Didn't See THAT Coming
Warnings: I have no beta. That should be warned against, right? None otherwise.
Pairings: RobStar on the side, probably Raven/Danny as a main...
Timeline: Before D-Stabilized, it's during Calling all Titans
A NOTE OF INTEREST To those who recognize this name and have seen the last post I posted here, it's me, the friend. She's still in a coma, but reading how supportive and caring you guys are to her, and me, has given me enough courage to actually post this story. Thank you.
Disclaimer: Heh heh heh... I totally own Danny Phantom and Teen Titans. *Is smacked by Kailey*
Kailey: I'm sorry.*bows* She's a well known habitual liar. She doesn't own either of these awesome franchises.
~ On-board the T-Ship, somewhere over the ocean:
"Finally. After months of fighting the Brotherhood of Evil, we're heading back to the Tower." He pauses to cross his arms behind his head. "First I'll play 'Mega Monkeys 4.2.' Then I'll eat a tofu burger." He pauses, thoughtfully tapping his chin. "Or maybe I'll eat a tofu burger, THEN play 'Mega Monkeys 4.2'. Or I could eat a tofu burger while playing 'Mega Monkeys 4.2'."
He's interrupted by robin's voice over the radio. "Sorry Beast Boy, but that tofu burger will have to wait. We've got one last mission before we can go home." Robin pushes a button, causing a compartment to open and reveal a Titans communicator. One pops out in front of each Titan. "The Brotherhood of Evil is targeting young heroes. There are still others that need to be warned."
"Haven't we already given these things to everyone we know?" Beast Boy interjects. "Titans East have them." He starts to count them off with his fingers. "Kole, Gnarrk, Kid Flash, Tramm the fish boy, the Russian dude-"
"Not everyone." Robins stern voice interrupts him again. "Your coordinates have been programmed into your pods. We'll meet back here once their delivered, and fly home together."
"Can't we just send them a letter instead?" BB says while spinning the communicator on his finger. Robin ignores him and continues on.
"If we split up we can get this done faster."
Finally Cyborg joins the conversation. "And the faster we finish, the faster we can go home."
"Maybe it's better if we stick together." The changeling interjects. Assuming a serious expression he continues, "I've been fighting those guys most of my life and I'm telling you... You can never underestimate the Brotherhood of Evil's evilness."
"This is the best way."
"Robin is correct. I wish to make with the haste so I can see Silkie." Starfire chirps with her hands clasped together.
"Let's just get this over with." comes Raven's even tone through the radio.
"Once all the Titans and honorary Titans around the globe are connected, we'll be ready. Anything goes wrong, I'm just a call away." He finishes grinning. Beast boy just slouches and grumbles at being given work."Titans, separate!" Robin pushes the button to launch his pod away from the T-Ship. The others following soon after.
Unknown to all those not involved, Robin then sent a private transmission to one of the other Titans. "I've given you an extra set of coordinates. I want you to check them out and report to me if the 'young hero' there seems so be anything other than a hero."
"What exactly do you mean by that?"
"I mean that I've heard some bad things about this guy. The news reported him stealing among other bad things. But that may be just be a rumor. This guy is an easy target for the media to hate."
The unknown Titan nods and sets off for their new coordinates.
~ The skies of Amity Park, Illinois
It was your typical day in Amity Park for our young ghostly hero, Danny Phantom. He woke up, got attacked by a pack of ghostly mutant pancakes (Hey, I said typical not normal!) , destroyed the pancake armada leaving the kitchen covered in batter, explained (read: Lied ) about 'Why exactly the kitchen was covered in batter and ectoplasm' and 'no, it wasn't a ghost come to kill them and then take over the world' to their mother and father, a task accomplished with much help from his sister Jazz, and after finally escaping the Fenton household 4 minutes later then he wanted to, he just had to run into Skulker, who he is currently fighting.
"I will have your pelt mounted on my wall, whelp!" the robotic ghost yelled as he brought his cannon out of his arm and fired.
"Not on your afterlife robo-freak!" countered a young teenager with snow white hair, and glowing green eyes. The teen flew to the left to avoid the missile. However that left it heading straight for a couple of civilians. Danny shot towards the group at max speed and just barely managed to intercept the missile before it hit them, creating an explosion. As the smoke cleared, it was obvious that Phantom used himself as a shield due his scorched skin and charred uniform. He came out of his defensive stance and held out his right hand, palm facing Skulker and shot off a ray of ghostly green energy at the other ghost, who dogged and turned to look at the blast as it sailed past him.
"Ha! A weak attack like that is nothing to Skulker!" he proudly stated as he turned back to his 'prey'. " I am The Ghost Zone's greati-"
He was interrupted by a now black gloved fist to the face, which sent him spiraling away, and a sarcastic, "Lamest hunter." Danny smirks and puts a hand on his hip, continuing with a slightly more angered tone. " I know. You've said it every time you attack me. Now can you just go home? I'm gonna be late for school." Skulker's mohawk of green flames flares in anger as he rights himself and launches himself at the teen, only to be enveloped in a glowing blue beam of light, and as he was being sucked into the thermos he yelled, "I will have your pelt, Ghost-Child!"
Capping the thermos, Danny muttered a sarcastic, "Yeah, yeah," and descended to the ground as he re-attached the thermos to his belt.
"Great. My suits toast. How on earth am I gonna get a new one?" he grumbled to himself. But before his feet touched the ground he heard a female voice call out from behind him.
"I may be able to help you with that."
He turned around, arms in front of him and hands alight with ghostly energy. But what he saw made him halt his attack. His mouth gaped open in awe of the teenage girl dressed in purple floating before him. And in a voice speechless and filled with reverence he whispered, "Suffering Spooks...Your a Teen Titan." He was so shocked he didn't even notice he sounded like his Father.
FIRST CHAPTER! YE-E-E-E-A-A-H! So how'd I do? And who do you think the purple wearing Titan is? Is it Raven, or Starfire? There's only one logical choice though..