Disclaimer: All rights go to J.K Rowling for the amazing and incredible Harry Potter series. As for the Vampire Diaries, they belong to CW, L.J Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec. This disclaimer is to last the duration of the entire story.
A/N: Ok, so I tried this Fanfic out before and it didn't really work out so great for me so I've decided to rewrite it; now for the changes:
Although the Harry Potter events happened in the '90s I transferred them to 2009, the same year The Vampire Diaries (TV show) started. Not many HP characters will be in this story (they will probably come in waaay later in the seasons) it is set in Mystic Falls... Compliant up until the Final Battle and completely ignores the epilogue; Bellatrix LeStrange was not killed by Molly Weasley but merely hurt really badly... Also Fred Weasley did not die… in his place however, Percy has passed on.
And of course, the obvious, I have changed the gender of Harry to a girl! The way you pronounce her name is Kat – lay – ah or for her nickname Lay- ah
Thanks for taking the time to check my story and I hope you are all going to like it! Let's begin shall we?
Family Lost and Found (Prologue)
Dear Cattleya,
To be honest I was fearful to begin this letter and by the end of it I am not too sure if you would ever want to speak to me. It's been so long… I have so many things to ask, to tell you. You must be seventeen now, right?
I'm procrastinating...
Well there isn't really any other way to tell you but... I'm your aunt.
I know it must be a shock and you probably won't believe me but you have to understand, the reason why Petunia never mentioned anything about me was because I supported your mother through everything; her magic, James, you.
I had moved to America before Lily and James passed away and I was too pained by the loss to ever return back to England. I had begged Dumbledore to leave you in my care in America but he needed you in England to watch over you, so the only other option was Petunia.
I know you must think I am selfish, but the pain – the loss of my sister was so hard to bear and it would've made me unfit as a parent to take care of you.
I know these must sound like excuses but please, your Professor – Professor McGonagall if I am not mistaken – paid me visit and explained what had happened. Your time at school, the war… now she says that a crazed woman is after you to take revenge!
I'm begging you Cattleya, come to America, come and live with me. This would be my chance to undo all the guilt I have had for the past sixteen years in giving you up to Petunia, this would be our chance to be a family.
If not, then this would be your chance to get away from that crazed woman and let the Wizard police catch her… or even just to see America and your estranged aunt. Please come, it would mean the world to me to see you again, even if it is only for a moment.
All my love,
Your Aunt Daisy
The letter felt cool and crisp in her hands as Leya stared at it with a mixture of shock and bewilderment. There was absolutely no possible way that the letter she stared at with an unwavering gaze was real, perhaps it was a fake from someone wanting to say that they were blood related to her (she had been getting that a lot lately) or maybe it was something someone had sent just for laughs however cruel it may be.
There was most definitely no way that the letter Leya gripped so tightly in her hands that it wrinkled was real. And yet, the look Professor McGonagall gave her said otherwise.
"Well…" Ron started breaking the silence. "What does it say?"
"I – I have… an aunt." The statement sounded more like a question to her ears and the letter was promptly snatched up by Hermione who mumbled the words aloud for Ron to hear.
"This isn't real, Professor McGonagall there's no way-" Hermione rushed breathlessly but was cut off by Professor McGonagall's crisp voice.
"The letter is in fact very real, Ms. Granger. Now, Potter I know this must come a great shock but-"
"Why didn't he tell me?" Leya murmured her eyes flicking upwards to her former Professor. "Why didn't Dumbledore tell me? Why didn't Sirius or Remus if this Daisy person was so close to my mum as she says she is? How could Aunt Petunia go sixteen years without mentioning a word about another sister?"
Her voice had risen by the time she was finished, unshed tears had gathered in her eyes and her chest moved up and down with her rapid breathing.
"I don't know, Potter, but I am sure that all Dumbledore wanted was to protect you and the only way to do that was here in England and not in America." Professor McGonagall started with a sigh. "As for Sirius and Remus… so many things were happening at that time and they had most likely forgotten all about Lily's sister, they after all had only met her a handful of times."
Leya sighed her eyes dropping back to the dark wood of the kitchen table. She wanted to know more, she wanted a better explanation as to why no one told her of her other aunt, she wanted to know why instead of growing up unloved and neglected by the Dursley's she could've been loved and cherished by her other family member.
"You should go." Said Hermione after a pregnant pause.
"What? Hermione, what about Teddy I can't just leave him!" Leya protested.
"Teddy will be safe with us, Leya. What I mean is… you know Bellatrix escaped." Hermione said bluntly and how could Leya forget. The woman had managed to escape authorities while being escorted to Azkaban killing two Aurors and obtaining a wand in the process.
It caused an uproar in the Ministry and Witches and Wizard were fearing Bellatrix might try and assemble her fellow Death Eaters that hadn't been caught, maybe even try to break out the one's that had been put in Azkaban. Especially since she left a rather fetching message for Leya written in the blood of the Aurors she killed.
Your turn will come filthy half-blood
"Mione's right, Leya." Ron spoke up, glancing between both girls. "If you go to your aunt, Bellatrix will lose you; nobody knows you have family there. It's perfect! Besides." He added hastily before Leya could object. "You know you want to meet her, especially after what she wrote in the letter."
"But Teddy…" Leya trailed off quietly.
"Will be perfectly safe with us and everyone else around." Hermione finished gently. "Just think about it, will you?"
Leya nodded silently giving her two best friends and former Professor the best smile she could muster up.
A resounding thud echoed throughout the street as a girl suddenly appeared out of thin air her knees buckling from the sudden weight of being on solid ground. To any ordinary human they might think that it was a trick of their eye… or that they just might be going crazy after all. But to every other Witch or Wizard it was the norm.
Leya breathed in deeply checking her surroundings, it was the middle of the night in Mystic Falls, Virginia and the street was deadly quiet much to her relief because it meant no one had heard or seen her appear by way of an unregistered unauthorized Portkey.
She threw the old rusty tin can that served as the Portkey into the closest bin and pulled out a small, wrinkled parchment. She glanced down to the small piece of parchment Professor McGonagall had given her, where her aunt's address was written down. She checked the numbers of the house she stood in front of against the numbers on the paper – they coincided.
She had made the decision weeks ago but had only had enough courage to leave now. The letter her aunt had written her was burned to mere ashes and only Ron, Hermione and Professor McGonagall knew where she was.
It's safer for everyone this way, was the mantra Leya repeated as she packed her things. It was hard to leave everyone, especially without them knowing but the person she most dreaded to leave behind was Teddy. Teddy was entrusted to her after Remus and Tonks died, he was her Godson and now instead of taking care of him she was fleeing to some miniscule town in America just because Bellatrix LeStrange was after her, it was ridiculous!
Unfortunately, she could not convince Ron or Hermione into letting her stay. She wasn't even sure how they convinced her to leave in the first place, but they did keep on bringing up the Prophet reporters and how good it would be to get away from it all. Hermione herself mentioned that she and Ron might take a little holiday and stay in a small town in France that her family used to go to during summer when she was younger.
So with uneven breath Leya walked up the porch steps and hesitantly raised her hand before knocking firmly against the door. A moment passed and she was sure her knock went unheard when a light turned on from the second level of the house.
Her breathing quickened as she turned her back to the door closing her eyes as she heard a faint 'coming' in a watered down English accent come from inside the house.
"Cattleya?" A warm dainty voice startled her making her jump a foot in the air. She quickly turned around only to come face to face with a woman she had been most anxious to see during the past week.
Her Aunt Daisy wasn't anything like how she imagined. Leya had pictured her to be Aunt Petunia's carbon copy. But she did not have a neck nearly twice the amount as a usual one; she also didn't have the same horse like features as Aunt Petunia or blonde hair. But what she did have was Aunt Petunia's pale blue eyes, which surprisingly looked warm on her as well as the same thick, dark red hair that Leya's mother Lily had once possessed. Her face was youthful looking making Leya believe she was the youngest out of the three.
She watched as her aunts eyes roamed every inch of her face as if she was trying to burn it to memory. Her eyes lingered longer than necessary on Leya's own making her think she was reliving a memory. Daisy stepped aside and gestured for her to come in, and with baited breath Leya walked into the house that was to be her home for who knows how long.