A/N: Here it is! At long last the epilogue of Gohan's Legacy: Legacy Through Responsibility!
I want to take this time to thank everyone who has supported this story from the very beginning. I really wouldn't have had as much motivation if it weren't for you guys. You all made it much more fun for me to write this story as well so thank you for that. I hope it has been as entertaining for you guys to read as it has been for me to write.
As I've already stated previously, I'm not positive when I will get out the sequel. It probably won't be for a least another year or so, but I will be writing a bunch of one shots and song fics in the meantime, so I won't be disappearing! And even though it might take a little while to get going, I promise you guys that I WILL write the next installment to this series. I have way too many good ideas not to. I just hope that you guys will still be reading fanfiction by the time I post it lol.
So without further ado, here is the epilogue!
"telepathic communication"
~change in setting~
~987 South District, Age 772~
"Do you really have to go Grandpa?" Goten asks teary eyed as he hugs the father he never got to meet until today. For the last few hours, Goku had spent some time getting to know his second son. The chibi was confused on how to address the man after finding out that he's his father, as the young demi-saiyan still considers Gohan his dad. Goku had immediately come up with the idea of calling him grandpa, making the claim that since Gohan was his dad that it would be easier to call him what you would normally call one's dad's dad. This had confused Gohan for a while when Goten had come back for breakfast telling him about his time with "Grandpa Goku," but when Goku had explained it to him, he felt truly touched.
His father considers him to be Goten's dad, even though he could have said otherwise.
Goku nods to the chibi wearing a sad smile. "I'm afraid so Goten…"
Indeed, the time has finally come for Goku to return to Other World. His 24 hours in the living realm have come and gone and now Baba is here waiting to bring the dead saiyan to where he belongs. Thankfully, the spell that allows Goku protection from the forces of the living world has a grace period of an hour so he doesn't have to worry about accidentally killing his soul by staying a little too long.
Still though, the saiyan's time is unfortunately up.
As promised, every one of the Z-gang members came out to Gohan's home to see the saiyan off, including Piccolo and Dende, and even Seventeen. The only one that isn't there is Videl since she got into some trouble with some crime in Satan City on her way over, but she had told Gohan to say goodbye to the saiyan for her. The gang figured that this area would be the perfect place for the goodbye as there isn't anyone living within 300 miles of the area, so they don't have to reveal anything accidentally to someone who doesn't need to know. Of course an ulterior motive for the decision to see Goku off in the 987 South District was also to see where Gohan resides and has resided for the past few years.
"But you just got here!" Goten exclaims, holding onto the man's pant leg tighter. The young boy has really come to like his daddy's daddy over the time he spent with him the last few hours. Normally this wouldn't be that big of a deal, but his grandpa had said that he's going away for a really long time.
Goku kneels down to Goten's level. "I'm sorry Goten, but I don't belong here. You'll understand when you're a little older." He pulls the chibi into a hug, a gesture that gets reciprocated immediately. If Goku were to be honest with himself, he doesn't really want to leave either. He too has grown attached to his second son, and although it isn't the connection he has with Gohan, he still feels really bad that he has to leave the little guy. "But at least you still have your daddy here. I know he will take good care of you."
Goten nods in the saiyan's chest. "I know. I just don't want you to go! You are so much fun to play with!"
Goku chuckles lightly as he continues to hold Goten. "Well you were really fun yourself. I am really glad I got to meet you Goten."
"I'm really glad that I got to meet you too Grandpa," the chibi responds realizing that Goku isn't going to be able to stay. "I'll miss you…"
Goku smiles at the chibi. "I'll miss you too Goten. I look forward to the day I'll be able to see you again." With that said, Goku gives the chibi one last hug and then carries him over to Gohan. He gives the chibi to his son and smiles before going back next to Baba. "Well… I guess this is goodbye everyone. I'll say hi to Vegeta for all of you when I get there."
Bulma walks up to Goku with tears in her eyes. "Goku, Vegeta told me once that if he died again to not wish him back. But Goku, could you please try and convince him to come back? I… I can't live without him anymore…" the blue haired genius wraps her arms around Goku and starts crying before she can stop herself, only able to control herself a minute later. The dead saiyan wraps an arm around his oldest friend and gives her silent support.
As soon as that scene is over, Goku looks Bulma dead in the eye (no pun intended). "Bulma, I will convince him to come back. Knowing King Yemma, I'm positive he made it to Upper Heaven at his death and is probably training with King Kai as we speak. He probably loves it up there, but I am absolutely certain that I can convince him to not make the same mistake I did." He smiles at his first ever friend tenderly. "You better get that ship ready to go to Namek because you'll be wishing back Vegeta in no time."
Bulma can't help but laugh at the saiyan's statement. "Thanks Goku! I really wish we could wish you back too!"
Goku smiles sadly. "I wish so too Bulma, but it's too late. You can't wish someone back over a year after they died. But make sure you live your life to the fullest, because I will be visiting you a ton once you're there and I expect to hear a bunch of really awesome stories."
The genius smiles and nods her head. Only Goku could make saying goodbye so easy. "I will Goku. Have fun with your training in Other World," she gives the saiyan one last hug before going back to where her son is, making room for Krillin to run up to the saiyan and give him his own goodbye hug.
"Goku, you big lug," the former monk starts, holding back his own tears. It is so hard for him to see Goku again only for him to go away just as fast as he came. "You are my best friend Goku. I'll miss you buddy!"
Goku quickly returns his best friend's hug. Everyone just makes this harder and harder for the dead saiyan to return to where he truly belongs now. However, this is the path he has chosen and there is no going back now. When the two pull apart, Goku looks down at his best friend. "I'm really going to miss you too Krillin, but look at you! You have the family of your own that you always wanted. Make sure to take care of them and look out for them like you looked out for me. You are an amazing friend Krillin and I expect to hear all about your life once you come to Grand Kai's."
"Hopefully that's not too soon." Krillin mutters under his breath, causing Goku to burst out laughing. Leave it to Krillin to find some humor in an otherwise somber situation. He's really going to miss that. After that moment Krillin smiles and continues. "You better make sure Vegeta comes back Goku. For some reason I can't understand, I miss the guy giving me empty death threats." This sparks some chuckling from the whole group, but as soon as it ends he gives Goku a big grin, finally at peace with the departure of his best friend. "Well, so long Goku. You better learn some techniques that you can teach me once I make it up there in the very distant future."
The dead saiyan returns Krillin's grin with his trademark grin before nodding. "Most definitely. See ya later Krillin."
As soon as Krillin returns to his family, Goku prepares himself for the most difficult goodbye he will ever have to give: the goodbye to Gohan. He sighs softly to himself before walking over to Gohan, who is still holding Goten, and Goken, who is standing next to his father. The full blooded saiyan decides to address the future demi-saiyan first. "Goken, I wish you luck with everything that is happening in your timeline. If anyone can get strong enough to stop Babidi, it's you, and if anyone can train you to get strong enough, it's your father. I wish you the best in everything you do."
Goken smiles and hugs his dead grandfather. "Thanks Grandpa, and have fun in Other World. I wish I would have gotten to see you more, but I understand why you did what you did and that you can't come back. I'm actually glad I got to see you at all… I'll miss you Grandpa…"
"I'll miss you too Goken." Goku replies while reciprocating the hug. He finds it even harder to let go of Goken, and if it's this hard to let go of him, then how hard will it be to let go of Gohan? The saiyan takes a deep breath before finally releasing Goken and giving him once last smile before turning his attention to the one he will miss the most.
He can already feel the tears start to well up in his eyes as he approaches his two sons. Once in front of the two, he finally works up the courage to address his eldest son. "Gohan, you take great care of Goten like you have, and make sure to give him an extra hug every day from me okay?"
Gohan nods and tightens his hold on the chibi. "Of course Dad," he responds.
Goku smiles before bending down to address Goten. "And Goten, you look out for your daddy okay? Make sure he takes you to visit your new friends and plays with you a lot. But most importantly, listen to your daddy and give him an extra hug every day from me okay?"
Much like Gohan, Goten nods to his father before turning and giving his daddy a quick hug. "Yes Grandpa…"
A cough interrupts the farewell between the father and his two sons, forcing Goku to look over to the source, Fortuneteller Baba. "I hate to interrupt your goodbyes Goku, but my spell will only last for another half hour, so unless you want to not exist anymore, we have to get going soon."
Goku frowns slightly before nodding to Baba. He quickly turns back to Gohan and Goten and gives the duo a hug, allowing one tear to fall out of his eyes before regaining control of himself. The two demi-saiyans both return the hug, Goten wrapping his little arms as far around the saiyan's middle as he can and Gohan by giving him a one armed hug while supporting Goten with the other. "Bye Dad…" Gohan whispers, not wanting this goodbye to end like the last one where he had to leave before he could even say a proper goodbye. "I love you Dad…"
"I love you too son…" he whispers back, trying to take everything he can from this group hug. He's going to say goodbye right this time. Eventually after some more nudging from Baba, Goku reluctantly lets go of his two sons and makes his way over to the witch that brought him back. Goku quickly puts on his normal grin and waves to everyone that is there. "Well, I guess this is goodbye everyone! Look after my two boys for me!"
A chorus of goodbyes follows the dead saiyan as he starts to lift into the air with Baba, following her to the afterlife. The dead saiyan continues to wave and grin until he disappears into the clouds in the sky.
Surely, the man that has been Earth's true hero will be missed greatly.
As soon as his father disappears from his sight, Gohan smiles softly. Yes, his dad is gone, but he feels no animosity or resentment towards him anymore, only love and respect. He will remember his dad for all of the good times he had with him and for everything that he has done for him.
Yes, Gohan is finally at peace with his father.
Goku is gone. Everyone is sad at his departure, yet happy that they got to see the man that they all cherished dearly when he was alive sooner than they expected. Now that he's gone though, they will need to get on with their normal lives that they've had for the past few years without him.
With one exception.
They now will be able to include Gohan and Goten into their lives!
Yes, the demi-saiyan that took his brother and exiled himself from the group of people that cared about him is now finally coming out of hiding. Everyone is ecstatic that they will finally be able to see the two sons of the man that they all miss dearly, as they have missed them as well. They all have decided to give Gohan the respect he deserves and let him live on his own out in the 987 South District like he has been for the past four and a half years. After all, the kid has proven himself to be incredibly responsible and quite capable of raising a child on his own, even if he is only sixteen.
However, everyone is now anxiously awaiting a grand tour of the area. While they will let him live on his own, they still want to become familiar with the area in which he and Goten will be living, for they expect that they will be visiting the duo quite frequently from now on, and Gohan knows this. He knows that everyone wants a good look around.
Unfortunately, the demi-saiyan has a bit of a dilemma going on at the moment. It is true that he would like to show everyone around the area. However, the demi-saiyan hasn't gotten even a ounce of shut-eye for the past 27 hours, and now that the adrenaline of his father's return and departure has worn off, he is starting to feel the consequences of the sleepless night he had. The teen doesn't know if he will be able to stay awake long enough to even show them the house, let alone the vast forest and all of the other places he would like to.
Gohan expresses this concern as he turns his attention towards everyone else in the group. "Man, I wish I could say that I could show you around the place today, but I have been up all night and am really tired. I really need to get some sleep." He then chuckles to himself while rubbing the back of his head with his free hand while everyone else sweatdrops.
Eventually, Bulma nods at Gohan. "We understand Gohan. We know you wanted to spend as much time with your father as you could yesterday. But one of these days you better show us around. I would really like to be able to navigate myself around here when I come and visit with Trunks. It was difficult enough with Trunks trying to find you by your ki and point me in the right direction."
Gohan merely grins. "You bet Bulma. In fact, if you all want, you can come over tomorrow. Goten and I don't have school for the rest of the week because of the tournament, so tomorrow or anytime this week would be fine."
Bulma however shakes her head. "Actually Gohan, I'm going to prepare the space ship to set off for Namek tomorrow so we can revive Vegeta. I have no doubt in my mind that your dad will be able to convince him to come back. Perhaps next weekend."
"That works for me. How about you Goten?" he asks, looking down at the chibi in his arms.
Goten grins like mad. "Yeah! Then I can play with all of my new friends! Like Trunks and Marron and –"
"Next weekend it is then." Gohan cuts off his son chuckling. "I guess I'll see you guys later then!" The rest of the Z-gang waves and starts heading off in their own directions, the only one staying behind being Android Seventeen. As the teen demi-saiyan watches Bulma decapsulate her jet copter, he remembers something he wanted to tell her. He quickly grabs her attention by shouting out to her. "Tell me when you're going to Namek Bulma. I definitely want to go and see Vegeta when you wish him back."
"Of course Gohan," the blue eyed genius replies, getting out her cell phone. "Do you have a phone?"
Gohan looks confused for a moment before it dawns on him that he does. "Actually, Videl gave me one so I could contact her whenever she wasn't here. Hold on, let me go get it." Gohan gently hands Goten off to Goken, who accepts the chibi happily, before going inside and grabbing his phone. He comes back out a minute later and the two exchange phone numbers (or rather Bulma puts her number in his phone and his in hers).
Satisfied that she'll be able to reach Gohan whenever she needs him, she smiles and hugs the demi-saiyan before walking over to the demi-saiyan duo of Goken and Goten before giving them a hug. "See ya later you two."
"Bye Miss Bulma!" Goten enthusiastically replies, giving her a classic grin.
Goken is more subtle in his goodbye, settling for a classic, "Goodbye Auntie Bulma."
Bulma smiles at the two before getting in her jet copter where her son is impatiently waiting for her. The only reason he hasn't taken off on his own already is because his mother would have been very angry at him for flying that long of a distance unsupervised. "Alright Gohan, I'll call you when I plan on leaving. Then you and Goken can just I.T. over here."
Gohan chuckles lightly, letting off a yawn mid laugh. Man he's exhausted! Both mentally and physically. "I look forward to it. See you later!"
Bulma gives them one last wave before lifting off and setting her course for a very lengthy journey to West City. As soon as the jet is out of sight, Seventeen walks over to the trio of demi-saiyans and smirks at Gohan. Gohan doesn't like the look on the bio-android's face, and figures out why only a moment later when he addresses him. "Gohan you sly dog," he starts, his smirk becoming more mischievous. "I know Videl's still coming over. I bet you're not even tired at all and just wanted to get rid of everyone so you could have some precious one-on-one time with your girlfriend."
The android then lets off a laugh along with Goken while Gohan's face flushes red with embarrassment. He sighs before turning away from them to regain his composure. When will this teasing end? Hasn't he gotten enough of this already on the way back from the Lookout? Apparently not.
Once Gohan regains his composure, he glares half-heartedly at the male android. "Really funny Seventeen. Seriously though I really am *yawn* very tired. I never went to bed last night. Of course you're free to stay and hang out with Videl and Goken…" at the end of his sentence, he only adds to his argument by letting off another huge yawn. He really needs to get to bed!
"I know, I was just yanking your chain," Seventeen replies, seeing how tired Gohan is. He shrugs before nodding to the demi-saiyan. "I guess I'll stick around for today. I have nothing better to do with classes cancelled for the rest of the week."
Gohan nods before walking over to Goken and Goten. He can tell that the chibi is tired from how much he is rubbing his eyes. The teen dad feels like it would be a good idea to put the little guy down for his late morning nap as well. "Goten, I think it's time for your nap. You've been up since 5:00 this morning playing with your Grandpa Goku."
The chibi protests weakly. "But Daddy, I'm not tired. And I wanna play with Ane and Otouto Goken and Uncle Seventeen." However, at that moment, his body betrays him as the little guy lets out a yawn.
Gohan smiles lightly, having an idea as to how to get the chibi to take his nap. "You can sleep with me. I'm going to be taking a nap too, so we can sleep together this time." While Gohan knows that this will work in his favor to get Goten take his nap, he also wants the extra comfort that being with the chibi brings. Even though he's at peace with his father, he still feels sad at his departure. It will go away in a few days once he gets used to not having Goku around again, but right now he needs the extra comfort.
Upon hearing his daddy's proposition, Goten's eyes widen. "Really?"
Gohan's smiles and nods in confirmation. "Yep. And the sooner we nap, the sooner you can play with Ane Videl and Goken and Uncle Seventeen."
This gets the chibi moving as he quickly nods and jumps out of Goken's arms, already running for the door of his home. "Come on Daddy! Let's take our nap so we can play later! I call the left pillow!"
Gohan chuckles before turning back to his son from the mirai timeline. "Well, I hate to keep the little guy waiting. I think you should take this opportunity to hang out with Seventeen and Videl and really get to know them. Seventeen is not the same person as he was in your timeline and is really fun to hang out with once you get to know him. Videl can be very… assertive at times but she's incredibly friendly and kind once you get to know her as well."
Goken takes a quick glance in Seventeen's direction before sighing and nodding at his father. He doesn't really want to be alone with Seventeen too long, but he can already feel a ki heading his way that should be there in five minutes, and he knows it's Videl since it feels a lot like Pan's ki. While he knows that Seventeen isn't a villain anymore, he still isn't comfortable interacting with one of the same people that he grew up being afraid of. "Alright Dad, I'll try."
Gohan puts his hands on both of his son's shoulders and gives them a gentle squeeze. "That's all I ask son." He realizes his son's predicament and knows that he must not be comfortable with Seventeen. He also knows though that he will like Seventeen once he hangs out with him for a little while. He then gives his son a quick hug and then gives Seventeen a wave (who returns the gesture with a mock salute) before heading inside to get some much needed shut eye.
As soon as Gohan is out of sight, Seventeen walks over to the mirai demi-saiyan. Goken visibly flinches at the androids approach, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Seventeen. He sighs before addressing the teen. "Look, I know what my counterpart did in your timeline kid," the android starts, "And let me tell you right off the bat that I am not the same way that he was. I couldn't even imagine doing the things that I've heard he did to you."
Goken finally turns and looks the android in the eye. Immediately memories of all of the people the android 17 in his timeline killed and all of the destruction he caused come flooding into his mind. It's one thing to be in Seventeen's presence when he's with his father or the other Z-fighters, but if he's alone with the bio-android, then all of the bad memories are triggered akin to a light switch. Still, Goken tries to swallow his trepidations and address the android. "I know that, and I am honestly trying to not feel the same way around you…" The demi-saiyan diverts his eyes to the grass. "But I can't help it. Your counterpart in my timeline was horrible… he traumatized me…"
Seventeen sighs in frustration, silently cursing his future counterpart for being an evil calculating bastard before nodding to the demi-saiyan in understanding. "I get it Goken. Is there anything that I can do to help change your image of me?"
Goken takes a risk and looks up at the android again. He can see that Seventeen is being genuine and actually is concerned for him. This gives the mirai demi-saiyan some more confidence that this Android Seventeen really is different than the one he knew. "Not really," he replies finally. "I guess just prove to me that you're not the same as your counterpart by doing what you've apparently been doing with my father while I'm around. Dad seems to like you and I consider him to be a very good judge of character, so there has to be some reason he lets you stick around."
The bio-android chuckles before smiling and nodding at the demi-saiyan. "Alright. I can already tell you're Gohan's son… well besides the fact that you look pretty much like a clone of him that is."
Surprisingly, this causes Goken to let out a few laughs, and Seventeen smiles at this, glad that the demi-saiyan is already starting to become more comfortable around him. These thoughts are interrupted by Videl landing on the lawn and running up to Goken, giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek.
"Hey Gohan," She starts, not noticing the furious blush on Goken's face. "Sorry I couldn't make it earlier. I had a run in with some idiots that were trying to rob a bank… and… WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING SEVENTEEN!?"
Seventeen is currently rolling on the ground laughing his head off. However he manages to reply to her in between gasps of air. "You… you're… you're talking… *haha* you're talking to… *hahaha* Goken… *haha* not Gohan! *hahahaha*"
At this revelation, Videl finally notices the blush on Goken's face and realizes what the android is saying. She pales before blushing in embarrassment as well. It's a good thing I didn't go for a kiss on the lips like I was originally planning, she muses. That would have been even more awkward! Eventually the teen regains her composure and shouts at Seventeen, who is still laughing his ass off. "Well it's not my fault that he looks identical to Gohan!"
If only you knew how wrong you actually are, Goken silently comments, knowing that Videl is actually his mother. "I-it's okay Videl," he responds, causing the girl to turn her attention away from the laughing android and back towards him. The blush on his face has subsided a bit, but is still very apparent. "It was only a kiss on the cheek. No big deal, plus you're my dad's girlfriend so it's not even that strange to begin with."
Videl smiles and nods in agreement. "You're right. Still though, we need to at least cut your hair or something so that we can avoid this situation in the future. Or we can cut Gohan's hair if you like yours that long."
Goken shakes his head. "Naw, cut mine. I actually love it this way, but if I love it like this, then my dad most likely does as well, so I'll let him keep it this way since I'm the guest in this timeline."
The daughter of Hercule nods. "Alright. I just need to get some scissors and a mirror then. By the way, where is your father? I figure Goten is taking his nap right about now, so is he putting the little guy down?"
"Actually, Gohan is taking a nap himself." Seventeen interjects, finally done with his laughing fit. "Apparently he never went to bed last night to spend as much time as he could with Goku. It's just us three for now."
Videl frowns. "That's weird, then why did he invite me over if he was just going to take a nap?"
"I think he wanted me to get to know you guys," Goken answers. "He was telling me to make sure I hang out with you guys before he went to bed with Goten."
"Wait, is he sleeping with Goten right now?" she asks, suddenly curious of the sleeping arrangements of the two demi-saiyans.
"I believe so," Goken answers, now wondering why his past mother is so interested in this. "Why?"
"Why?!" she asks incredulously. "Because those two are freaking adorable when they are sleeping in the same bed! I have to take a picture!" The young Satan then takes off towards the house while pulling out her camera from her purse.
Goken blinks and looks on curiously before looking at Seventeen. "Did she just say she had to take a picture of my dad and Goten sleeping together?"
Seventeen shrugs. "Beats me. After knowing her for three months, I don't question why she does certain things anymore." This only causes Goken to sweatdrop.
A few minutes later, Videl returns, holding her camera in front of her and grinning like mad. "I got it! The most absolutely adorable picture yet!" she quickly goes up to Goken and shows the demi-saiyan her handiwork with Seventeen looking over her shoulder.
The scene she captured was most certainly adorable. Gohan and Goten are most definitely sleeping in the same bed. The chibi has his arms spread out across his daddy's torso while his head rests against the older demi-saiyan's upper chest. Gohan has his arms wrapped protectively around his son while his face rests in the chibi's hair. This causes Goken and even Seventeen to grin. "Well you were right about the picture being cute, but I have to ask you why you are taking pictures of my dad and Goten while they are sleeping?"
Videl turns off her camera and puts it back in her purse before answering the teen. "Well actually I am making a scrapbook with a bunch of pictures of the two of them together for Gohan's birthday. I always wanted to get a picture of the two of them together while they are sleeping, but I've never had my camera… until today!"
Goken gives his mother a classic Son grin. "Wow, that's actually a really good idea. Dad will love that!"
Videl smirks. "Exactly, which is why neither of you are going to say anything about this!" she gives Seventeen a particularly hard glare, making the bio-android chuckle and put his hands up in surrender.
"Alright Videl!" he answers. "Don't worry I won't mention it."
The girl nods seriously. "You better not if you know what's good for you." She then turns back to Goken and gives him an excited smile. "Now let's give you a haircut! Don't worry, I'm not going to give you a bowl cut like Gohan's mom gave him when he was five. I'm just going to base your hair style off of Gohan's when I first met him at the Intergalactic Tournament. In fact, you know what that looks like since you were there as well right?"
Goken gives her a nervous laugh and nods. "Yeah I was…" The demi-saiyan is starting to second guess his decision to let his future mother cut his hair. She seems a little too excited and that makes him nervous of what she's going to do.
"Alright then you know what I'm talking about." Videl responds before pulling the demi-saiyan by then arm. "Well common! Let's cut your hair so I can finally tell the difference between your father and you without having to look at your butt to see if there is a tail hanging off of it. Not that I would complain about that arrangement necessarily, but this solution will probably make it less embarrassing for you two."
Goken blushes at that comment and quickly follows his mother, wanting to avoid that awkward situation at all costs. I just hope she knows what she's doing, he silently prays before disappearing into the small house, Seventeen laughing while bringing up the rear (pun intended).
~Grand Kai's Planet, Upper Heaven, Other World~
All is going well in the land of the dead. King Yemma is busy judging souls, sending them where they need to be. The Supreme Kai is back on his planet with Kibito finishing overlooking the whole Babidi situation, finally able to relax after seeing the small wizard retreat from Planet Earth, now focusing on another threat in the East. The four lower kais of the universe do their daily check on their quadrants of the universe before going back to what they truly want to do, that being training their past heroes for the next upcoming heavenly martial arts tournament, with the North Kai busy watching a spar.
A particularly interesting and impressive spar.
Vegeta can't believe the situation he's in right now! When he made the decision to give his life in order to protect his family on Earth, he had immediately assumed that when he died he would have been punished for all of the wrong he did in his life, being sent straight to Hell. Instead, much to the continued shock of the saiyan prince, he was rewarded for the person he became on Earth rather than punished for what he was under Frieza's reign.
And Vegeta couldn't be more pleased.
He honesty feels like a whole new person here in Upper Heaven. It's as if a gigantic weight was taken off of his shoulders. Apparently he did enough in his life on Earth to make up for his horrible past. Never in a million years would he have guessed that he could make up for the people he killed or the planets he annihilated. He still doesn't really believe that he has himself, but he will definitely take what he can get.
And now Vegeta, the same Vegeta that sacrificed himself for a planet that he would have destroyed ten years ago, is training under North Kai and having the most difficult spar of his life. Vegeta was under the impression that the only challenge he would be able to get in the afterlife would be from the blasted third class clown Kakarot, but he found out otherwise.
He was surprised to find many warriors on this planet that could actually give him a good challenge when he was at full power, and even three people that he lost to! As soon as he made it to the Grand Kai's planet (the planet North Kai resides on until he is able to rebuild his old planet) the saiyan prince had immediately challenged the strongest there was there to prove his superiority. At first everyone laughed at the short saiyan, claiming that it would take thousands of years to even come close to them. However, all Vegeta had to do is transform into a super saiyan and that shut them up. King Kai, knowing of Vegeta's skills and power, allowed him to challenge his best warrior, Olibu, knowing that the saiyan could never win. Not only was Olibu incredibly powerful, he had so much more experience in fighting than the saiyan prince, not to mention that the warrior had just recently been only the fourth person to master his Kaioken technique. He wanted to give Vegeta a humbling experience and knock him down a few pegs.
When Olibu was introduced, Vegeta burst out laughing at learning he was a human. No human could ever come close to a saiyan in power! Nonetheless, he accepted, although he thought it would just be a waste of his time.
Boy was he wrong!
Olibu really was something else. Not only was the human's ki on par with his, but he found that the human was incredibly skilled as well. While almost even in power, Vegeta was never more humiliated in a spar in his life. The human made quick work of him, using his superior knowledge of ki and extensive knowledge of the martial arts to dismantle Vegeta's form in a matter of minutes. The warrior did admit that with a few years under King Kai that he could possibly exceed him, but at the moment, there was no way that the saiyan prince could beat him.
And that pissed Vegeta off big time.
Vegeta, unable to accept defeat and blinded by rage, had charged after Olibu when the man had his back turned. All the super human had to do was use the Kaioken to deliver a ki enhanced punch to the saiyan prince's gut and Vegeta was down for the count, passing out for the next few minutes. Needless to say, Vegeta left Olibu alone after that.
King Kai then proceeded to send different warriors for Vegeta to spar with. The saiyan prince had learned his lesson and didn't take anyone else for granted. Even though everyone other than Olibu was weaker than him, their experience more than made up for it, and Vegeta found himself having a difficult time fighting a few of the warriors. After hours of sparring with different people, the kai found the perfect sparring partner for the prince, the same sparring partner that he plans on Vegeta training with for the next few years.
Katas is a Namekian from the age before the cataclysm on Planet Namek. He's been training with King Kai on Grand Kai's planet for the last 500 years and has gained a ton of great experience from it. Immediately, Vegeta had noticed an unnaturally strong resemblance to Piccolo, and demanded to know who he was. The prince was very shocked to find out that Katas is Piccolo's true father, and that he sent his son away from Planet Namek as a child to protect him from the cataclysm happening on the planet. Katas had died a mere hour later saving an entire village from a falling mountain, and his selfless act had landed him in Upper Heaven.
As soon as the two had started fighting, Vegeta had almost immediately picked up on the glaring similarities in the fighting style between this Namekian and the one he grew to respect on Earth. The saiyan also quickly realized where Piccolo had gotten his tactical genius that impressed even him at times as Katas would continuously come up with new, but very effective strategies to make up for the gap in ki between the two of them. While Vegeta would consider himself a master tactician, the tactical prowess of his opponent really was something that even he would marvel at. There were certain combinations that just caught the saiyan so off guard that he would end up getting burnt in the end.
This is the position the saiyan prince finds himself in currently. He is recovering from a blow of Katas' that sent him towards the ground. While frustrated that he can't seem to beat his opponent outright, Vegeta admits that he feels a thrill from this fight that he hasn't felt in an incredibly long time.
Not since his fight with Kakarot ten years ago.
Back then, while the prince would never admit it out loud, both he and that third class fool were equals. That battle, while his most infuriating, was also the most fun he had ever had. He was starting to think with the gap that had grown in power between himself and Kakarot that he would never get that thrill ever again. However, this Namekian is giving him the battle of his life, something he hasn't had for ten agonizingly long years. And while he still wants to one day prove his superiority once again to Kakarot, he has found himself a new opponent and rival.
And it's only a simple Namekian. Granted, this Namekian is the same Namekian that fathered possibly the greatest Namekian fighter to ever live, but it's still only a Namekian nonetheless (A/N: I just noticed that there are a ton of 'Namekian's in that sentence lol). After his experiences on Earth and Namek though, along with this humbling experience here in Upper Heaven, Vegeta realizes that the Namekians are not a race to take lightly. He has gained a lot of respect for the green, slug-like people over the last few years, and is starting to see them, along with the humans, as a very capable and respectable race alongside the saiyans.
Vegeta shakes his head before heading back to Katas to fight. He would have never guessed after what Frieza made him do that he would ever compare another race as equal to the saiyans, let alone two races like the Namekians and humans. But then again, he never thought he would be in Upper Heaven having the time of his afterlife fighting a Namekian of all people after what that blasted arcosian made him do either.
The saiyan prince comes back into the fight swinging, smirking as he finally is able to find an opening in the Namekian's relatively flawless strategy. He focuses all of his concentration on trying to expose this flaw. While relatively minute, this will turn the tide of the battle in the saiyan's favor, as he will be able to use his superior ki level and strength to his advantage. He shoots a mock ki blast right at Katas' face, and as expected, the Namekian calls his bluff, being able to feel the power behind the small blast and taking it as it was. However, the Namekian didn't expect Vegeta to shoot another one right after it, both colliding with each other and exploding upon impact mere centimeters away from his face.
This move stuns the Namekian for about a half a second, but that half a second is all Vegeta needs to act. He immediately gives Katas a mule kick to the chest, causing the father of Piccolo to heave. Vegeta then uses his speed to get behind the Namek and kick him in the back on the opposite side of the body where he kicked mere minutes ago, making sure to drive as much power has saiyanly possible into the strike. Much to the prince's delight, he gets the desired result as Katas goes flying towards the Grand Kai's planet. However, just before he hits the ground, the Namekian is able to stabilize himself and land on his feet, although not before creating a crater in the ground.
Vegeta prepares for the Namekian's counter strike before the voice of King Kai cuts him off. "Alright guys that's enough!" he shouts, much to the saiyan's irritation. He only just got the upper hand in this spar and now the blasted kai wants him to stop? "You've been fighting for 12 hours straight already and I have others I want to see fight. Besides, I think Goku is on his way back as we speak!"
That gets Vegeta's attention.
Kakarot's coming back!
Finally, after all of this time, he will be able to fight Kakarot! Finally, after all of this time, he will be able to settle the score between them. The saiyan becomes excited at the prospect of fighting his rival and becomes lost in thoughts about how he's going to finally beat him before they are interrupted by the sound of Katas' voice.
"So Goku's finally back from visiting his family," the Namekian comments offhandedly, crossing his arms over his chest in a very Piccolo-like fashion. Put a turban on his head and you have the Namekian himself, Vegeta comments to himself before Katas continues. "I hope he was able to control that transformation the Grand Kai sent him back to master. I don't want to encounter him in that state again if he can't control himself. Not even Pikkon could stop him."
Vegeta growls from his spot, silently cursing Kakarot's name. He knows exactly what his newest rival is talking about. The saiyan prince doesn't remember much from the time when Babidi took over his mind, but he does remember the power that he felt from Kakarot when he felt Gohan's ki disappear. He knows that the third class clown was able to control the super saiyan 2 transformation, a feat he has yet to even reach. Sure, he was in the super saiyan 2 state when he was under Babidi's control, but that was only due to the ki that the small wizard was supplying him. He has since tried to transform again, but to no avail, much to the prince's fury.
However, what makes him truly furious is the fact that Katas had stated that not even Pikkon could beat Kakarot when he transformed. The prince had soon found out about the Grand Kai's newest student when he got to the Grand Kai's planet. Olibu had admitted that not even he could beat the green warrior from the Western Galaxy, and the super human had wiped the floor with him; yet, it seems as if Kakarot had been unstoppable to even Pikkon. Now Vegeta is far from stupid, so he is quickly able to deduce from that information that he would stand absolutely no chance against his old rival.
At least not until he masters the super saiyan 2 transformation himself.
So Vegeta has a new goal. He will get Kakarot to teach him how to transform again, and once he does, he will defeat him. The saiyan prince has been shown up by a third class saiyan for far too long! He is determined to reclaim his birthright as the strongest saiyan in the universe!
After all once he learns how to transform, beating Kakarot should be easy right?
As if answering his thoughts, Goku appears out of nowhere right next to King Kai merely moments later. Vegeta is surprised by his rival's appearance only for a moment before his face contorts into a scowl. Damn instant transmission. The newly returned saiyan brings Vegeta out of his thoughts by looking straight up at him and grinning like mad.
"I knew it!" the third class saiyan shouts, before flying up to his position, stopping only when he's a few feet in front of him. "You made it Vegeta! You don't know how glad I am to see you in Upper Heaven!"
This makes Vegeta smirk. "I'm actually quite surprised myself that I made it here. Not that I'm complaining as this has been the best training I've gotten!"
Goku grins back at the saiyan prince, making said prince drop his smirk and scowl. He really hates that stupid grin. "I figured you'd be here Vegeta," Goku continues, seemingly oblivious to his saiyan counterpart's irritation. "I knew you'd make it after how you died."
This actually surprises Vegeta, although he hides it with a scoff. How did the clown know how he died? He should have been out cold! As far as he knows, Kakarot should've thought that he was still taken over by that blasted wizard! Even though Vegeta has really mellowed out and changed for the better over the past ten years, and he really did die to save his mate and son, he doesn't want everyone other than Bulma and Trunks knowing that. He has a reputation to keep after all, so the prince decides to play ignorant. "What are you talking about fool?"
Goku smirks in return, only proving to further irritate the saiyan prince. "I know that you sacrificed your life to take out Dabura. I was on the brink of unconsciousness when you arrived and challenged him. He was much stronger than you, but you challenged him anyways and before I passed out, I felt your ki and knew that you had broken Babidi's spell. It's very easy to connect the dots from there."
Vegeta growls in response before turning his back to the younger saiyan. "Well congrats Kakarot, you figured out how I died," he sighs before his tone softens a bit. "You're right. I died to kill that demon bastard in order to protect Bulma and Trunks." The saiyan turns back towards Goku and gives him a serious glare. "You better not have told anyone though otherwise I'll kill you. I don't care that we're already dead! I'll find a way to do it!"
The younger saiyan scratches the back of his head nervously, making Vegeta growl once more. He didn't… "Well... about that…" Goku starts, making Vegeta more and more furious. "Gohan and I might have told everyone on the Lookout after everything was said and done…"
Vegeta finally loses his temper and dashes towards Goku and grabs him by the front of his gi. "You baka!" he shouts. "Now those morons are going to remember me as a soft, sentimental fool instead of the proud saiyan warrior I was!"
Goku gives Vegeta a very serious look, taking the saiyan price completely off guard and making him drop his hold on the other saiyan. "Vegeta, you're wrong," he starts, catching the prince's curiosity. "They think of you exactly how you want them to think of you. The sacrifice you made was a noble one; your death was one that was fit for the saiyan prince, and everyone gained a ton of respect for you because of it."
Vegeta is about to retort, but Goku cuts him off. "They all care about you Vegeta, and believe it or not, you care about them as well. If you didn't then you wouldn't give a damn about what they think about you."
The prince growls in response, but doesn't deny the accusation as he knows deep down that it's true. Vegeta is a proud man, and if there's one thing that he's not, it's a liar. While he may point out flaws and make sarcastic comments much more often than give honest praises, he has never lied about anything. This is just another situation where the prince will refuse to acknowledge what someone said in order to protect his reputation. He doesn't want Kakarot to think that he's softened up over his years on Earth.
"Enough of this sentimental rubbish Kakarot," the prince finally declares, changing the subject. "Let's get down to business. You are going to tell me how to ascend to the next level so I can finally prove my superiority over you as the saiyan prince!"
Goku frowns slightly and scratches the back of his head. "I'm sorry Vegeta, but honestly I can't teach you much. I don't really know that much about the transformation myself–"
"Bullshit!" the saiyan prince shouts cutting off the younger saiyan. "You don't think I know about you ascending?! It was blatantly obvious once your son was incapacitated! I know you can freely ascend to the next level and you are going to show me or I will make you if it's the last thing I do!"
"Vegeta!" Goku shouts back. "I'm serious! While it's true that I can ascend, I have no clue how I gained control of it. I've been able to do it for almost five years and every single time I was in a fit of uncontrollable rage. I only was able to control it with the help of Gohan, and even then I still have no clue how I was able to gain control of myself."
"It was the bond that you shared with your son, Goku."
Both saiyans turn their attention towards the voice that said that and are surprised to find the Grand Kai looking up at where the two saiyans are floating. It seems that during their heated discussion that the place that was once occupied with many warriors from the North Quadrant is deserted and now it's only them with the highest kai in Upper Heaven. Goku looks down at the kai and voices his confusion. "What do you mean Grand Kai?"
Vegeta notices the Grand Kai's sunglasses shimmer as he explains himself. "I always thought it was strange how every time you went into that fancy dancy transformation of yours that you would become completely out of control, nothing like the warrior I'd come to know. But then I had remembered that Northie mentioned that you had been making progress in that transformation while your son was still up here, and I connected the dots. I had come to realize not only from that, but from the way you talked about your son and the longing that you seemed to have for him that he was the key to your control.
"I have learned much about saiyans over these past five years Goku, and one thing that I only recently learned is that while physical ability and metal capabilities are some of the great traits of a saiyan, the emotional control is a weakness. Every saiyan has a difficult time controlling their own emotions, using anger and spite as tools. This is due to the fact that saiyans had to evolve into a warrior race and their culture grew off of fighting. As such, emotional control was put on the backburner and it was considered weak or disgraceful to show any emotion other than anger or pride. This would come back to bite them in the long run, because that lack of emotional control makes a saiyan careless and selfish, both traits that would end up getting them killed in a battle if they faced a truly dangerous opponent."
Vegeta has been listening to this kai talk about his race intently, and looking over at Kakarot briefly, he can tell he's listening just as intently. While the saiyan prince knows a lot about his people, he never realized that what the Grand Kai is saying is true. He has always had a difficult time showing any affection or pretty much any emotion other than his smug attitude and anger. While he knows that deep down he cares for the planet Earth and its inhabitants, he has never really been able to show it outwardly, always trying to keep up a reputation as a cold, ruthless saiyan warrior.
Is this because he can't show his emotions?
Vegeta is knocked out of his thoughts as the kai continues his explanation. "However, I was always intrigued by you Goku. It seemed that the accident that you had as a child that caused you to lose your memory also helped you out. I always find it amazing what nurture can do to someone, and it was because you were brought up as a human, a race with superior emotional control, that you were able to control your emotions expertly for a saiyan in your base form. However, when you ascended to that super saiyan 2 form, you lost it. It seems as if when you ascend to a new level of power that your natural biological instincts take over and you revert back to the emotional control of a regular saiyan, meaning that when you're enraged that you have almost no control over it.
"This brings me back to our original question. From what Northie had told me about your first super saiyan transformation, you reacted in a very similar way, yet you were able to control yourself after mere moments. I also was stuck on how you were able to gain so much control of your super saiyan 2 transformation before the Other World Tournament and then lose that control completely during the tournament. After a while though, I had found only one correlation between both situations, and that was the presence of your son, Gohan. You were able to draw control from the parental bond that you had with your son, and that helped you stabilize your emotions and return to your normal self."
Goku looks at the Grand Kai with astonishment. "I think I get it now! I was able to finally control my transformation because of my bond with Gohan! I always knew that he had something to do with it, but I wasn't sure how until now!"
Grand Kai nods and smiles. "Indeed Goku. I have also learned that saiyans are a very unique race in their ability to bond with others. It seems that this is a coping mechanism for a saiyan's inability to control their emotions. They form a bond with another creature in order to draw some control from them. This is why when surrounded by friends or family, a saiyan has less of a difficult time controlling and displaying their true emotions. These bonds vary in strength, from a simple friendship bond to a mating bond and the strongest of all, the parental bond. Goku, the strength of the parental bond you share with Gohan is so strong that it was able to pull you out of the emotional chaos that both the super saiyan and super saiyan 2 transformations caused you. If that bond had been any weaker, I don't think you would have been able to cope with the emotions that those two transformations caused."
The prince takes a quick glance at Goku at this revelation and can clearly see that he is speechless. Not that Vegeta can blame him. He too is processing the new information about his race that he just learned moments ago.
Everything makes sense to him now! He always had known about the saiyan mating bond and the paternal bond, but he had never known what effects the bonds truly had on him. Sure, he knew that they made him care for his son and mate more, but he had no clue that he also was using those very same bonds to better control his emotions. Thinking back on it though, the explanation makes perfect sense.
For reasons the saiyan prince couldn't understand, he always just felt easier around Bulma and Trunks. It was a lot easier to keep himself happy and he found that he wasn't nearly as angry all of the time around them. It always felt easier to be himself around them. And after a while, he started feeling easier around those other earthlings as well, granted, not as easily as around his son and mate, but still much easier than he had been in the past.
The prince had always been incredibly annoyed by this occurrence, always believing himself to be becoming soft. After all, they hadn't had a real threat to the planet since Bojack, and that seemed to be ages ago, so the prince naturally assumed that it was the times of peace getting to him. But after what Grand Kai had said, it appears as if it is saiyan biology, or rather psychology, that made him feel this way. He was unconsciously creating friendship bonds with the Z-warriors, and these bonds were making it easier to control his underlying emotions, or in his case, express them. It was as if he was unknowingly longing for this opportunity due to an innate trait of his warrior race.
These friendship bonds also explain his relationship regarding Kakarot. While he would loath to admit it, he does consider the third class fool to be a great ally. Looking back, he also realizes that Kakarot can make him admit things that he would normally not admit to. It's infuriating to him how he would give in to the baka's questioning and tell him something, much like he did just a few minutes earlier when he had admitted to dying for Bulma and Trunks. He never realized why things would just come out around his rival, making it very easy to admit petty sentimental things. But now, Vegeta begrudgingly admits after all of this bonding information that he formed a friendship bond with Kakarot, and judging by the ease he felt admitting to certain things, a pretty darn strong one too!
This train of thought brings him back to what the Grand Kai had just got done telling Kakarot. The kai had said that Kakarot was only able to control himself in the second super saiyan transformation, and even the first one, with the emotional control that the bond he has with Gohan gave him. As Vegeta ponders this particular concept further, he realizes that the first time he transformed he was out of control as well. He was so infuriated at the time he honestly doesn't remember what he did after he transformed on that asteroid in space. All he remembers is that he didn't make any progress after that until he was back on Earth. Then and only then was he able to make any progress, and he realizes now that it was because of the emotional control that Bulma and an infant Trunks had given him while he was on Earth.
Mating with the blue haired genius at the time that he did truly was a blessing in disguise.
It seems as if these emotional bonds are the key to true emotional control. Perhaps his apparent friendship bond with Kakarot would help him achieve the next super saiyan transformation. After all, it not like he has any other options.
He's dead, and refuses to be wished back.
Not after what he did earlier in his life…
That big red ogre may have been able to forgive him, but he still hasn't forgiven himself. Vegeta is truly disgusted at himself for how he acted in his pre-Earth days. Granted, he didn't really have a choice half of the time because of Frieza, but it is those few times that he did that make him sick. After living on Earth, his value on life completely changed, and to be able to willingly kill millions of innocents and deprive them of the opportunity to live is something that the saiyan prince doesn't know if he'll ever be able to forgive. His punishment is the same one Kakarot gave himself:
Deprivation of his mate and son as well as the right to live.
Vegeta is brought out of these rather depressing thoughts by none other than Kakarot. Looking around, the saiyan prince muses that he must have been lost in thought for a while as the Grand Kai is now nowhere to be found. He also notices that King Kai came back at some point, probably to retrieve him for more training.
However, what Kakarot says to him next completely shatters that belief.
"Vegeta, I've got great news!" He starts by grinning that annoyingly cheerful grin at him again. However, curiosity restrains the saiyan prince from wiping that grin off of his fellow saiyan's mouth as he wonders what has gotten the clown so excited all of a sudden. "I've talked to King Kai and convinced him to let you get wished back with the Namekian dragonballs!" Vegeta's eyes widen at that, speechless. "He'll even let you use his telepathic abilities to contact Bulma right now so you can get back to Earth as soon as possible!"
"What!?" the prince finally yells out after regaining his voice, very much shocked at what Kakarot is saying. He just got done convincing himself that he shouldn't go back to the realm of the living and now this third class fool is telling him that he not only tried to convince the blasted kai to let him go back, but succeeded?
Kakarot looks back at him, but now with a confused expression sporting his face. "Didn't you hear what I said? I said that I convinced King Kai–"
"To let the others wish me back! Yes I heard you Kakarot!" Vegeta cuts off the other saiyan furiously. "What I want to know is why you did that?!"
The younger saiyan scratches the back of his head in further confusion. "Gosh Vegeta, I thought you'd be happy that you could go back. Why are you so angry?"
"Because I belong here fool!" the prince shouts back. "I'm dead! I should be here with all of these equally dead warriors instead of on Earth with those other buffoons!"
The third class saiyan becomes serious in his expression as well as his tone. And what he says next make Vegeta wonder if Kakarot can read his mind. "You're wrong Vegeta. You belong on Earth with your son and your wife, even though you think you deserve otherwise. You're punishing yourself for your past by staying here aren't you?"
The prince scoffs, turning away from his fellow saiyan in the exact same manner he did earlier when Kakarot had told him he knew how he died. And once again, the older saiyan doesn't directly deny it, but instead tries another approach. "How do you know I don't just want to train up here Kakarot? After all, I have everything going for me here; I've got a perfect sparring partner and a sensei that can actually teach me something."
"I know because I did the exact same thing Vegeta…" the younger saiyan answers, sighing in defeat. This change in tone causes Vegeta to turn around again and face the other saiyan. Before he has a chance to ask what Kakarot is getting at, he answers that question for him. "I thought of everything when I decided to stay dead after the whole Bojack incident. I decided to stay dead because of how I messed up with Gohan. I had to sacrifice my life in order to save him because I was stupid enough to put him in a life or death situation in the first place. Not only that, but I hadn't been there for him nearly as much as I should have, and I felt that I didn't deserve to go back after all of the wrongs I did. In deciding not to go back, I punished myself in the worst way possible: by keeping me away from the ones I loved most."
Once again, the third class saiyan hit the nail right on the head. That is pretty much the same thought process he has been going through. "If you did the same thing, then you know why I'm staying you baka!" the shorter of the two retorts, not caring that he just indirectly admitted that he wants to go back. "Why would you convince the kai to send me back then?!"
Kakarot sighs again. Vegeta doesn't remember if he's ever seen the seemingly perpetually happy saiyan this disheartened. "It's because even though I know why you are staying dead, I also know that it's also the wrong decision," he answers, also shocking the saiyan prince once again. "Trust me, I know from experience. By staying dead, you're not only punishing yourself, but Bulma and Trunks. You know more about the mating and parental bonds than I do, so you know that they are both devastated by you not being there. Bulma needs her husband Vegeta, and Trunks needs his dad."
Vegeta lets off yet another scoff. "The woman is strong, and she has all of her Earthling friends, as well as Trunks, so she'll move on eventually. She's not like your harpy who's had her bond broken twice. And as for Trunks, I hate to admit it, but your eldest son should be able to help the woman raise him. After all, your youngest son was raised by him and apparently turned out fine, even though he didn't have his father there."
The prince notices a surprised expression come across his rivals face for a brief moment, probably at the complement towards his son, before an even more serious look than before replaces it. "You're wrong Vegeta on both accounts. While Bulma may not die from a depression, she is never going to be the same. Chi-chi told me a lot about the first time I died and she said that the only reason she recovered is because she felt it when I was wished back. Bulma may have all of our friends, and there's no doubt that having Trunks around will ease the pain, but she is not going be truly happy again unless you're around.
"And Vegeta, I know that Gohan has done an exceptional job at raising Goten, but you really shouldn't really base your opinion off how well Trunks will be without you on Goten. He has never known what it is like to not have a parental bond, since for reasons I still can't explain, he has a parental bond with Gohan instead of me. If you want a realistic look at what Trunks would be like without you, you should really look at Gohan instead. He has a very strong parental bond with me, and for the past five years he's not had me around, he was miserable to the point that he ran away from all of his friends. He even told me himself that the only reason he was able to make it through those years was because of his parental bond with Goten. Trunks doesn't have that luxury, and trust me, even if he did, you don't want to put him through what Gohan went through."
Vegeta is honestly speechless. He never really thought of it the way Kakarot is telling him. And his rival does have personal experience with this situation. All of the examples the third class saiyan told him are all valid, with him being around personally to witness Gohan's exile from them. Before he has a think further upon the matter, Kakarot finishes his argument.
"Vegeta," he continues, looking awfully desperate. Now the prince knows he's never seen his fellow saiyan like this before, so whatever Kakarot wants to say next must be very important. "I made the same decision you did almost five years ago, and it took me until just yesterday to realize that I made the wrong decision. And now, as much as I want to go back and as much as Gohan needs me to come back, I can't… because I realized my mistake too late. But you still have the opportunity to go back. Vegeta… please… please don't make the same mistake I did. Allow Bulma to wish you back and go back to Earth with your wife and son. They need you… and you really need them."
With that, the lower ranked saiyan trails off and lets Vegeta think over what he said, and think Vegeta does. The prince can clearly see how much his fellow saiyan has agonized over his decision to not come back to life. For the first time ever he has seen Kakarot show emotions that he would have never thought the saiyan possible of having, the pure desperation in his final plea really being what gets to him the most. It is obvious to him how much Kakarot feels he screwed up, and equally how much he doesn't want him to repeat that same mistake.
But Vegeta still has to admit that if he were going to be wished back, it would feel like getting a free pass for what he did in his past. While the prince would actually prefer to go back to Earth and be with his family, he still feels as if he deserves some type of punishment for what he did in the past. He doesn't feel like he's done enough in his life to make up for all of the deaths he caused, no matter what Kakarot or King Yemma say.
The prince goes over what Kakarot had said again about what Bulma and Trunks would be like. He can't help but cringe at the third class' words. The prince won't deny that Kakarot knows what he's talking about either, knowing that he experienced it first hand with his mate and son. He also doesn't know if he would be able to forgive himself if he let the two people that he actually will admit that he loves to end up in a similar situation.
As Vegeta thinks about it deeper still, he thinks of ways that he may be able to go back without feeling guilty, because if there's one thing the prince hates, it's feeling guilty for something. If what Kakarot is saying has even an ounce of truth to it, Bulma and Trunks will be much better off emotionally if he were to come back. Vegeta also reasons that he wants to stay here simply because he doesn't feel like he did enough in the living world to make up for what he did in his past under Frieza's rule.
Perhaps he can make up for it by going back and saving Bulma and Trunks from a long-lasting depression.
With that thought, the choice for the saiyan prince is obvious.
"Kakarot… where is that kai? I have a call to make."
chibi- cute child, dwarf
ki- life energy
kai- god