Author's Notes:

This is my first story on this site. I hope that I was able to capture Kim and Ron's personalities and I hope that this work is appreciated by others. Please comment & review!

Disclaimer: All things Kim Possible belong to Disney.

Kim groaned as she reached over to pick up her bedside phone at three in the morning. She mumbled, "Hello?"

Ron blurted out on the other end, "Okay, Kim? Yeah, I know it's late, but..."

Kim cut him off, "How many times do I have to tell you? We kissed. We're dating."

Ron checked an item off his list while he continued, "So, you leaving me for Rufus was..."

"Dream," Kim yawned.

Rufus whined and complained as he sat up on the bed.

"Me being Middleton's new running back, dream?" Ron asked.

"No, that actually happened," Kim said as she yawned again.

"Oh, I'm on the team, that's cool," Ron said as he checked off another item. "Okay, How 'bout you water skiing over a shark..."

The line on the other end dropped to a dial tone as Kim hung up.

"Hello... hello... Kim?"

Ron lay back down in his bed as he contemplated what to do after Kim hung up. He was still freaked from the things that his nightmares were hurling at him these days. His inability to distinguish actual reality from his subconscious mind didn't help either. The one thing that he did know, however, was that Kim might as well be the only one who is able to keep him from falling apart at times. And that's why he always had her back.

But at the same time he was afraid that Kim really didn't need him. Sure, he was a great friend and a decent sidekick (well, that's what he assumed, anyway), but he wasn't exactly experienced in the romance department. He still didn't know what Kim's opinion of him was boyfriend-wise. She probably thought that he's been acting weird lately, what with him calling her in the middle of the night because of problems with his dreams. And on top of that, he probably wasn't the best sidekick, either. The villains called him buffoon or "the pretender". Plus, there were missions that Kim was able to go on without him, right? He couldn't think of any, but he was sure there had to be some. And most of the time he actually caused the villains to be able to get away. He always tried to make it up to Kim when he did that, but did she ever forgive him for all those times he let them get away?

"Awwww man, Kim must think I'm some kind of freak," Ron thought aloud. "And what am I to say about it? I'm just a good for nothing loser."

"Nuh uh, not a loser," Rufus squeaked.

"Maybe you're right little buddy, but I gotta talk to Kim about this. If she thinks I'm a buffoon, then she deserves someone better to be her boyfriend." Ron made up his mind to go to Kim's house immediately. "I don't care what time it is, I need to figure this out for Kim," Ron concluded.

"Uh huh, for Kim," Rufus agreed.

"Actually, it would probably be best if you stayed here and got some sleep," Ron decided. "After all, we have school tomorrow, even though I really don't want to go."

"Hokay," Rufus yawned and fell back asleep quickly.

"Alright, hero time. I gotta talk to KP 'bout my feelings," Ron murmured as he grabbed his wallet and house keys then slipped quietly out his window and started to run the short distance to Kim's house.

Kim was having trouble falling back asleep. She didn't want to hang up on him, but she needed her sleep. After all, this was the second night in a row that he had called after waking up from his nightmares. And the guy still couldn't the fact into his thick skull that they were dating. Or maybe that's what it was? Maybe she wasn't being a good enough girlfriend and so it was hard for him to understand that they were more than just best friends now. Now she felt awful for hanging up on him. All he asked for was some reassurance about his nightmares, because the poor boy can't even tell what's real and what's not anymore. No, scratch that. He's not a boy, he's really stepped up. Even on some of their missions recently, he was able to fend for himself, like he did against Monkey Fist and his monkey ninjas when she was at cousin Larry's. Actually, did he really need her on the missions? Kim always led the missions because she would know what would be the best thing to do. But that didn't mean that Ron needed her, did it?

"Oh, this is all so ferociously confusing," Kim thought aloud. She hugged her pandaroo tighter, hoping that doing so would give her some sort of comfort. "I wish Ron were here, we need to talk and I need to tell him that I'm sorry and that I've been a bad girlfriend lately and, and..."

Kim realized that she was going on one of her panicked rants again and that she really wasn't talking to anyone. "Ohhhh, why is dating so hard?" she asked herself.

Just then, an idea popped into her head. "Maybe I should call him back and tell him that I'm sorry." She picked up the phone and speed-dialed Ron.

The phone rang and rang, but Ron didn't pick up. After his phone went to voicemail, she hung up and flopped back down on her bed. "He's bound to still be up after those nightmares he had; the one with Rufus in it sounded pretty nasty. Then again, he does fall asleep pretty fast, no matter what the condition is." She admired and was a little jealous of Ron's ability to fall asleep so quickly. She wasn't sure how, but he was able to sleep outside on top of a large boulder on one of their missions. But for some reason, tonight seemed different. There was a thought nagging at her from the back of her mind that Ron was still up.

"I know, I'll go visit him in his room. We HAVE to talk," Kim decided.

She went over to her window to open it up and slip out undetected. But just as she opened the window and stuck her foot out, she saw a figure climbing up onto the roof outside her window. She immediately became scared and froze on the spot, with one foot in her room and the rest of her body outside.

Kim could see the figure more clearly now and concluded that whatever had just stood up on the edge of her roof was a man. He didn't see her yet. He took a couple of steps before tripping on the roof and landing face-first, but not before letting out a quiet yelp.
Kim knew that voice anywhere. It was Ron.

As Ron approached Kim's house, re realized that he'd have to climb two stories in order to get to Kim's window. This shouldn't be hard, he thought. He had scaled Kim's house before when cousin Sean came over early for a wedding the next day. But the only reason he was able to climb to Kim's bedroom window before was because he was scared out of his wits of having to share even a house with his evilly deranged cousin. "Well, this sitch has got to be equally important," Ron thought aloud.

He found that Kim's modern home was easier to climb than predicted, because he was able to wrap his arms around a column under Kim's bedroom window and use his legs to push himself up as he began his ascent. What he didn't hear was Kim quietly opening her window. When he reached the underside of the roof outside Kim's window, he used his arms to pull himself up onto the roof. He stood up, took a few steps forward, and then he saw an auburn mane of hair and two emerald eyes staring at him.

What happened next surprised him. Ron completely lost his balance, and landed face-first onto the roof in front of Kim.

"Ow, Is that you, KP?" a pained voice asked from the dark.

"Ron! What are you doing?!" Kim whispered as loud as she could at Ron.

He replied, "I needed to talk to you, but I guess my Ronness got the best of me back there."

Kim couldn't help but giggle at his silly comment as she stood him up and pulled him into her room. As she looked him over for any cuts or scrapes, she thought to herself, He's in 'that' stage in his life. Not a man yet, but not a boy either. Just what I like.

Kim realized too late that she was playing with one of Ron's ears and pulled back quickly and sat up on the bed. "I, uhhhhh..." Kim stammered as she blushed slightly.

"So the ears are a sensitive spot for a certain redhead I know, huh?"

"Well, they are kinda cute," Kim thought aloud. Once again, she realized too late what she had said.

"Cute, huh?" Ron said. Laying down, he put his hands behind his head and looked upwards as if he were thinking. Kim's face was the color of her hair by then.

They both remained that way for about a minute until Kim broke the silence. "Um Ron, honestly I was just about to go over to your house when you came up to my bedroom window. We need to talk."

Ron sat bolt upright and stared at Kim with wide eyes. Beads of sweat began to form on his brow as he responded, "Sure, uh, Kim, I understand. I know that I've failed you as a boyfriend as well as a sidekick, and I know that you deserve better." Ron got up to leave as Kim stared wide-eyed at him with her mouth open. Ron continued, "If you need me, well, you can call me. And," he sniffed, "I hope we can still be friends."

Ron was about to open the window when Kim grabbed him on the shoulder. "Ron, are you breaking up with me, and I can't believe I'm saying this, because you think you're not good enough for me?"

"Yeah, I believe that's what I said..." Ron stated, but he couldn't finish his sentence as he turned around to face her and Kim's eyes bore into his own.

"Ron," Kim began, while turning him around and taking his hands in hers, "you're my rock. You keep my feet planted so that I don't go off and do something crazy. I don't know what I would do, and I..." she stopped for a second to think. "I couldn't save the world without you."

Ron looked into Kim's emerald eyes. She had just banished the worst of his thoughts. He felt an immense feeling of emotion wash over him, but it was a good kind of emotion. Ron felt deep love and affection for Kim. It was a feeling he'd never experienced before, or at least not as much as now. He'd always felt like it was his duty to be there as a friend for Kim, hence his loyalty to her. But this was new. It was like Kim treated him as an equal, and she finally recognized the importance of his presence in her life.

As Ron was thinking all of this, he gently wrapped his arms around Kim and laid his head down on her shoulder. Even though he had to crane his neck to do so because he was a few inches taller than Kim, he felt warm inside. The both of them remained that way for a few moments, and then Ron raised his head to look strait at Kim. She really was beautiful, even in her pajamas with bedhead. He knew that he had tears welling up, but he didn't care. He was happy. He was happy because Kim was happy. And the way that Kim's eyes looked at him, Ron could tell that she was happy, and that's all that mattered to him in the entire world.

After a long time, Ron turned his thoughts into words, and said to Kim, "Thanks KP. You don't know how much that means to me That's... that's badical that I'm your rock."

Kim waited a few moments for Ron's words to soak in before replying, "Honestly Ron, I was afraid of the same thing..."

"About me being your rock?" a confused Ron stammered.

"No, let me finish," Kim told him, "I was afraid that I wasn't good enough for you. Remember you went on some missions without me and you did just fine?"

"Which missions did I go on alone?" Ron asked.

"Well, you went and retrieved Ray X from Drakken's lair when I was sick? And then there was the Christmas that you went to stop Drakken alone so that I could have Christmas with my family? I just feel like I'm not needed."

Ron looked at Kim with his confused face. "Okay, first of all, Shego was either not present or out of commission on both of those missions. Second, on Christmas, I ended up stranded at the North Pole, Kim. The NORTH POLE!"

"And the North Pole is where I first kissed you." Kim countered.

"Heh, that's true. But Kim, you know I can't just go fighting villains by myself. I only do that if you need me to. Well that, and I thought that a Christmas with your family would be a better gift than the Bueno Nacho Bueno Bucks that I got you."

"You got me Bueno Nacho Bueno Bucks that year?" Kim asked. "And you went to save the world to give me a Christmas with my family as another present?"

Ron then realized what he had said. "Ohhhh, yeah..." He stammered, rubbing the back of his neck and looking to the side. "I thought that you wouldn't like the Bueno Bucks. I mean, I gave you those the year before that as well."

"Oh, Ron," Kim said, knowing that she'd hurt his feelings. "I don't care what you get me, as long as it's from you. That's what I like most about your presents."

"Oh, really?" Ron asked as he looked at Kim.

"Yeah, really." Kim brought her face closer to Ron's and was about to give him a kiss when she pulled back in thought. "But what happened to the Bueno Bucks? You never gave me any Bueno Bucks after the Christmas three years ago.

Ron was displeased at first when Kim pulled back after she was going to give him a kiss, but now he had the biggest grin on his face as he reached into his pajama pocket and pulled an orange and yellow gift card out of his wallet.

"Ron, you have your wallet with you, why?" Kim demanded.

"You never know, you know?" Ron replied as he handed the gift card to Kim.

"Mmmm hmmm." Kim said as she looked at him with a smirk in her face. Then she turned to look at the card that he'd just handed her. Her eyes bugged out when she saw it. "Ronnie! This is $50 worth of Bueno Bucks! You didn't have to!"

"And I got that before I loved you as much as I do now. Consider it a beginning of the year gift." Ron told her.

"Or a really, really, really late Christmas gift." Kim joked. Then she looked at Ron passionately. "Ron, did you just say that you love me?"

Ron's eyes got four sizes larger as he realized what had come out of his mouth. "Ummmm, well, technically, I said that I loved you more than I did at an earlier time not that I lo..." Ron stopped when he saw the gaze Kim was giving him. That look could melt steel, Ron thought. "Okay, I love you, Kim," he corrected himself as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"And I love you too, Nacho Boy." Kim said as she put her hands on his chest.

"You really mean that, KP? I mean, I'm just a good for nothing..."

"What do you think?" Kim cut him off in a monotone voice. "And you're not good for nothing. My guy is Ron Stoppable, no matter who he is, as long as he's honest."

"Hey, isn't that what you said when we had our first fight?" Ron said as he came to a realization.

"Mmmm hmmm. Your're learning fast," Kim told him. "and I wouldn't consider it a fight; you didn't really have control over what you were doing."

"Yeah, I guess when you look at that way..." Ron said, but he was cut off by a kiss from Kim.

"Booyah," Ron whispered as they parted to come up for air, and they both laid down on the bed. "Kim, not that the kiss wasn't badical, but I could use some sleep and we both have school tomorrow. I think I should head back..."

"Why not stay here?" Kim purred, "A little Ronshine always helps me to fall asleep."

Ron was caught completely off guard by her last comment, and his face turned to a reddish hue. "Well, lets see, first of all, your dad would kill me if he found out that slept with you..." Kim gave him a cold gaze, and his face turned to a deeper red, if that was even possible. "No! Not like that!" He fiercely waved his hands in front of her. "But you know your dad, he's going to start assuming things, and before you know it, I'm going to be on my way into a black hole."

"Just make sure to climb out my window when my alarm goes off." Kim suggested. "My dad won't even know what happened, and my mom always comes to wake me up if the alarm fails anyway. And you know how she feels about us. You know, my mom is quite exited that we're dating."

"Okay Kim, but you're not going to be a happy camper if your dad finds out."

"Who's talking about me?" Kim asked. "You're the one that's going to be sent into a black hole."

"So you won't mind if your Nacho Boy gets put in a deep space probe and is never to be seen or heard of ever again?" Ron countered.

"Okay, you got me. But I would still like some Ronshine tonight." Kim teased.

"Oh, and then second, I don't have any clothes to go to school tomorrow in..."

Kim cut him off, "Good thing that I keep an extra set of your clothes in my closet."

But I thought that those clothes were for emergencies only?" Ron inquired.

"This is an emergency." Kim whispered to him as she brushed her lips over his.

"Oh you are one bad girl, Kim Possible..." Ron said but he was cut off by another kiss from Kim.

"Would you have me any other way?" Kim asked.

"I don't think so. the beautiful, badical girl in front of me is all I could ever ask for" Ron replied with a goofy grin on his face. That night though, he admitted that having Kim fall asleep in his arms had got to be the best feeling he'd ever had.

Well that ends my first story. I am actually impressed with how it has turned out.

One thing, I got the term "Nacho Boy" from one of MrDrP's fanfiction stories, Nacho Boy and The Dragon Lady. It is, by far, one of my favorites on this site, and it has a very interesting story line.

Please comment and review; it well help me to write more stories. If this story gets enough attention, I might make a sequel to it to tie up any loose ends and describe what happens when Kim and Ron wake up and go to school.

This is the Krekeler,

over and out.