Reviews for Born This Way
Guest chapter 21 . 6/18
Really missing this story. Hoping all is well.
HomiesOverHos chapter 9 . 2/2
OMG YOU SNAPPED IN THE WRITING OF THIS ONE! Every point Sam brought up is the reason I stopped watching Glee during S2. Something about Will creeped me out and he wasn’t likable at all, along with Rachel. I just got into Samcedes dec of last year upon realizing they were a thing. It’s like you took all my ranting about the show and said it far better than I ever did lol.
Bmarie90 chapter 21 . 9/8/2019
I did not realize how much I’ve missed this story until I re-read it after getting the alert for the update. I forgot how well written it is, the attention to detail; the everything. I think this last chapter has been my absolute favorite because it’s so Samcedes centered. Not to mention it opens up the possibility that we may get more Samcedes moment to throw off Rachel. This is truly an amazing story and I can’t wait to read more.
Emma chapter 21 . 9/7/2019
Loved this chapter so much, thank you for coming back really enjoy this story so much.
So glad the girls are all in with helping samcedes and hopefully they will be able to get Rachel of their backs for good!
Loved the sexy times between them too, they are
Too adorable.
Mowatts87 chapter 21 . 9/7/2019
I glad they have the unholy trinity on their side because Rachel is out for blood. I love the way Sam and Mercedes talk everything out. They have great communication.
bcandylandgirl chapter 21 . 9/7/2019
Aw! My babies are all in lust but walking that fine line between exploration and boundaries. I love those two together. And the fact that even tho Mercy is a lil "hot in the ass" as you say, but also is letting Sammy know that she isn't so into him that she'll let him go too far shows that she knows her worth. And while I love that Mercy is dressing how she feels (sexy) I love knowing that Sam was attracted to her even before the change. Let's us know he isn't just after any girl who shows the most skin. He really digs her and I love that.

I also love that they aren't too embarrassed to talk about the physical aspects of their relationship. Staying on the same page is super important. And by Sam always checking in with her after a heavy make out session, it shows that he values her feelings and isn't disregarding them in favor of his own sexual desires. I love that he knows that comfortability takes time. And I'm super glad that his hormones aren't getting in the way of him taking that time. Lord, if all boys and men were like this we'd be much better off.

Anywho, what with the UT knowing abt Samcedes, I think they'll make good allies against sweater vest and mini Barbra. Those two aren't likeable enough to have many allies. And with the current hit job underway, numbers are needed to win the war. Sam and Mercy are blessed to have so many ppl in their corner.

Thanks again for the update. Blessings to you and your fam.
Emma chapter 21 . 9/6/2019
So happy to see you back, but even better to hear you are doing well now and have got through everything ok.
Thank you for continuing this great story!
bcandylandgirl chapter 20 . 9/6/2019
First of all, I'm so glad you're doing better health wise.

Secondly, thank you so much for updating this fic. I was mad surprised when I saw it had a new chapter. Bless you for not giving up!

Now...I love how Sam handles these meetings. First w Schue and now w Rachel. He sure knows how to handle difficult ppl. If he didn't take up teaching I swear he could've gone into counseling, psychiatry or conflict resolution. Seems to me he knows how to move those difficult ppl out of his way, but also gives them an outlet to channel their artistic energies in to. And these outlets make room for the other glee members to have a chance to shine. Everybody wins! I love that.

And I'm so glad my babies Samcedes are still going strong.

Again, thank you for sharing your hard work. It's much appreciated.
myhiggins25 chapter 21 . 9/6/2019
yesssss! The opening was so perfect and sexy! Looking forward to finding out Rachel's scheme, and Sam finally getting under that shirt to 2nd base!
zeejack chapter 21 . 9/6/2019
sam def chose the right person to be his first girlfriend. quinn or santana would have chewed him up and spit him out. much like they did in canon. i do love how sam keeps things professional while on school grounds and during school activities. cause we know rachel the idiot would be all over him with more lies. kudos to mike for cluing sam in on cedes' change in style. the talk sam had with cedes, stopping before things got out of hand. *swoons* it just made me fall in love with him all over again. cedes is beyond adorable and i love that she's not playing mind games with sam. the way he checks to make sure she's ok with what they do is proof that he's the man for her. omg, loved how the ut, mike and tina came to samcedes and let them know the idiot was trying to bust them. i really hope the fuck the idiot up and her boy jessie too! loved this update and i'm so freaking happy you're back!
Mowatts87 chapter 20 . 9/6/2019
I'm so happy that you are better and that you're able to get to doing what you enjoy and spend quality time with your family. Thank you for deciding to come back and continue this awesome story. I can't wait to see how this all plays out!
Guest chapter 20 . 9/5/2019
I lie to you not, I literally looked at this story TODAY and thought “it’s so sad that we will never find out what happens next” Then here you come, swooping in like Wonder Woman, bringing back hope. I am beyond excited to jump back into this story; especially since I’ve been considering re-reading it...which I totally am. Again...I am so excited to be reading this again and I am sending you all the good vibes so you don’t loose your muse!
Guest chapter 19 . 4/4/2019
I hope you can come back and finish this story
bcandylandgirl chapter 19 . 1/28/2019
Any chance you'll be updating this fic? Pretty plz?
nae1213 chapter 19 . 7/28/2018
Damn I missed this story. I forgot how much I love it. Had to re read it. Definitely a fave
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