Initiating Launch Operations. Two pilots identified- Rangers Sydney Sanchez and Camilia Majano. Initiate neural handshake."

"Remember, girls. Do this one right, we talk about letting you go," Marshal Evangeline O'Brien radioed in.

"Shove it, lady. We've heard it before," Sydney snapped. "And I've learned to recognize a sack of-"

"Neural handshake initiated."

Sydney was sucked into the Drift before she could even finish her retort. Camilia's mind- a familiar space to her, now- was laid open before her, but she pulled back, occupying the artificial bridge that the Jaeger set up between their minds. Cami met her on the bridge, and they were suddenly within themselves, each other, and the Jaeger all at once.

Identical grins spread on the duo's faces. This was the part they put up with the PPDC's shit for.

"Launch Operations complete. Initiating launch of Jaegers Acero Azul, Fenix Temivel, and prototype Anthem Delta."

The bay doors began to retract, the stormy coast of Chile spreading out before the trio of Jaegers. Acero Azul, the Mexican-built Jaeger piloted by the Sanchez-Majano duo, was a rare breed- a four-armed Mk. 4, designed specially for encounters with slow, lumbering kaiju with prodigious strength. Fenix Temivel of Chile was the second Mk. 5 in made, based loosely off the design of the martyred Striker Eureka. And Anthem Delta was another thing altogether.

The Anthem Delta was a blue-and-gold vision of unbelievable sleekness and modern design. Unlike the barrel-chested, hulking Jaegers of years past, the Delta was wasp-waisted, with wide shoulders but narrow hips and torso. Its' visored head glowed a dangerous ruby red as it was motored forth into the ocean, superheated air trembling about its' legs.

"I don't like having that thing out here," Cami muttered right as Sydney thought the same thing. Or had Cami thought it for her? In the drift, it was difficult to tell.

"You meant the Mark Six, girls? Don't worry, he knows the difference between kaiju and other slithering things," Evangeline said darkly.

"Listen, bitch-" flared Cami.

"The bogey is now 25 miles out, closing rapidly. All units, deploy."

"Roger," replied Andres and Osmar Leon from Fenix Temivel.

"Roger," muttered the girls.

"Roger," said Anthem Delta.

Cami and Sydney exchanged glances as the Acero Azul rumbled forth into the Pacific waters. The visor and fore lights of the giants cut balefully through the gloom and slanting rain as the three waded deeper into the ocean.