A/N: Welcome to my very first Twilight fic! While I'm not a stranger to fanfics, usually I stick to SW but once this idea got started I decided to brave the crowds and take a chance with it. It's also a bit of a challenge for myself, every chapter is based on a song which will be the title. I highly recommend listening to the songs before reading the chapter or at least looking up the lyrics, they really set the mood for it.
Also we can say farewell to weak, spineless Bella, in my story she actually gets a backbone. This universe is slightly AU, for my own mind's sake I decided to bump Jake and Seth's ages up a year but everything else is canon. I'll be using bits from both the book and movie in the first chapter, but after that I go off on my own little trip. This is a strict Jacob/Bella story, if you are an Edward fan I'll warn you now that this is not for you. Other pairings will pop up including Sam/Emily, Jared/Kim, Paul/Rachel, Seth/OC, Leah/OC, Embry/Angela, Bree/OC. There will be lemons in this but not until later chapters, do bear with me. Also, I suck at summaries and I can't say too much more without giving the plot away.
I of course do not own the Twilight universe or characters, just my lovely OCs, I'm just having some fun with them. Any songs used of course belong to the singer/song writers, I just use them to inspire my muse.
Summery: I was the natural path your life would have taken… If the world was the way it was supposed to be, if there were no monsters and no magic…
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 26, p.599. Jacob Black was right, he was the natural path Bella's life would have taken, but what he didn't know, what no one knew, was that he was her natural path in the world of monsters and magic...
The Natural Path
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
On the mountain, the night before the newborn attack...
Bella tugged the sleeping bag tighter around her, trying to ignore her shivering and chattering teeth. Edward sat across the tent, as far away as he could, a look of agony on his face. "I'm so sorry Bella. What can I do?"
She tried to force a smile though her shaking and failed. She knew he felt awful and only wanted to help but they both knew there was nothing he could do, no matter how many times he asked. "N-nothing E-Edward."
His face crumpled more and she shut her eyes tightly, trying to think of somewhere warm to distract herself. Unfortunately the only warm place that popped into her head was Jacob's arms around her, cradling her against his chest as he'd carried her up the mountain. Her mind wandered to their talk and she felt a small surge of pride again as she recalled him telling her he was the true Alpha of his pack. She was considering making 'Chief' his permanent nickname from now on. A faint smile crossed her face at that thought and then Edward's voice distracted her. "What are you thinking love?"
She sighed, feeling her shivering increase and shook her head slightly. "N-n-nothing."
Before he could say anything she heard the zipper lower and then Jacob stepped inside. "Can't sleep with all that teeth chattering." He stared at her and she saw Edward tense.
"Don't even think about it dog."
She barely heard them, distracted by the drops of melted snow trailing down Jacob's chest, his abdominals, and the deep V line at his waist... She jerked herself out of those thoughts with a blush as she saw Edward's hand grasp Jacob's upper arm forcefully and Jacob growl out a warning.
"D-don't f-fight." Jacob turned to her, sorrow in his gaze at seeing her shaking form and he brushed off Edward's hand.
"She might need her toes someday and let's face it, I'm hotter than you."
Bella couldn't hold back the snort of laughter at his doubled meaning and Jake flashed her his signature grin. She saw the brief moment of hurt cross Edward's face before he pulled back to the corner and broodingly said "Fine."
She was torn between feeling bad that she'd hurt him and annoyance that he thought she needed his permission to have Jake help warm her. Jacob's face was smug as he lowered himself behind her and tugged the sleeping bag over both of them. She immediately felt several degrees warmer and turned to her other side to dive into his chest.
"Jeez Bells, you're freezing." She heard the good natured humor mixed with worry in his tone and sighed as she felt both of his arms wrap around her, tucking her head under his chin.
"It's ok Bells, you'll get warm soon." She knew he was right, she already could feel the shaking lessen and she relaxed into him slightly. "Course you'd get warmer faster if you'd take your clothes off."
She stiffened at the same time she heard Edward hiss behind her and she smacked his chest lightly with her uninjured hand. "Jake, knock it off."
He chuckled and shrugged. "Survival 101 Bells."
Sighing she forced herself to relax, marveling at his heat as the tremors slow to a stop and she blinked drowsily. Jake felt her relax more and pressed his cheek into the top of her head, humming quietly. "Get some sleep Bells. I'm not going anywhere."
She knew he meant more than just staying with her in the sleeping bag. Behind her she was certain she heard Edward snap something, maybe a spare tent peg but couldn't bring herself to chide either of them and let herself doze off to Jacob's humming lullaby.
Bella tried to ignore both men as she felt their gazes burning into her while she supposedly slept, fighting to keep her breathing even so they wouldn't know she could hear them.
"Can't you at least try to keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward's hiss was deadly and she felt Jake's chest rumble with a dark chuckle.
"Why don't you try to stay out of my head?"
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and hit him in the arm for goading Edward on, preferring to keep her hand tucked into Jacob's warm body and continue to eavesdrop on their conversation.
"Maybe if you weren't shouting your little fantasies at the top of your lungs it would be easier." At her fiancés' words she felt a blush rise. Jacob was fantasizing about her? She supposed she should feel uncomfortable that he was doing it while laying tucked tightly in her sleeping bag with her fiancé a few feet away but instead she felt her blush deepen and a sense of…awe? Yes Jacob had admitted his love for her, tried to convince her that she was in love with him and simply didn't know it yet, he had even kissed her. Her lips tingled slightly and her wrist throbbed as she remembered their disaster of a first kiss.
She had been angry to say the least, then more so at herself when she made the stupid mistake of punching a full grown werewolf. But later, after she lay in bed replaying the memory she had realized that some small part of her actually enjoyed being kissed by Jake. His lips were warm, soft and hard all at once, nothing like Edward's cold, unyielding ones that offered her only chaste unfulfilling kisses. He always pulled away if she tried to push him for more while Jacob had kissed her with all the passion and love he had, pouring out his very soul to her to convince her to love him instead.
"I really get under that ice cold skin of yours huh? What, doubting her feelings for you?" Jacob's voice was part smug and part curious. Edward didn't answer and she felt Jake let out an annoyed growl. "So you can pick through my head but I'm not allowed into yours?"
She heard Edward sigh unnecessarily and shift in his seat. "Fine mutt, talk."
She felt Jake turn his head to look down at her and quietly say "I know she's in love with you. But she's in love with me too. She just won't admit it."
She heard nothing from Edward for a long moment and then he conceded "I know. But she chose me."
Jacob shifted slightly, making sure to cradle her head on his arm and she heard him sigh. "She could still choose me."
She felt her heart break slightly as she heard the pain and hope in his voice and she almost reached up to touch his face. "She won't."
She heard the steely conviction in Edward's voice and Jacob tensed slightly. "If she did, would you let her go?"
She let out an internal sigh, wishing she could make Jake understand that she could never leave Edward, not after Italy and nearly losing him for good. "Well killing you is an intriguing idea..."
She barely suppressed a shudder; although Edward's tone is light she can hear the deadly undertone it carries. Then he sighed. "I could never hurt her like that. I want her to be happy, and if she chose you I would walk away."
She forgot how to breathe, frozen in shock, hurt, and horror. He would let her go so easily if she chose Jacob? He wouldn't even try to stop her, fight for her in the slightest? After everything they've been through to be together? She wanted to turn around and scream at him, that he should fight for her, that if he really cared about her then he would do everything he could to get her back like...like Jake...Jacob who has fought for her from the beginning, who helped her heal after Edward left, her best friend, her warmth, her sun.
She gave herself an internal shake. 'He knows it will never happen, that's why he said it, you love him, and you're in love with him. You agreed to marry him.'
She barely heard their next few words, something about Edward just wanting her to have a normal human life, Jacob saying he might be better for her and that he could make her happy. Could she be happy with Jake? She had no doubt that she would but Edward was her reason for existing, she was his singer and she was giving up everything to be with him. 'You wouldn't have to give up anything for Jake.'
She slammed the lid on that thought, she loved Edward, she was in love with Edward! 'She's in love with me too...'
Jacob's words whispered through her mind and she tried to shove them aside, focusing on one thought. 'I agreed to marry him. I'm going to marry Edward and turn and never have to worry about someone protecting me or being put in danger for me again.'
She heard Edward move and the zipper lower. "I'm going to check outside. Don't try anything mutt."
The zipper closed, leaving them alone in the tent. She felt Jake move to lie down, pulling her close as he gently settled her head on his arm. She sensed the slight warmth of his breath on her face, could hear the low rumble of contentment in his chest and almost envision the look of peace she knew was on his face. She knew her own mirrored his; he always had a way of calming her down with a simple touch, something she's never had with Edward. Without thinking about it she sighed and moved closer to him, then froze when she felt something press against her leg. A very large, very hard something.
She heard the hitch in his breath and his arms tightened around her. Very slowly, trying to keep her breathing even, she opened her eyes to see him staring at her, eyes darkened slightly and his lips turned up in the same knowing smirk he'd given her while climbing the mountain. She felt the blush rise on her face and closed her eyes quickly, chanting frantically in her head 'Edward Edward Edward, you're in love with Edward.'
She didn't feel Jake move but suddenly his hot breath and soft lips were against the shell of her ear. "Just have to ask Bells."
She swallowed and squeezed her eyes shut, rolling to her other side so she could no longer feel Jake's lips close to her. Jake chuckled and lay back down, his arm still tight around her.
It was going to be a very long night...
Bella awoke not on the hard ground of the tent but a soft mattress, the room dark. She stretched, looking around and saw that she is not in her room but Jake's. She looked down to notice not her own pajamas but one of Jacob's old shirts, although on her it was more like a nightgown, hanging halfway down her thighs. She slowly climbed out of the bed, wondering where Jake was and raised the collar of the shirt to inhale his scent of rain, pine and a muskiness that was pure Jacob. She wandered out into the hallway and followed it to the darkened living room.
Lightning flashed outside the windows from the distant storm, giving her enough light to find the bookshelf against the far wall. She traced her fingers over the bindings of the books until they felt a well-worn, leather novel. She pulled it from the shelf and curled up on the floor by the window, using the flashes of light to see as she slowly flipped the cover to reveal a photo album. The first picture was of her and Jacob as children, playing outside while making mud pies. Even then she could see the love in his eyes as he stared at her with adoration.
Flipping the page showed them a little older, sitting on their driftwood log, heads close together as they talked quietly, the sun going down in front of them. More childhood pictures followed, then she reached their teenage years, when she had moved home. Her and Jake in the garage while he worked on the bikes, at a bonfire with his friends, walking on the beach. As she went on she started to see him fill out and grow taller as his body prepared for the shift, the baby fat in his face giving way to his chiseled jaw and prominent cheekbones, full lips and eyes that hardened somewhat as if something in him knew he was going to give up his childhood and become a man, a protector, overnight.
The next few pages showed them together after he had phased, his hair chopped short and the tattoo showing on his shoulder. She could see that his eyes, while still hardened with responsibility, softened slightly, especially after she had figured out his secret. He still stared at her with his eyes full of warmth and love, whether they were at a bonfire with the Pack or alone while he worked on the Rabbit. She could see her own eyes starting to return the look as Jake slowly healed her.
Then the pictures changed, showing just Jacob alone, in the garage, on their log, at a bonfire with the Pack. She frowned, wondering where she was and saw that Jake's eyes had again grown hard and cold. He looked sad, angry and frustrated, and then she saw a picture of them riding on his bike when he had shown up at Forks High and helped her escape Edward's babysitting plan. They both looked happy, though his eyes still were sad, and she felt her heart break for hurting him.
Another picture showed him in his wolf form, curled around her while they had watched Jasper train the others to fight the newborns. He was massive, making her almost disappear into his fur and she remembered how his silky strands had felt under her fingers, the low rumble in his chest when she scratched behind his ears. Then she saw a picture of them kissing, followed by her punching his face angrily.
She let out a soft chuckle, only she would think to punch a full grown werewolf. She might as well have punched a vampire. Other pictures showed him carrying her up the mountain, the look of hurt when she had run into Edward's arms at the top, then him cradling her against him in the sleeping bag to warm her, a look of peace and contentment on his face as he pressed his cheek against the top of her head.
She was surprised when the next few pages were blank and she wondered if she had reached the end of the album, until a lone picture fell from the pages. She picked it up, squinting in the dark and smiled. The picture showed Jake standing on the beach, dressed in dark jeans and an un-tucked white dress shirt, barefoot, a huge smile on his face while she stood opposite dressed in a simple white gown, her hair falling in long curls down her back, holding a bouquet of wildflowers.
She dropped the picture in surprise when she felt a warm arm circle her waist and then draw her to her feet. "Jake..."
Her only answer was a pair of warm lips pressed to the back of her neck and she hummed slightly as his other hand came around to rest on her swollen stomach. She sighed, looking down again at the wedding picture then frowned when she saw a single drop of blood fall from Jacob's hand to cover his face. More drops fell, obscuring the picture and suddenly the warm soft body pressed against her became ice cold stone, the lips on her neck pulling back as sharp teeth sank into her flesh with a whispered word.
She watched in horror as her own blood flowed down over her stomach which suddenly flattened and her skin grew hard and cold, agonizing pain rolling over her body as the mouth pulled away from her neck. "Mine!"
Bella's eyes flew open with a soft gasp as she reached a hand up to her neck, wondering why she was laying on something soft and warm rather than the cold, hard ground. She raised her head to find herself staring at Jacob's sleeping face and realized that she was lying on top of him. She could feel his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her firmly against his body, while his other arm was tucked under his head. She knew she wouldn't be able to get off without waking him up and she wanted him to have as much rest as he could for the fight.
Slowly she lowered her head till her chin rested against his hot chest and studied his face. Now, while he slept, his face was that of a 16 year old boy, smooth and peaceful, more than she had seen for a long time. His long, dark eyelashes brushed his cheekbones and his full lips were parted slightly as he breathed evenly. Although she would never admit it to Jake, she knew it would boost his ego through the roof, she had checked out her best friend more than once. He was handsome, all the wolves were with their above average height, muscular build, russet skin, dark hair and piercing eyes.
But to her Jake was the most attractive of the group, his boyish personality and soft heart pulled her in just as much as his looks. Not that his body was anything to sniff at, his rock hard abs that she could feel pressing against her stomach put most bodybuilders to shame.
She knew he was the tallest of the wolves, except for Sam as the Alpha, but he was also the most muscular. Her mind flashed back to the previous night when Jake had come in the tent, melting snow creating long water trails down his chest and she blushed slightly. With her right hand, which had been resting on Jacob's chest, she traced the area over his heart, feeling its steady beat against her palm. She had a strong urge to reach her hand up and brush back the piece of dark hair that hung lazily over one eye but she was stopped by a low hiss from the corner.
Turning her head she swallowed hard and dropped her gaze as a blush rose on her face. "Edward."
Her fiancé was crouched in the corner of the tent; every muscle tense as he glared at Jacob's sleeping form. Bella snatched her hand off Jake's chest, feeling her face grow hot with embarrassment and tried to wiggle out of Jacob's arm. Unfortunately it only made him pull her closer and roll to his side, his back to Edward. This also brought her leg into contact with the same large hardness that she felt the night before, pressing against her through his jeans and she tried to ignore it as she shook his shoulder. "Jake, wake up."
He mumbled under his breath and she was dismayed when the arm around her back loosened as his hand moved to grip her hip, pulling her even closer so their hips were aligned. She let out a soft gasp as Jacob's prominent erection rubbed against her, feeling arousal shoot through her and she pushed against his chest to try and get some space between them. "Jacob, wake up!"
He grunted softly and kneaded her hip in his hand as he stretched, unwittingly rubbing his hips against hers, causing her to choke back a soft moan. "Bells?"
He blinked his eyes several times as he raised one hand to rub them, running his fingers through his short hair as he looked down at her. She met his eyes with panicked ones and he suddenly realized their position when she tried to squirm away, causing him to groan faintly as she rubbed against him. "Bella, what are you doing? How did-"
He's interrupted by a snarl behind them and she heard Edward hiss "Let go of her mutt."
Jake glanced over his shoulder in slight confusion then turned back to her with a smirk as he gripped her hip faintly before letting go. "Jeez Bells, all you had to do was ask. Didn't have to try and jump me in my sleep."
She blushed in embarrassment and anger and finally managed to roll away from him, tumbling out of the sleeping bag. Edward was instantly next to her, helping her up. Jake let out a chuckle and rose smoothly to his feet, winking at her as he stepped toward the entrance to the tent. "I'm going to check the woods before Seth gets here, be back soon Bells."
She couldn't meet his eyes, her blush deepening when she saw the significant bulge in his jeans and dropped her gaze to the floor, mortified. He was gone without a sound and suddenly she felt Edward's cold hands on her arms, shaking. She turned to him and swallowed hard when she saw his eyes, black with rage, staring after Jacob. She reached up to touch his face and his gaze snapped down to hers, slowly softening as she gave him a weak smile. "Edward, I-"
He raised a finger to her lips and shook his head, gently pulling her towards the door of the tent. "It wasn't your fault love. Let's go outside, the tent reeks of wet dog."
She knew she must smell the same and followed willingly, blinking as she stepped into the blinding sunlight. A few inches of snow that hadn't blown away in the storm blanketed the trees and ground, and she shivered slightly as she wrapped her arms around herself, glad for the cool air on her heated cheeks. She looked around to see if Jacob was back yet but saw only a tan gangly wolf trot up from the tree-line. It walked closer and lowered its head slightly as it blinked at her and she smiled in recognition. "Hey Seth."
Edward nodded his head and Seth loped up the hill, she guessed to help Jake check the woods. She turned to Edward and saw he still looked angry. "Edward I'm so sorry. That couldn't have been easy on you last night."
He grimaced slightly and gave her a wry look. "It definitely won't make my list of top ten favorite evenings."
She raised an eyebrow and he smiled. "All ten I spent with you. And the top one is when you agreed to marry me, Mrs. Cullen."
She felt the painful thud in her chest and blinked as she remembered her nightmare, the picture of her and Jacob's wedding, her swollen stomach and the blood. She doesn't understand the overwhelming panic that rises up in her throat and she hesitated. "Edward-"
Before she could say anything else she heard the snap of a branch behind her and then an angry voice. "You're marrying him?"
She whirled around to see Jacob standing a few yards away, staring at her with hurt and anger. She stepped toward him as a sinking feeling hit her stomach. "Jake..."
She turned back to Edward as the revelation dawned on her and stared at him in shock. "You knew he was listening!"
He had a slightly smug look in his eyes that didn't quite disappear as he tried to look ashamed. "He needed to know."
She heard Jacob start to storm off and turned to follow him, stopped by Edward's hand on her elbow. "Bella, let him-"
"No Edward! Don't!" She yanked her arm away with a glare and was momentarily surprised at her strength before she ran after Jacob. "Jake, wait!"
He ignored her, moving quickly to the path that would take him down the mountain and she stumbled as her heart pounded painfully in her chest. "Jake, please! Wait!"
He stopped at the edge of the cliff, his back to her and she could see him shaking as he fought the urge to phase, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. She got as close to him as she could without falling off the cliff and stared at his back as she tried to think what to say. "Jake..."
He whirled on her, his face angry and eyes glittering dangerously. "I'm done Bella, I'm so done."
She felt her breath catch as panic squeezed her throat shut, heart thudding against her ribs. "Jacob...what...what can I do?"
He chuckled darkly, shaking his head angrily as he dragged his hand through his hair. "I think you've done enough Bella. There's nothing you can do. But I can, by killing something."
She felt her heart jump into her throat and she stared at him in a panic. His lips twisted into a bitter smile and he looked back over the cliff. "Maybe I'll get myself killed down there, make it easy for you."
"Jake no! Please, stay." She wanted to reach for him, keep him safe up here with her but she knew he wouldn't. He turned to her with an angry look and scanned her face.
"Why Bella? Give me one good reason to stay."
She knew what he was asking and looked away as she desperately tried to think of something. "I can't lose you."
A humorless bark of laughter made its way out of his mouth and he shook his head. "Not good enough Bells."
She swallowed hard and stared at the ground between them. "You...you're too important."
"Still not good enough." He started down the path and she knew that if she didn't stop him she would never see him again, one way or the other.
"Jacob!" He stopped, waiting, and she clenched her fists as she took a deep breath.
"Kiss me."
Slowly, he turned around, staring at her and she licked her lips. "I'm...I'm asking you...to kiss me."
He searched her face for a long moment, and she was afraid he would walk away. Suddenly with a few long strides he was in front of her and she blinked up at him nervously. Eyes never leaving hers he placed one hand on her hip and the other cradled her face as he lowered his lips to hers.
He kissed her slowly at first, as though afraid she would pull away again but she found herself pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Unlike their first kiss, this time she allowed herself to kiss him back, her arms coming up to wrap around his neck as her eyes closed. His hand tightened in her hair and she felt her back arch as his other hand gripped her hip tightly.
As his lips caressed hers she suddenly saw a vision rise behind her eyelids; walking down an aisle on the beach, not to Edward but Jacob. Then a small cabin in the woods behind Billy's house, them sitting on the large back deck with the Pack for a barbeque. Finally the last picture rose in her mind, of two little children with lighter russet skin, black hair and brown eyes, laughing as they ran around the cabin's yard.
She gasped into Jacob's mouth, slamming back to earth as his tongue caressed her lips gently and he slowly pulled back. She clung to his shoulders, dizzy and breathless and felt his hands cradle her face tenderly, his lips brushing hers once, twice, before he wrapped his arms around her and lowered his head next to hers. His breathing was ragged and she could feel his heart beating as fast as her own as he whispered "That should have been our first kiss."
She said nothing, still too stunned by what she saw and the sudden rush of warmth that rolled over her in waves. He sucked in a deep breath, shuddering slightly and he sighed. "I gotta go. But I'll be back."
He turned away from her, not looking her in the eyes and took off down the path, leaving her standing on the cliff. A dizzying array of emotions swept over her as she stood unseeing, too lost in her thoughts to do anything but take slow breaths. She felt dampness on her face and reached up to find tears on her cheeks. It surprised her until she realized they aren't tears of sadness, but happiness. At that moment, on top of the mountain, she came to the realization that she loves Jacob Black, she is in love with him, and she wanted the future that she saw for them more than anything she has ever wanted.
Something nagged at the back of her mind that something is in the way of her getting that future and she was unsure in her daze until she heard a branch snap behind her and turned to see Edward standing there, a look of trepidation on his face. "Edward..."
'Oh no...'
A/N: Well, what'd you think? I know a lot was from the books/movie, but I wanted to use it as a way to change her thinking about Jake. And the kiss on the mountain is one of my favorite scenes ever. *sigh* Anyways, please review and let me know your thoughts. :)