"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, L'ÉTATS-UNIS!" America almost didn't hear the call over the roaring music that filled the yacht. He turned his head to see France running in his direction with a wrapped box in hand. France halted directly in front of him, and handed him the box. "Open it up! Your big brother France made it after all, so you know that it's going to be good!"

America paused with his hand about to untie the box covered in rose patterned wrapping paper. He eyed the French country carefully, "I'm not sure if this present would be appropriate to open in public..."

France let out a care-free laugh, "Don't worry, it's not the same present as last year!"

With an eager nod America started to rip open the box with the same enthusiasm of a child. Once the wrapping paper was on the floor and the lid flew off, he glanced inside. There was a variety of French pastries in a clear box. What was sitting on top of the box was the thing that threw America off. There was a bottle of lube, handcuffs, and some other suggesting items that he would rather not recall. America glanced up at France with a blush and a raise of his eyebrow, "I thought you said you didn't get me the same present as last year."

"I didn't, I added my beautiful pastries! My cooking has to be the best thing that I can give you, non?" France's eyes sparkled with pride.

America stared out the window at the large green statue that stood proudly on a small island, "Definitely not."

France followed his gaze and chuckled, "Well if you compare this present to that one, then surely my pastries must be nothing."

America nodded, "Yeah, this is the first day she's opening up again after the storm too!" It sure was appropriate that the Statue of Liberty opened for the first day since Hurricane Sandy on the same day that his citizens celebrated his nation's glory.

France bent down and picked up the lid to the present, "Well that's good! Here, you might want to cover up that present. You can save it for the birthday l'amour you're probably going to have." He raised his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

America blushed and quickly covered the box, "Well, I better put this with the rest of the presents. Thanks France! Hey, before I go, have you seen England?"

France paused to think for a second before shaking his head with a slight frown, "No….. but don't worry! I was with him when we all got on the yacht, so he's definitely on board. I bet he's near the bar. If I see him I'll tell him that you were looking for him."

America nodded, "Alright, well once again thanks for the gift!" France yelled something close to a "you're welcome" over the music before joining Prussia and Spain on the dance floor. America slowly shuffled through the crowd to the present table. The table was completely piled with colored boxes; some even had to be stacked on the floor around the table because there wasn't enough room. America crouched down to place France's gift on the floor behind the pile just in case somebody knocked over the table and the lid came off. He wouldn't be too happy if his guests saw what France had given him.

When he stood back up, he glanced around the bottom floor of the glorious boat they were on. Renting a yacht for his birthday was a good idea. There were four floors. The bottom floor, which he was on was lit up with bright neon-colored lights. The main focus of the floor was the DJ booth and the dance floor.

Feet shuffled and everybody was moving like there was no tomorrow. There was twirling, jumping, and space was cleared for anybody willing to break dance. The DJ played anything that was requested, even when Austria requested Chopin. He and Hungary attracted tons attention with their very sophisticated ballroom dancing. Right now, the speakers nearly shook from the strong base as some dub step erupted the room. There were a couple of seats set off to the side for anybody who was tired of dancing, but it didn't look like any of them were being used tonight. The back of the room had a small bar and the table full of presents. America quickly scanned the bar stools in search for England, but the bar was nearly empty, for a popular song was playing and everybody was dancing to it.

"Well, are you just going to stand around, or are you going to dance?" a sweet voice called, tickling his ears. He turned his head to see a beautiful blonde looking his way. She wore a shimmering white dress that didn't quite go past her knees and blue high heels. America didn't know her name yet, but he had known her for years, if not much longer than that.

The thing that everybody remembered her by was her hair. Her golden hair went down to her elbows in waves and curls. Her hair never settled in one direction, and was wild and unpredictable. Her hair was gold, not blonde, and the color could be seen through the flashing lights reflecting off of it. Her well-shaped lips were covered in a dangerous red lip gloss, her blush defined her cheek bones, and her smoky eye shadow lit up her sea blue eye. Only one eye could be seen due to her wild bangs that curled over her left eye. She smiled coolly at America as she leaned against a wall, "Well, America?"

America smiled jovially and took her arm, "Let's dance!" He proposed. He was about to lead her to the busy dance floor before he caught the sight of France, Spain, and Prussia twerking. His eyes twitched and he asked, "How about a place a that's a little more formal?"

The blonde followed his gaze and laughed, "That would be nice. Top floor?"

"Yeah!" With his arm still wrapped around hers, they both walked up the stairs. The second floor was almost as busy as the first. There were several hot tubs on the second floor, and the music could still be heard. Guests all sat in the hot tubs, talked, and sang along to the catchy songs they knew. They walked through the second floor, but by the time they reached the first hot tub, the woman reached her foot across America's and he fell to the ground. Laughter could be heard throughout the area as the hot tub users watched America in amusement. After the embarrassing fall, he scrambled to his feet and chased her. "Hey! Lady! You can't just push down the hero!" With this, they began racing through the yacht, laughing and screaming.

America still had no idea how she was able to match his speed while wearing those expensive and painful-looking shoes. After glancing at them earlier, he had made the decision that those shoes could be used as torture devices. When they almost ran over a waiter with a handful of food, they started to slow down and catch their breath.

They now reached the third floor, and there was a sizeable difference between the two floors. The third floor was very classy. The DJ music was drained out of the room and smooth jazz could be heard through the wall speakers. There was a small indoor seating room, but almost everybody that wanted to eat was upstairs. Most of the floor was all kitchen area. All along one wall, were doors that led to the large kitchens. Waiters bustled in and out with food and orders scribbled on a small notepad. As they both leaned against one of the walls, America looked over at her and laughed.

"What?" She asked in confusion.

He shook his head, "It's nothing really. It's just that you went from a pretty woman to a playful child in a matter of seconds."

She raised an eyebrow, "Oh, I'm pretty? I didn't know that we were in that kind of a relationship to give each other such complements."

America tilted his head, "So I'm not allowed to call you pretty now?"

The woman smirked, "No, I'm perfectly fine with it. By the way, you look pretty sexy yourself."

America blushed and brushed his hands against the clean black suit he wore, purposely drawing attention to it, "I always do my best."

"Yeah, like last year when you started a food fight? I bet you were caring so much about your outfit then."

America snorted, "Well you're the one who helped me start it, didn't you?"

The blonde didn't answer as she started to stroll through the small dining area. They stepped up the empty stairway to the top floor. The top floor was definitely the best in America's opinion, because it was an open space with no walls or windows. There was only a railing to prevent anybody from falling off, and tables set up everywhere. Waiters would glide from table to table, gracefully taking orders and delivering food. Near the tables was a bar where the bartenders were flipping wine bottles and creating fancy drinks for anybody who was interested. Past the tables and the bar was a small clearing there was an orchestra that played beautifully. America glanced up at the outline of New York City. The city was lit up now as the sun started to set, the Statue of Liberty and the city behind her started to darken in front of the colored sky.

"Nice, isn't it? The fireworks will be starting soon too." She whispered, as if her voice would disrupt the unique tranquility of the city that never slept.

They strolled through the top floor for a little while. America gave a small nod in greeting to the nations there. He scanned the room for England. Italy and Germany shared a table. America watched as Italy tried to feed Germany a forkful of pasta. Germany declined, and a tiny disappointed "ve" could be heard. Switzerland and Liechtenstein were not too far away, enjoying their meal in easy silence. Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea all sat in a group, talking and laughing.

A couple more nations that America that had a problem recognizing with their backs turned to him sat at the bar. He didn't see England anywhere though. He was starting to wonder if he jumped off the boat when he first got on, because he didn't see him the whole time he was here. They passed the bar, and continued to the small clearing where the orchestra was set up. Hungary and Austria were slow dancing to the soothing music. America held the blonde's hand in his and led her towards the clearing, "Ready for that dance?"

She put her arms around America's neck and he placed his hands around her, "Of course I am." They started off with a simple slow dance until the song ended. Then violins and cellos soon created a very daring song with a certain edge to it.

Austria and Hungary converted to doing a ballroom dance. The woman with America took a step back and America stared at her in confusion. She then stepped towards him again, this time instead of putting her arms around his neck, she took America's hand and held it outwards, then she planted her other hand on his shoulder. America placed his remaining hand around her lower back and they began to dance. America and the blonde beauty matched each other's steps; they even did some of the ballroom moves that one would see on TV.

The other nations started to notice their graceful dancing when the blonde swiftly glided her foot across the floor as America leaned her back. America could hear the gossiping whispers, but ignored them and focused on the music. America shared a quick look with Austria before removing his hand from the girl's and spinning her across the clearing. Austria did the same and America caught Hungary in his arms with certain elegance.

"So who's the girl?" Hungary asked as he twirled her around.

"Just a friend," America answered easily.

"Does this friend have a name?" She pressed.

The American twirled her again for a quick moment to think, "Uhhhh….Eureka! Yep! Her name is Eureka."

Hungary nodded, "That's a pretty name."

America quietly agreed with her, he was really hoping that Eureka introduced herself to Austria with the same name. He decided to quickly change the subject, "Dude, that is a cool dress!" He beamed loudly.

She looked down at her green dress that went down to her ankles, "Thank you!" she exclaimed kindly. "You are ever the gentleman today!"

America rubbed the back of his neck. "It is my birthday after all…. I am more mature!" Hungary smiled and spun around the room with him. They continued to dance for a minute or two in a comfortable silence. America then twirled her back to Austria and soon Eureka was spun into his arms, "Your name is Eureka for tonight." He whispered mischeivously.

Eureka snorted, "Really? You couldn't have been more creative? You've used that name a thousand times. Besides, I told the other European that my name is Calandra."

America stared at her, "And I'm the one who has to be more creative? Exactly how many times have you used that name?"

"I usually introduce myself as Callie, so not that often."

America glanced over at the dancing couple; Austria and Hungary were talking to each other as they danced. Their expression could be read as a little confused, they must have told each other the golden girl's name. He turned back to the girl, "Eureka can be your last name."

"Calandra Eureka... I'll have to get used to that one for the night," Calandra said with a soft smile.

America softly chuckled, "So how are the others?"

"Good, most of them are trying to avoid the nations. The rest of them... not so much. Don't worry though; none of us would dare call each other out by our real names." Calandra looked in Austria's and Hungary's direction, "It looks like they have some questions."

"And we'll give them some answers, Calandra Eureka." He once again spun Calandra to Austria and Hungary took his hand.

"So Austria heard a story a bit different from yours," Hungary stated.

"Did he?" America raised his tone a little in state of a question.

"Yes." Hungary looked into his eyes, "So her name isn't Eureka, but it's Calandra?"

America laughed and shook his head, "No you got it all wrong, Eureka is her last name. Her name is Calandra Eureka."

The Hungarian paused for a second, "Well that name sure is interesting, does she live in Europe?"

"No, she's from California. She is European though."

"Oh, I see." Hungary twirled back to Austria and Calandra landed in his arms once again.

"Austria didn't ask you where you're from, did he?"

Calandra nodded, "I said I live in Europe…..it would explain the weird name."

"Crap," America muttered. The song thankfully ended and clapping could be heard throughout the whole floor. The two couples bowed with the orchestra before parting ways as another slow song began to play. America gazed at Austria and Hungary nervously, "We should go."

"I haven't tried out the hot tubs yet," Calandra stated with a shrug.

America nodded in agreement and quickly pulled her down the stairs, "I'll drop you off at the second floor, and then I'll get the DJ to announce that the fireworks are going to start soon." They calmly walked through the small indoor dining area and flew down another flight of stairs. America paused once they reached the second floor, "The changing areas are over there," he said as he pointed to the back of the room.

Calandra smiled, "Alright, see you when the fireworks come, tell DJ Mass I said 'hi'."

America blinked, "He's the DJ?" The blonde nodded and he laughed, "I didn't know that he was so interested in the DJ buisness."

Calandra shrugged, "I guess that he wanted to do it," Calandra started to walk towards the back of the room. "Goodbye for now!"

America waved his goodbye and stepped down the stairs. The dance floor was just as busy as it was when he left. America nearly lost his patience trying to reach the DJ booth. Behind the DJ booth was a young man wearing a pair of sunglasses and a fifty dollar hat. He was talking to a girl about requesting a song. "Hey Massy! Whatcha you doin'?"

"Massy" glanced over and quickly turned to the girl, most likely promising to play the song she requested, and walked over to him, "The name's DJ Mass, and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. So far the only thing I know how to do is play the requested songs," his Boston accent sounded more than a little confused.

America laughed, "Let me guess,…." America began.

"Go for it." Massachusetts stated directly, his tone matching his crisp business suit.

"Ok…I'm guessing that…. somebody left you with the job as the DJ while they went to eat some food or something?"

Massy nodded, "That would be DJ NV, don't worry though, I've been doin' this for about an hour now and I think that I'm starting to get the hang of it. Anyways DJ NV gave me this hat and these cool sunglasses, so I'm alright with running the DJ booth for a while."

"Alright Massy, if you say so. Could you announce that the fireworks are going to start soon?"

"Of course, America. Let me just..." Massy leaned over the DJ booth and scanned past all of the different buttons, "Do you know how to work this thing?"

The American snorted and grabbed a microphone, "Press that button." Massy pushed on the button he pointed to and the music paused, the dancing stopped almost immediately and the crowd stared towards the DJ booth in confusion. America tapped the microphone with his fingers a couple of times. Once hearing the tapping echo throughout the area, he brought the microphone to his mouth. "Hey dudes! Sorry to interrupt your awesome dance moves, but the fireworks are going to start any minute now!" Cheers erupted through the first and second floor, and America wasted no time in grabbing Massy's hand and dragging him up the stairs. The Guests soon followed. Both men charged up the yacht in hopes of beating the crowd. They were lucky that the second floor was still trying to dry off as much as possible and the third floor was basically only the staff in the kitchen. They soon reached the top floor and raced to the railing so that they could get a good view.

Massy let go of America's hand, "I'm gonna go watch the fireworks with the other states, alright? I heard they're gonna be wicked awesome!"

America smiled, "It's all cool dude!" Once he left, a couple of countries stood by America.

"So the fireworks are going to start soon? Fantastico!" Italy exclaimed.

America nodded, "Yup! Better get out your cameras! 'Cause this is going to be awesome!"

Italy let out a small squeal of joy, "Yay! Your dancing was spectaculo by the way!"

"Well, ballroom dancing usually attracts all of the classy ladies, so it's nice to show off my moves when I can."

"Who was that girl anyways?" Germany asked curiously.

Austria and Hungary found room to stand next to Germany, "Her name is Calandra Eureka, she lives in Europe and California," Austria said with a skeptical tone of disbelief.

America stared at Austria in confusion, "Did I say California? Sorry, dude! She lives in Europe most of the time, but she has a beach house in California, she stays there every summer."

Austria eyed him suspiciously while Hungary laughed, "How silly this situation is! You really confused us for a moment!"

America forced a laugh and Austria turned his head to look at the view. He suddenly felt a buzz in his pocket and took his iphone out to read a new text message.

Did they buy any of your bullshit? -Calandra Eureka

America had to bite his tongue to avoid laughing, he glanced around to see the blonde now in a bathing suit staring at him with her phone in hand.

Pretty sure they did. You have a beach house in California, which you stay at every summer. You live in Europe every other time. -USA

Cool, now put your phone away, I think I saw a firework -Calandra Eureka

America shoved his phone in his pocket excitedly just as he heard Italy shout, "It's starting! Fratello, it's magnifico!" Italy pulled over an angry looking Lovino.

"Whatever bastardo." America chuckled. The Italy brothers and him were pretty close.

Everybody stared in wonder as fireworks exploded everywhere. The sky was lit up with colors and smoke. The orchestra that had consumed the ballroom dancing was now playing the Star Spangled Banner. America leaned forward and watched the scene unfold with pride. His nation has come so far, what had been a band of colonies had united and formed this amazing country. Long ago, on this exact day, The thirteen colonies declared their independence as the United States of America. The war was anything but a good time, but it was all worth it. War is always painful, even to the victorious. Even so, when he told his men the verdict of the battle, their pride and unity made up for everything that had been lost. Their independence was won, and to this day, they celebrate the day that officially started the battle against the once-large empire. America always loved this day. It was the one day where all of his stress disappeared. For one day a year, he could finally appreciate the good things he has done instead of looking down on the bad.

None of his bosses bothered to contact him past a simple happy birthday message, for they knew that he didn't even want to think about work on this day. America almost allowed himself to frown at the thought that there would be a tomorrow, but then he shook his head in an attempt to banish those thoughts and focused on the fireworks. The sky was practically gone, due to the many fireworks that peppered the sky. Everything was completely black against the bright explosives. Everybody always went insane about the Independence Day fireworks, and there was no blaming them.

There were shouts and cheers and one man even stood on a chair and started to sing the anthem along with the orchestra. Soon almost everybody was singing the beautiful song, only the countries didn't, but they weren't American and still had their pride to hold onto, so they were excused.

Once the finale came to an end, America glanced over to the crowd to see the staff rolling in a giant cake covered in stars and stripes. Obnoxious but miraculously in-tune singing filled the yacht, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALFRED! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! TANTI AUGURI A TE, TANTI AUGURI A TE, TANTI AUGURI PER L'ALFRED, TANTI AUGURI A TE!"


America turned to Italy with an amused smile, "Let's not do that. The party will be over by the time you reach my age."

"Well, it's not that bad. Just imagine how long it would take if we did that at China's birthday party," Russia said with a chuckle.

"Hey!" China called out in protest.

Canada rolled the cake closer to America, whispering as quietly as usual, he said "Make a wish and blow out the candles!" Canada was waiting almost too eagerly for his brother to lean over the cake. The second he blew out the last candle, Canada pressed a button, and cake went flying everywhere. America stood there dazed for a second, his face was barely recognizable with all of the frosting caked over it. His suit was also completely covered in cake.

The yacht erupted with laughter and America turned to Canada, "You made my cake explode?"

Canada smirked, "Nice, eh?"

America nodded, "Really nice. So nice in fact, that I should give my sweet brother a hug for his generosity." America extended his arms and took a step forward.

Canada then took a step back, "A-America, don't you dare!"

America let out an overly-dramatic gasp, "You don't want a hug from your own brother on his birthday!? And they say all Canadians are nice!" He started running towards his brother with his arms still extended.

"AMERICA, NO!" Canada scrambled through the crowd, trying to put as much distance between him and his brother as possible, but America continued to thunder after him. Soon enough Canada had his body being crushed against America's. He could already start to feel the frosting stick to his suit. "Gross," he muttered.

America laughed and ruffled his frosting covered hands through Canada's hair, causing him to wince. "Think of the bright side, bro! No matter what happens, you can't possibly have more cake on you than I do!" America stopped hugging him and went back to the exploded cake, "So does anybody want a piece?" Japan quickly shook his head. "Why not, Japan? Not only is it colored, but it exploded! Can such awesomeness be combined in a single cake?"

Massachusetts walked up to America, "Well obviously it can't since all the awesomeness exploded the cake." They both watched the destroyed cake be wheeled away by a couple of waiters. "The cake never does survive for eating does it? Every year somethin' happens where the cake is demolished and everybody is covered in frosting." He leaned a little closer to avoid anybody else around him hearing but America, "Meet me with the others on the other side of the floor, got it?" America gave him a nod, "Alright, well see you latah!" The temporary DJ walked away without looking back.

America watched him for a second before turning his attention back to the other countries. "Who was that?" Canada asked.

"He was the DJ!" Prussia announced.

America nodded in agreement, "Yeah, speaking of that, the dance floor's going to come back to life in a couple of minutes."

"Really!? Awesome!" Prussia dragged France and Spain back down the stairs.

America used the scene that Prussia made as an opportunity to quickly slip away from the crowd. He passed the bar and the orchestra as quietly as possible and made a sharp turn around the boat. This side of the boat was barely used throughout the whole evening since it didn't have the stunningly beautiful scene of the city skyline and the Statue of Liberty that the other side had. Which was good since he could meet these familiar faces without any questions from the others. Massy and Calandra looked up at him as he came closer and closer, "There's the birthday boy! Damn, do you look nice!" Calandra swiped a chunk of frosting from America's cheek and licked it off her finger.

"Like I said, I always try my best!" Calandra snorted in response.

"Finally! Where the fuck were you for the past hour?!" Massy nearly shouted at a man wearing swim trunks and sunglasses.

The man shrugged, "I was checking out the hot tubs!"

Massy could have slapped him right then and there, but he held back. "What!? NV, You left me at the DJ booth for a whole hour! I had no idea what I was doin'!"

NV laughed, "Sorry about that, how about I make it up to you and work the DJ booth with you instead of just leaving you. I can show you how to make them all dance!"

America pointed to Massy, "Massy had them going pretty well too."

"Yeah, you should have seen Spain, Prussia, and France!" Calandra and America both burst out laughing.

"If you're going to be the DJs then you better get down there fast, 'cause those three are already waiting for you."

NV nodded, "Alright, well let me just get changed and I'll meet you down there."

Massy narrowed his eyes, "Yeah, like I'll be waiting there for anothah hour while you enjoy the hot tub! I'm going with you and we'll both go down togethah!"

NV started walking away, "Alright, I'll admit that I was planning to do that. Smart decision, DJ Mass. Come on then, by the way, America! Your present is on the table!" NV grabbed Massy's wrist and his hand covered what looked like a white bracelet and dragged him forward.

"Alright, thanks dude!" One thing America noticed with the present table was that all of the presents were addressed to him by their fake names. It was sure going to be fun trying to figure out which present was from which mystery guest.

"Hey, America!" A sharp Brooklyn accent called. A man approached him with a girl besides him. The man had stylish short brown hair and wore a clean suit and a pair of sunglasses, the girl had stunningly bright hair that matched the leaves around fall time. Only one of her forest green eyes could be seen, for she purposely brushed her hair over the left side of her face, she wore a ruffled green dress and bark brown heels.

"I'm sorry, and your name is?"

America could barely see the man roll his eyes through his sunglasses, "You know my name, but for tonight it's Jay Excelsior, and this is Clover Montpelier," Jay said introducing the red-head.

"Let me guess, the Jay came from the movie, The Great Gatsby?"

Clover rolled her eyes, "He only saw the movie four times."

"What's better than a good movie, old sport?"

"You dragged me with you to see it four times, Jay, four times!" Clover shook her head and turned her attention back to America, "Well, happy birthday!" Her voice was as sweet as maple syrup.

"Are we still on for the 6th?" Jay asked.

America nodded excitedly, "Of course! Leave your fake identities at home, 'cause we're gonna have the most raging party at my house, and only you guys are invited!"

"You supply the music and we'll bring the food!" Calandra cheered.

"Well I better get back to the nations before they start to wonder where I am, have any of you seen England by the way?"

"Why would anybody want to see that fucking limey of a red coat?" Jay spat. His tone was dry and his eyes burned with a certain hatred through his glasses.

Clover rolled her eyes, "Relax, Jay. We haven't seen him. Are you sure that he's on the yacht?"

America shrugged, "France said he was, but I haven't seen him this whole time. If you see him, tell me, alright?"

"Hopefully we won't."


"It's fine, really," America stated. There was no point in trying to convince Jay to think good of England, he gave up trying to do that years ago. "See ya later!" America started heading back to the other side of the boat. The top floor was filled with familiar faces, but America pretended that they were just random people to fill up the yacht.

It was a fun game, acting like strangers and using the most ridiculous names they could think of. It all happened directly under the other's noses too. There were a couple of times the countries grew suspicious, but never enough to actually search deeper for answers. Only skimming lightly through the topic, then forgetting all about it later. "Oh, sorry miss," He said as he purposely brushed his arm against a woman he knew. She wore a long red dress and a white burette that flopped over her left eye.

"Watch where you're going," she said with a snotty tone that was caked over her slight southern accent, but her visible eye shined with amusement. America had to stop himself from bursting out laughing, and he could tell by the way the corners of her mouth twitched that she was having the same problem. "Next time you bump into me, try not to do it while covered in cake, asshole."

America smirked and playfully tapped her nose with his finger, leaving a dab of frosting, "I'll try not to." She nearly lost it there, she used the excuse to hide her smile when she started to wipe the frosting off of her nose. America continued walking until he saw Canada again, "Yo, Canadia!"

Canada sighed, "It's Canada, and I have a question for you."

"What?" He asked almost nervously. Canada's tone was very direct, and he knew that his brother only used that tone when he thought something was wrong.

"What is up with everybody's eye?" The Canadian asked bluntly.

America stared at him in fake confusion, "What do you mean?"

Canada looked around, "Are you trying to tell me that you haven't noticed? Every single person here but us personifications is covering their left eye somehow. Even that girl that you were dancing with did it. What's going on?"

America paused, it seemed like the game wasn't played under every nose. He decided to laugh it off, "Really? I haven't noticed! It must be a new fad going on, it does look pretty cool!"

Canada shook his head, "The fads in your country are so weird." He dug into his now clean suit jacket and took out a handkerchief, "Here You might want to clean yourself up."

America let out a loud laugh, "I think that I need more than that tiny handkerchief to clean this mess you made!"

"Well jump in the hot tub then!" Canada called over his shoulder as he turned to leave.

His brother followed him, "I just might have to!" Before going down the stairs, America glanced backwards.

Everybody was enjoying themselves. They ate, they talked, they drank, they danced, and they listened to music. As long as none of them broke the rules, they could do whatever they wanted.

The rules of the game were simple; don't give away your identity, don't cross any borders, and don't get caught.

America smirked as he walked down the stairs. They started playing this game before America even knew about it, or them. The game even began before the very first Independence Day was being celebrated. America knew that he could continue the rest of the night without a problem, for there was nothing to worry about.

They were damn good at playing the game.

So the game continued.


Author's note: Hey everybody! Amber reporting for duty! Alright so this plot bunny has been bugging me for a pretty long time, and I just had to turn it into something. This story requires so much research that it's ridiculous, but worth it. So this is a new story that I'm starting which is probably going to turn into a very complicated plot. And what better way to start it than America's raging birthday party? I hope that everybody has a nice independence day! History is my love to I'm happy to celebrate any day that involves a historic event. For those of you who aren't celebrating the 4th since obviously not everyone lives in America, just have a good day in general!

Alright, well I am trying to step up my writing skills so I am doing somethings with this story that I haven't before. First of all I am trying to write in the 3rd person POV. I usually write in 1st person, so if you see any slip ups, please tell me and I will correct it instantly. Anothing thing that I am doing is checking over my writing more often before posting it. Looking over my earlier work I realized how often I let spelling errors slip into my stories, also I barely revised my writing before. That shall change! I probably reread this chapter and edited it over fifty times. Well, I hope you like the story and the next chapter will be posted soon!

By the way, big shout out for northstarwarriorqueen, the beta reader for this story! She's amazing, and I give her much credit for the amazing vocabulary and all of the other awesome edits she made!