I believe I must set some rules for all my fanfiction now.
Rule 1: Enjoy reading
Rule 2: Keep an open mind
Rule 3: If you comment about something wrong in my writing you must describe what was wrong and a solution or solutions for it. I'm trying to improve my writing and you just saying it sucks with no reason is pointless to me and I will ignore you. You know who you are. Don't disobey me.
That's all the rules for now until more comes to mind.
Twitch: Flashfox (When I stream) Discord: vrf8Mgx (For chats or ideas)
On with the story
I Do Not Own Naruto or Star Wars
"Goukakyuu no Jutsu" – jutsu's or incantation being announced
"Brat" – demon/being speech
'What an idiot' – thoughts
"Dobe" – speech
"Son of a -" back-round voice
The extraction process was going more smoothly with the Ichibi then expected until Pain had spoken up. "We have a group of unwanted visitors approaching the extraction location. You were tracked"
"Eh who are they? Them we are kind of busy" question Deidara.
"There are multiple groups coming from different locations. The Kyuubi jinchurkin's team with the addition of her siblings Hikari of the bending light and Kira the force storm. An elder from Suna by the name of Chiyo has tagged along. Another group coming from a different direction is a group of Uzumaki members coming from are north. From the east is a 4-man Konoha team. I don't know who the team is yet" finished Pain. As Naruto stood up.
"My group will help finish the extraction. I will assist in holding them off. I could use a stretch" -clicking a button on his arm his projection disconnected from the others. Turning to face the four curious faces he gave out his orders.
"You three finish in my place while I'll hold off some intruders. Menma, stay and keep an eye out. If I'm not done by the time you are then come and assist me" he said as the four nodded and sat down concentrating on their assign tasks
Team 7 and Uzumaki members along with Chiyo
The two groups had linked up and were now moving through the trees in a large group before they toke to the dirt road. Running along it as it seemed like a faster route were stopped when they faced off two members wearing black cloaks with red clouds on it. "Akatsuki. (Looks at the face of one of them) Uchiha Itachi" glared Sora reaching for her light saber but Kira stopped her. "Wait don't you sense the force surrounding one of them" said Kira looking at the hooded one.
"I'll check it out" said Hikari. She was a red hair woman with some of her hair in braids and blue pure eyes wearing the standard jedi uniform but instead had her cloak and clothes the color beige. She jumped forward pulling out a double-bladed blue light saber, activating one side, and slashing down at him but he quickly blocked much to everyone's shock with a red-light saber. While he was in lock in blades with her, he pulled back his hood to show his face once more as everyone gasped.
"Naruto" said Kira as he smirked at him. "Tadaa. Hello, again my victims. Did you really think you could escape me? That I would be finished with you?"
"So, you join their organization now too. You keep sinking lower" glared Hikari trying to push more strength into her blade along with channeling the force but not even causing a budge as the ground crater around them
"What does it matter? If I get what I want and fight stronger opponents, I'll work with them" he said pushing Hikari back some before breaking the saber lock to enter a high-speed light saber battle with her. Despite her having the double-bladed light saber and activating the second blade Naruto was easily putting her on complete defensive. While they were fighting the group of Uzumaki's jumped down surrounding them with a total number of 5 of them. Three having blue and two having green light sabers.
"More prey? I'm so going to enjoy this" he smirked jumping in the air gathering the force around him as he brought his body in close before releasing it as he spread his body wide sending all of them flying back.
"Sora stay with your team and handle Itachi. We will deal with Naruto" said Kira running towards Naruto and fighting him in a light saber battle.
With Naruto
Naruto had blocked the strike from Kira and spin kicked him in the face sending him back into a tree. Before he could retaliate Naruto used a Force Push to send him flying through the tree and back some distance. Seeing one of the Uzumaki's get up and taking off its robe to reveal a white battle garment with wrappings around the arm. It was a female having brown short hair with a tiny piece of braided hair on the side of her face, brown eyes, white smooth skin, and was holding a blue light saber.
"I don't know what changed you to become like this and why the council wants you alive, but I can make a few guesses. Maybe they want because you are a Sith now. Probably even more now that you are part of Akatsuki for some info" she said dashing at him with a slash which he easily blocked and pushed her away some distance as he held his sword down behind him.
"What does it matter to you? You're just a simple Uzumaki that follows the rules. You wouldn't understand anything. So pure and kindhearted. Maybe it will be fun to corrupt you" he smirked her at the end thrusting his hand out to shoot blue lighting from his fingertips which she blocked with her saber with her quick reflexes.
Seeing this he stopped the lighting to pick up his saber and put it a little behind his back blocking a slash from another Uzumaki holding a green saber. Following up the block he thrust his hand into his chest releasing a point-blank force push sending him flying off. Sensing another disturbance in the force he looked up to see the women from before charge the force in her hands and unleashed a powerful force push at him. Acting quickly he sent his own force at her battling her in a stalemate.
'How is this possible? I charged that up before I shot it at him, and he just did a quick one forcing me in stalemate. He is this strong in the force? He was supposed to be untalented' she thought as she was putting her all into it as he was barley breaking a sweat. Jumping to her side the rest of the Uzumaki's pushed their force energy into it putting it back on even grounds making Naruto narrow his eyes at them due to having to use a lot more power. Finally adding to it Kira and Hikari sent their force push as Naruto had to push even more of the force into it and seem to be straining a lot with both hands out. In the middle a ball of blue and black force was swirling up violently as it destroyed the area and knocking down trees.
'What power! He is holding all of us off and its seven against one. I may have to push myself to my limits if we battle one on one' thought Kira as an explosion went off in the background signaling Itachi's demise in the background. A few seconds later Sora appeared on the clearing to the force battle scene. She looked at Naruto for a few seconds before standing next to Kira and powering up her force energy and adding the Kyuubi's. While everyone's force was blue or black Sora's had turned red. Seeing this Naruto slowly closed his eyes as he held up the battle using one hand as he put his saber away. Pulling his right hand back slowly blood red and black colored force was being formed in it as he spoke an incantation.
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free!" he yelled at the end and in that fraction of a second curse seal marks appeared all over him as the black and red force had purple added to it that made his hand shaking wildly out of control. He released it at the same time Sora did hers making a massive explosion sending everyone far sliding back. Sliding to a stop finally Naruto sense a signal through the force alerting him to a new development. "Well my job here is done. I won't last long with these numbers" he said jumping away as he used the smoke from the explosion to cover his exit
Getting up Kira looked around for any sight of him but only to see none and to sense him slowly disappearing from his range. "He's gone" said Hikari walking up to him as he nodded.
"Dammit he got away" said Sora looking down. "We must continue on with the mission first. Then we will focus on Naruto" said an Uzumaki member as the others regrouped and nodded continuing on.
With Naruto
Naruto landed back in the cave were his three teammates sat down leaning against the wall exhausted from the extraction while Menma was poking their shoulder. It wasn't easy controlling the charka of everyone's as well as take out the Ichibi after all. Naruto looked to where Deidara and Sasori sat at which was next to the surprisingly living but still unconscious Gaara.
"They will be here shortly, prepare yourselves" he said as he went over to the three extremely tired females. He picked up Kameko and placed her on his back piggy back style. Pushing a few buttons on his device which was on his arm electricity came off his back attaching to her metal chest plate keeping her in place without him needing to hold her. As soon as it locked the electricity had disappeared. Right after he slung Takara's arm over his neck while holding her side so she would lean on his left and did the same for Gina on his right. A clone formed to pick up Menma.
"What are you doing?" questioned Sasori as he watched him grabbed all three of his exhausted teammates.
"My team is exhausted and so should theirs. I'm leaving them all to you two. You both are after all S rank missing nins" he said as he faced the entrance to the cave.
"I don't trust the use of too many clones with the enemy Uzumaki's so close to hold them" he finished before kneeling a little to see the massive built up force mix with charka on his boots. As if he was timing it the huge boulder blocking the entrance and exit was shattered revealing the sun shining in. With it opening a group jumped in with Naruto and his clone jumping out and over them heading left into the woods.
"Was that Naruto?" questioned Sora being part of the group entering. "I can handle Sasori" said Chiyo as Kira was thinking of a plan.
"Alright Sakura stay with her and support her" started Kira when in an explosion of sand near the two Akatsuki members had them jumping away from an awakened and angry Gaara. Deidara acting first created a bird and flew out the exit as well for more space with Gaara on his sand following him.
"Kakashi assist Gaara the rest of us are taking down Naruto" said Kira jumping off after Naruto followed by the rest of the Uzumaki members
With Naruto
Once getting a good distance away Naruto had set his son and the females down against a rock. Placing his hands over them he used the force to heal and restore energy to them when Gina spoke up.
"Why didn't you leave us there and ran off with your son? You know they would come after you. I'm not sure you can take care of us and fight them at the same time" she started as the other two looked at him for answers.
"I couldn't leave you there. I've grown attached to you three and I'm no coward. Plus, Menma likes you as well. It's hard to raising and training him by myself and accomplishing my goals" he smirked as they smiled back
"What you mean to say is you love and need us. You want us to be his new mommy" said Takara chuckling as Naruto sign rubbing his forehead. "Maybe pop out a few more kids" she added
"What am I going to do with you three" he said as Kameko kissed him on the cheek making him freeze in shock. "I'm ok with just two more" she smirked at his frozen face before it softened a little.
"What am I doing? I am a Sith, yet I use Jedi techniques too and I feel things for you three" he said slowly standing up as the Uzumaki's jump into the clearing.
"It means that you are not evil" said Hikari. "We heard everything you said" said the women he was fighting before. "You belong with u-"
"No" he interrupted Sora.
"It means I am neither Sith nor a Jedi. It means I must be in the middle. The Twilight" he said forming a defensive stance with his red-light saber in the blocking position.
"I will admit I'm a bit fucked up, but I do care for them. If I just give up here it means bad news for them so I will not hold back. I WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN IF YOU TEST ME!" he finished as seal marks appeared over his body with purple charka and the black force as well. Slowly from the hilt of his light saber the red light saber turned black with white lighting surrounding it as if there was an unstable crystal in the light saber.
"I think we may actually die here" muttered Sora looking at a highly angered and evilly smirking Naruto