Dave has relived that day at least a million times now, it seems.

He doesn`t want to, but it always manages to creep into his thoughts, his dreams, and he can`t stand it.

He`s been locked up in his and Bro`s shared apartment for at least three days now, and Bro hasn`t come home, which is odd, but not entirely unheard of. His job as a DJ kept him occupied every night, but normally he`d come home in the early hours of the morning, check in on Dave, then go on to bed. He`d wake up at around four in the afternoon, and Dave would always have food ready for him, and he`d grunt his thanks, eating quickly, then ruffle Dave`s hair as he crept back to his bedroom until nine, when he`d go to whatever club he was working at that night. Dave would always hand him a Hot Pocket as he left, and then he`d go to bed a little later.

Dave has stayed up twice waiting for Bro, until long after the Hot Pocket in his hand turns into a Cold Pocket.

He`s worried about Bro. He`s never stayed away from home so long. To try and soothe his worries, he laughs about how Bro probably starved without him there to feed his lazy ass. It very rarely does anything to help him, though, more often causing his worry to skyrocket, imagining his brother slowly starving to death, or maybe getting his skull bashed in with a tire iron behind a seedy night club, or even- No. Stop it. He`s fine.

Dave wants to talk to someone about it, but if he talks to Jade or Rose they`ll tell John, who was apparently worried sick about him, and then John would start bothering him and he really can`t talk to John right now.

Thinking of John brings back the memories, and Dave curses in his head, trying to ignore it and keep watching these cat videos which now seem so unimportant and stupid and he just wants to tear his hair out because he`s so frustrated.

He finally just can`t take it anymore, and has to contact Rose.

- - turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] - -

TG: rose are you there

TG: rose come on

TG: rose god damn it answer

TG: rose please

TT: What do you need, Dave?

TG: oh so now you answer

TG: its fucking crisis city over here and you just get to sit over there on your high horse waiting for me to ask you nicely or whatever before you decide to actually talk to me and help me through this shit

TG: what kind of friend are you

TG: a bad one

TT: Dave I believe you need to calm down and simply tell me what`s happening.

TG: i dont really know whats happening i mean i know what happened but i have no goddamn clue whats currently happening

TT: Dave, why don`t you start from the beginning.

TT: John`s told me you`ve been missing for a little while? He`s been really worried.

TG: yeah well that asshole dared me to go back to fucking village times and so i did and then some stupid village folk decided to label me as a witch and tried to burn me at the stake and shit so i got the hell away from there and then apparently there was a real witch who put some crap magic on me and rendered my amazeballs powers totally worthless and so i could only freeze time

TG: so i ran away for like two three days and then i found this house in the woods and fucking john was there and he called me cute and i think we had sex and then i felt all guilty and shit so i got out of there and he was being all john and then i got a bit too emotional and then i left him and my powers were back so i came back to this time

TG: i got home and now i just cant stand to talk to john right now and ive been waiting for bro for like three four days now and he hasnt come home yet and this never happens and rose i dont know what to do anymore im really lonely and i think im having some kind of panic attack what do i do you have to tell me

TT: I`ll tell you what to do, Dave.

TT: Calm down.

TT: Turn your phone on.

TT: Call Bro, and just talk to John.

TG: rose i cant talk to john

TT: Dave.

TT: You are going to contact John because he is your best friend and he is worried sick about you.

TT: You don`t necessarily have to proclaim your undying love for him, but you need to let him know that you`re okay.

TG: rose i cant do this

TT: You will, though.

TT: We won`t be talking until John informs me that you have contacted him.

TG: rose no please

TT: Good luck.

- - tentacleTherapist [TT] blocked turntechGodhead [TG] - -

Dave stares at his computer screen silently for a long moment.

"Damn you, Rose Lalonde," he finally sighs. "Just... Damn you."