A/N: Thank you to zeejack and Mowatts87 for showing yesterday's chapter some love. I totally forgot how much reading your reviews inspired me. And thank you for all your prayers and well wishes. For real, I'm doing really well.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or the characters of Glee. They simply amuse me, and have for the last seven years or so.

Missing You

Saturday afternoon, post Nationals rehearsal, Sam Evans figured out which part of having a relationship with Mercedes Jones he loved best. It wasn't the making out, although sometimes he wondered if maybe that part wasn't a close second place. Nor did Sam believe the thrill he felt during their moments of covert secret-keeping to be the most enjoyable, though that was pretty awesome, too. Without a doubt, Sam finally understood as his girlfriend let him into Room 218 at the American Family Motel, that the best thing about his new relationship was looking deep into Mercedes' eyes. Specifically, reading the expression those eyes adopted every time they came together after a period -however brief- of separation. That, paired with her smiling face, beat even the sweetest of kisses.

As he stepped over the threshold and caught Mercedes' eye, Sam wondered if every relationship felt this way in the beginning. Sam pondered whether, if his first love had been someone like Quinn, a girl with an icy exterior and a tendency to favor appearances over substance... would he see this type of adoration in her features each time they met? Or would she cringe whenever Sam quoted Avatar and make him feel like a huge dork? If he'd hooked up with a girl like Santana, would she stop making fun of his impressions; would she agree with all of his lovesick declarations and possibly even make a few of her own? Or would he spend the majority of his days making out with someone who didn't like him very much and couldn't care less about sparing his feelings on the matter? As he closed the motel room door, Sam felt grateful that he would never find out.

Because he'd chosen Mercedes Jones to be his first girlfriend, and in doing so had picked one who always seemed happy to see him. He could plainly see that she liked him just the way he was, in the widening of her eyes whenever they were near. Sam could hear Mercedes' affection for him in the quickening of her breath that preceded the tight hugs she gave him as they said hello. He could feel her happiness with his presence in the soft sigh that accompanied their kisses. The couple, Sam marveled, had basically spent the majority of the day together, with Sam waking up just as the sun cleared the horizon and making his way to Waffle House for a huge order of carbs and coffee meant to fortify his team before practice. By the time everyone had eaten and stretched, breaking up into small groups to work on vocals, he and Mercedes had shared several sly looks between them. He made it a point to send Mike and Brittany each time Mercedes required help finding her position during choreo blocking, but still managed to brush against her a time or two. And he'd eaten his share of the light lunch Coach Sue provided from Subway sitting across the aisle from Mercedes while staring deep into her eyes. She had no reason to miss him, but still... it was evident that she had anyway.

"Hi," Mercedes whispered as she gently pushed Sam bodily against the door, closed in on him, and captured his lips in another soft kiss. Her hands gripped the sides of the Captain America tee he'd thrown on after leaving rehearsal and racing home to shower. Sam responded by wrapping his hands around her waist pulling her a tiny bit closer. His girlfriend was the perfect handful, despite being significantly shorter than he, and Sam enjoyed the fact that she seemed to crave their cuddles as much as he did. He lifted his face from hers to reply.

"Hi, yourself," he smiled as his girlfriend let go of him, forcing his hands from her person and began walking backwards toward the sofa Sam used to sleep on, beckoning him playfully with crooked fingers.

"I missed you," Mercedes admitted, something Sam was happy to hear, though he already suspected as much.

"You just saw me," Sam laughed, following along obediently.

"You took so long..." Mercedes whined playfully as she sat down and patted the seat cushion next to her.

"I know." Again, Sam did Mercedes' bidding without argument, sitting and allowing her to lift her ankle-socked feet into his lap. She scooched as close to him as she could and lifted his arm around her shoulders. As Mercedes nuzzled into Sam's chest, he explained. "It was my turn to help Miss Pillsbury put away the props. She always takes forever... 'A place for everything, and everything in it's place,'" Sam recited. Mercedes laughed at his impression. "I knew you'd beat me here. That's why I gave you the key."

Mercedes shifted enough to grin into his face. "I guess you're worth the wait," she admitted as he bent to press another kiss onto her lips.

"So are you..." Sam complimented. "...you look really pretty; I like your outfit." Mercedes was wearing a lavender miniskirt and jacket combo made from some hybrid material, halfway between terry cloth and velour. The skirt was short, baring her shapely legs, the soft skin of which Sam stroked while holding them. The top was a simple zippered hoodie left open enough that he could see the black ribbed tank she'd worn underneath. She'd obviously washed her hair after practice and arranged her long wavy weave into a messily curled bun at the nape of her neck with soft tendrils surrounding her face. She finished off the look with big dangly gold earrings molded into the shape of a Mercedes Benz emblem and several tiny gold filigree chains draped across her cleavage. As they resumed kissing, Sam thought about something Mike had told him the day before.

Mercedes, according to Mike, had begun dressing differently since dating Sam. Before, she'd always chosen her clothing for comfort, and did so most often with leggings matched to layered shirts and high-top sneakers. She dressed her outfits up with flashy accessories like hats, jewelry, belts and cute sock-shoe combinations; however, she never paid much attention to sexier styles prior to hooking up with Evans. But ever since their double date of dim sum and ice cream, Mike had noticed a change in Mercedes. She now chose jeans with slightly flared legs or sometimes skinny ones, fitted tightly in the waist area. They accentuated her thickly proportioned thighs and cupped her bottom lovingly, the way Sam's hands often itched to do. She now picked out shirts that failed to hide her curves, ones that offered up glimpses of her abundant cleavage and tapered inward to frame her waistline, something Mercedes wasn't prone to before. Mercedes wore heels to school more often than not these days; sometimes platform wedges that she was as comfortable in as her usual sneakers, and other times sexy heels that reminded Sam of Betty Boop. They made her taller and forced her hips to sway in ways that Sam's practiced eye could pick out from across room. She'd retired several pairs of baggy sweats for rehearsal in favor of tank tops layered over racer-back sports bras; not caring whether or not people could see the straps. The leggings and sneakers Mercedes used to wear on a daily basis were now relegated to active wear.

Sam never wanted his girlfriend to think she had to change in order to please him, and said as much to Mike at the time. He'd been reassured when his friend explained the way Tina had done the same thing after they'd started dating. Tina's style was now less goth club kid, and more swinging sixties London-inspired, Mike explained. Together, the two boys decided that having boyfriends made the girls feel more sexy, so they now dressed according to their new moods. Sam appreciated this and wanted to let Mercedes know that he'd noticed the change.

Breaking their kiss once again, Mercedes lingered close to Sam's face, looking at his mouth thoughtfully. She reached up and stroked his bottom lip with the pad of her thumb. She'd gotten her nails done right before solo auditions; the long acrylics were painted a bright shiny purple which made Sam long to feel them scratching against his naked skin. Her eyes darkened and he wondered if that look meant that Mercedes' thoughts were becoming somewhat lecherous as well. His girl certainly seemed to be wondering about all the places he could kiss her body using the mouth she now stared at. "Your lips are so sexy," she murmured before craning her neck to capture his bottom one between her own plump lips and sucking lightly. Sam let her have her fun, enjoying the idea of his girlfriend wanting him as much as he wanted her.

"Will you sit on my lap?" he pleaded softly, when the couple broke to catch their breath. "Please, Mercy?"

Giggling, Mercedes nodded and shuffled her legs off his lap, arranging them beneath herself before swinging one over his legs and straddling him, knees digging into the sofa cushions. Before resuming their makeout session, she scraped her nails along the hem of his shirt. "Off," Mercedes commanded in a sexy voice, and Sam was happy to oblige.

After removing his tee and baring his chest, he fingered the zipper of her hoodie, replying, "Your turn." Mercedes wasted no time shrugging out of her jacket to reveal the wife beater beneath and collapsing into his body in order to kiss him breathless.

Sam really hated the idea of behaving like some random horny teenager and mauling his girlfriend, especially since he'd never had urges like the ones he now experienced whenever Mercedes was on his mind. But it was impossible not to get turned on when she pressed against him so fully. Mercedes' tank was very low-cut, and her breasts plumped over the top of her bra so that they weren't so much pushed into his chest, as they were providing a cushion for his chin to rest in. He stifled the urge to lower his face directly into her cleavage and motorboat her breasts. It would be fun to do, but crass... Sam was better than that.

Mercedes' knees were pressed alongside the outside of his hips and made him picture scenarios whereupon she might open her thighs and wrap those short legs around him while wearing a lot less clothes than they had on now. Her ass was fully seated on his thighs, and he could feel the heat from between her legs warming his groin. The small movements of Mercedes' body, which could have been construed as either minute adjustments for comfort or excited grinding, did nothing to quell the racing beat of Sam's heart or the quickening of his pulse, or -he had to admit- the hardening of his erection beneath his jeans. Mercedes moaned quietly and he knew she could feel him swelling, even through layers of denim and cotton.

Mercedes' reaction was to kiss Sam more deeply, lowering her hands to caress the muscles of his chest and abdomen, bouncing a little as he shifted his body in order to arrange himself inside his pants. She parted her lips from his, lifting her body slightly and asked, "Am I too heavy?" Sam's reply was a roll of the eyes and the planting of his hands squarely on her backside to push her back onto his lap while recapturing her lips. In the interest of making sure Mercedes understood that he loved every inch of her body and would happily die underneath her, he left his hands there and squeezed her cheeks before beginning a lazy caress of her backside that left no question in either of their minds as to whether or not Sam appreciated what his girl had to offer.

His girlfriend's palms were keeping busy, as well. Mercedes had obviously gotten her fill of molding her hands to fit along the musculature of his arms, chest, stomach, and sides. Those hands now teased his nipples, pinching lightly, which caused a jolt of electricity to power through his body, bottoming out in his balls. Sam knew from conversations with Mike that paying attention to nonverbal cues was really important when getting physical with women. He'd never push Mercedes into doing things with him that she wasn't ready for, but Sam could recognize a clue when he felt one. He waited for his girl to take a second pass at stroking his nipples before making his move, and when she did, he was confident that it meant she wanted the same from him. So he slipped his hands beneath her tank top and cupped her breasts in his large palms before sweeping his thumbs over her own buds from the outside of the silky bra she wore. Sam sighed as she moaned again. Mercedes' mouth left Sam's and she shifted to plant her mouth against the sensitive skin just behind his ear, softly working up what he knew would be a large hickey in the next few minutes. As her tongue and lips teased and sucked, he lowered his chin and nuzzled his way into her chest, still teasing her breasts beneath her tank and inhaling deeply to take in the perfume she'd sprayed after showering. Just as Sam's tongue snaked out from between his lips with the intention of tasting the flesh between the mounds being separated by her bra, he had a thought and lifted his head.

"Baby, how far is too far for us to go right now?"

Confused, Mercedes straightened up and peered at Sam through eyes hooded with lust. Her breaths seemed heavy as she spoke through swollen lips, "What?"

"You told your daddy that we would stop comin' here to the motel if we went too far, sexually speaking," Sam explained, his own breathing labored, face flushed and body tingling with want. After removing his hands from her breasts, he continued. "Right now I'm about two seconds away from begging you to point out which of your naked body parts you don't mind me puttin' my mouth on." He blushed a little, embarrassed by his own babbling. "Part of me knows doin' that would be so worth it, havin' to lie to our parents about this..." he shot her a look, knowing she felt the same way. "...but the rest of me is pretty sure you would feel guilty and tell them anyway. I don't wanna mess up and lose our time alone together."

"Blondie, you have my permission to kiss anything on this body you can reach with your sexy lips," Mercedes teased, lunging in to kiss him again, a move Sam deflected reluctantly while chuckling.

"I'm serious, Beautiful..." he hugged her to him. "...where's the line?"

"Fine," Mercedes rolled her eyes and shifted her body in a manner that Sam's body interpreted as still too seductive. Now laying on her back she gestured for Sam to lie down down with her lengthwise, and he did, along the back of the couch on his side so that they weren't touching too much. This was an important conversation and needed all of his attention, after all. "Lemme ask you this... did you stop at a drug store on the way here to stock up on condoms, just in case?"

"NO WAY!" Sam blustered, "We're not there yet, Mercedes..." He shook his head vigorously. "...I came here to spend time with you and make out with you, for sure. But sex?"

"Exactly," Mercedes nodded, agreeing one hundred percent. "This is all new for the both of us, Sam. And Baby, we've talked about this. Neither one of us is used to feeling this way." She gestured towards his body, careful not to touch him until they'd hashed things out. "I've never spent time with someone I was this attracted to, so yeah... whenever we're together I get these urges to touch you and explore..." she sighed and raised an eyebrow. "And yeah; I'm overwhelmed by all of this, also a little scared. But mostly I just love how we are together, so I kinda let myself go whenever we get started. Like you just pointed out, I'm not looking to go too far, either..."

"Yeah..." Sam lowered his head and stretched out in order to place his head on her shoulder and she wrapped an arm around him in a cuddle. He let out a soft mewl, letting Mercedes know that Sam Evans could fully appreciate the comfort of being the little spoon. She responded by stroking his soft, blond hair. "It's funny. I was probably the only boy in twelfth grade P.E. class who didn't pop boners thinkin' about all the girls playin' volleyball in those tiny little shorts, even at the age of twelve." Mercedes laughed. Sam hit her with a half-grin and went on. "I never stole dirty magazines, and I don't watch porn, either...I never wanted to. I guess I needed someone to attach all the horny feelings to, and they're all comin' out now..." He playfully tickled Mercedes' side. "...all over you! You don't need to worry about me plannin' some big seduction scene, though. "

"I can't see us doing too much or taking things too far for a lot of reasons, Sammy," Mercedes cut in, confidently. "First of all, nobody knows that we're a couple. And I'm not giving my virginity to somebody that can't tell people I'm his woman," she sassed. "No offense, but that would make me feel like a dirty little secret, and I love myself too much to go there...no matter how fine my man is." She giggled.

"Right," Sam agreed. "And as much as I want to explore everythin' I can with you, especially since you started this whole pouncin' on me thing..." he mocked, and submitted to her faux-angry hair tugging. "...I kinda like the idea of roundin' bases. Baby steps, because I know next to nothin' about sex, other than the mechanics. But that's not enough for me; I want to feel totally comfortable with the first person I make love to, and that takes time."

"So we're agreeing to, what?" Mercedes inquired softly, moved by Sam's words...and a tiny bit turned on as well.

"Well, I guess if we were at your parent's house right now babysittin' the twins so our folks could have a date night," Sam started, shifting a little so they were face to face, "we'd probably put the kids to bed and do exactly what we were doin' before I stopped us."

"I hope we could do better than that," Mercedes purred, in what she hoped was an enticing manner. "It was just getting good, in my opinion..."

"Well," Sam murmured, reaching out to grip the top of his girlfriend's tank. He lowered it enough to bare one breast with every intention of capturing the nipple between his teeth. "I think I can help you out with that."

Just before he made contact, Sam was interrupted by a loud banging knock on the motel room door.


Sam silently gestured for his girlfriend to fix up her clothes and remove herself to the bathroom, while pondering who exactly could be at the door. She nodded, standing and adjusting her clothing at the same time. After tiptoeing to the bed and gripping her pristine white Keds along with her purse, she quietly repaired into the other room, giving Sam time to replace his shirt and make his way over to the door. Once Mercedes had closed the bathroom door, he flipped the latch and opened the door, cast aside violently as Tina pushed past him, followed by Mike. Puzzled, Sam started to ask his boy, "What's going on, Bro? Did we make plans to..."

Impatiently, Tina breezed in the direction of the bathroom, letting him know, "We don't have time for pleasantries, Sam; where's Mercedes..." She threw open the door, behind which Mercedes was bent over putting on her shoes. "...Get it together, quick, Diva; the Unholy Trinity is on their way here!"

"The Unholy..." Sam was confused, still standing next to the open door. "...I don't know what that means, man. Why are y'all here?" he asked Mike.

"Dude," Mike shook his head. "That's what we call Quinn, Santana, and Brittany since they all auditioned for Glee club together back when they were part of Coach Sylvester's evil plan to end New Directions. Tina says they know about you and Mercedes, and she dragged me here to warn you."

"Mike," Tina chided him, "I told you...this is completely serious. Sam and Mercedes can't get caught dating because Figgins will send him away for favoritism and maybe give the club back to Schue!"

"I get it," Mike argued. "It's serious. But you're acting like..."

"I'm acting like what?" Tina snarled.

"Crazy, Tina..." Mercedes answered him. "...you're acting crazy. So calm down, and just tell us what you know!"

"Yeah," Sam shut the motel room door. "What does the Unholy Trinity know, and why are they coming over here?"

"Well," Tina began, enjoying being the center of new drama. "After rehearsal, Coach Bieste and Coach Sylvester opened up the locker rooms in the gym so that those of us going out on dates right afterwards could shower and change there."

"I thought Santana and Puck broke in?" Mike wondered.

"Not now, Love..." Tina continued. "Anyway I was underneath the spray when I heard Quinn tell Satan and Britts that she saw you two over here during Rumors Week, and Santana replied telling Quinn and Brittany that she believes you two are hooking up on the down low."

"What did you do?" Mercedes was floored. This sucked! She and Sam had been so careful...

"I wrapped myself in a towel and got out intending to steer them in the opposite direction or whatever, you know..." Tina shot Mercedes a look. "...the way we do it whenever we hear gossip about somebody we like. I was gonna point out how you two never even talk much and see if I could get them off the trail."

"Good plan," Sam chuckled. "Did it work?"

"Not at all," replied Mike. "The Trinity's too diabolical. You can't scam a scammer..."

"They cut me off before I could even get a word out," Tina shook her head. "Satan got this evil look in her eyes before telling me to run along and warn you two while they hit the drive through. She says to tell you they'll be over here as soon as she's fed."

"How do they know where we are?" Sam wondered. "And why are they coming here?" Would he and his girlfriend have to bribe the former Cheerios to keep quiet?

"That, Trouty Mouth..." the four friends looked over as the motel room door banged wide open. Over the threshold stood Santana, pushing a bobby pin back into the bun of sleek, dark hair sitting atop her head. She'd obviously picked the lock. Flanked behind her stood Brittany and Quinn, arms folded. "...remains to be seen."


"So," Santana continued, marching deeper into the motel room and giving the space a quick once-over. "This is where Baby Big Lips laid his gaping maw when he first arrived in Lima..." She gave the beds a leer. "...Have they changed the sheets since then, or do you two just roll around on top of Papa Evanses jizz stains?"

"Ew," Brittany replied, before hopping on the bed nearest the door. "This room's not that bad, San. Anyway, it's not a family homeless shelter anymore; now it's a secret loooove nest!" she giggled happily.

"It's certainly nicer than that no-tel motel by the airport you took Finn to when you deflowered him," Quinn backed Brittany up.

"Yeah, whatever, Blondie...you're welcome." Santana said snarkily before focusing on Sam and Mercedes. "But Britt-Bratt is right. These days this place is all about Wheezy and Trouty making up for lost time." She sauntered over to Sam, where she looked him up and down. "Diablo knows Angie Stone over there has cobwebs forming down below and her boo Big Mouth Billy Bass here is fighting a losing battle with blue balls. But I needs to see proof before I'm convinced."

Tina, Brittany and Quinn all snickered. Sam blushed.

"No shoes..." Santana circled Sam, continuing to peruse his person unashamedly. "...means you two got comfortable, at the very least." Lifting the hem of his shirt, she examined the skin there. "Evidence of blushing, but no scratches..."

Santana sucked her teeth, peering at Mercedes. "I figured you for more of a hellcat, Aretha. What you you waiting on, an invitation?" She dropped the hem of the shirt and looked closely at the skin of Sam's neck, which was flushing furiously by this time. "Judging by the redneck's red neck, he'd probably like a few claw marks dug into his skin, which is good to know for future reference." Santana laughed when she noticed the hickey Mercedes had just made. "Fresh hickey, though..." she told Quinn and Brittany, who came to examine the passion mark themselves.

Santana continued her circuitous route and came to a halt before reaching out to twist Sam's nipple underneath his shirt. Sam yelped. "She got him good here, too..." Sam glared as Satan explained. "...see how he squealed like a little bitch? He's still sensitive."

Santana faced a side-eying Mercedes. "All things considered, you done good girlfriend!" Santana implored Brittany, "Now you check her."

As Brittany rounded on Mercedes with her hands gleefully outstretched, Mercedes raised her fists, ready to clock the happy blonde if she laid one finger on her body. Before she anything could happen, Quinn intervened.

"That won't be necessary, Santana, we've got all of the information we need now." She came to stand beside Mercedes, gently lowering the girl's folded hands before engulfing her in a hug. "I'm so happy for you and Sam, Sissy."

"You are?" Mercedes found herself flustered. She'd figured on having to defend her relationship from the UT, and possibly resorting to threats to keep them quiet. But if Quinn wasn't interested in starting any fuckery, she could pretty much count on San and Britts following suit. Knowing this helped the girl fall into Quinn's embrace more comfortably. "You aren't going to tell everybody about us, are you?"

"Hell no," Santana still looked as though she would like a peek inside Mercedes' jacket to find more 'evidence' of hanky-panky. "We're on your side now that we know somma the juicy details. Berry's planning some shit and we wanna help."

"Rachel?" Mike inquired while his girlfriend continued laughing at Santana's antics behind her hand. "She knows, too?"

Brittany shook her head, stretching out on the bed and beckoning Santana to come sit beside her. "She's suspicious, though. And we don't trust her."

Quinn chose a seat at the dining room table and explained. "I've been following her after school and rehearsals ever since she lost the solo at Nationals."

Sam and Mercedes, along with Tike shot her a look.

"What?" Quinn shrugged. "I owed her. She convinced my own boyfriend to follow me around spying. I was just returning the favor."

Unable to argue with her logic, Sam gestured for Quinn to keep going.

"Basically, every day, ManHands has been hopping into Jesse St. James' Rav4. They drive around for awhile so you and Sam won't see them following you," she addressed Mercedes, who was taking a seat on the sofa with Sam. "Then they park a block or so away from some place associated with the two of you and spy on you through binoculars."

"Wednesday she went by your house, Wheezy..." Santana spat out. "The Troll was there right after we did solo auditions up until curfew."

"Yesterday, they posted up down the street from Sam's," Quinn continued. "Ask your mom, I think she noticed them..." she informed Sam.

"And tonight she and Boy-Berry were planning to park around the corner, outside that room where she caught Quinn with that Toby boy, who I blame for all of this shit..." Santana revealed.

Quinn glared at Santana, before explaining, "The only reason you two didn't get caught is that Jesse didn't want to come. I heard Berry screeching at him next to his car in the parking lot at school about Friday night being date night, so she was sure that eventually the two of you would show up together. But he wanted to go shopping for something to wear on a date in New York. He must be planning to come see us at Nationals."

"Yeah, so he can tell Barbra how mah-velous she is after we perform," Santana agreed.

"This tells us three things," Brittany slipped into one of her sporadic moments of clarity. "Number One: Rachel still suspects that the two of you are together and you're not fooling her any more than you fooled us by pretending to be just friends."

"Number Two..." Quinn cut in. "...she's planning to out you both so that she can get control of the Glee Club back."

And Numero Tres..." Santana concluded. "...the two of you didn't have a single damn clue, because the both of you were sloppy as hell about hiding it!"

"We don't even flirt at school!" Sam argued, extremely conflicted on how he should approach what was happening. On the one hand, he was happy to know that he and his girlfriend had unwittingly scored allies in their fight to be a couple. However, he also resented the notion that they needed help in the first place, seeing as how he and Mercedes' behavior was nothing if not careful. "We don't hold hands in the halls, or sneak around kissing each other..." He sighed. "I don't know how else we can hide the fact that Mercy and I are together."

"Mike and I would tell Sam if his 'boyfriend' was showing," argued Tina, fully prepared to help her OTP regain it's equilibrium. "The only reason we know they're a couple is because we got them together!" After smirking in reaction to the glare she received from Mercedes, Tina went on. "There's no way in hell anybody can tell these two are dating; I think you three are just overly suspicious, and Rachel's only a threat in her own mind..."

"Yeah," Mike agreed, "Sam and Mercedes are totally discreet together..."

"Which is exactly why Berry isn't buying it," explained Quinn, patiently. She was, obviously, not the only person in the room who'd ever gone head to head with Rachel; she was, however, the only one who knew just how far the tiny brunette would go to get her way. Quinn knew she had to make the others see that this was no laughing matter. "I know it sounds crazy, but the fact that she doesn't have any proof is exactly why she's doubling down on finding dirt. The two of you are too innocent, and for someone like Berry, that means proving you guilty now presents a challenge. Mercedes..." She caught her soul-sister's eye. "...When was the last time you had a crush on someone but didn't take every opportunity flirt with them or be close at school?"

"Rachel knows Sam likes Mercedes because we told her." Santana leered at him, still tickled by all the "evidence" from the hot necking session they'd interrupted. "That part is over and dunzo; we can't turn back time and try to act like it never happened. And Troll-face is thinking about that every time she gets comfortable in one of her little stake-out spots preparing to out you. So you two look like a couple of dumbasses for pretending to act all brand new with each other at school."

"The lady doth protest too much," Britts sat back up and laid her head on San's shoulder. "Sam's the lady."

"This is war," Quinn continued. "And the two of you aren't treating it seriously enough, which will be your downfall ultimately." Catching the scared look passing between Samcedes, she smiled. "We'll help you act more normal," Quinn offered. "We'll make sure Berry sees the two of you behaving like good friends, standing around the halls talking in big groups...and you can have your dates in public with all of us there so it looks like an ND thing instead of a romantic tete a tete."

"You should flirt with him," Britts suggested to Mercedes. "When you had a crush on Kurt..."

Unable to stop himself, Sam chuckled, earning a swat from his girl.

"...you treated him like he was the hottest guy in school. You didn't even like that Rashad dude, but for the two seconds you two dated, it was all about waves across the cafeteria and winking at him in the hall. This weird shy behavior isn't like you, Mercy..."

"And for Beelzebub's sake, call us so we can let you know the bitch's twenty before you show up in this piece and start humping around!" Santana snapped.

"Her dads and I had a conference with Rachel yesterday," Sam nodded. "Maybe I pissed her off there, and it gave her an excuse to try and ruin me."

Mercedes took his hand sympathetically.

"So if the three of you don't mind, I'd appreciate your help," he agreed to their terms. "If there's anything I can do to thank you..."

"No need, Sammy-Boy," Quinn stood up. "Keep running Glee Club the way you have been and making Mercedes happy, and you'll have my blessing. I owe you anyway for not helping Rachel steal Finn back."

"Me, too..." Santana agreed., ready to go as well. "...You gave Britts and Mike a chance to sing onstage with the rest of us and she's happy. So I'm happy too. Just don't fuck it up with Sista Big Bone over there and we good..."

"Mike and I will help," Tina and her boyfriend made their way to the door so they could all make a hasty exit. "Enjoy the rest of your night, and oh yeah..."

Mike gripped Tina's arm and forced her outside.

"...sorry we interrupted the fun!" she shrieked while being dragged away.

After closing the door and taking a deep breath, Sam and Mercedes burst into laughter before resuming their positions on the sofa.

Night Whispers

"I know you told me that some of the new Cheerios Titans in Glee were in marching band back in middle school..." Mercedes got comfortable in bed, falling into conversation with Sam just as easily as falling to sleep. "...so the little skit you planned out during the final number was your way of making sure they get featured at Nationals. But somehow I pictured Neck Brace Cheerio playing the clarinet and Samoan Titan banging the bass drum. Not the other way around!"

Chuckling, Sam silently agreed. "Yeah, I was surprised too. I didn't realize we had enough former marching band members in Glee club to put on a whole mini-halftime show, either! What with Satan twirling the baton she stole off the head majorette and you tossing around that color guard flag somebody gave you, Britts and Quinn doing high kicks better than the dance team, and the fact that we have members who used to play a trumpet, a flute, a french horn, a trombone, a sax, and Finn on the tuba... why the hell aren't all of y'all not on the field at half-time during football games, anyway?"

Mercedes shrugged, though Sam couldn't see her. "Sixth grade was pretty much just like McKinley, Sam. You had to choose gospel choir or band as an elective, one or the other, at the end of elementary school. Choir was the lame choice, even back then. We all played an instrument or tried out for the auxiliary so we could be cool. Middle school is eat or be eaten, Mr. Lucky I Was Home-Schooled." She laughed. "Of course, when we got to high school, the whole thing became lame anyway, so we all pretty much dropped it for cooler electives up until Glee Club."

"That's the most insane thing I've ever heard in my life," Sam shook his head, feeling bad that a group of kids who loved music so much would give it up in order to protect their new reputations. "Well it's all gonna come in handy now, anyway...Full circle, Baby!"

"Are we done with the small talk, yet, Sammy..." Mercedes changed the subject abruptly. "...or can we discuss what you really called me to talk about?"

Sam's girl knew him too well. "The thing in the motel..."

"Right," Mercedes agreed. "You always try to probe me after we get too hot and heavy to make sure I'm not freaked out."

"So are you?" he prodded. "Freaked out, I mean."

"No, I told you..." Mercedes purred. "I was having a lot of fun up until we were interrupted."

"What was your favorite part?" Sam joked. "Marking me up, or bouncing on my lap?"

Mercedes, despite feeling a rush of leftover hormones, reminded him "You were the one who asked me to sit on you."

"And I don't regret a damn thing," Sam wasn't ashamed at all. "Starting the day after Nationals you may never have to walk again. I might carry you everywhere," he threatened, meaning every word. Sam knew a lot of women were insecure about their looks, and specifically their weight, and theoretically, the subject could cause relationship issues if he was ever insensitive to them. If Mercedes was the kind of young woman who felt uncomfortable with him holding her, touching her, lifting her at all... He'd be left stuck between a rock and a hard place. Is it a boyfriend's job to respect those boundaries and accept what his girl is willing to offer him, or does he have a responsibility to help her feel at ease in his presence? Sam wasn't completely sure, but he was really glad he didn't have to figure it out. "You know me by now; I'm just checking in...So what's the verdict?"

"Verdict is twofold," Mercedes answered. "I like being with you, and I haven't had a change of heart. You're mine, and sometimes I need to put my hands on you and savor the fact that you're mine. I love that you feel the same way."

"And the second part?" he wondered.

"I know one day I might not feel like this anymore. I could change my mind, or not be feeling it, or maybe not like you so much some time in the future..."

"I'm seriously about to start pouting right now, Baby," Sam interjected.

"Ha!" Mercedes went on. "If that happens, I don't want to sit around trying to figure out how to break the news to you that tide has turned. And I really do not like the idea of explaining that consent can be revoked at any time to you or anyone else. The fact that you check in with me means that I won't ever have to. You'll make sure I'm good, and I know I can trust you to keep making sure."

"I really like that you feel that way," Sam admitted.

"So do I," Mercedes agreed.

"So we're good?" Sam checked once more.

"Always, Blondie," Mercedes reiterated. "Every time."

A/N: I had to let Horny!Mercedes out one good time, y'all. She has a hot BF who treats her like a princess and loves her dirty drawers. That's a recipe for her becoming a little hot in the ass. But don't ya'll worry about Mercedes, though. She has a plan and ain't no pretty boy about to derail her!