Set after the anime. The only difference is that the class size is staying with the original group, as opposed to adding all those extras in that appeared in the last episode.
Disclaimer: I do not own Blue Exorcist or any of the songs quoted.
Rin stared over at his brother who, as usual, had his fangirls flocking around him, all trying to offer him lunch while Yukio looked around helplessly for some means of escape, namely, Rin. Rin, however, had cleverly hid himself behind a tree today, leaving his brother to fend for himself.
This happened almost every day. Yukio would exit the school building for lunch and be immediately swarmed by his 'fans' all offering him lunch. Yukio would then grab Rin and run off, making some excuse about promising to eat with his brother.
Stupid Yukio. All those girls who want you to eat what they made for you and you can't bring yourself to bring yourself to accept even once. What's so special about you? No one ever offers me food.
Almost in exact sync with that thought, Rin's stomach growled. Sighing in frustration, he left his hiding place in search of his own meal, oblivious to the pair of eyes that followed him the whole way.
Finally, the end of the school day.
Rin smiled to himself. That meant that it was time for exorcist training. His skills with his powers had vastly been improving since their recent battle with Satan and the fight to close the massive Gehenna Gate he had opened, though his still fell asleep in class.
Rin opened the door to the classroom, hardly noticing that he was once again the last there, and sank down in his usual seat. Leaning back I his chair, he made himself comfortable, closing his eyes while waiting for the teacher.
He didn't have to wait long.
At the sound of the door opening, he cracked one eye open, only to have them both shoot open in surprise as his chair fell forward and landed back on all four legs with a loud thud.
Yukio had entered the room, prepared to teach class, though Rin had become accustomed to that. What shocked him was the girl that followed him in.
The really pretty girl.
Standing at approximately five foot five and dressed in a basic black tank top and blue jeans, the girl before him had light blue hair, pulled back in a tight bun, with a few loose curls framing her face, and curves that could put even Shimei in her school uniform to shame. But that wasn't even the most striking thing about her.
No, the thing that that caught his attention, oddly enough, was her eyes. The bright silver orbs that stared back at the class curiously were otherworldly, even to him, a demon. He found he couldn't look away.
She was beautiful.
Rin didn't even have to look to know that every other male in the room was looking at this girl with a similar expression to his own, except Yukio of course. Hell, even the girls were staring at her.
Yukio must be immune to girls if he isn't staring at this heavenly creature.
"Class." Yukio said, in an attempt to get everyone's attention. "Class!" he yelled louder when his first attempt went unnoticed.
Rin tore his eyes away from the mystery girl to scowl at his twin. The others did the same.
"This is our new student, Sora Mizuno." He continued. "She just recently transferred here and is at the same level as the rest of you as far as exorcist training is concerned. Please make her feel welcomed." Turning to Sora he said, "Feel free to sit anywhere."
As her name was introduced to the class, Sora grinned and lifted her hand in a way of greeting. Once Yukio had finished speaking, Sora dropped her hand and moved to take the open seat right behind Rin, everyone staring at she moved.
At that point Yukio's phone rang and after a quick conversation, promptly walked out, with only a quick "I'll be back shortly." To accompany his going.
Suguro was the first to recover and held out his hand. "I'm Ryuji Suguro. Everyone calls me Bon." He said gruffly. Sora tentatively shook the offered hand with a small smile.
Not wanting to be outdone by his rival, Rin wasted no time in turning around and sticking out his own hand in greeting. "I'm Rin Okamura. Pleasure to meet you Sora." Giving her one of his toothy grins.
Sora reached out to take the outstretched hand, grinning back. However, at the moment their hands touched, a current seemed to travel from Rin to Sora, blowing her hair back in a splash of blue flame.
The reaction from everyone was instantaneous. The rest of that class exclaimed in one way or another. Sora's eyes widened in surprise and her grin dropped. And Rin released her hand as if he'd been shocked.
"Shit." Rin cursed. "I'm sorry. I didn't hurt you did I?" he panicked and a soft smile returned to Sora's face as she waved her hands in front of her face, trying to indicate that no damage was done. As Rin opened his mouth to apologize again, Yukio returned, quickly grabbing the class's attention and beginning his lesson, the incident momentarily forgotten.
Class ended early and as Yukio dismissed everyone, Rin turned around to make sure Sora was alright. But just as he opened his mouth Yukio interrupted. "Sora, I need to see you for a moment please."
Sora nodded and waved goodbye to everyone as she followed Yukio out of the classroom.
It wasn't until she had left that Rin realized that she had never spoken a single word.