Don't own anything except OC's.

Simply fate.

Chapter 1: Obsession


I was late.

My alarm clock decided today to be a pain in the ass and ran half an hour later than I actually needed to get up. I didn't even have time to go in the shower, I just grabbed all my things, shoved on some clothes and sprinted downstairs and into the kitchen in a panic. However, due to my franticness, I tripped on the last stair and smashed into the kitchen doorframe with a loud bang.

My younger brother calmly looked up from his cereal. "Morning, Kim," he said simply, carrying on finishing what I was sure to be today's homework.

"You okay there, Kim?" my sister asked, though the amusement shining in her eyes cancelled out the concern.

"I'm late," I mumbled into the wall.

"We've got ten minutes, calm down, crazy woman," Mike laughed brightly.

Glaring at him, I rubbed my arm that I had bashed off the wall and walked forward to grab a banana. I hastily chomped on it as I packed my school bag for the day, mentally checking off everything I needed. With three minutes to spare, I shoved my siblings into my rusty black car and went off to school. Before I had even parked properly, Mike had run off to be with his friends without so much as a goodbye, whilst Anna-Marie gently waved and then ran over to her best friend, who I knew to be named Meagan. Sighing, I tightened my knitted jumped around my body and made my way into the building.

"Hey, Kim," my best friend, Erin, chirped, leaning against the locker next to mine. "How's it going?"

"Okay," I replied shortly. Apparently, it was all Erin wanted to hear anyways, and she started to prattle on about what she had done at the weekend. We had English first, which, sadly, I sat next to Erin in so I got the whole rundown on the party she and her sister had crashed in Forks, resulting in Erin ending up in hospital after a guy she had been with twisted his ankle.

At break we had to stay inside because, surprise-surprise, it had started to bucket down. I was leant against my locker still listening to Erin when he walked past. He was smiling and laughing at something his friend had said, showing of his perfect white teeth that contrasted brilliantly with his russet skin. In the crappy lighting of the hallways, his raven hair shined, and even from here I could see the bright sparkle of his deep brown eyes.

"Kim?" Erin waved her delicate hand in my face. "Kimberly, stop staring, you stalker!"

I shook my head and turned to her. "What?" I asked blankly.

"You're, like, outright ogling Jared... again," she sighed heavily. "Seriously, Kimmy, you need to get out more."

I blushed what was sure to be bright red. "I wasn't staring," I muttered needlessly.

"Yeah, and I'm secretly a badger."

The bell rang so my torture ended there. I rushed off to my next period with a small goodbye and quickly took my seat at the back end of the class. I doodled in my notebook for most of the lesson, eager for the bell to ring. History was next, which made this lesson pass by even slower than usual.

And why could I not wait for History?

It wasn't because I was some super historian and loved everything about the past that had shaped the world. In fact, I hated History. I could never remember the correct dates for the correct time periods or occasions and wars. I always mixed up people's names and faces, and don't even try to ask to me write an essay on something. The only reason I loved History was because it was the only time I sat next to Jared Cameron.

Sad, huh?

My crush –coughobsessioncough—on Jared had started when I was ten, almost six years ago. We were mere fifth graders when I first noticed Jared, and once I did I never stopped. I had just picked a lilac flower from the ground near the playground and dropped it, making it flow through the wind. It stopped near Jared's feet and when I bent down to pick it up, he beat to it, carefully pinching the stalk with his long fingers and then putting the delicate flower behind my ear. I had looked up in shock and Jared had sent me the most brilliant, happy smile I had ever seen in my life, and I had never forgotten it, or him. The flower had stayed there for the rest of the day until I got home and my mom freaked out, snatching it away (and pulling several hairs from my head) and throwing it into the bin, muttering something about how flowers carry disease ridden insects. I cried for two hours.

However, a massive flaw in my crush was that Jared had never taken interest in me. After that day he seemed to forget all about me again and has never really talked to me since. Sure, he had asked to borrow pen or asked me what an answer to a question was, but he had never actually spoken to me outside History class.

I understood it, of course, Jared was the popular football player while I was the quiet girl that people loved to tell about their problems. According to many, I had one of "those faces". One of the faces that made people behind check outs and random people from classes you barely know tell you all about their life problems. It could be good and bad. Good because I got to know all the gossip around school and town, bad because it was intimidating for people to tell you everything and not want to hit them in the face with a plank of wood.

The bell rang and I all but ran from the classroom and into the History room. I was the first one there, so I timidly smiled at the teacher and then took a seat third row back, second from the right. People began to pile in, including Erin who ruffled my hair affectionately as she passed, and then Jared walked in.

He was chatting with a friend and continued to chat as he took a seat next to me, loudly plopping his books onto the table as he booming with happy laughter. As sneakily as I could, I watched him smile and make jokes with some guys on the row beside us.

He was beautiful. Far too beautiful to take any interest in me.

When he turned his body to the front of the class when the lecture started, my heart started to beat faster. His leg had brushed against mine in the transaction, making his jean clad knee brush against my black linens. He didn't even realize that he had almost made me have a heart attack.

I couldn't concentrate on the lesson (when could I ever?) and just tried not to embarrass myself in front of Jared. When the bell rang, he gathered up his books and swished out the classroom, his gingery scent lingering after him.

Erin knocked me on the shoulder, breaking my daze. "Come on, my socially awkward best friend, we have lunch," she smirked, winking at me.

Blushing dramatically, I followed just behind her as she waved and bumped fists with random people we passed. Erin was popular around the school, pretty and on the track team, making me wonder many times why I was her best friend. However, she faithfully stuck by my side with a bright smile on her face and had been since we were five and started kindergarten together.

"We need to have another sleepover," Erin said as we sat down with the gross-looking stuff we called lunch. "We'll have another with Anna and Tina again."

We both smiled at each other, remembering the last time us and our sisters had a sleepover together. Erin's older brother, Ark, convinced their parents to go away for the weekend and he threw a party. We ended up slightly drunk and jumping off the conservatory roof onto the trampoline in their backyard. It was one of the weirdest and best nights of my teenage life.

As Erin started up a story about a T.V. show she had been watching, I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder over to Jared. He was with all his friends at the lunch table, spooning the watery crap that was meant to be rice-pudding with a disgusted look on his face.

"Were you even listening?" Erin sighed when I turned my attention back to her.

"Of course."

"Tell me what I just said."

"…Were you even listening?"

That earned me a glare.

The rest of the day passed by slowly and I didn't even have seeing Jared again to look forward too. By the time the day had ended, I was extremely tired and dying to go home. I beeped repeatedly for twenty minutes until Mike got into the car.

"God, Kim, do have to be so annoying?"

I threatened to chuck him out of the car so he shut up. When I got home my parents were still at work, where they would be until late tonight, so I watched T.V. with my siblings and finished off some homework. That night, I dreamt of deep brown eyes.

My first chapter of my Kim and Jared story, yey! I've been talking about this for ages and now it's finally up!

Tell me what you think, like it, hate it?
