Part Fourteen:
The Final Chapter
Catherine gripped the hem of Hans' shirt tightly as she continued to drift in a sleepy mid conscious state. She had yet to fall asleep the entire night, simply drifting from in between asleep and awake. Hans laid at her side, his arm around her waist fast asleep. It was three in the morning now, and Catherine's mind mixed rapidly with the thoughts from the other night. Catherine shivered harshly, pulling Hans closer to herself as if you use him to protect her from the inevitable memory. She turned around, facing him her now wide open cobalt eyes trialing down the features of his sleepy face. It was a pleasant change to see him at such ease, rather than the sly smooth face of charm and eloquence that he always courted around. Catherine smiled, although only slightly at this little realization. Resting her head on his chest she listened to the steady drum of his heartbeat and felt the continuous rise and fall of his lungs. He seemed to be the only constant thing in her life now, everyone else and all she knew was now but a distant shadow of the past that she could hardly see.
But still there was that inevitable question that surfaced in her mind, why had she fallen for the likes of him and why so easily? He had pushed, and pushed and he had gotten clearly through; in the end she wanted in him to, she desired it even. Hans seemed to know all the right things to do for her to fall right into his hands, with not a word or motion out of place. She thought back again to her father, such a steadfast man, oh how he would look down on her now. Catherine gave herself willingly to the enemy she and her father had sought to take down; but she would be absolutely lying if she were to say she regretted it.
It was the night of the premiere, Hans stood by a telephone, waiting patiently to be connected to the German compound. The phone rang loosely for a minute before the other end finally picked up.
"Ja, das ist Standartenführer Hans Landa," (Yes, this is Colonel Hans Landa)
"Ach, Guten Abend Herr Oberst. Was kann ich tun für sie," (Oh good afternoon Colonel. What can I do for you?)asked the person on the other end.
"Ich will zwei Männer zu komm Wache eine Frau in meiner Sorge während ich weg bin ," (I want two men to come watch a woman in my care while I'm away)
"Ja Herr Oberst."
Hans put the phone back on the receiver without another word, now all of that was take care of other matters on hand. Once more he donned his dress tunic, a pair of white dress gloves were tucked neatly into his belt. He looked over his appearance briefly before walking back into his room for a moment. Catherine was still fast asleep, though her face was still tightened in a sore frown. He moved over to her for a moment placing a soft kiss on her cheek.
"Auf Wiedersehen mein schatz."
A few hours past, it was the brink of nightfall. Hans stood outside and greeted the two men who would be watching Catherine while he was gone. The men looked extremely uneasy in the colonel's presence, something Hans was used to and actually quite fond of at times.
The two young men clicked their heels in salute as Hans got into the town car, on his way to the film premiere. Hans grinned slightly, watching them for as long as he could as the car drove past. Despite his lack of faith in the men Hans felt considerably better about leaving than he would if they weren't there at all. At least with them in place it would deter any sort of action like what happened the night before.
Remi looked over from the corner at the town house, glancing down at a scrawled address on a crumpled piece of paper. This was definitely the place, he could see the two Wehrmacht soldiers standing idly by the door almost in a sleepy daze. The Frenchman laughed lightly to himself, they would be an easy obstacle to dispose of.
With two clean shots the men went down on right after the other in one swift, clean, calculated motion.
Remi now stood directly outside of the town house, his pistol in his hand. The two Wehrmacht soldiers laid in a heap at his feet, he had hardly made a sound disposing of them
His arm still ached from the rain of bullets it encountered, he still marveled that he was still alive. He focused his gaze at the town house, a deep rage burning on his mind. The German's found out about his service as an informant and he knew exactly how, Catherine.
'That bitch, I'll make sure she gets what she deserves!' he growled haughtily, his grip tightening around his pistol.
Remi walked up to the door of the house, taking a quick look at the lock. He kneeled down on one knee, beginning to pick the lock. This was hardly any trouble for the Frenchmen, for he had to do this quite often to acquire most of his information. The door gave a firm click telling Remi the door was now unlocked. Remi smiled an almost evil smile, pushing the unlocked door open. He took a few steps in, breathing in deeply, he was now even closer to finishing his business with Catherine.
Catherine looked over her shoulder, she could hear the click of the door and the sound of footsteps in the hall. Her heart lifted for a moment as she realized Hans was back. She did not move, she waited for him to renter the room, though she wondered why he lingered. His footsteps were heavy as if he were dragging his feet, this puzzled Catherine. She sat up in the bed, still holding the sheet to her chest. Her cobalt eyes stared right at the door, waiting for Hans to enter the room. The door gave a click as the knob was turned, but as the door opened fully Catherine came to realize just who really was behind the door.
Remi threw the door the rest of the way open, his rage boiling over when he saw Catherine lying naked in Hans' bed. He sprinted towards her, blocking her route of escape. Grabbing hold of her wrists Remi pinned her back down, holding her legs down with his knees.
"I knew it! I knew it!" he growled, "You dirty whore, you told him about me didn't you!" Catherine tried to fight back but the Frenchman only held tighter.
"N-No, I did not tell him a-anything!" Catherine tried to explain to him but he would not listen. Her heart stopped, her mind instantly being pulled back to the terrible memory of the other night. She fought harder, trying to release herself from Remi's grip, she would not allow herself to slip back into what happened before.
"The Germans found out! How do you explain that Catherine?" Remi jabbed his pistol in Catherine's ribs causing her to yelp, causing her to stop fighting briefly.
"I didn't tell Hans anything Remi, please y-you have to believe me!" Catherine tried her hardest to push him off of her but Remi was far too heavy.
"Why should I believe you, look at where you are!" Remi felt his rage boil even more fervently at the thought that Catherine slept with Hans, he could only imagine all the information he got out of her.
"Remi please I didn't tell him about you!" Remi wouldn't hear it he shook his head gritting his teeth as he jutted his pistol father into Catherine's ribs. He pulled his shirt back showing Catherine the bullet holes in his arm and shoulder.
"Look what you've caused! All because you couldn't keep your mouth or your legs closed!" Spat the Frenchman his voice full of hate and malice.
"And you know its also because of you Pierre is dead as well! That poor boy didn't deserve to die, especially for the likes of you!"
"P-Pierre is d-dead?" Catherine felt as if part of her soul was ripped in two, tears streamed down her cheeks, her eyes burning, she didn't want to believe it.
"Damn right he is, he died protecting you!"
"B-But how, when I left h-he was still alive," asked Catherine behind a choked sob.
"The Germans went looking for you and they found him instead," growled Remi, "And because of you my son is dead!"
"He was y-your son?"
"yes, but he never knew. It doesn't matter anymore, but I sure as hell will make sure the bitch responsible pays for what she did, what you did!"
Remi pressed the pistol to Catherine's head, his hand pressing into her wounded shoulder. Catherine yelp at his touch, gritting her teeth harshly. She could feel Remi's hand shake as if he were hesitating. His eyes met hers for a moment, he couldn't seem to manage to keep eye contact with her. Catherine watched as he looked away for moment, giving her a window of opportunity. She jerked her wrist up knocking the pistol from his hand taking him by surprise. Catherine took this moment to knock the Frenchman back taking the gun into her hands.
"Go on shoot me, you've already done so much already." Said Remi darkly raising his arms in the air.
"I don't want to kill you Remi! I won't"
"You bloody wench, you have enough backbone to spit out my name to that fucking nazi but you can't shoot me your self? I should have expected that much!"
"I won't, I didn't tell Hans anything Remi! I put my life on the line for you, I took bullets for you and now you call me a traitor?"
Remi gritted his teeth launching himself towards Catherine, as he reached for the gun a single shot left the barrel going clean through the Frenchman's heart. Remi choked on his last breath of air, blood beginning to rise and pool in his mouth. He fell to the ground, without another word uttered.
Hans felt a big sense of accomplishment come over him as Aldo and Utivich were hauled away. He had secured for himself the perfect escape and future, there was little chance for any Jewish retribution to be acted upon him with the deal he made. Though there was still something left, Catherine. What was to happen to dear Catherine? Hans pulled his coat from the chair, pulling it on. His life was now well secured but then that left her and there was still one part of him that would not sit well with leaving her in France. There was no telling what could happen, in either circumstance.
He walked outside where a driver was waiting. Hans told the driver his address and got into the town car, he would have much to get together and quickly.
The car stopped at the townhouse, but as Hans saw the two dead Wehrmacht men lying dead in the dirt he expected the worst. Once more a rare tinge of fear met with his mind, all he could think about was Catherine and if once more she had been attacked. Hans ran into his bedroom seeing Catherine coated in blood a pistol in her hands, her cobalt eyes fixated on the dead body of Remi Lefévre.
Hans walked up to Catherine, who seemed to be lost to the world. He walked up beside her, placing his hands lightly on her shoulder.
"Catherine," he called out. Catherine seemed as if she had woken up from a daze, she looked up at Hans wrapping her arms around his neck holding onto him tight.
"I-I killed him," she said in a low hushed voice.
Hans took the pistol from her hand placing it aside. He looked down at the corpse of Remi, finding that for a second time Catherine had nearly died. Hans felt Catherine shake in his arms, obviously in shock from what she had done.
"Mein liebe calm down," commanded Hans lightly. Catherine buried her face in his shoulder, rubbing the tears from her eyes onto his tunic. She didn't want to kill Remi, he was practically a mentor to her, well he was the one her father told her to go to.
Catherine took in a few harsh breaths, Hans stood still and silent with her waiting for her to say something. He took this moment of silence, mulling over his previous thoughts. The deal he made with the Americans would only suffice for himself, although after this he couldn't leave Catherine here in France.
Hans moved from Catherine for a moment, she looked up at him with a confused expression lining her face. She could decipher nothing from his expression, but she saw his lips subtly curve into a small smile.
"I have made a deal with the American's."
"What kind of deal?" Asked Catherine, utterly stunned to hear such words leave his lips.
"The european trials of the war will come to an end, most likely it will be declared sometime tonight or tomorrow."
"How I thought-"
"I believe the cause of this lies in the hands of The Basterds and of course, myself included." Hans replied with a light show of pride, his mind wandered back to the brief meeting he had with the two remaining Basterds.
"Then where does that leave you, or me?" Catherine had no idea where to go now, and in her mind she knew well enough of Hans' infamy; there was no doubt he would be tried as a war criminal . Hans grinned wider, having an idea that she was thinking just that. It was clear to him that this thought crossed her mind just by the pained expression on her face.
"I made a deal with them, I will not be fed to the dogs in this instance, and if I can help it neither will you."
Aldo Raine sat in the back of a truck, his hands cuffed behind his back with Utivich sitting opposite of him in the same position. Aldo was still raw about the fact that the bastard Landa was going to get away from all of this with clean hands. He wanted to really make Hans suffer, just for a moment at least.
The truck stopped, Aldo fell forward at the sudden jerk. He mumbled a line of curses, pulling himself back up. The back doors of the truck opened, there stood Hans grinning wildly at the two men. Aldo stood up jumping out first, followed by Utivich. The American glared harshly at the Austrian colonel, who seemed very pleased with himself. Catherine slowly steps out herself, walking sheepishly towards the remaining Basterds.
"Donny was right about you," said Aldo bluntly as Hans uncuffed him and Utivich.
Hans moved his hand over the small SS dagger at his hip, glancing down at it for a brief moment. He handed Aldo the dagger, with an almost half hearted tone,
"I am officially surrendering myself over to you, Lieutenant Raine. We are now your prisoners."
Aldo took the dagger with a grin, placing it in the front of his belt. He looked over to Utivich who stood waiting for his order. Aldo glanced over at Catherine, his bowie knife resting in his hand.
"Utivich, cuff the colonel's hands around his back, Catherine too."
"Is that really necessary," asked Hans as his hands were pulled behind his back and handcuffed by Utivich.
Catherine felt her hands tugged roughly behind her back, being cuffed just like Hans was. Aldo took a single glance at Hans before moving over to Catherine.
"So what finally made you jump ship?" Asked Aldo slightly glaring at Catherine.
"I never did," she replied though she knew well enough her words didn't mean a damn thing to Aldo.
"You hear that Utivich, do you believe it?"
"Not a damn bit sir." Said Utivich in reply.
"I saw you with him, and don't tell me you weren't." Said Aldo brandishing his bowie knife near her cheek.
"That doesn't mean I betrayed you," said Catherine strongly, her face set in a stony gaze.
"You know I might of believed you, that is if the rest of my men weren't dead."
"I am sorry, truly that they are dead but it is by no fault of mine!" Catherine's voice moved into a growl, wavering quickly from her calm tone.
Aldo grasped the collar of her cloths jerking her up, he began to speak lower and with a sharp voice.
"Bullshit!" He growled, the edge of the bowie knife coming dangerously closer to her neck.
Hans jerked towards Catherine, his eyes focused on the knife at her throat. He knew that Catherine was worthless to the British and the Americans now, it wouldn't mean a damn thing if Aldo killed her where she stood; they only needed him afterall. Hans felt a hand grasp the chain of his cuffs, looking back behind his shoulder stood Utivich holding him in place.
Aldo looked over at Hans for a brief moment seeing his subtle reaction to what he was doing to Catherine. An idea came to mind, Aldo moved from Catherine for a moment, dangling his knife in his hand.
"Utivich, make sure the colonel stays in place will you." Said Aldo looking at Utivich for a short moment.
He didn't have to say it twice, Utivich placed his other hand firmly on Hans shoulder immobilizing him for the time being. Aldo grinned lightly, raising his knife back to Catherine's neck.
"So what to do with you," said Aldo a bit to himself.
"I told you I did not betray you Aldo, why would I?"
"Why not? Thats the real question. Oh it must have been nice to be the little privileged pet of colonel Landa, hmm?" Aldo looked at her with a raised brow, waiting for her to put forth her answer.
"You misunderstand, what ever you saw me do means nothing; I never told Hans anything!" Catherine could hardly hold back the malice in her voice.
Aldo ran his hand through hair, laughing lightly. This small show of aggression on Catherine's part did hardly anything to sway his mind. He knew what he saw and he would make sure that Catherine pay just as much as Hans for what she did to them. Aldo pushed Catherine down on the ground, pressing his knee on the base of her lower back.
"Now since you you ain't a Nazi, I'll be handling you a little different." Said Aldo pushing part of her dress away from her shoulders.
Hans could plainly see what Aldo was doing, he jerked and pulled at Utivich's grip trying to break away and push Aldo from Catherine. Aldo heard Hans struggle trying to move from Utivich to no avail; he laughed lightly looking back at Catherine.
"It seems your boy ain't too happy now."
"Get off of her!" Growled Hans, only this one time could Catherine hear desperation in his voice.
Aldo ignored the colonel, instead keeping his focus on Catherine. He twisted the knife in his hand to where he held the handle with one hand and pressed his palm on its end.
"This won't feel too good," said Aldo plainly, pressing the blade in the base of her upper back.
Catherine cried out as the razor sharp blade penetrated her flesh. Aldo did not waste anytime in cutting into her again, cutting small letters in her skin. Hans stood helpless watching as Catherine cried out, once calling his name. He growled at Aldo snapping at him again to let her go. Aldo ignored the colonel's cries once again simply replying by cutting deeper into Catherine's back. With one final stroke of his knife his work was done, Aldo took a moment to look over his work his grin still plastered on his lips. Aldo stood up from Catherine, wiping the blood from the blade in the grass.
"Now its time to deal with you," said Aldo walking up to Hans.
As Aldo began to prattle on with Hans, Catherine tried to get back up but found that she couldn't. Blood dripped down her back and shoulder harshly, the fresh cuts burning like hell. Utivich looked down at Catherine feeling a tinge of sympathy hit him, he wasn't quite so fervently fixated on the thought of Catherine being a traitor, he still had his doubts. He took a few steps over to Catherine helping her up from the ground. Catherine groaned as the blood dripped more down her arm from her cuts.
She looked over at where Hans and Aldo were, but they were no longer standing. Aldo held Hans down with his knees, about to carve a swastika in his forehead. Hans screamed harshly, his hands digging in the earth under his hands, trying to handle the pain. Aldo seemed to enjoy carving into Hans more than he did Catherine. Utivich moved over to Aldo's side, watching as he carved the last lines of the Swastika.
"You know somethin' Utivich, I think this might just be my masterpiece."
Author Note: And here we have the final chapter, oh it kills me to end this story especially considering how long I've been working on it! Well I guess everything has to end at some point. Oh yes and of course the end is lined with movie quotes "I couldn't resist" I suppose and I think they kept the overall shape of things in line too. Well thanks again to my lovely readers and reviewers! I probably would not have finished if not for you kind words of support and encouragement! Thanks again, from yours always,
7/30/13: There is a sequel to this story, It is called "A Vendetta For The Hunter" It is currently posted on my page.