Challenge: 16: Affection
Rating: K+

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.
Part of LiveJournal's HetaChallenge Monthly Theme Challenge!
A/N: I did this because episode 5 of season 5 made me so friggin' sad! And it's my otp. Deal with it.

He was the country of love, but it was too painful to even think about it.

If anything, he wished to fulfill what he is known for and give all his affection and care to someone. However, it would be quite difficult finding the right person who could be understanding and supportive, despite the circumstances, and resistant to age like him.

He tried not to show his thoughts through his face as he drank tea with England. It was a surprise getting a call from him, but they tended to have frequent spontaneous periods of 'bonding', so it was probably nothing new. Plus, they had been civil for a while and could just speak in a diplomatic manner.

However, he could not hold back what he felt for long. He had to look away from the Englishman in order to recollect his thoughts, but that brought up suspicion, which worried England. And when he asked if he was feeling alright, he shook his head no.

"Love is such a strange thing, mon ami, not even I can understand why it avoids me."

"You fool, you invented love."

"And yet…I am the one that has to suffer. For those who live forever cannot embark in the beautiful journey of a relationship. Don't you see the irony?"

England blushed at that.

"Who said you have to do it alone?"

They couldn't deny anything. They couldn't even say anything. The atmosphere just got so tense and it took all of England's strength not to look at France.

Instead, he thought for a moment and stood from his chair.

France was taken aback when England did the unthinkable and kissed him. And France responded by bringing him closer.

The moment was so bittersweet, he could have cried, but he cherished it instead and realized who could be the one that would understand him, and the one who would receive his passion.

For who said the country of love could not love?

A/N 2: Oaky, so this was an exercise for me. I usually work with characterization and realistic stuff, but since this is my first real FrUK story, I know I will improve with time and practice. Let me know what y'all think, please! Constructive criticism helps a lot!
