I'm baaack! Miss me?

*cricket chirps*

Yeah I love you all too. Anyways, some announcements.

winner of last chapter was Tacosarecool

2.I have some synoptic assessments coming up so my updates will be even slower

3.I have been dealing with mah feels lately. DAMN IT PETER JACKSON! (Breaks down sobbing)

4.I do not own the shows, characters (except ocs) used within this story. I only have ocs and plot bunnies.

Dib: Wow... I thought my life was sad.

And I was going to put you in this chapter.

Dib: I take that back!


Justice. It was needed in this world of invaders pretending to be humans and other paranormally weird stuff. The person to bring it? Dib. Dib Membrane. He may look like an ordinary boy with an extremely large head, I mean; seriously wow -

"Alright already! When your done poking fun at me, get back to the story,"

Cough. Sorry. Anyway, Dib may look mundane but he is actually ... A HERO! "That's more like it!"

Shut up.

Anyway, Dib was sitting down watching an episode of Mysterious Mysteries which was talking about the possible existence of time travelling men in blue boxes when it was interrupted. "Breaking news! In Burbank, California, three mysterious creatures which were locked away for being too chaotic have escaped. They were last seen somewhere near... Huh, I can't read that... Apologies. They look like this." The reporter gestured to the photo hovering next to his head of three dog-cat-rabbit-horse-eel things pulling goofy faces."If you spot them call The Warner Brother Studios immediately!"

"Wow! Those things would make me ... A hero!" Dib Membrane sighed contentedly as he imagined himself being praised for capturing the three ... things.

"Our hero!"

"Oh how wrong I was about my son!"

"Dib was right!"

"Hey Stinkhead."

A voice brought Dib back from his daydream. The voice belonged to his sister, Gaz Membrane, a force not to be reckoned with. "Gaz, can't you see I'm the middle of a daydream?!"

"Meh, whatever. I'll be on my Gameslave so don't bother me with your dumb paranormal junk."

"IT'S NOT JUNK!" Dib yelled after her as she slammed her door shut. Muttering, Dib ran out if the room, grabbing his net. He thrust open the front door and rolled out like a ninja, causing it to slam shut. Dib walked in a few moments later sheepishly. "Forgot my camera..." He told no one in particular.

Meanwhile, at Zim' s base, Zim was going through ground rules. "If you see something, I don't know, alienish about don't tell the Dibstink. Got it?" The Warners nodded. "Good."

"Uhhhh, just one question..."


"Who's the Dibstink?" Zim' s jaw dropped.

"Is he a monster?" Wakko asked hopefully.

"Probably not as scary as mine..." Dot huffed. Zim pulled himself together, taking a deep breath.

"My enemy. He's the one thing trying to stop me from taking over the world!" The Warners snorted.

"Been there, done that." Dot deadpanned.

"Had the spin-off." Yakko smirked as he held up a DVD of 'Pinky and the Brain: Season 1'. Zim blinked .

"O-kay... Anyway, those are the ground rules so stick to them." The Warners grinned devilishly.

"We won't..." They replied, causing Zim to scream in annoyance.

Grunt and his partner walked around the new town, looking around in awe. "Gosh, place is amazing!"

"It's a dump." A replied flatly.

"Awh, c'mon A. It ain't that bad..." Grunt tried to lighten the mood like he usually did but only ended up making A annoyed. Something bad was bound to happen. Sure enough, they were splashed with murky rainwater.

"Yeah, it's terrible. Let's just get this mission over and done with. The sooner the boss has the Warners and what's his face the better." With these words, A and Grunt walked away.

I know, I know. This chapter was short but I have a lot of school work.

Until I break up for holiday, adios mis amigos!

Comment below!