Iris had blocked May's path, preventing her from going anywhere, "You're right…..but who do we warn….as far as we know, it's just a couple of thieves, but we don't know how they look, it could be anyone here for all we know".

Brock managed to carry Trinity in his arms as Cilan accompanied him, "I'm going to take her up to nurse joy and see if she can tell us anything else when she wakes up".

"I'll go too". Alain followed him, sparking mairin and a couple of others to do so as well.

"Wait, I'll go as well". Exclaimed Dawn, however she was held back by Misty.

"I'll go, stay here, you probably want to watch Gary's match and support him, right"?

Her answer was hesitant, "Y-yeah, of course". She remained behind, watching as Misty took off to catch up with the others.

Iris sighed, resting her head back against her arms, "Well I'm staying, there's no way I'm missing this match"!

The only ones who remained back were Dawn, Iris, Max, May, Bonnie, and Clemont.

Bonnie clung onto the brunette, "Hey May, so you're a coordinator? Do you mind showing me a few contest moves"?

"Not at all". She chirped, taking off with the blonde who was then accompanied by her brother.

"I guess I should go too, make sure that May doesn't say anything embarrassing about me". Max gave them a quick wave before taking off, leaving now just the two females.

It was silent at first between both girls, eyes solely focused on the screen showing the ongoing match, however the silence was quickly broken by Dawn.

"Admit it Iris, Ash has gotten stronger, I don't know if the others can tell, but I do, you're intimidated, you're threatened, you know he has a what it takes to win this and you don't want that happening".

"I don't know what you're talking about, he still looks as weak as the day he left, all he's ever had is luck, but soon enough it'll run out, and when it does, he'll lose this tournament just like all the others".

A growl stifled out of the bluenette, "Ever since Drayden made you the successor to his gym you've thought of others as weaklings, there's a difference between being confident and just having a big ego, soon enough someone's going to put you in your place, and I'm hoping it'll be Ash".

She left Iris by herself, a tightening fist forming on the purple haired trainer, "And the winners! Gary and Paul!"

(Serena and Ash)

"You've changed".

They were strolling through the area, slowly wandering away from the stadium and into the forest, "That's what happens when you grow up".

She rolled her eyes, "I know that, I mean your personality, what was with the attitude back there".

"It's complicated". He answered, hoping she would drop the subject.

But she didn't, "I have time".

A heavy sigh made its way out, "It's simple, I finally found out who were my real friends and who weren't, I was an idiot for trusting people who never believed in me, who made fun of me and stepped on my dreams".

"That's terrible, but you shouldn't have cared what they said to you, if you always had faith in yourself then that should have been enough, as far as I can tell, you've always been destined for greatness".

He chuckled, "You don't have to lie, I stopped caring about what others say about me".

She frowned, "I'm serious, I've always thought you were special, you were never like other trainers".

He was stopped when she grabbed his shirt, locking eyes with him, "Ash, I've waited so long to see you again, I always told myself that right when I become Kalos queen I would come and find you, it wasn't easy, but when Professor Sycamore told me about this event and how you were going to be here, my heart nearly exploded".

"Serena….." he was stopped right after with a kiss, now being tempted into returning it.

She pulled away, snaking her arms around his neck as she brought him closer, "I've always loved you, and I don't want to wait anymore, you've been the only one for me, ever since the first day I met you".

There was conflict within, her crush was never really a secret, he knew about it, and although he couldn't deny that she was gorgeous and really tempting, he didn't have the same feelings, he had someone else in mind.

"I'm sorry Serena". He sighed in distress, looking away to avoid her now incoming tears.

"There's someone else isn't there"? She mumbled, holding back her tears.

"I think so".

"I can't…..". She whispered.

"Huh". he looked down at her, seeing a somewhat look of denial on her.

"I can't let it go, these feelings I have for you, please Ash".

He remained silent, staring into her soft blue eyes, it was like he was under a trance, he didn't know what else to do, but she also became harder to resist, "I can't love you, but…."

It was his turn to kiss her, making sure it was a very hot one, "...I can make you feel good".

She said nothing, but did give in to the next kiss he went for, this time pulling her body closer as he stroke his hand up and and down her sides.

(Dawn and Gary)

A grin formed on Gary's lips when he saw Dawn waiting for him at the end of the hall, "Congratulations on your win".

He pulled her in by the waist, giving her a kiss, "Thanks, but that's only the beginning, pretty soon you'll be kissing the next master trainer".

"Let's hope". She chuckled, holding in a sigh as she was embraced by the brunette.

Paul had strolled by the couple, locking eyes with the bluenette whom he knew was feeling conflicted inside, she pulled away from Gary, following the purple haired trainer, "I'll be right back". She exclaimed.

He watched as she caught up to Paul, narrowing his eyes on both of them, "Hey Paul".

"What". He answered, not stopping for the bluenette.

A frown formed on her lips from his tone of voice, "I just wanted to say how great you were out there with Gary, you two definitely didn't show any mercy to your opponents".

"And I'm not planning on showing any to my future opponents, tell me…...are you really happy by that punk's side"?

"That's….that's none of your business…" she turned her back to him.

He shrugged it off, finding her answer to be true, "Whatever".

She sighed to herself, sensing that Paul had already left, however she immediately faked a smile to Gary who had been watching the entire time.

Both her and the brunette had gone off to the hotel they were both staying at with Gary thinking to himself whether he and Dawn should be sleeping in the same room now.

They waited at the elevator, finding an odd surprise on the other side when the doors opened.

"Ashy boy". Gary grinned, knowing well enough that his ex friend had been up to something just moments prior.

Ash rolled his eyes, irritated at the sudden confrontation.

"Ash….are you staying in this hotel too"? Asked the bluenette, noticing that his shirt was on from the inside out.

"No…..Serena is, but I was just on my way out".

Gary snickered, "Looks like someone had a little fun".

A gut wrenching feeling turned up within the bluenette's stomach when she heard that, the thought of Ash and Serena together hurted deeply.

"Mind your own business, or are you that bored with your own life that you have to focus on others".

The brunette's eye twitched, "From what I see, I know I've had the better life, so why don't you say that one more time".

He remained unfazed to Gary's words, "You only had it because you were Gary oak, grandson to Professor Oak, no matter what you do, what title you hold, or what tournament you win, you'll always just be Professor Oak's son".

Something snapped within Gary, he pushed Ash back against the wall, "You and me, a battle right now"!

He refused to back down, instead he pushed back Gary, a chilling whisper came in between from Ash, "With pleasure".

"Stop it you two!". Dawn interfered between the two trainers, feeling the heavy tension building within.

"Save it for the arena you two". They turned their heads over to see Lance making his way over to them.

"It's the champion". gasped Dawn, stepping away from both guys as Lance chuckled, taking her hand and placing a kiss on it.

"Who's this lovely lady"? His grin only widened and turned more lustrous as he intensified his gaze towards Dawn.

"This is my girlfriend". Gary was quick to pull Dawn by his side, disliking the way Lance kept looking at her but also enjoying the way Ash seemed, as if he was annoyed or maybe even a bit jealous.

"You snagged yourself a gem". He kept his eyes on Dawn, little by little making her nervous from his action.

"Aside from that, you two know better than to cause a ruckus, if you're going to battle then save it for the tournament, understand"?

He looked at Ash first, a moment of silence before he walked off, saying his answer at the same time "Crystal".

Then at Gary, "Whatever, what are you doing here anyways"?

Lance grinned, "I have to make sure the presidential suite I reserved is in perfect shape for our special guest arriving tomorrow".

"Guest"? Asked Dawn, curious to know who it would be.

"That's right, she's an extremely busy person who wasn't going to be attending the tournament at all, but somehow managed to find time to come here".

"Well, hopefully this special guest is impressed by my skills when I wipe out my competition completely". His eyes locked with Lance's, both stares becoming firm and intense.

She felt awkward from the atmosphere, forcing a cough to bring some attention, "We should probably head off , I'm sure you're tired Gary so you should probably rest".

"Yeah". They stepped into the Elevator, however she paused at what Lance said next.

"The shining light, that's what they called you in the contest world, what a shame, I was a huge fan…..heh, I still am". The doors had closed.

"Dawn"? Gary remained still, stunned by the bluenette's reaction to what Lance had said, she seemed troubled, almost fearful.


Iris had joined Misty in the pokemon center, "How is she"?

The redhead frowned, "Well, she's sleeping now, but…...I don't know how she'll do when she wakes up and remembers that her pokemon were taken".

"Hey". both girls turned back to see Max and the others rushing over.

"Max? What's wrong"? He grabbed both of there hands and pulled them out there chairs, dragging them over to the main lobby and directing their attention over to the television.

"That's what's wrong".

They stared at what was being televised, the current match happening at the stadium right now, "It's that girl, Leaf". Mumbled Iris.

"And Molly". Misty seemed surprised.

"Yeah, and check out their opponents". Max waited for the next shot to be shown, his face remained the same but both girls found themselves surprised by what they saw.

"What's Max doing on tv?" asked May sneaking up behind them.

Misty shook her head, "That's Max alright, but not our Max".

"Yeah, because I'm right here". He answered.

May whipped her head back and forth, staring at the Max on tv and the Max in front of her, the only difference between both boys was the hair color, one greenish blue, and the other auburn.

"Two Max's"?!

(Leaf/Molly Vs. Harrison/Max)

"Uh oh folks! And it looks like Molly, Max, and Harrison are each down to there final pokemon while Leaf shocks us all with having lost none of her pokemon".

Leaf kept her eyes on her opponent's pokemon, Max's Sceptile and Harrison's Blaziken, then over at Molly's empty spot, a pokeball now being firmly held by the younger trainer, "No offense but how did you manage to get into this tournament if your pokemon are dropping like flies".

A tiny smirk formed on her mouth, "There's a reason why I didn't show you the last pokemon I was using for this round, because it's what's gotten me this far".

"Entei! Let's go!"

"Entei"?! The entire arena was in awe at the unbelievable sight.

Misty remained wide eyed, "I-I can't believe it… stuck with her all these years, I thought it was just an illusion".

"I guess she met the real thing and they bonded". Answered Brock.

"Did she just summon a freaking legendary"?! Shouted Mairin in shock.

"It would seem so". Answered Alain, narrowing his eyes at the magnificent creature.

"Would you look at that folks! The one and only legendary Entei is standing right before our very eyes!" Leaf's eyes carefully directed over to the balcony where she saw how quickly the remaining champion's attention was caught.

"I-iris". May grabbed onto the dragon trainers fist, forcing her to relax it when she noticed it was tightening extremely hard.

"Are you ok"? She asked.

"Y-yeah….fine". Answered the purple haired female.

The brunette's expression had remained the same towards Molly, "Not bad, for a kid".

"I never get tired of seeing my opponents faces when I bring him out".

Ash had stopped in the middle of the living room, attention focused on the tv that was on, "So Entei was real this entire time….interesting".

Cynthia walked in, "Will she prove a challenge to you"?

"None of them will".

"Well, you certainly scared our opponents, so I'll tell you what, I'm going to let you finish this off".

"What"? Molly looked at her, confused and feeling a bit in disbelief.

"You heard me, It's all yours kid". She stepped back, hearing the gasps coming from the crowd.

"And it looks like competitor Leaf has ordered her Blastoise to back off from the match, it's a two on one match now people"!

"What the hell is she doing"? mumbled Gary, stopping in front of his tv just seconds after stepping out of the restroom from a shower.

Harrison gritted down his teeth, "I'm not losing because of a legendary! Blaziken use sky upper cut"!

"Neither am I! Sceptile use leaf storm"!

"This match has been long over, Entei! Use Eruption"!

It happened all too quick, seconds after both pokemon made a move, the ground split into a million cracks at once, releasing a violent explosion of fire from below and trapping both Sceptile and Blaziken within.

"Get out of there!" shouted there trainers, horrified at the brutal sight.

The fire only increased, becoming darker and more smokier, "Finish it"!

Both pokemon's cries bellowed out from within the smoke clouds, a chain of explosions reacted right after, revealing both pokemon unconscious and brutally wounded on the ground.


"The winners! Leaf and Molly"!

"That's it?! Just like that she ended the match"?! Gaped Max, now facing the ground as he paced back and forth in front of everybody else.

"What did you expect… was a legendary". Scoffed Misty, refusing to let herself be intimidated by this new information.

"Yeah well…...that girls going down". Iris stormed off, leaving the rest baffled by her unexpected reaction.

She called back her Entei, "By the way… never showed me your pokemon, except for Blastoise that is".

Leaf chuckled, strolling by the young girl as she passed on a small whisper, "Because you're not the only one with a secret weapon".

"That concludes all matches for round one! And the start of second rounds, now let's find out who will be the lucky trainers battling tomorrow morning, these matches will be one on one full battles and occurring in all four of our stadiums".

Misty sighed in relief, "So that's it, we made it through the first round".

"Yeah, and now it's time for round two, it only gets harder from here". Answered Max, staring intensely at the screen, both him and the rest of the competitors waiting to see who they will be facing off against.

"And here we have it folks, all the matches for tomorrow's seconds rounds"!

"You've gotta be kidding me". Growled Max, whipping his head back to find Molly staring right back at him, a devious grin plastered on her.

"You're going up against Entei girl". Gasped his sister, earning grave looks from there friends.

"Yup, this definitely isn't going to be easy". Muttered Misty, unable to take her eyes off the screen, her photo linked directly beside the photo of her next opponent, Paul.

Shauna stifled a laugh, "You think that's bad? Look at Iris's opponent".

They all shifted there eyes at the same time, also sharing the same expression of shock when they saw who she would be going up against, "Damn….."

(Ash and Cynthia)

He closed the door, making his way to the bed only to catch a small glimpse of something unfamiliar sitting on his drawer, he walked up to it, lifting up the wooden case which he clicked open, his eyes lit up from the blinding glows coming from within.

"So that's what he came here for, to leave you a small gift I suppose". He was unfazed by the blonde's entrance to the room, she was standing by the doorway, leaning against it as she had a clear view of Ash holding the case.

"Stones and Crystals…..each one compatible to my pokemon… did he find all of these"?

Cynthia chuckled, "It's Red, remember? That guy can do anything".

"Why is he doing this…..I know even without these I can beat my opponents".

"He's just looking out for you, you were his student".

"Not anymore, I stopped being his student the moment I left Mt. Silver, those were his exact words".

"There will always be a connection between a student and their mentor".

"Just like us". His eyes slowly shifted up to her, immediately causing the blonde's cheeks to flush in pink.

She looked away, calming herself first, "C-cmon, I want to show you something".

His attention was quickly grabbed, she yanked his hand, forcing him to get up as she led him out.

"It's been awhile since I was just at the beach to relax… feels nice". He leaned over the railing of the yacht, pushing his sunglasses back as he stared out at the ocean.

Cynthia agreed with a small coo of content, she had been laying down on a beach chair, letting her soft porcelain skin soak in some sun, "You needed to relax, nothing is more calming than the ocean waves, just think how wonderfully all water types must feel every second of the day".

He returned a chuckle, spinning around only to pull his glasses over his head, "The view is nice, but what I'm looking at is much better".

She sat up, being brought into a kiss by the raven haired trainer, that was until she stopped it when she notice the brace on his wrist containing a key stone, "Where did you get that"?

"It was delivered to me by some old friends from the Kalos region".

She seemed slightly alert, "Oh…..didn't you say there was a trainer you traveled with who was going for Kalos queen….Serena was it"?

"That's right". He asked, not knowing where she was going with this.

"Did she come"?

"She did, and she finally became Kalos queen, why"? He still wasn't aware.

"Nothing…...It's nothing". She mumbled, being lured back into another kiss by Ash, this time growing more heated as he swiftly turned their positions, now seating her on top of himself.

"It's been a long day, I just want some alone time with you".

"Hyper beam"!

A hole was blasted into the boat, abruptly throwing both Ash and Cynthia off when they saw a triad of Gyarados rising up from the water, "What the hell is this"!

"Prepare for trouble".

Three figures appeared over each water pokemon, three very familiar figures to Ash, "Team…...rocket"?


The redhead laughed, gazing her venomous eyes down at Ash who put himself in front of the champion, "Well if it isn't the little twerp, all grown up".

"And that's Executive rocket to you"! Snapped James, pointing the blue rose over at the trainer.

"Executives"? He questioned unable to believe it.

"You didn't know"? Asked Cynthia, whispering lowly into his ear, but he shook his head, having no knowledge of the the three crooks while he was undercover with the rocket organization, he didn't know any of the higher ups in the group, only the lower branch officers.

The persian beside them hissed, "That's right! And we're here to collect what's been long overdue, your pokemon"!

*Meowth? It actually evolved*? He was still stunned by the discovery.

"You're still crazy if you think you have a shot at stealing my pokemon". He shot his arm forward, signaling both Pikachu and Lucario to immediately take action.

Jessie cackled, shooting her arm forward as well, "We don't think, we know"!

Lucario fired an aura sphere as Pikachu shot out a thunderbolt, however Aura sphere was sent racing back when Persian shot down, using iron tail to counter it and then using a thunderbolt of it's own to destroy Pikachu's.

"Is that all you have twerp"?! Laughed Persian deviously.

"Hyper beam once more"! Ordered James, commanding the Gyarados he stood on to fire the deadly attack, destroying and leaving another hole in the boat.

"It's starting to sink, we have to get out of here". She grabbed onto Ash, attempting to balance herself, but panic was starting to grow within, she didn't bring her pokemon, and all he had was his Lucario and Pikachu.

"Look". He directed with his eyes, showing her that the three Gyarados they had were being controlled by the black rings around their bodies.

"Bone rush Lucario! Pikachu use iron tail"!

It leapt off of the aura pokemon, spinning around while its tail hardened into steel and clashed with Persian's Iron tail as Lucario pulled out an energy based staff shaped like a bone from its palms, using it to slice through the next hyper beam and flamethrower aiming its way.

"We have all day, and as much backup as needed". They held up there hands, revealing the shrunken pokeballs in between their fingers, each one packed with a pokemon ready for them to call upon.

He was calm, something which Cynthia couldn't understand, she was showing fear, but she was afraid and panicking inside, was he as well? Or was he naturally fearless.

"Pika"! It was bitten by Persian who then threw it roughly back over towards the boat, but it quickly got back up and volt tackled the normal type against one of the Gyarados, causing a mid explosion and breaking one of the rings off.

"-cari"! It twirled bone rush in front of itself to deflect the double flamethrower the gyarados shot at it, however the force was taking a toll and straining the steel types energy.

"Ash…...we have to do something". Cynthia pulled him along but he remained still.


"What"? She didn't know what that meant.



"One"! he bellowed out a scream, causing a vortex of water to burst up from the ocean and explode, revealing Ash greninja in place.

"CHAR"! The fire type came swooping in from behind the water pokemon, landing in front of Ash and Cynthia who climbed onto it's back, taking off just seconds before the boat sunk completely.

"We'll be taking those pokemon too thanks"! Jessie jumped onto the same Gyarados as James, ordering one of the others to fire dragon pulse at Greninja and Hydro pump at Charizard.

"Dragon claw"! Charizard sliced through Hydro pump in one clean hit, avoiding the next attack as Greninja used a blade of water to cut through dragon pulse, striking another ring on Gyarados.

"Withdraw pikachu"! The electric type did as told, joining it's trainer and Cynthia on Charizard's back as he kept Lucario and Greninja out on battle.

"Given up already"?! Smirked James.

Ash's eyes narrowed venomously, "I'm sick of dealing with you fools, I'm ending this now! Water shuriken and Aura sphere together"!

Greninja touched the surface of the water, lifting it's palm up while bringing along a stream of water over it's head, shaping it into a giant shuriken, it swung it at it's opponents while Lucario stored a big aura sphere, sending it at the last minute to combine with Greninja's attack, causing them to form an Aura based shuriken which struck and collided with there opponents, trapping them in a chain of explosions.

"Ngh". they were hit with the after winds of the powerful explosion, holding tightly to each other so they wouldn't be thrown off.

"T-that was impressive". Gaped Cynthia, still thinking of the Aura shuriken.

"They're gone". She looked up, seeing the smoke clear away only to reveal the Executives gone, as well as the gyarados.

(Back at the Stadium)

She stood on the battlefield, eyes voidlessly gazing up at the night sky, "He's strong, that twerp has gotten tougher".

Jessie, James, and Persian approached the brunette, "I told you, you shouldn't have wasted your time with him right now, I got new information for you".

"What"? Asked the red head, folding her arms as she waited.

"Our first legendary target, she has an Entei".

"An Entei, heh, excellent work, what does she look like"?

She threw a photo of Molly on the ground by their feet, "As the tournament progresses more trainers will start revealing their pokemon, believe me, she is not the only one here carrying a legendary".

"Excellent, by the end of the this tournament we'll have completed the boss's collection".

(The next morning)

They were immediately crowded by the entire lobby's attention, all eyes on him and the champion, "This is it, your next match, and it's against Iris, how do you feel"?

"I don't feel anything". He answered blankly.

"You're up against Ash today, how are you feeling"? Asked Misty, standing beside Iris as they followed Ash and Cynthia who were passing by on the lobby with there eyes.

"I'm ready to crush him".

"Excuse me…..did you just say Ash? As in Ash Ketchum"? They both turned around, finding themselves facing a beautiful paled blonde donning a white dress coat and white sun hat, an outfit which definitely made her stand out, but they knew that wasn't the main thing making her stick out like a sore thumb, it was the goons in white clothing surrounding her as if they were security or bodyguards, about four of them all standing perfectly still around her.

"Yeah, and you are"? Asked Iris defensively.

"I'm looking for him, could you please tell me where I can find him"?

"Uh, yeah we just saw him walking over that way". Misty pointed to the direction he had just gone in.

She bowed to the two trainers, remaining extremely calm, so much that her grace was somewhat intimidating, "Thank you, and what are your names if you don't mind me asking"?

"I'm Misty".


"Pleasure, My name is Lillie".

Alright I'll stop there, the next chapter will have the second round matches, I know I waited a long time to update but school is keeping me really busy and so I don't have as much time to do anything except study, eat, sleep, and study some more. So I'll try to have an update as soon as I can, make sure to leave reviews and let me know what you think so far.