A/N It has been way too long since I posted any stories so I figured I'd do so now. In truth, I just randomly started writing and came up with this, and I didn't have autocorrect either, so forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes. I think the idea of this came to me because I am currently reading The Host, and I thought I'd sorta combine that and Demon's Lexicon to get... this. Anyway, if you think i should make this more than a oneshot, let me know. So, thanks for reading this far and hope you like my story.

No one told me it would be this bad, but I guess you can't really describe just how mind-numbing it can be to lose the only person in your life you truly love. It hurts like hell and I hate it.

He seemed so right for me, so perfect, and now he was gone. But who was I to care? I'm just a demon who just so happened to be in the body of the girl who loved him, and I had gone weak, unconciously allowing her still existent mind to control some of my emotions, a little at a time. Then one day, I found myself almost completely at her mercy, unaware of her gradually growing influence over me.

I was a free demon, the strongest of them all, yet it had all crumbled and there was no turning back or escaping. The only one who could have released me had died years ago, the very last demon in existance besides myself, and now I was trapped, just a secondary being in the mind of a once-again free human being, and I loathed her for it.

But the loss of him had, in a way, united us, she and I. She loved him, and her emotions had somehow bled into my existence, giving me a new, different experience: emotion. As a demon I never knew anything except neutral mindsets, not caring about anyone or anything, never had any reluctance to kill or hurt others. It just wasn't something demons were accustomed to and I was no exception. Yet here I was, with real, human emotions and no way to get rid of or explain them, and it was all her fault.

[Oh stop complaining. All you ever do is complain and it's starting to irritate me.]

Her voice in my mind yanked me from my thoughts, and I scowled mentally at her. [Shut up,] I snapped at her. [Just because you found a way to get around my control doesn't mean you can boss me around, so don't even try.]

["Found a way around your control?"] she scoffed belligerently. [Ha! No, I am in control now!] Her cackle in my head made me want to strangle the life out of her; the only thing keeping me from doing just that was knowing that it would send me back to my former residence, a place I never even wanted to think about again. When I didn't answer, she laughed again. [And you know it, don't you? It's such a satisfying thing, knowing I'm stronger than a puny demon. Such a confidence booster, ya know what I mean?]

I knew that by answering her it would just feed the arrogance, so I grudgingly settled into my corner she had allowed me and fumed silently, putting up my mental defenses. How I longed for the feeling of freedom, to be able to move my own limbs and do what I wanted to without the extra soul hindering my progress, always criticizing.

I sighed. Someday I would regain control, and when I did, she would deeply regret it.

I wouldn't say no to a few reviews, I'd love to know what you think. Should I continue, or just leave it as a oneshot? Thanks for reading! ~AccioSoul