A/N: Hi all! Sorry this took so long to get out to you - life has been crazy busy. Plus, this past month I was working on NaNoWriMo, so all of my writing time went into that and a lot of my time before November went into planning for that. But, now that is over with and done and I have decided to continue this series! So, until the first chapter of the next book is put up (hopefully by next week) here is a tiny tiny sneak peek:

"When do you think we'll wake up?"

"Man, part of me doesn't want to."

"I know what you mean."

"All the same, we cannot continue dreaming."

"This is boring."

"Are you sure I can't have just one little-"


Conversations broke out around the room, demigods and gods alike standing and stretching as they talked.

Poseidon opened his mouth, prepared to ask Percy for a minute of his time, when a voice sounded throughout the room.

"Who says it's time to wake up?"

Heads snapped up at that voice, turning to glare at the owner.

"Hypnos," Zeus growled, gripping his master bolt.

"So," Hypnos said, drawing the word out. "You managed to finish reading about Perseus's first adventure."