Here's the last part. I wrote it at work so sorry if it seems rushed, but my mom is my boss and she was constantly checking on me (I'm the receptionist) and I really didn't want her to see what I was writing about.
A slap in the face was what forced Sasuke Uchiha to awaken from his earlier stupor.
"Sasuke! Please wake up!" a voice cried in his ear. He was about to rudely ask why the hell he should when a familiar scream ripped through his eardrums. He sat up abruptly, searching for the source.
"What happened?!" he yelled. His eyes rested on his pregnant wife, who was currently lying in the elderly section of the bus, sprawled across the three chairs. He had one hand on his stomach and the other tightly gripping the pole behind him.
The bus driver was shouting at the hooded gunman, begging him to let them all go. The marksman was shouting back his negative responses with equal fever. All the while the bus' passengers were screaming with fear and worry for the young blonde in labor.
To say the least, it was complete chaos.
"Sasuke!" Sakura called. She was crouching next to her whiskered friend, holding his hand. "I need you to come over here and hold Naruto's hand!"
The raven quickly did as he was told. "How long was I out for?" he asked. His wife gave him a pained expression, and then began to speak in pants.
"I don't think…" he panted. "… It matters. All that matters… is that I'm about… to have… our first baby… on a fucking bus!" he suddenly cried out again, the contractions coming back stronger. "S'uke… please… do something."
The raven looked up, a stern expression on his face. He took in the chaos and the soon-to-be catastrophe unfolding. He stood, sucked in a huge breath, and let loose one of the loudest commands he had ever made in his entire life.
The bus was silent in an instant. He wasted no time, quickly pointing at his wife. "If you haven't noticed, my husband is giving birth! Birth! This is our first fucking baby and we'll be delivering it on a bus! Now, I don't know about you, but despite our situation I would like for this baby to be delivered safely!" He pointed at Sakura, who was just as wide-eyed as the other passengers. "This girl here is a medical student. She is being trained for this kind of thing," he motioned towards Naruto. "This is a medical situation! I need all of you to shut up and listen to Sakura! Do whatever she tells you to do, because if we end up getting a fucked up baby because one of you shitheads was fucking around, we're gonna have words!"
He crouched back down, taking hold of his wife's hands. The bus occupants could only stare at the man in awe. They were well beyond surprised.
They were astonished.
Sasuke looked back up, glaring daggers into Sakura's sea green eyes. "The fuck are you waiting for?!"
"Oh! Right!" Sakura fumbled. She turned around, addressing the passengers. "Does anyone have any ice?"
One man in the back raised his soda cup. "I just bought a drink from McDonald's!"
Sakura nodded. "That's fine. Come down here. Does anyone have any hot water, or something we can use as a blanket?"
Soon, the pinkette had gathered a handful of passengers, each helping in their own way. She felt something tug her shirt and she looked down into the face of her good friend. "Neh, Sakura," he breathed out heavily, sweat trickling down his forehead. "H-how… am I going… to give birth to… this kid? I don't have a vag."
The girl laughed before ruffling his hair. "Well Naruto," she began. "Of course you're…" her sentence trailed off. Her brows furrowed in wonder. How was he going to give birth? She'd never helped a pregnant man give birth before! "Holy shit." She whispered.
"Holy shit." Sasuke whispered as well, after having heard the conversation.
"Holy shit." The passengers also said.
"Will somebody tell me how this fucking baby is coming out please?!" Naruto begged, on the verge of insanity.
Sasuke whipped around, facing the passengers. "Does anyone have a phone with internet?" he half-asked, half-screamed.
"Why do we need that?" Sakura screamed back.
"Because it happened quite a few times in Japan right?" he screamed back at her. "We can research it and figure out what to do!"
"Stop fucking screaming!" Naruto screamed at them.
"Sorry!" they screamed in unison.
"I've got it!" a teenager in the back shouted. She waved her iPhone in the air to prove her point.
"Quick! Search up what to do when a pregnant male goes into labor!" Somebody yelled. She nodded her head and typed it in.
"Right!" she quickly searched it up. It was silent for a while, before the girl gasped aloud.
"What?" Sasuke asked. "What is it?!"
"It says that the baby will be coming up through your mouth, which will cause your head to explode!"
"What?!" the bus cried out.
"Are you sure?" Sakura asked with worry. The girl re-read what she'd seen.
"Oh… Wait. Sorry I was looking on YouTube and I was reading the comments…" she read something else and laughed. "Lol. That's actually pretty funny."
"Can we focus please?!" Sasuke shouted at her. She gulped.
"Right! Right!" she went to another site and looked over the instructions. "It says that it's the same thing as a normal pregnancy, but because the man has no vagina he'll be giving birth through the anus-"
"I'm pooping this baby out?!" Naruto cried out, hysterical. Sasuke squeezed his hand.
"It's fine. It'll be okay." He said comfortingly. The blonde turned his bright blue eyes towards his husband, brimming with tears.
"And how do you know that? How do you know that I'm not going to bleed out of my ass after giving birth and will never be able to see my first child?!"
Sasuke smiled and kissed the top of his head. "Because I know you, and I know that you can do this. I believe in you Naru and I believe in this baby. It won't go out like that, and neither will you."
The crowd 'aww-ed' at the kind words, earning a glare from the raven. "Um…" Sakura began, earning a few looks her way. "I hate to ruin the moment, but I think it's time."
"Oh my God." Sasuke whispered. He felt his hand being squeezed as a wave of pain shot through Naruto like a thousand white needles.
The crowd gasped aloud as the blonde began to breathe heavier than normal. The forgotten gunman looked at each of them, anger increasing. How dare they?! He was the one running the show, not them! He'd call the shots!
"Hey!" he yelled out. "Everybody sit down! I'm the one making the rules here, not them! Remember, I'm the one with the gun!"
Time seemed to slow down as the crowd watched Naruto crawl out of his seat towards the gunman. Once in front of the man, he grabbed a handful of his shirt, bringing him closer. He ripped off his hoodie, staring deep into his eyes. The man had never been more scared in his life.
The whiskered blonde seemed to glow red as he looked at the man, teeth barred. "You may have a gun," he began. "But I'm about to shove my foot SO far up your ass that when I go to hell, I'll take you down there WITH ME!" he pointed at his stomach. "In case you haven't fucking noticed I'm in LABOR! I have NO medicine, NO doctors, NO way of getting any medical attention once this baby is born because YOU hijacked the fucking BUS! I'm birthing this baby DRY in the middle of a FUCKING BUS with more than twenty people watching! Do you know how embarrassing that is?!"
The man shook his head in fear. The blonde chuckled. "No. No. You don't. So, I'm going to give you a choice here. Either you help me give birth to this baby," he smiled sweetly. "Or I will take that gun you value oh so much, and shove it so far down your GODDAMN throat that you'll be shitting lead bullets for the rest of your natural born life. Understand?"
The gunman nodded, shaking with fright. He helped the blonde sit down on the seats before turning around, gesturing towards the driver. "Hurry and drive the man to the hospital!"
The driver smirked and pressed on the gas. "It'll take a while to get there but I'll try."
"Could you hurry please?" Sakura yelled after getting the blonde settled. She gulped as he cried out. "I think he's starting to show," she looked into the boy's eyes, forcing his legs open wider. "Okay, Naru, this is where I'm gonna need you to push okay?"
The teacher's eyes widened. "Sasuke…" he whined. The raven reached out, gripping the blonde's hand.
"It's okay," he whispered, half reassuring himself. "It's okay."
"Ah!" the blonde wailed. He squeezed the hand he was holding harshly, causing the Uchiha to cry out at the same time.
"Ah!" the bus shouted as well.
"Push!" Sakura shouted.
"Hnnng!" he strained. "AaaaahhhhHHHHHHH!"
"AhhhhhHHHHHHHH!" Everyone cried as well.
"Push! Come on Naruto!" Sakura commanded. The blonde fixed her with a dirty glare.
"I'm… fucking… PUSHING!" he screamed at her.
The pinkette shot him a sympathetic look. "I know you are hon. Just one more okay?" She shot Sasuke a look, asking him to calm the blonde down.
The raven nodded and kissed the top of his wife's head. "Come on Naru. Just a little more okay?" he reached behind him for some ice. Once he grabbed it he rubbed it on the blonde's forehead, kissing him every so often. "Just a little bit more okay? Then we can see our son or daughter."
Naruto weakly smiled at him. "He's… a boy. I just know it."
The Uchiha smiled back. "I know. I can feel it too."
"I just need two more pushes Naruto," Sakura told him. "Ready?" the blonde nodded. "Okay. One… two… PUSH!"
The crowd seemed to wait with baited breath as the blonde pushed with all his might. Even the gunman was praying that this baby would be delivered safely.
Though more because he valued his life.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" the whiskered blonde screamed before falling backwards, breathing heavily. His screams were soon met with the wails of a newborn child.
The bus erupted with cheers as the pinkette quickly finished up, cleaning and wrapping the baby. She looked down at the ebony haired child, grinning widely. "Congratulations you two," she began, handing them the newborn. "It's a beautiful baby boy."
The couple looked down at their child with grins wide enough to split their faces. They watched as their baby opened his eyes, staring up at them with big cerulean orbs.
"Oh. Oh Sasuke…" Naruto started, tears filling his own eyes. "He's… he's…"
"He's beautiful." the raven finished. He reached down and pushed a few strands away from the baby's eyes. It giggled back up at him and he swore his heart could've stopped. He dropped to his knees, kissing the boy on the forehead.
"Sasuke, you shouldn't do that," Sakura warned. "He hasn't been properly cleaned yet."
"I could give less than a fuck," He replied without taking his eyes off of the child. "I'll take whatever disease he's willing to give me."
The crowd sighed with happiness as they viewed the new couple cuddle with their baby. The bus rolled to a stop, causing them to look up. The driver wiped some sweat off his forehead, smiling at them. "We've reached the hospital folks." He simply said.
"Thank you," Naruto nodded. He turned to look at them. "Thank you all. If you hadn't-" Suddenly, his face contorted with pain. He gripped his baby tighter than before. The child, noticing his mother's discomfort, cried aloud. Sasuke descended on them.
"Naru? What's wrong?!" he took the child from his husband and turned to Sakura, worry ebbed into his features. "What's happening?!"
"I-I don't know!" She cried. She bent down, going to inspect the boy. "I don't understand what-" she suddenly stopped, staring wide-eyed at the blonde's hole. "Uh oh."
"'Uh oh?!'" The Uchiha shrieked. "What's 'Uh oh'?!"
Sakura looked up at him, smiling nervously. "T-there's another one coming."
"What?!" the bus shouted.
"Exactly what I said! That baby has a twin!" Sakura shouted back. The bus driver pushed his way through the crowd.
"Well, what are we waiting for?! The hospital's right there!"
Sasuke nodded. "Right! Somebody help us get him in!"
Sakura and the driver picked the blonde up by his arms while the two teens from before picked him up by his legs, making sure to keep his legs spread. Sasuke ran behind them with the baby in his arms. The rest of the bus ran after them.
If you had been walking by, you would've thought some special event was going on.
The hospital clerks stared wide-eyed at the growing crowd entering the building, each one shouting for help. The head doctor ran in front of them, waving his arms frantically. "What's going on?!" he asked.
Sasuke ran towards him, fear in his eyes. He began to speak quickly, trying to get as much information out so that his wife could get medical attention. "I got my husband pregnant a long time ago and he was past due, so we were planning on going to his mother's place for some baby stuff, but our car broke down so we had to take the bus. We got on and talked to the driver for a bit," he nodded towards the driver, who waved. "Then Sakura and a guy in a hood came on. The guy had a gun and shot a few rounds, which caused Naru to induce labor," he nodded in the other direction towards the gunman, who waved anxiously. "The guy wouldn't let us go to the hospital and I passed out. When I came too people were freaking the fuck out, so I told them to shut up and help. Then we helped Naru give birth to my first baby here, see?" He gestured towards the baby in his arms. The doctor nodded. "After he was born we thought he was done, but then he started crying a few seconds later-"
"I did not cry!" Naruto shouted.
"-So Sakura looked to see what was wrong," he continued as if he hadn't been interrupted. "And we found out that he was actually having twins, which means we're actually having twins which means I'm actually having twins and Naruto's in labor right now he's having my second kid right now oh my God I can't breathe I think I'm about to pass out sweet Jesus!"
A male nurse quickly reached out, catching the Uchiha before he could fall. He chuckled, noticing that even though the raven had been about to fall, he was holding his baby close, protecting him.
The head doctor shook his head, "surprise" not even beginning to describe what he was feeling in that moment. He pointed at the receptionist. "Quick! Get a cot and some of the hospital baby doctor's!" he looked at the crowd. "Anyone that isn't immediate family or friends of said family need to sit in the waiting area," he turned towards some interns, who had heard everything. He waved them over. "We're gonna need as much help as we can get. Come on people, let's MOVE!"
The crowd dispersed, quickly finding some seats while the doctors ushered the pregnant blonde into another room with Sakura and the hysterical Sasuke. The bus' passengers sat, praying for this baby's safe delivery.
The doctor entered the waiting area, where by this time the bus' occupants had been joined by police (who had arrested the gun man) and media (who were eagerly taking in the bus' passengers statements for their breaking news story).
All eyes (and cameras) turned to face the doctor as he looked at the crowd with a grim expression. They waited, feeling more and more unsure of the outcome.
The man frowned for a bit more before smiling brightly. "It's a bouncing baby girl."
The crowd cheered, throwing their hands up in the air and hugging each other. Even the policemen hugged the gunman.
Behind the doctor was the young couple. The whiskered blonde was in a wheelchair, being pushed by his husband. He was holding both babies, grinning from ear to ear. The raven smiled down at his new family, itching to hold his children once again.
The crowd surrounded them, cooing over the girl (who had been born blonde with dark brown eyes, just like her father). Both children had light scars on both their cheeks. Sakura pushed her way through the crowd, reaching the new parents with fever. "Naruto!" she began. She hugged the blonde (though carefully. She didn't want to crush the children after such an ordeal), before pulling back, smiling. "What did you name them?"
The boy smiled, handing his young girl to her father, before answering her. "The boy is named Kyuubi and the girl is named Chidori."
The crowd nodded, approving the names. The news people quickly took photos of the exhausted parent's faces. This was gonna make one HELL of a scoop!
The room began to talk among themselves, some talking to the reporters while others pulled faces in front of the babies, causing them to giggle. Naruto couldn't help but take his husband's hand and squeeze it lovingly. The two met in a short but sweet kiss (earning 'awws' from the crowd).
"Congrats Sasuke," Naruto whispered. "You're a father."
The raven thought about this for just a second before a goofy grin appeared on his face. "Hee hee hee hee." He uttered. The crowd shivered.
"Stop that! You're scaring people!" Naruto laughed, snapping his fingers in the raven's face. The Uchiha chuckled.
"Sorry," He apologized. He noticed the blonde's grinning face and raised an eyebrow. "What?" he questioned.
The blonde smirked. "Neh, S'uke…" He drawled out with a teasing voice.
"Yeah?" the raven asked, puzzled. The blonde gestured towards the twins, who were currently being filmed by a cameraman.
"Wanna make another?" he asked jokingly.
Sasuke passed out.
K. That's it, I swear. Thanks for reading mah shit