HEYO! ugh, THIS IS SO SHORT! I thought it was a little longer, but oh well. I'm just glad that I've FINALLY got something better then stupid WordPad to use for writing (it's the crappiest writing program EVER. and I mean that quite literally). so if anyone out there doesn't have Microsoft Word or hates WordPad (or both), then I highly recommend Open Office. IT'S SO MUCH LIKE WORD! (Microsoft Word, that is). so now I can finally do better chapter editing =D so I hope you enjoy this chappie and don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Home on the Range or any of it's characters. they are all owned by Disney. I'm simply borrowing them for this fanfic. I only own Jedediah (who's Jedediah you might ask? you'll find out below) xD

Grace was scared, but she knew that Buck would come for her. He just had to! She knew that he wouldn't just let these strange men take her away. "maybe he's getting help" she thought, since she couldn't hear him following the train anymore.

"sorry this happened to you, dear" one of the other cows said. "but that's the way it is when you wander off too far from your heard"

"I didn't wander off from my heard" Grace said. "I was... I was running away"

"running away?" the other cows all laughed. "don't you know it's not safe for a cow to travel alone?"

"I know that" Grace said defensively. "b-but I... I was heading for Chugwater-"

"Chugwater? Why the heck would you want to go to Chugwater?"

"I... I was going to see Buck-"

"Buck? You mean that sheriff's horse?"

"yes. Wait, how do you know that?"

"we've all heard of Buck, that big, macho horse who thinks he's invincible" the cow rolled her eyes.

"well you just don't know him like I do" Grace said.

"you know Buck?" a small voice asked.

Grace turned and saw a small calf huddled up behind her in the train car. The calf was a dark bluish gray color with a slightly darker patch of hair over his right eye, and a white patch just above his left rear hoof. "well hello there, sweetheart" Grace said, her maternal instincts kicking in. "yes, I know Buck. I know Buck quite well"

"th-that's cool" the calf said shyly. "he's the greatest"

Grace chuckled a little, smiling a bit. "yes, that's certainly true. What's your name?"


"well Jedediah, it's very nice to meet you. I'm Grace"

the calf smiled slightly, hesitantly moving from the corner. "so... so those bad men caught you too?"

Grace sighed. "yes. But Buck is going to save me, I just know it"

"do you think..." Jedediah hesitated. "do you think he'll save me too?"

Grace nodded. "of course! Hey, wait a minute..." Grace turned to the cows on the other side of the train car. "which one of you is his mother?"

"none of us" the largest cow said. "he was caught out in the wilderness all alone"

Grace slowly turned to the calf. "so... you don't know where your mother is?"

the calf frowned, slowly shaking his head. "n-no... I've been on my own for a long time now"

"oh you poor thing" Grace's ears folded back slightly. "well I'll tell you what, honey. You just stick with me and I'll help you find your mother, okay?"

Jedediah's face lit up a bit. "r-really? You'd really do that for me?"

"of course" Grace nodded.

"wow... thank you, Ms. Grace" Jedediah said, slowly moving a bit closer to her.

"it's no trouble at all, Jedediah" Grace said, sighing as she laid down, staring out a crack in the wooden side of the train car. Jedediah hesitated a second before he walked over and laid down beside Grace. She smiled slightly and laid her head down, still staring out the tiny crack. "I hope Buck will find us soon" she thought, tears welling up in her eyes as she slowly began to fall asleep.

"okay Hot Shot, which way did the train go?"

Buck, Maggie, and Mrs. Caloway were heading down to the train tracks that were nearby Patch of Heaven. "the train was heading this way" Buck said, nodding toward the southeast.

"hmm... I'm not familiar with any towns in that direction" Mrs. Caloway said.

"well that's where it was headed" Buck said.

"well I guess we should head in this direction then" Maggie said.

"yeah, there's got to be a town somewhere where the train might stop" Buck added.

"well, let's get going then" Mrs. Caloway said. They began to follow the train tracks.

"don't worry, Grace" Buck whispered. "we'll get you back"

HOORAY, another chapter done! again, BIG thank you to the people reviewing and keeping up with this story, I really appreciate it. hoping to have the next chapter done soon. OH, and before I forget (again), I've made a couple Brace vids, including a 'Saving Grace' trailer! just look me up on YouTube, my channel name is StarWarsFanatic99. I made a trailer for this story and a Brace video with Taylor Swift's 'Love Story' song. hope you enjoy!
