My Guardian

A/N: Ok this will be my first time writing a fanfiction, so go easy with the reviews. I'm not the best writer but hey, got to try my hand in different fields you know? Well anyways, this is a JohnDave (homestuck) fanfiction so if you don't like, don't read. Simple as that! This is going to be similar to another fanfiction I read a while ago that said writer is not continuing so I'm gonna make my own along similar guidelines. ENJOY!

Chapter one

John sat at his desk in class one of the day, staring out the window as his teacher drawled on about who knows what in the time period who knows when. He didn't enjoy history class very much. It wasn't exactly his forte. Although he always studied and did really well on tests, so it didn't matter.

His eyes left the window so he could write down the homework. Awesome, reading a packet while making annotations and filling out some kind of chart. He sighed. His teacher seemed to give out nothing but reading and notes. No fun projects. Just reading.

The bell rang and he jumped slightly. He hated that, when the bell went off when he wasn't paying attention.

He hurried out of the class. Quickly and quietly slinking through the hallways.

Why was he being so sneaky?

Because he was a target. A nerdy kid like him who didn't really fit in with the big groups got picked on. A lot. It's been like this since middle school, the jocks and such hurting him physically and emotionally.

Because of all the bullying, the majority of his friends abandoning him so they didn't get hurt. Only three stayed with him. Those were true friends right there. They stood up to the bullies when they saw John in trouble.

They were Rose Lalonde, Jade Harley, and Karkat Vantas.

John made it to his second class without incident and breathed a sigh of relief as he sank into his seat at the back of the class. He pulled out his folder and his paper that was due along with the rubric.

The bell rang but the teacher wasn't there. That was odd. The teacher was always there right when the bell rang.

After a few minutes the teacher walked in followed by a new student.

Said student had bleach blonde hair, kind of like Rose's only brighter. He wore jet black pants with a small silver chain hanging from the belt loops and ratty red converse. His shirt had a depiction of a pixelated broken record partially covered by a hoodie zipped up halfway.

The strangest thing about him was he wore a pair of aviator shades that completely blocked his eye from those of his curious new classmates.

John tilted his head slightly in curiosity. They never get new students in Washington, so he was as stunned and curious as everyone else in his class.

The teacher spoke up "Class, this is Dave Strider. He just moved here from Texas and I expect all of you to be nice since it can be hard adjusting to a new school." He then turned to Dave and pointed to the seat next to John.

The seats next to him were usually empty. John didn't really associate with his classmates other than his three friends.

Dave walked to the back of the class, hands in his pockets and a straight face. Every girl in the classroom was swooning as he gracefully walked down the row to his seat next to John.

As Dave approached his desk, he glanced to his right to see a bright blue eyed, dark haired boy in a long-sleeved white shirt that was a little too big for him and covered up to his fingers. He had plain old jeans that looked like he had had them for a long time, but he had a brand new pair of black and white converse. One for the classics I see Dave thought as he inwardly smiled to himself.

He looked at the kids face and saw buck teeth poking ever so slightly from his mouth and a pair of rectangular rimmed glasses.

He's nerdy Dave thought but he's kinda cute.

He took his seat and glanced slightly at the boy next to him. Dave didn't know what it was about the kid, but he couldn't take his eyes off him.

He pulled his attention away from the boy as the teacher began a lecture about something Dave really didn't care about.

When the teacher finished the lecture, there was only about 10 minutes left and allowed the class to talk for the rest of the time.

Dave noticed a few groups of girls were sneaking glances his way and whispering, throwing in a giggle every so often.

He also noticed how john didn't get up to talk with any of his other classmates, instead he was gazing out the window, although Dave wasn't sure if he was actually looking at the landscape or the clouds. It was more like he was daydreaming.

Dave wondered who this strange kid was. He wanted to know. He poked the kid in the arm and frowned. He thought he saw the kid flinch but he disregarded it and continued to ask his question.

"What's your name ?" he asked with a smirk that made the kid blush a little in embarrassment.

John quickly suppressed his embarrassment, "J-John," he said, "My name is John Egbert."

Dave smiled slightly at this. The name definitely suited him. "The teacher told me to ask you for help in finding my classes." Dave said.

John smiled a bit and asked for Dave's schedule. His brow furrowed slightly. Dave's classes were pretty distant from his classes and taking him there over the course of the next few days could be dangerous in terms of bullies. But if the teacher recommended him he would take the task to heart!

A/N: Well I hope you guys enjoyed it! I will hopefully have chapter 2 up in a week or two depending on how I feel and what all is going on in my life. But the story must go on! P.S: if you want to see a certain character as a bully in the next chapter, just put it in a review and I will contemplate based on said characters personality traits and actions in Homestuck. So send in those reviews if you want to see your favorite character! Thank you for reading and I will see you all soon!