wow, another update already! I didn't really want to update this until I got some reviews, but the plot seems to be in overdrive in my mind, so I typed this out a little earlier today. I'm really hoping that this story gets going and keeps moving at the pace that it is. I hate that this is so short, but I'm going to try and make a real effort to make future chapters longer then this. I hope you enjoy! oh, and this chapter has a bit of strong language in it, so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Full Metal Jacket or any of the characters. I only own my OC, Marcie
Joker was quiet all throughout dinner. his parents seemed content with that and just chatted among themselves. Marcie, however, felt that something was bothering her friend. "Jim? what's up?"
"hmm?" Joker turned to her, smiling a little. "oh, nothin', Marce" truth be told, he was thinking about Cowboy again. not a day went by that he didn't think about his fallen comrade. his friend.
it seemed to happen in slow motion as Cowboy's face contorted in pain, the bullet from the sniper's rifle going right through his chest.
"holy shit!"
"get him the fuck outta here!"
gunfire ensued as Joker and the remaining members of the Lusthog squad picked Cowboy up and took him around to the other side of the building they were taking cover by.
"I don't believe this shit!" Cowboy moaned, obviously in a great deal of pain.
"shut up!"
"oh, that son of a bitch!" Cowboy cried.
Joker didn't know what he could do other then to hold his friend, feeling more hopeless then he'd ever felt before in his life. "Cowboy"
"hang on, man. hang on!" another solider pleaded.
"I... I can hack it!" Cowboy gasped, desperately trying to hang on to the last bit of fight left in him. "I can hack it..."
Joker felt tears in his eyes as his friend spit up some blood, staining the sleeve of his uniform.
"I-I can hack it..."
and as Joker held his friend, and as he knew he was gone and that there was nothing he could do, he wished more then anything that he were dead.
Joker jumped, turning to see Marcie still sitting beside him, her hand on his arm. "Jim... are you okay?"
by then, his parents were looking at him too, looks of concern on their faces. "I-I'm sorry..." Joker swallowed, standing abruptly. "I-I need some air" and he turned and hurried outside before Marcie or his parents could say anything. he felt tears welling up in his eyes as that horrifying memory repeated over and over in his mind.
he turned to see Marcie standing behind him. she frowned, concerned about her best friend. "something's bothering you"
Joker could only nod.
Marcie hesitated, stepping closer to him. "is it... a memory?"
another nod.
"something... bad?"
"yeah" Joker managed to choke out.
Marcie sighed, walking over and pulling him into a hug. Joker just hugged back tightly, swallowing.
"let it out, Jim" Marcie said quietly.
"h-he was my friend..." Joker stammered, sniffing as tears fell down his cheeks. "he was m-my best friend over there... a-and I watched him die, Marce!"
"hey, hey, it's okay" Marcie said, feeling like she might start crying herself. her parents had told her, they'd been telling her that the Jim she knew would most likely come back to the States a different man. she couldn't even begin to imagine the horrible, unthinkable things that her best friend had witnessed. "I'm here for you... always will be" she said quietly.
Joker nodded against her shoulder. "yeah, I know"
they stood there for several minutes, just hugging each other. and even though Joker knew that Marcie would never fully understand his turmoil, he appreciated her friendship then more then ever before. he knew that, no matter what, she would always be there for him.
and that gave him a little bit of comfort.
man, I feel kinda bad writing this, but hey, stuff like that really happened, and I'm forever grateful to all the people who fought in the wars of the past and present. my own father was a combat medic in Vietnam, and so that's one reason why I think Full Metal Jacket means so much to me, because I can witness something similar to what my own father went through, and can appreciate even more the brave fight that the soldiers fought (and are still fighting). never forget, people. never forget. thanks for reading, and I'm hoping to update this again shortly.