Okay guys, this story is gonna escelate quickly in the first few chapters, then slow down once the real conflict has set. Just hold on. XD
John woke up that early morning to a loud knock at the door. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. Seven am, why would anybody be up right now? John tried to go back to sleep when the knocking reaccured. Dad's voice followed.
"Get up! You slept in!" Dad barked loudly.
John sat up abruptly. Oh right, Earth being reset and all means that school was taking place again. Great, more crap. John moaned and lay back flat on his back as a response. The knocking stopped.
"Hello? Answer me!" Dad yelled.
"Sorry!" John yelled back in a pissed off tone.
"Geez!" Dad snarled, appauled at John's tone.
John could tell Dad left. Finally some privacy. He slumped out of bed and got ready for the day regretfully.
At the same time, Jade was just waking up. She remembered school, and set her alarm the previous night. It rang loudly next to her ear. Jade woke up and looked to see she had fallen asleep at her desk. Jade stopped the alarm and looked out her window. It was still partly cloudly. Jade heard scratching at her door.
"Bec, is that you?" Jade asked excitedly.
The scratching continued. Jade stood up from her desk and opened the door. Her white dog trotted in and sat benevolently beside her companion. Yep, Bec was still here. Jade sat on the floor and petted Bec's head and kissed it on the nose softly. Bec wagged his huge tail in delight. Jade heard somebody yelling from downstairs.
"Jade, are you ready yet?!"
Jade remembered her grandather was alive again. It made her so happy. She shouted back.
"Just a moment!" Jade responded.
Jade soon enough had to kick Bec out of her room to get dressed.
Rose was also just waking up, around the same time as everyone else. She sat up and looked at Mutie, sleeping at her feet. She didn't need an alarm clock, she woke up herself. If Rose didn't wake up on her own, Mutie would certainly wake her. Rose pet Mutie on the head softly. It mewed and opened one of it's eyes to see Rose.
"Fine morning, huh Mutie?" Rose swung her legs off the bed.
Mutie stood up and stretched lightly and hopped off the bed as Rose slowly got up. Rose walked to her closet and opened it swiftly to reveal her wardrobe. Mutie sat next to Rose observantly and looked up at all the clothing. Rose took her shirt that she hadn't worn in forever. The very first shirt she was seen in by her friends. The white short sleeve with the purple skull logo. Rose decided she would wear her favorite outfit again, since it had been so long. That god teir attire wasn't nearly as comfortable.
"Alright Mutie, exit so i can get myself dressed for today." Rose said, glancing down at her cat.
Mutie did as instructed and left the room so Rose could get ready.
Also at the same time as the others, Dave was just getting out of bed. He already had his sunglasses on. Dave slept in them for some reason. Dave had nobody to wake up to, and dilligently got ready for the day.
Back with John, he was finally ready and was leaving the house for the bus. John walked down the stairs slowly and quietly as possible to sneak past Dad. He seemed a bit pissed off at John's snappy tone. John was reaching the door when a hand caught his shoulder. John glanced back. Dangit.
"Don't you need breakfast?" Dad asked.
"No." John said edgily.
"Come on, i made cake." Dad said, trying to sound polite.
"I'm SICK of cake." John said, forcing a smile.
"I don't care, you need to eat!" Dad got impatient vastly.
Woah, you better listen or get your butt wooped. John regretfully went into the kitchen with Dad. He sat at the table where a plate of Betty Crocker's cake was fixed. Seriously, after all this Dad STILL uses her products? John ate the cake quickly so he wouldn't be late for the bus. John stood up and began to leave when Dad called him out again.
"Don't be so disrespectful, son. I'm gonna do something about it if it continues." Dad warned.
John said nothing and left the room. Man he's pushing it. John finally reached the door and left. FINALLY! John thought. He made his way to the bus stop.
Jade was on her way now too, after a laid back breakfast with her grandfather, she was able to feed Bec and herself as well as her grandfather. Jade was on the way out the door when her grandfather said something, making her glance back.
"Jade, don't forget your backpack." He pointed to Jade's green bag, set on the chair.
Jade walked over and snatched it. She thanked him and waved goodbye as Bec trailed behind her. Jade got to the door and looked back at her dog. She ruffled Bec's fur and smiled.
"See ya, Bec!" Jade laughed.
Bec's ears went down in disapointment. Jade opened the door and left.
Rose was just about to leave when she almost forgot her backpack. She was walking over to the staircase where it lay when she wondered where her cat, Mutie was. Oh well, she'll see it later. Rose picked up her bag by a strap and swung it over her shoulder. She heard a soft mew from somewhere. Rose turned around to face the stairs. No cat...whatever, get going Rose! Rose left the house anyhow.
Dave was walking down his house's hallways, observing all of Bro's puppets. Geez, they're creepy. Dave was walking down to the door and noticed Bro was in the kitchen. Whatever, just go so we can finally see everyone! Dave left the house.
Everyone soon enough arrived at the bus stop, awaiting their ride to the school. Jade, Rose and Dave were already there when John came up. Everyone turned around to notice.
"What took you so long?" Dave asked.
"Stupid Dad made me eat cake." John brushed it off.
The bus pulled up before anything else could be said. Everyone boarded on and found their seats. Rose and Jade sat together. Rose got the window seat as Jade sat on the outside and talked to John, who was sat on the other side on the outskirts. Dave was looking out the window boredly.
"So, do you think anyone remembers the meteors?" Jade asked curiously.
"Nobody's said a thing about it. I doubt that anybody cares let alone remembers." John shrugged.
John felt something brush his leg. He looked down to see Bec. What..?
"Jade, you brought Bec?" John asked bewildered.
Jade looked down and gasped. "Bec,i told you to stay!"
Bec's ears flattened in dismay and he lay his head down on the bus floor. Rose glanced over and noticed the dog.
"Why is the dog aboard the bus?" Rose whispered harshly.
"He followed me! I swear i didn't know!" Jade uttered back.
"Where is he going to go? We're way out of the neighborhood now!" Rose said.
Bec suddenly sat up. He sniffed in Rose's direction. He stepped over John's feet and around Jade to lay his head right in front of Rose's backpack. Rose had it on her lap and pulled it back a little to see Bec's head follow. Bec's lips curled a little to bare his teeth and let out a low growl.
"What's up Bec?" Jade patted Bec's head.
Bec ignored the petting and continued to growl. A small 'mew' came from Rose's backpack. Rose gasped and unzipped the backpack. Mutie's head popped out. Then Bec lost it. He barked loudly and scared the crap out of Mutie. Mutie jumped in surprise and landed on Jade's lap. Bec leaped at Mutie, causing Jade to fall out of her seat. Then everyone noticed and hell broke loose.