Aomine Daiki

Gender: M

Age: 16

Student No. 034561

- Suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder

- More sexually active than the norm

- Has a reputation as a dangerous male to be romantically associated with

- Reputed to have been the cause of numerous extramarital affairs and conflicts

- Exhibited explicit sexual behavior towards his female teachers and schoolmates back in middle school

- His sexual addiction is believed to be a part of his narcissistic tendencies

- The student is extremely arrogant and rude in behavior

March 1, 20XX (Friday)

Seirin Correctional Institute for Juvenile Delinquents

Guidance Room

Recording started at 12:03:12 PM

Transcript No. 568981

"Yo, Sensei. You got laid yet or what?"

"...You're 30 minutes late, Aomine-kun."

"Oh, really? You see, this chick I was with last night was a real wild one in bed, so we- "

"Please. Spare me the details. Let's start the interview."

"...Not until you introduce me to that hot lady over there."






Kids these days. "That's the stenographer, Aomine-kun."

"So? She's hot. Hey, do you have a boyfriend? Not that I'd care anyway."

"Aomine-kun, stop it- "

"Whatever, Doc. Go get laid or something. Hey, lovely nee-san, would you give me your number?"

"OKAY. THAT'S ENOUGH. STOP LOOKING AT HER ALREADY. Don't waste our time, Aomine-kun. Let's begin."

"Tch. What a fucking eunuch..."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothin'. Fire away so I can go meet up with Rika already."

Sigh. "How are your grades?"


"And by average, you mean...?"

"I manage to pass by, goddammit. What the fuck do you expect?"

"Okay, that's good, average. But please do explain why you have an absolute perfect grade in the subjects that are taught by female teachers."

"...I study extra hard when women teach me what I need to know."

"Oh, really now?" This goddamned playboy.

"What? You're doubting me? Ask Kise, he knows."

"...Kise? Kise Ryouta?"

"Yeah. Got a fucking problem with that?"

YES. I didn't know that you guys were actually pretty close. I have to update the reports. "So, you're friends with him. He's a nice young man, don't you think?"

"He's cool. The son of a bitch knows how to play basketball well, and he acknowledges how fucking awesome I am, so you could say that he deserves a spot beside me."

Freaking narcissist. "That's nice. How do you cope with each other's flaws?"

"If you're asking me how I handle his batshit episodes, you can just ask me outright, Doc. No need for bullshit."

It's more like I'm wondering how the hell Kise-kun can stand you. "Fine, let's put it that way. How do you manage?"

"I just give him a good, hard slap, then he's fine. He calms down immediately."







"I said I just give him a good hit to the- "

"Do you even know what you're doing?"

"What are you- oh. Hey, I'm not bullying the fuck out of him, alright? He told me to do it. He's pretty kinky."




"Don't look at me like that. I swear to god, everything has a freaking meaning- !"

"Are you bi?"

"Do you want to die, fucker? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Do not try to deviate from the interview, Aomine-kun. Could it be that you're- ?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP. Goddamn, just because I love to fuck, doesn't mean I'll do anything or anyone that moves."

"Would you please refrain from using such language, especially since we have a woman in our presence?"

"...Oh, you're not into dirty talk, nee-san~?"


"Yeah, whatever, Mr. Eunuch. Jesus!"

"Anyway, how are you coping with school?"

"The chicks are great. Wild and slutty, just how I like it. And they tell me how glorious my- "

"Okay. Thank you. Moving on, how are you?"


"Do you feel anything? Do you think you've done anything out of the usual lately?"

"...Not really. Everything's fine. I'm fine."

Ah, damn it. "Are you sure, Aomine-kun? Nothing's bothering you?"

"Did I fucking stutter?"

"Well, it just seems to me that something's disturbing you, and you won't tell me what the issue is. I have a right to know as your counselor, don't you think?"

"Pft. Fuck no. Who the hell do you think you are, my bitch of a mom?"

"That doesn't change the fact that I am your counselor, does it? What's the matter, Aomine-kun?"

"...The other day, my teacher got mad at me."

"And then?"

"He told me that I'm not as great as I think myself to be, and I'm just another 'trashy, abnormal lunatic.' "

Oh snap. Imagine that. "So, what'd you do?"

"Tch. I gave the motherfucker a broken nose and a good scar on the cheek, of course. But the thing is..."


"...Why do I feel like what he said was true?"


"It can't be true, right? I know that I'm special. I'm worth more than that shitty old fart..."


"What the fuck is wrong with his brain? Goddamn it. Can't he see how fucking awesome I am? Doesn't he see how hot I am? For all I know, he's just secretly begging for me to fuck his- "

"Aomine-kun, please don't- "

"I know that I'm great. Nobody could possibly be greater than I am. The only one who can beat me, is me."


"You agree with me, don't you? God, I don't even- "

"Calm down, Aomine-kun."

"Fuck you. I'm calm, okay? I'm just wondering how the fuck that old little shit can be so fucking retarded that he can't see how freaking god-like I am. "

"Of course you are, Aomine-kun."

"Fuck yes, I know. Damn it. One of these days, I'll get back on him, that motherfucking piece of shit!"

"Restrain yourself, Aomine-kun." A narcissist, a sex maniac, and a psycho with a god complex. How worse could you possibly get?

(At least he's not Akashi.)

Oh. Right. "Well, I think you need some rest, Aomine-kun. Put that teacher's words out of your mind, alright?"

"No. Hell no. I'm not done with that old asshole. You'll see."

"...Are you okay?"


"D-Do you need water? Can someone- ? "


"You're sweating bullets, and you're breathing rapidly- "

"I. Don't. Need. Some. Fucking. Water."

"Um, Aomine-kun- "








"...Let's call it a day."

Recording ended at 12:29:00 PM

-End of Transcript No. 568981-


- The student is surprisingly vulnerable towards attacks at his worth

- He copes with it using narcissistic bravado

- He is also more threatening when driven into such a state

- But being in such a mental state does not hamper his sexual urges (to be proven in the supporting evidence)

- He has a decent amount of compatibility with Kise Ryouta

- The therapy sessions and talks are not very effective

Supporting Evidence to the Conclusion:

- A piece of paper with the following details contained: '09XXXXXXX-XXXX - Aomine/ Call me, nee-san/ You and I could have some real fun'

-Transcript no. 568981

Journal Entry 15

2:30 PM- Rika

3:00 PM- Yuko (Girl's restroom)

4:30 PM- Meiko (Rm. 212)

5:40 PM- Sayaka (Rm. 980)

6:00 PM- Basketball with Kise at the gym

-End of Entry-

Author's Note: Due to popular demand, here; have an overly narcissistic Aomine. I'll be writing about Midorima next, then Murasakibara. Since I've also received some requests for characters who are not part of the GoM, I might write about them too after I write the story where everybody in this fic meets. It will be a separate story so watch out.