6: Frodo

Sam stood before him, tears glinting in his eyes but his face set as he regarded his master. Frodo listened in astonishment to Sam's ultimatum. How could he be saying that? Couldn't he see that it just wasn't that easy…

And then Frodo realised – it was. Of course it was, and he'd been too blind to see it.

Here he was, with his three best friends all standing by him and looking after him where he would surely have been lost by himself, and still he clung to the thought of Bilbo, his dearest Uncle and guide, and been completely oblivious to those that were still with him.

But he didn't need Bilbo now, not really. He had his friends, who had proved themselves to him by trying to help him where most others had just let him alone.

How could he have been so blind? Blinded by his love for Bilbo, he had completely failed to see the love his friends bore for him. How could he have treated them all like this? What kind of a friend was he in return?

And now Sam, his dear Sam, was threatening to leave his service and take up with the S-B's. Not on my watch he won't, thought Frodo vehemently.

As he realised all of this, it all became clear; and the mist that had shrouded his mind in a cloud of darkness was suddenly lifted.

Addressing his friend, he smiled.

'Don't you go anywhere, Samwise Gamgee.'

Startled, all three of the others looked at him, all with the same look of surprise etched on their faces.

'Bilbo would never forgive me if I let Bag End's gardener slip away. I don't think he'd forgive me for behaving like this, though, either,' he sighed, looking Merry, Pippin and Sam in the eye. Sam was really crying now, and Frodo pulled him into a hug.

'I'm sorry, Sam. I know you were only looking out for me. And where would I be if you weren't?'

'I know, sir. And I don't know if I could'a left you, really, Mr Frodo,' Sam mumbled into the fabric of Frodo's shirt. Pulling away slightly, Frodo smiled at Sam.

'Don't ever threaten anything like that again, Sam.'

Sam gave a watery laugh, and wiped his eyes once more.

Turning to his cousins, Frodo swept them each into an embrace, hugging little Pippin especially tightly.

'My dear hobbits,' he said fondly. 'Thank you.' He wasn't sure how he could express his gratitude to them for saving him; without them it was certain he would have sunk so deep into the darkness that he would have been lost forever; and that wouldn't have brought Bilbo back, either way.

Yes, he was lucky indeed to have friends such as these.

Suddenly, Frodo's usual impish grin spread across his face.

'Right then. Who feels up for a bit of Hide and Seek?'


A/N: Well, I hope you enjoyed :) Short and sweet!

Please review and let me know what you thought! :D I really hope you all enjoyed, and thank you so much for reading, especially to those of you who reviewed as well! :)