A/N this is the last chapter because I wanted to make sure I finished this story before the next season started and I had a whole lot of other ideas for stories! This chapter is really long because I found I couldn't stop writing, sorry! And if there are loads of mistakes I'm really sorry but I've written this after coming back from my friend's house after having a 19 hour 'Harry Potter' marathon in 24 hours and I've only had five hours sleep and I normally like having eleven hours sleep when on holiday! :P I noticed one of my characters was called Harry so now I've had to have the 'Harry Potter' soundtrack playing as I wrote this! (Don't know why I just told you this, must be the lack of sleep! But seriously some of the soundtrack songs made me feel really emotional writing this!) Anyway thanks for reading, reviewing, following and favouriting it means a lot! I am now going to go have a sleep because I am so tired but I just had to write this first. Enjoy!

Jamie had been partnered with Kathy for two years, Kathy had been right when the second anniversary of Vinny's death had arrived. He had found it easier to deal with all his emotions. Looking at Kathy now compared with the rookie he met in Renzulli's office, Jamie could clearly see the differences. In the beginning Kathy would only speak when asked a question and her deep blue eyes would always glance back at Jamie checking she was doing the right thing. Now they were so in sync it was like they had been partners for more than two years. Kathy no longer glanced back at Jamie for reassurances, she didn't even glance back to see if he was there as backup. She didn't need to. They each knew what the other was thinking without eye contact.

Jamie was brought back to the present where he and Kathy were currently stood at the front of a classroom in front of twenty five 11 year olds. A girl, Helen Parsons, who Jamie found in Central Park during a blizzard two and a half years ago had asked him to come and speak to her class. If Jamie was honest he had been a little (maybe a lot) nervous, he had no idea what he should say and what questions the kids would ask. Because everyone knew how difficult 11 year olds could be when asking questions, he had the niece and two nephews to prove it. Danny had said just pretend he was talking to Nikki and the boys, something Jamie knew wouldn't work. Because one, the kids were the wrong age group and two, he would be talking to kids who didn't come from policing backgrounds so would have no idea what being a cop was like. Kathy hadn't been any help either saying "how am I supposed to know what to say to them? I'm the youngest in my family so I have no idea what to expect. You on the other hand have a niece and two nephews who have all been 11!"

So Jamie and Kathy looked out at the sea of expectant faces not knowing what to say and were trying to cover up their worried expressions. Helen seemed to sense what they were thinking so from where she was standing next to Jamie she introduced them. "Everyone this is Officer Jamie Reagan and he is he Officer that found me in the blizzard and this is his partner Officer Kathy Riley" at hearing how Jamie found Helen all twenty five hands shot up in the air causing Jamie to think what have I gotten myself into? He turned to share a look with Kathy and saw her facial expression matched how he was feeling. Her expression was one of mild horror. Jamie would have laughed had he not been in the same predicament.


Half an hour later Jamie and Kathy both breathed a sigh of relief, they had successfully gotten through the questions thrown at them without feeling they had said something they shouldn't. And had successfully dodged any questions like 'have you shot anyone? And what was it like?' making the two Officers proud of themselves. While the class went back to what they were doing before Jamie and Kathy arrived Helen approached Jamie and hugged him as he crouched down. Causing Kathy and Helen's teacher, Miss Sanders, to smile.

"Thank you so much for coming Jamie!" smiled Helen,

"It's okay, it was nice to be in a somewhat safer place than the streets" replied Jamie causing Helen to laugh before she waved and wandered back to her seat.

"'Somewhat safer' really?" smirked Kathy raising an eyebrow at Jamie as he rose to his feet.

"He has a point" giggled Miss Sanders, "Sometimes I feel like tearing my hair out with what the kids are doing"

"Really? I thought teaching was a nice job" mused Kathy turning to look at Miss Sanders.

"Oh you can be surprised" shuddered Miss Sanders, "They can be little horrors sometimes, I'm just glad I don't teach in High school"

"I feel sorry for the teachers who taught Danny" added Jamie chuckling. Kathy sniggered, she felt slightly sorry for Danny because he was quite often on the receiving end of their jokes. But she knew he could take it, he had after all survived the BBQ that the Reagan's and Riley's had together last year.

They said goodbye to Miss Sanders and then with one more wave at the kids they left the classroom shutting the door behind them and walked towards the main entrance.

Kathy turned to Jamie, "Don't you want to go back and get Miss Sanders's phone number?"

"What?!" exclaimed Jamie wide eyed and came to a halt.

Kathy stopped, turned to face Jamie and smirked, "She seemed to like you. A lot. Oh! Wait a second! You went on a date with…um…Emily Weaver! More than one date! If I remember right, I am right aren't I? I forgot to ask, how did the latest date go?"

Jamie shook his head, "Yeah I'm not talking about this with you. Ever!"

"Aw c'mon Reagan don't be such a spoilsport!" wheedled Kathy smiling,

"You may have been a cop for two years but that doesn't mean I'm not your TO anymore, so you'd better do as you're told" responded Jamie good humouredly.

"Yes sir" replied Kathy saluting,

"Don't take it too far" smirked Jamie as he began walking again and as he passed Kathy he gently shoved her aside, "And why would I tell you about my date when you still have no idea about how you feel towards a friend"

"What feelings? And what friend?!" exclaimed Kathy as she and Jamie walked down the main entrance steps.

"Harry Lewis" responded Jamie smiling.

"I do not have feelings for Harry!" retorted Kathy.

Jamie paused before getting in the squad car and seriously looked over the roof at Kathy, "Being on the job has taught me never waste a second of your life. Kathy trust me right now you may think you have all the time in the world to sort out your feelings. But the thing is, what Vinny's death has taught me is that you never get as long as you thought" he then opened the door and got in the driver's seat. Kathy continued looking over the roof of the car thinking, but Jamie shutting his door jolted her out of her thoughts and she then got in the car knowing she had to do some thinking.

As Jamie navigated the streets Kathy came to the conclusion that Jamie was right, she did have feelings for Harry. Every time he introduced a girlfriend Kathy had always felt an emotion which she had no idea about, and could never look at Harry and his girlfriend. Whenever she introduced someone she was dating from the corner of her eye she could always see Harry giving her a weird look, she now thought that maybe Harry felt the same.

From the corner of his eye Jamie could see Kathy was deep in thought, he remembered all the times she had helped him when the memories of Vinny's death resurfaced and caused havoc with his mind. Jamie saw Kathy as the younger sister he never had and just wanted her to be happy, whenever he joined Kathy and her friends for drinks he always saw the looks Harry and Kathy gave each other when the other wasn't looking. Jamie remembered last year when Oliver Price had gripped Kathy's arm so tight it left bruises and how he found the precinct where Kathy worked out of without her even telling him she worked out of the 12th. Since then Jamie had kept an eye on her, but he had known Harry for eighteen months and knew Harry would take good care of Kathy. Even though Kathy would stubbornly comment she didn't need being taken care of, something both Jamie and Kathy's brother Connor would disagree with. When Kathy was fresh out of the Academy she and Jamie on their tour happened upon Connor, Sam and Brandon, Kathy went to get some coffee with her cousins. When Connor took Jamie aside and asked if he thought Kathy would be able to cope with the job.

"I just worry about her. Dad's death really affected her, she screamed whenever she saw the uniform, which was the only sound she would make for a month. It was horrible, my non-stop talking sister didn't say a word for a whole month! And you know how stubborn she is. Mom and I thought she just wanted to become a cop so she could beat her fear as it were. So when we convinced her to go to college we thought being older she'd see sense and realize she had nothing to prove" commented Connor scratching the back of his head.

"I understand Connor how you feel about Kathy becoming a cop, my family would sympathise as they wanted to keep me away from the job. And you're right she is stubborn" admitted Jamie giving Connor a small smile. "But I can tell she didn't become a cop to beat her fear. She became a cop because she genuinely felt like she could help make the city a safer place"

Connor nodded and looked over at a laughing Kathy who was joking around with their cousins. "I know you can see horrible things on the job, and that there is always a risk that a cop can be killed. I just worry that Kathy might not be able to cope with it all, and even if she wasn't…killed. I don't want to see her loose herself"

Jamie squeezed Connor's shoulder, "She'll be able to cope, and her stubbornness can provide her with enough inner strength to be able to deal with the worst the job can bring. Trust me she's just like my brother Joe and he could hold his own and didn't let the sights he saw get to him"

Connor nodded again, "So she'll be okay?" Jamie could hear the desperation that Connor wanted assurance that his sister would be able to cope with the job.

Jamie smiled and nodded, "There'll be bad days, always is with this job. But trust me she'll get through all the bad days" Connor had relaxed and smiled his thanks.

Jamie had been thankful that Kathy hadn't had to go through the worst things he himself had gone through such as having to fire her gun and end up ending someone's life. But being a cop isn't an easy ride and Kathy was about to go through something Jamie wouldn't wish one anyone, let alone his friend and rookie. And he decided to give Harry and Kathy a push in the right direction, he just never thought it would be through a situation no cop wants to go through. A shoot out and someone in the hospital.


Jamie and Kathy were about to go on a meal break when over the radio there was a 10 – 13. Kathy switched the sirens on as Jamie turned the car around, cars braked around them as the squad car was turned and then sped off in the opposite direction.

Four blocks away Jamie brought the squad car to a screeching halt, and almost immediately the squad car began taking hits from a continuous stream of bullets. Kathy hunkered down in her seat, twisted her body to the left and covered her eyes as her side window smashed. Small pieces of glass cut the back of her hands and the parts of her face she was unable to cover. Jamie threw his door open and dived out of it and quickly pulled himself to the side and lent against the side of the squad car as Kathy scrambled over the seats and also dived onto the street. From where they were taking cover they couldn't see where the shooter was.

"Reagan!" Jamie turned his head to see a Sergeant he recognised from the 14th crouched behind a wall. Jamie realized the shooting was taking place where the 12th's jurisdiction met with the 14th's jurisdiction. Sergeant Gordon Wright happened to be Harry's Training Officer, and sure enough Harry's head popped around the wall and his eyes widened seeing Jamie and Kathy pined behind their squad car.

"Lewis covering fire!" ordered Wright, he and Harry then brought their guns into view and began firing in the direction of the shooter. In the small lapse of firing from the yet unidentified shooter Jamie grabbed a fistful of Kathy's uniform and pushed her forward and they dashed across the short distance to the wall and crouched behind it with Wright and Harry.

"You alright?" asked Harry, his eyes flickering from Kathy to Jamie. But his eyes rested the longest on Kathy, as if he was trying to reassure himself Kathy was unharmed. Jamie nodded and then turned to Wright, Kathy also nodded, but slowly. Harry, his eyes still widened reached out and with delicate hands pushed a stray strand of hair back behind Kathy's ear. "You sure?" he checked.

Kathy gave him a small smile, "I'm sure, it's just these small cuts are stinging. Which is annoying considering how small they are" Harry's face relaxed slightly and gave Kathy a small smile in return, they then listened to Wright.

"At the moment the shooter is unidentified and began firing on us for no apparent reason. All I can figure is that the shooter is on the rooftop of one of these buildings, but they've obviously got experience because they've hidden themselves out of sight. Lewis and Riley, I want you to follow the wall keeping your cover and see if at any point you can get a clear view of the shooter. Reagan and I will be coming behind you once I've briefed the rest of the backup on what is happening" stated Wright as he nodded at Harry as Harry moved past his TO.

Kathy began following Harry keeping her head down, but she had only gone a metre when a hand reached out and stopped her. She raised her head slightly to find herself looking at Jamie's concerned filled gaze. Jamie squeezed her arm and softly said, "be careful and remember everything you've been taught"

Kathy nodded and responded, "Got it". Jamie squeezed her arm again and then let her go.

This was the first time Kathy wouldn't have Jamie standing beside her acting as her backup and offering guidance. Part of her felt the rush of excitement well up inside her knowing this was her chance to show what kind of a cop she had become. But another part of her was terrified knowing that the person who had helped her so much over the past two years offering advice and praise wasn't going to be next to her.

Even though she was terrified of doing something wrong, what terrified her the most was failing at doing her job, not for herself. But for Jamie. Because he had spent so much time over the past two years shaping her into the cop she was today and she didn't want all his effort to be for nothing. She was snapped out of her thoughts by the next round of hailing bullets and the sound of sirens getting louder and growing in number. She knew backup was on its way and she had a job to do and she was going to do it to the best of her abilities and was going to make her family and Jamie proud.

Jamie watched as Kathy followed Harry, his eyes remained fixed on Kathy until a gentle hand rested on his shoulder gaining his attention. Jamie turned to see Wright's kind eyes looking back at him.

"She'll be alright Reagan. Harry won't let anything happen to her, he's a good man and a great cop" smiled Wright.

"I'm not worried about her backup. It's the shooter I'm worried about" responded Jamie grimly, looking back to the direction Kathy had gone but now he could no longer see her.

Wright just patted Jamie's shoulder saying nothing. He knew what happened two years ago, he knew Jamie's partner and friend had been shot and killed. So Wright knew Jamie was worried about the possibility of what happened two years ago repeating itself.

When the shooter began firing again Jamie flinched, now Kathy wasn't in his sight he was just waiting for something bad to happen. And what scared him was that he had this feeling that something was going to go wrong. And his feelings like this were always proven correct. So Jamie kept one eye in the direction that Kathy had gone.

His radio crackled in his ear and he heard Kathy's voice, "No visual on the shooter yet. We're going to go a bit further, just past the entrance to the park"

"10 – 4" responded Jamie breathing a sigh of relief knowing at this moment in time Kathy was safe. But he didn't know how quickly that was about to change.


Kathy and Harry came to a break in the wall, it was a ten metre gap which was used as an entrance to the park. With still no sight of the shooter they came to the agreement that they were going to cross the gap in the wall. They waited until the shooter paused and then crouching low they ran across the gap.

That was when everything went wrong.

They were just a metre from the start of the next wall when the bullets began flying again. Kathy surged forward and ended up falling forward and landing on her stomach hitting her forehead on the ground. She heard a gasp and a thud.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

A lot of her brown hair had come loose from its bun and blocked her vision, she twisted from where she was lying on the ground. She shook her head to get her hair out of her face and used her hands to push herself up a little. As she turned her eyes widened and she gasped in shock. Harry was lying on his side facing her, opening and closing his mouth quickly as if he couldn't get enough air into his lungs. He also had a hand pressed against his chest and through his fingers she could see red.

"Nononono!" chanted Kathy, she ignored the bullets that missed her by millimetres. She put her arms under Harry's arms and pulled him behind the wall. She laid him down and ripped off his vest and with one hand put pressure on the chest wound. And with her other hand she pressed on the transmitter button of her radio and in her panic she screeched "Officer down! Officer down! We need a bus it's a chest wound! At the location of the 10 – 13!"Kathy then pressed down with both hands on the wound and murmured soothingly, "It's okay Harry, you'll be okay"

"K-Ka-Kathy" gasped Harry wide eyed.

"You listen to me Harrison Lewis! You're going to be okay!" choked Kathy blinking away tears.


Jamie began moving in the direction that Harry and Kathy had gone when Wright exclaimed a curse. Jamie turned and the look on Wright's face immediately told him something had gone wrong.

"What's happened?" demanded Jamie, trying to contain his worry.

"Officer Down" responded Wright tight lipped trying to keep his composure, but his eyes showed how grief stricken he was.

"How bad?" questioned Jamie matter of factly,

"Chest wound" answered Wright coughing to clear his throat.

Jamie closed his eyes for a moment to keep his emotions in check, "Who is it?" asked Jamie,

"We don't know" responded Wright shaking his head wishing he had heard the Officer down call so he knew who had been shot.

Jamie hearing this closed his eyes he hoped it wasn't Kathy who was injured. But then he knew if it was Harry Kathy would never be the same. He then thought let them both be alright, please!

He then turned and hurried along the wall intending to find out what was happening. He got to the break in the wall and saw Kathy bent over Harry.

"Kathy!" called Jamie, bullets were hitting the grass in the ten metre preventing Jamie from getting to Kathy. She turned her head and her scared gaze met Jamie's worried gaze. "How is he?"

"Not good" responded Kathy her voice cracking.

"Don't worry we'll get you both out" assured Jamie trying to force confidence into his voice. By the way that Kathy didn't seem to register the fake confidence told Jamie how scared she was. Listening to his radio Jamie heard that EMS was on scene waiting for the all clear. And the rooftop the shooter was one had been located and SWAT were in the process of getting on the rooftop. Jamie just hoped and prayed they did it fast enough to save Harry.

Jamie helplessly stayed crouched behind the wall with Wright beside him and could only watch as Kathy tried her best to make sure Harry didn't bleed out. He heard Kathy talking to Harry trying to keep him focused. "It's okay Harry, just hang on and soon enough you'll be in a hospital getting loaded down with 'get well' presents. You'll be okay". Hearing this unwanted thoughts surfaced for Jamie.

"You're gonna be okay. Look at me! Look at me you're okay alright? Hey don't go anywhere, stay right here with me okay? Fight! Come on fight! Hey Vinny come on! Stop smiling! Hey look at me man!"

"It's okay, hey it's ok Reagan. I told you, I told you this is the end"

Jamie blinked away the haunting memories when he heard the 'all clear' through his radio and then he was up on his feet running over to Kathy. He was followed by two EMT's, knowing they needed room Jamie gently pulled Kathy up on her feet and he backed off a few steps. Harry turned his head towards them, he mouthed Kathy's name and then his eyes slipped closed.

"Harry!" cried Kathy and she tried to get back to her friend's side.

But Jamie was directly behind her and pulled her back so his arms were around her. Hugging her to give comfort but to also hold her back. Renzulli came running over and placed a comforting hand on Kathy's shoulder, but she didn't register it as her whole attention remained fixed on Harry still struggling to get to her friend. Once Harry was loaded on a stretcher he was placed in the back of an ambulance and then he was gone from sight.

Once Harry was out of sight, Kathy's struggles stopped and she then slumped in defeat. If it wasn't for Jamie holding her, Kathy would have fallen to the ground. Wordlessly Jamie and Renzulli guided Kathy over to a squad car, different to the one Kathy and Jamie arrived in because it was riddled with bullets. Jamie sat in the back with Kathy giving soothing words of comfort, but Kathy remained silent, with unseeing eyes staring straight ahead. Renzulli got in the driver's seat and shuddered seeing Kathy's unseeing eyes. Her eyes looked exactly like how Jamie's eyes looked two years ago, and this scared Renzulli. Kathy was a lot like Jamie in the way that her eyes always expressed how she was feeling, her eyes always had a spark or a mischievous glint in them. Now there was no spark or mischievous glint. Just nothing.

They reached the E.R and Jamie knew Linda was on duty so he left Kathy with Renzulli and went to find his sister-in-law. He saw Linda was on the phone so wrote on a piece of paper. Kathy was with another Officer when that Officer was shot, could you please make sure she's alright? And Jamie placed the note in front of Linda, Linda's eyes widened when she saw Jamie and then the note. She nodded and said to the person she was talking to. "I have to call you back…yes I have to go! Kathy's just been brought in and I need to make sure she's okay!" Linda then promptly hung up.

"Who was that?" asked Jamie as he led Linda to Kathy.

"Danny" was Linda's one word response. Seeing Kathy she beckoned them to follow her to a cubicle. Renzulli and Jamie walked either side of Kathy, which warned people not to approach Kathy.

Linda drew the curtain around the cubicle once Jamie explained what had happened. Jamie stood outside the cubicle as if standing guard. Renzulli came over and before he could say anything Jamie interrupted. "I'm not going anywhere Sarge. She's my partner and friend, so I'm not leaving until she's discharged"

"Whoa! Take it easy kid! I wasn't gonna make you leave!" responded Renzulli raising his hands if he was surrendering. "I was just gonna say Kathy's family have been contacted and that their on their way". Renzulli wouldn't have dreamed of making Jamie leave, because two years ago he had done what Jamie just did. Renzulli had stubbornly refused to leave Jamie's side despite his CO wanting him to go back to the 12th.

Ten minutes later Linda came out and told Jamie and Renzulli Kathy was fine just shaken up. And said she would discharge Kathy in an hour, just to give Kathy a chance to sort out her thoughts. Then Kathy's mom, brother and grandparents arrived. Jamie walked a small distance away from the cubicle to give them some privacy, but he didn't go so far that he couldn't clearly see the cubicle.

Renzulli was getting some coffee in the waiting area when he heard someone call his name, he turned to see Danny running over to him looking panicked. "Danny? What the-?"

"Sarge where's Jamie?!" asked Danny looking widely around.

"He's in the E.R" responded Renzulli, his eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Nonono!" exclaimed Danny before he was running down to the E.R.

"Danny?!" called Renzulli, but the only answer he received was the swinging shut of the E.R doors.


Danny burst into the E.R, no one gave him any notice. And he stood still looking for any sign of Linda or Jamie. Danny turned to his left and there leaning against the wall was Jamie. Danny jogged over calling "Jamie!"

Jamie turned and Danny gasped. His little brother looked worn down, his uniform looked crumpled, he was rubbing his forehead like he did when he was stressed and what worried Danny the most. There were light streaks of blood on Jamie's face.

"Jamie?" questioned Danny, noting with some relief the blood on Jamie's face seemed to have come from his hands.

"Danny? What are you doing here?" asked Jamie confused as to why his brother was there.

"I was on the phone with Linda. Talking about last night-"

"I don't need to know" frowned Jamie.

"It's nothing like that! Get your head out of the gutter!" retorted Danny, "Anyway, she said she had to go because Kathy had been brought in. Then I get here and ask Renzulli where you are and he says you're in the E.R"

"So you took that as I was here because I was hurt?" asked Jamie shaking his head,

"Well. Yeah"

"Danny" sighed Jamie shaking his head but smiling, "If I was hurt don't you think Linda would have told you before hanging up?"

"Oh. Yeah she would have" muttered Danny now feeling very embarrassed, but then he remembered Kathy. "What about Kathy is she okay? What happened?"

Jamie's smile disappeared and his look darkened. "Officer down"

Danny felt a feeling of dread made his stomach feel as if it had dropped. This couldn't be happening, not again! Two years ago Jamie had barely managed to get back to his normal self after Vinny died. If Jamie lost another partner, one he thought of as a sister. Danny didn't know if he would get his brother back or lose him to grief and guilt. He remembered something Jamie had said when he'd first been told he was going to be a Training Officer, "No Danny I'm afraid of getting an inexperienced Officer killed like I got Vinny killed".

"Jamie?" prompted Danny.

"Kathy and her friend Harry Lewis were partnered up. Long story short, a shooter shot Harry in the chest and Kathy was there. Linda says she's fine just shaken up" responded Jamie shortly. Trying his hardest to ignore the parallels between Vinny's death and Harry's shooting.

Danny sighed in relief, "So she's gonna be okay?" he checked.

"I hope so" replied Jamie softly.

"Huh? I thought you just said she was shaken up?" asked Danny confused.

Jamie levelled his eyes on Danny, "She is. But she shut down after Harry was loaded into the ambulance. If Harry…dies. I don't know what will happen to her"

Danny shuddered remembering seeing Jamie's eyes blank of all emotion and he just hoped and prayed Harry lived so Kathy wouldn't be consumed with guilt.


"Kathy I think enough is enough! You need to leave the NYPD!" stated Connor looking down at his little sister who was sat on the hospital bed with her legs crossed just calmly looking up at him.

"Connor is right Kathy. You need to stop this!" pleaded Elena reaching a hand out to touch Kathy's hand to reassure herself her daughter was alive and well in front of her.

"No" Kathy sternly replied, "I love my job so why should I stop being a cop to go and do something I have no interest in?"

"But you've majored in History and minored in English! There are many jobs you can choose from!" responded Elena desperately.

"Do you want me to be miserable for the rest of my life?" exclaimed Kathy, her calmness evaporating as her eyes narrowed in anger.

"Don't be so childish" scoffed Connor, "You stay a cop and you might not have a life to be miserable in"

Kathy's eyes flashed dangerously, "Stop forcing me to do the things you think I should do!"

"Kathy? I thought you liked History and English?" asked Elena in a small voice.

"I do, but I never wanted to go to college and study them. That's what you wanted. Not me" answered Kathy her voice a little softer speaking to her mom.

"It was the right thing to do. So stop being such a fool and choose a career that can give you a whole lot more" ordered Connor.

"Oh like you're one to talk" snapped Kathy, "There's you going on about getting a job that can offer me more than being a cop can. When you're just an EMT! Hypocrite much?"

"Kathleen Margaret Louise Riley! Don't speak to your brother like that!" ordered Elena, "And your brother is right it's time you grew up!"

"I have! And it's my life! So stop ordering me around and telling me what to do! You and Connor don't try and control anyone else's lives! It's just me! I've tolerated it for as long as I can! But now I've had enough! I'm sick and tired of listening to you telling me I'm living my life wrong! But I'm 24 now and I don't need to listen to you anymore, in fact I didn't have to after I turned 18! Do you know how many times after I was 18 that I just wanted to leave and never come back because I couldn't take your criticisms anymore! But I stayed because I could never hurt you like that, but you've been pushing me too much! And I can't take it much longer! One of my best friends is right now upstairs fighting for his life and Jamie has spent the last two years telling and showing me what it means to stand up for what you think is right. So no I am not going to leave me job and if you can't accept that then I'm sorry but you can't and won't change my mind" Kathy's leaned back on the bed with her arms crossed and stared at her mother and brother.

Elena turned to Matt and Maggie who had remained silent, "Matt. Maggie. Tell her she's being too stubborn. Tell her the best thing to do is to leave the force!" begged Elena.

"Grandpa, grandma. It's too dangerous she's being silly turning away from the options she has after graduating college!" added Connor.

Maggie rose to her feet and moved so she was standing beside Kathy and looked at Elena and Connor. "Kathleen has a good head on her shoulders and knows what she wants. She is also sensible enough to know when to back off and when to stand her ground. And right now she is standing her ground, being sensible. You've been pushing Kathleen in the direction you both have chosen for her. And while I can't disagree with your reasoning, I still firmly believe it's about time you let Kathleen make her own choices. She's right, she's 24 now. She doesn't need you telling her what to do" Maggie ended her little speech by wrapping an arm around Kathy's shoulders.

Matt also stood up and moved to Kathy's other side and also wrapped an arm around his only granddaughter. "Elena. Connor. I know you are only scared of losing Kathy like Dermot. Maggie and I are the same. But you can't force her to do a job she doesn't like. She's gone to college and graduated with a good degree so she still has many options in front of her. She's listened to your advice about that. Now just let her do what she wants. Dermot always taught Kathy and Connor to follow their ambitions. Elena you've let Connor do that with no resistance, it's time you let Kathy do the same with your blessing"

Elena and Connor both looked at Matt and Maggie, they then looked at Kathy and nodded. Showing Kathy they were going to back off and let her do what she always wanted. Make the city she loved a safer and better place.


Three days later Harry was in the ICU and it was touch and go, there was still a high chance Harry would die. Kathy had just finished her first shift back and Jamie could see the guilt eating at Kathy. So before Kathy said goodbye and walked down the street Jamie reached out and grabbed her arm. "Come with me" and then he guided Kathy away from the 12th.

"Where are we going?" asked Kathy,

"You'll see" was all Jamie replied causing Kathy to frown.

Soon enough Kathy found herself stood beside Jamie at Vinny's grave.

Jamie turned to Kathy, "I know you're feeling guilty about what happened to Harry. But what you have to understand is that it wasn't your fault. It takes time. I know you've gotten over your dad's death but that was different. You were just a child and you weren't there. With Harry you were right next to him. Trust me Kathy I now it's hard but you just can't allow yourself to be consumed by the guilt"

"What helped you?" asked Kathy in a small and quiet voice.

Jamie smiled, "A holiday with family away from the city and my family. Talking really helps Kathy. You have your grandpa and Uncle Kyle to talk to, I talked to my grandpa, dad and Danny. They understood and so will your grandpa and Uncle Kyle. So talk to them and take a break if you think it will help, remember you have nothing to prove to anyone." Jamie then smiled reassuringly and knowingly, "And before you say anything Harry's parents won't blame you for what happened"

"How can you be so sure?" choked Kathy, she had avoided the hospital not wanting to come face to face with Harry's parents.

"Because I thought the same about Vinny's parents, and they didn't blame me" replied Jamie.

All the emotions Kathy was feeling then seemed to come to a tipping point and she began to cry. She felt comforting arms wrap around her and bring her into a tight hug. Kathy turned her head so it rested by Jamie's shoulder and hugged him back.

"It's okay Kathy, it really is" soothed Jamie as he rested his chin on the top of Kathy's head.

"If you say so" sobbed Kathy,

"I do say so, because I know it will be" smiled Jamie.


Four months later everything was back to normal, with some noticeable. But good differences. Kathy and Harry had finally had some sense knocked into them and were now dating. Jamie had proposed to Emily Weaver and Kathy had agreed to be a bridesmaid.

Two months after that sadly Kathy's and Jamie's partnership had come to an end, it was inevitable but nonetheless sad. With Kathy being partnered up with Officer Elliot Marsham and Jamie rising to the rank of Detective, a silver lining was that Jamie was staying at the 12th precinct in the Homicide department so he and Kathy still met up occasionally while on duty.

Eighteen months later Jamie had the honour of walking Kathy down the aisle when she married Harry and became Officer Kathleen Riley – Lewis. The same month Kathy and Harry became Godparents to Jamie's and Emily's first child, a favour that was returned a year later.

Four years after Jamie had become a Homicide Detective he walked into his Captain's office to meet his new partner and funnily enough his new partner was Kathy. They quickly got back into sync as if four years hadn't passed, and they quickly gained the reputation of being the best Detectives in the 12th with their closure rate setting new records. Within a year they were almost surpassing Danny's closure rate, something Danny only pretended to be annoyed about.

In Kathy's second year of being a Detective she and Jamie were sat at a bar when Jamie turned and asked, "Do you know what the date is today?" Kathy pointed to the calendar opposite them and Jamie shook his head laughing. "Ten years ago today I walked into Renzulli's office to meet a wide eyed rookie who was fresh out of the Academy with the sharpshooter medal. And I was introduced to her as her TO"

Kathy smiled realizing what Jamie was talking about and raised her beer bottle, "Happy ten years of partnership"

"We haven't been partners for ten years" smirked Jamie,

"Doesn't matter" shrugged Kathy, "Here's to you Detective Jamie Reagan"

"To you Detective Kathy Lewis" laughed Jamie.

In the mirror in front of them they both spotted someone, so simultaneously they spun on their bar stools and raised their bottles, "Here's to the newly promoted Captain Tony Renzulli!"

Renzulli shook his head fondly and waved them off. Kathy and Jamie then finishing their beers left money on the bar and left. Jamie waved goodbye and said he'd see Kathy after the weekend and headed home. He smiled thinking about both he and Kathy had come a long way in the past ten years. Kathy had grown from a nervous rookie into a confident Officer and then into a confident and smart Detective. Jamie knew in the past ten years he had gone from an Officer who was mistrustful of himself and worried about the rookie in his care into a Detective who know no longer worried as much about getting his partner killed. And that was all thanks to Kathy who helped him see what he was feeling was normal and nothing to be ashamed about, Jamie smiled and then continued walking down the street.

The End.

Thanks so much for reading!