![]() Author has written 9 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Card Captor Sakura, Young Justice, and Naruto. My name is Elizabeth and I am 18 as of June 2013. This is my first time using Fanfiction.net and hope that you'll treat me kindly. You can also find me on Facebook (Problemsbff), Tumblr (MegaAnimeFreak7), deviantART (MegaAnimeFreak7), etc. A link too my deviantART account: http:/// A link to my tumblr: http:/// A link to my Archive of Our Own: http:///users/MegaAnimeFreak7/profile Please know that any stories I post on here are behind, because all of the fanfics I have have probably already been posted on my dA account, so if you want to read ahead, go there. XDD My list of fave pairings (Seme's on the left, uke's on the right. AKA, there are some het pairings) Naruto: NarutoxSasuke (OTP) - (This OTP switches positions, but Sasuke likes bottom) NejixGaara ItachixKisame KakashixIruka KibaxHinata MinatoxKushina ShikamaruxTemari Side pairings: ItachixDeidara (OTP) ItachixKyuubi SasorixDeidara Rock LeexGaara ShinoxKiba ZabuzaxHaku SaixIno NO LOVE FOR SAKURA! D: Hetalia: AmericaxEngland (OTP) PrussiaxCanada GermanyxItaly GreecexJapan SpainxRomano Free!: MakotoxHaru (OTP) ReixNagisa SousukexRin (FIX YOUR SHOULDER!!!) RinxNitori (SENPAI NOTICE ME!!!!) MomoxNitori WaterxHaru (Haruka's not topping come on guys) Side pairings: SeijuroxKou ( If you don't like her you can just Gou) RinxHaru Attack on Titan (Shingeki no STOLE MY HEART): ErenxArmin (OTP) JeanxMarco ErwinxLevi ErenxLevi (my AU is that Eren went for Levi first for a sexual relationship, but they agreed to break up and Eren went for Armin and fell in love shut the fuck up this is my ship) Side pairings: ReinerxBertholt LevixHanji (God I love this woman) HanjixBean (Don't hate) ConniexSasha (AS BFFS FOR LIFE BEST SPUDS!!!!) YmirxChrista (I don't even like yuri why) SashaxPotato |