
Okay second to last chapter were getting there it'll end soon but don't worry these last two will be very heavy on romance hope you like them.

(Ichigo's Perspective)


I snapped out of my train of thought and looked at the Shiba clan member.

"I'm sorry what were you saying again."

"You're the leader of the Shiba clan and at the moment their are no heirs we need to make sure that happens in case somethings happens to you we need to make sure the clan will survive this time."

I nodded my head seeing the logic behind it.

"Okay so what do I have to do exactly?"

"Well the first baby will be the first to rule and it must be pure blood.

"Pure blood?"

"Yes it means you must have sexual intercourse with Kukaku and marry her it's clan tradition.

I mused at the thought of proposing to Kukaku, I wonder how she would react?

"Then you must have two more children it can be from Kukaku or other women but there must be three."

Senna and Yoruichi popped into my head.

"Okay it will be from two other women." The clan member nodded his head.

"Okay so you will also have to marry them as well.

"I nodded my head. "I realized that you may leave now I have to discuss this with the three of them.

He got up and left me alone to my thoughts.

"I better go tell them."

I shunpoed out of my captain's office and appeared at Kukaku's house.

I knocked on it and I heard some shuffling.

"Who is it?"

"Kukaku it's me Ichigo."

She quickly opened the door and hugged me.


I hugged her back.

"Hey Kukaku."

She gave me a quick kiss on my lips and walked in the house.

"Come on in."

I walked in and followed her into the living room where we sat down.

"So what is it that a captain must see me." I could tell she was slightly joking but also being seductive at the same time.

"I would love to show you right now but I'm here for something serious."

"What is it?"

"It's about the clan."

She looked at me waiting for what I had to say.



"Will you marry me?"

Kukaku looked at me like she was in another world.


She snapped out of it and her eyes started to grow wider by the second.


I wasn't prepared for to yell out that loud but I nodded my head.


She lunged at me and clung on to me with the biggest smile ever.

"Yes I will marry you!"

I smiled and hugged her and kissed her on the lips which she returned happily.

"Why so quickly though."

"Like I said it has to deal with the clan they want to make sure that I have a successor just in case something happened to me." She frowned at the thought of that but nodded her head.

"I understand though especially since what happened last time with you're dad."

I nodded my head. "I agree so I also have to tell Senna and Yoruichi they want me to have three kids."

"Three kids!"

I sighed. "Yup."

"Isn't that asking a little to much right now especially since we just recovered from Aizen."

"I may be the master of the clan but the elders still have orders."

Kukaku gave me a look of lust.

"Do you have to tell the others right now, you and me can get to baby making right away." I wanted to accept her hole handily but I knew Senna and Yoruichi needed to hear this as soon as possible.

"Trust me I wont nothing more than to take you right here but I have to go tell them." She gave me a look of disappointment.

I kissed her on the lips and leaned into her ear. "Don't worry after I tell them I'll bring them here and we can have fun all three of us."

"You better Ichigo."

I nodded my head. "Trust me I would never skip out on you're pussy Kukaku it's to good to pass up." Her face blush a little.


I laughed at her expression and the way she reacted.

"Well I'd better get to the others as well."

"Ill see you soon."

"Good bye Ichigo."

"Good bye Kukaku."

I shunpoed outside and looked for Yoruichi's spiritual pressure and found it near Soi-Fon's office.

I shunpoed to the door and knocked on it.

"Come in." I opened it to see them talking to each other.

"Captain Ichigo what business do you have here?"

"I'm here for Yoruichi can I borrow you for a second?"

Yoruichi nodded her head and we walked outside for some privacy.

"What is it Ichigo?"

"I have something to ask of you it's extremely important and once you decide things will never be the same."

She looked at me with a slight smile. "What are you talking about silly."

"This." I got on my knees and her facial expression changed from happy to complete shock.


"Yoruichi will you marry me?"


She hugged me and we both fell to the floor.

"Ichigo oh my god I can't believe this is happening!"

"I can't either." We both turned to see Soi-Fon there with a slight frown.

"Did you hear Soi-Fon we're getting married!" Yoruichi squealed like a little girl and both Soi-Fon and I looked at her like she was a whole new person.

"I heard all right still don't think he's good enough for you but it's not my business."

"Ichigo why so suddenly though?"

"My clan is demanding that I produce three offspring to make sure the blood line will continue if anything happens to me."

"So you're also going to marry Senna and Kukaku." I nodded my head and she smiled at me.

"I already asked Kukaku I thought she needed to know first since she will have to be the one to carry the pure blood baby."

Yoruichi nodded her head. "Not all clans follow that rule but if they do you must follow it." I nodded my head.

"Yeah Kukaku said yes and now you all there is left is Senna."

"Good luck."

"Thank you oh before I leave." I gave her a kiss on the lips and I heard Soi-Fon gag at the scene.

"Go to Kukaku's house once I pick up Senna all three of us can talk about this." Yoruichi nodded her head and disappeared.

I shunpoed as well and appeared at the division's 6 entrance I looked for her spiritual pressure and found her at Bayakuya's office.

I arrived shortly and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I opened the door to see Renji and Senna standing and Bayakuya sitting down.

"Ichigo what do you want?" Senna turned around and gave me a smile I smiled back at her.

"If possible would you mind If I take Senna for a moment."

"Go ahead."

Senna bowed to him and then followed me outside.

"Ichigo what do you need to talk about." I didn't say anything but grabbed her hand shunpoed us to a place that gave beautiful scenery.


"Senna I love you."

"Ichigo I love you too but whats going on?"

"I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

I got on my knees and she gasped in surprise and I could see tears starting form in her eyes.

"Ichigo are you proposing to me?"

I nodded my head.

"Senna my love will you marry me?"

She gasped again and she put her hands to her mouth and tears started to pour out of her eyes.

"I will yes I will marry you baka."

I smiled and hugged her and she hugged me back.

"I can't believe this is happening Ichigo!"

"I know me neither."

"Ichigo what about Yoruichi and Kukaku."

"The clan has told me that I needed to produce three offspring for the blood line just in case anything happened to me and so I have to marry three women and I knew just who to call."

"I already asked Kukaku and Yoruichi I was saving you for last."

"They both said yes." I nodded my head.

"Who will be the main wife?"

"Kukaku they demand that the first baby has to be pure blood and so it has to be Kukaku."

Senna hummed in thought. "I will accept that I wanted to be the main wife but I know you can't deny what the elders say."

"Thank you for understanding."

"So what next?"

"Well lets head to Kukaku's house we need to talk this through with them as well."

"Okay lets go."

I grabbed her hand and shunpoed in front of Kukaku's house.

I opened the door and we walked in to see Yoruichi and Kukaku already started to drink.

"Ichigo and Senna are here!"

"Let's get this party started!"

"It seems you already started it."

"Only a couple of drinks no harm done."

I knew tonight was going to beone crazy night.

(Time Skip)

I gulped down my 5th cup and I could feel the effects starting to happen and I looked around to see the girls also drunk.

"Ichigo you promised me that when you get back you would fuck our brains out."

Yoruichi and Senna gave me a look that looked like they were stalking prey.

"I would love to take you up for that offer Ichigo." I knew Yoruichi and Senna would agree to this as well.

I sighed. "Should we take this to the bed?"

Senna crawled up to me and put her fingers to my lips.

"No need for that when right here is good enough."

Kukaku and Yoruichi nodded their heads and crawled up to me as well.

"Ichigo." All three of them said that at the same time with their seductive voices, I didn't show it but it was effective if they wanted me to fight all of Soul Society for them by just saying that I would do it in a heart beat.

"Yes girls."

"Give it to us."

"Who first?"

They looked at each other with slight glares and smirks of mischievousness.

"Rock paper scissors?" They nodded their heads and started to initiate the rock paper scissors.

Yoruichi lost first and moaned out in disapproval.

It was up to Senna and Kukaku they stared at each other and didn't notice that Yoruichi crawled uop to me.

"Yoru.." She put her finger to her lips to tell me to be quite and and started to undress me.

"Damn it another tie!" Kukaku and Senna were so focused on their little game that Yoruichi basically swooped in and took the show.

After a couple of seconds I was completely naked and my dick at full attention.

Yoruichi looked at it with hunger and started to lick the head.

"I won yes!" It appeared that Kukaku won the game.

"Now Ichigo what the fuck YORUICHI YOU CHEATER!"

Yoruichi was taking all of me in and I was moaning at the feeling of her hot throat around my cock.

Kukaku and Senna quickly joined in and undress themselves giving me an amazing view.

I felt my cock leave Yoruichi's throat and I wanted to automatically put it back in but before I could protest Kukaku got on to of me.

"It's my turn." I felt her grab my dick and lined it up with her pussy and without hesitation she quickly impaled her self on to me letting out a loud moan.

"Oh Ichigo you're so big!"

I started to thrust upwards and I could feel her walls clamp down on me with a vice grip.


I increased my pace and could feel her start to tighten even further.

"I'm going to cum!"

I felt the liquid run down on my dick but I kept thrusting making her scream out in pleasure.

I felt Yoruichi press herself against me and grabbed my hand and guided it to her pussy which I happily started to finger like crazy.


I turned to see Senna looking at me.

"Kiss me." I nodded my head and we started to kiss with so much passion."

"Ichigo I can't hold it in I'm cumming again!" I felt her tighten up again and this time I couldn't hold my self back I thrust upwards one more time and I cummed inside her as well.

Kukaku was breathing heavy and slid off me the next one was Senna she stopped kissing me and got on top of me as well.

By than I got to see everything that Senna and her sexy ass had to show and my cock was back in action.

"Here I go."

She let herself slide down on my cock not like Kukaku who slammed herself.

"Let me do everything Ichigo." I nodded my head focused more on Yoruichi I was still fingering her but I knew that wasn't enough I started to add one finger each ten seconds and she moaned out in pleasure.

"Yes Ichigo little faster." I started to swirl my fingers in random directions inside her pussy and it was effective she gasped in surprise and I could feel her cum on my fingers.

Senna started to bounce up and down on me and I must admit not having to put effort into it was so much better.

"Ah Senna!"


I couldn't help myself though aI started to thrust with her until I felt my release coming.

"Senna I'm cumming!"

"Me too!"

I felt her clamp down on me while I cam inside her.

Senna got off me and I was expecting Yoruichi to get on top but she had other ideas.

"Ichigo I saw she was on all fours and her perfect ass sticking out just asking to get pounded.

"Fuck me Ichigo I can't wait any longer."

I happily got up and got up behind her and quickly slammed my cock into her and she moaned out in approval.

"God I love this cock!"

I started to thrust like a madman on crack and was pounding her at blinding speeeds.


I felt my release coming quicker than I wanted to.

"Ichigo I know you're going to cum just hold out a little bit longer."

"I don't think I can Yoruichi you're pussy feels to good."

"We got you're back Ichigo."

Senna and Kukaku started to pleasure Yoruichi in other places to make her cum quicker.

"OH FUCK I"M CUMMING!" I shot every thing I had left inside her and she moaned at the feeling of me filling her up.

I fell on my back and laid there trying to catch my breath.

"Ichigo we want more."

Okay I'm going to end it here I enjoyed righting this chapter and you could probably guess for the last chapter will be about the wedding yeah!

I will also include a small prologue after the weeding I'll see how that works out until next time.

And as always have a wonderful day!