Hello! This is CrystallineSnow! This fanfiction was inspired by the troll ancestors, and since we know little of them except snippets of stories, i plan to make this the story of the ancestors, with our main character being The Signless. This contains mild spoilers, so read at your own risk. Other than that, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Homestuck or any of its lovely characters.

Chapter 1: The Vision

It was always the same dream-no, vision!-that he had each night. Always depicting the same scene, the same people, the same movements. He had dreamt it so many times that it was permanently etched in his memory; set in the stone which was his thinkpan.

He would drift into a brightness. Not the kind that blinds you and leaves you seeing spots, no. It was a kind of soft brightness, the kind that you only see when you see sunlight through a veil. Then, the vision began to become more clear, to become a more familiar setting. It was the dark night of Alternia, the green and white moons full in the sky, lighting the dark soil of the ground just faintly. Figures moved through the fog of the night, disturbing the peace, yet bringing it in their own way. Now, no matter how many times he dreamed it, the next part always surprised him. Trolls of the entire hemospectrum were together, and they weren't viciously mauling each other. A mutant, like him, was singing with a subjuggalator. A yellowblood was laughing with someone of the highest blood color. That tinkling laughter was something not known of on his Alternia. It was something of another world. However, he knew it was possible to hear that laughter in real life.

Who was the bearer of such a dream?

He was named The Signless. Weird name, right? However, a name like that was the norm for anyone who lived on Alternia at the time. No one was given a name like John or Jane. No, they were given titles. The Disciple, Psiionic, Dolorosa, Summoner, Darkleer, Neophyte, Marquise, Dualscar, all going along the rule of 8 letters. Except for the Grand Highblood and Her Imperious Condescension, who ruled without mercy. He had mixed feelings for the Condescension, and most of them were negative. But that was already enough thinking to get The Signless awake.

Sitting up on his bed, he ran his hands through his messy hair. As he ran them through his hair, he felt the bumps of his horns. His horns were small and nubby; very unlike what the average troll's horns look like. In fact, you could barely see his horns through the mess of hair on his head. The Signless was always a bit bitter about this fact. Nevertheless, he still had holes for his horns in his cloak.

His wardrobe choice was simple compared to what most trolls wore. He had legging that reached up all the way to his armpits, bright red along the seams. He also wore a cloak, made of very durable and thick gray cloth. This cloak was a token from his guardian.

Now, The Signless didn't have a lusus to take care of him. Nobody wanted him. He was a mutant, an abomination! However, The Dolorosa, while on her mothergrub-caring duties, noticed a little red grub in the caverns. The poor thing wouldn't have made it through the pupa phase, let alone have the fortunate care of a lusus, with it's mutation. So, she decided to raise him herself, and leave the caverns.

In truth, he was actually very thankful of her. Who wouldn't be? She taught him everything he knew. Talking about knowing, he was supposed to have an important lesson with her today.

The Signless had now reached the main room of the hive, still pulling on his left boot as he desperately tried not to be late for his lessons with The Dolorosa. Heaven knows she can be scary at times. Upon reaching the door he stumbled and fell into the room unceremoniously, spread-eagle and face flat on the floor, his cloak billowing out above him. The Dolorosa, in all her finery, could not help but be amused. Her vampire incisors were revealed as she tried, but failed, to suppress a grin.

"Oh Signless, you really should be more careful. What would happen if you were to harm yourself? Come, we shall begin our lesson."

She towered above him, looking regal and grand, but not imposing. Her outfit was much more elaborate than the Signless's. It was a black dress with jade designing, and it covered the whole of her body. The shoulderpiece was pointed at the ends, and the skirt had mulitple layers of striped cloth. To top it off, she wore a thin, see-through cape of sorts.

Now, if you're picturing a stiff, cold highblood, you are sorely mistaken. The Dolorosa was a kindly jadeblood. She was everything but cruel and cold; she raised The Signless after all. She was a mother in every way a troll can be a mother. She, in every aspect of her life, was unlike any other troll. She did not believe in the violence and killing of other trolls backed up by the "survival of the fittest". In fact, she was the one who taught him that all trolls are created equal, without blood color.

"Dolorosa," he asked as he sat down at the table with her.


"I've been thinking about my dream..." he began hesitantly, thinking she would tell him not to speak of it. She never turned his ideas down though, so it was silly to think she would turn this idea down. She nodded, a sign that she wanted him to continue.

"And, I've wondered...and thought.. what if it's not a dream? What if it's a vision?"

The Dolorosa sighed, looked directly at him, and folded her hands. "Signless, if you truly believe it is trying to tell you something, what do you think it's telling you?"

"Well," he sat in thought for a moment, his brow furrowed and his lips in the shape of a pout, his arms crossed. This was his thinking pose, as he called it. "Well, I think it's trying to tell me that we shouldn't spread hatred; that we shouldn't be a race of violence. You think that too, don't you? Do you think it could be real? A place where trolls of all bloods were equal?"

He looked pleadingly in her jade-colored eyes, wanting her to confirm his wish. What he said next would be the trigger: "A place where I wouldn't be considered a MUTANT!?"

Her face remained calm, but memories wrecked her brain, memories she would rather forget. Memories of lowbloods killing highbloods and highbloods murdering lowbloods, and grubs cowering in the caves, as if they knew they would die if they stepped foot out there. Her heart skipped a beat at his outburst, but why she was surprised remains to be told, for he often yelled during their lessons.

"If you believe it to be true, how would you go about making it become reality."

"I-I would teach it! I would teach everyone my vision, and I would practice this profession. I would-I would preach it!" He spoke with a passion that made his whole body shake, and his clenched fists turn white at the knuckles.

The Dolorosa smiled. He had always been a passionate speaker, and the idea he proposed was very plausible, if not entirely reasonable. "Whatever you do,"she said, standing up and motioning for him to do the same,"I will support it. And wherever you go," she said softly, while holding him in a tight embrace,"I will go as well."

Pulling out of the hug, Dolorosa examined his face. His red irises were full of light and his head was full of hopes. After a while, he smiled, knowing he had done well in today's lesson. His sharp white teeth appeared on his grey lips, making little indents in them. She pushed back his bangs and left a small kiss on his forehead.

"How would you like to go to the marketplace with me today," The Dolorosa asked. The Signless loved the marketplace, with all its smells and sights and sounds, and so he agreed without hesitation.

"Yes, oh yes," he exclaimed, nodding his head vigorously before jumping around the table, clearly in a fit of excitement. Then he slowed to a stop and asked,"When will I be able to begin preaching?"

Leave a review, tell me if you like it, and put forth ideas, for I always read your reviews.

Have a lovely day-CrystallineSnow