It's another uneventful day in Hell. It has been like this for as long as you can remember. Most of your friends are trolling the humans, messing with their lives from the computer terminals. You used to do that too, but it got old quickly. Until that one time when you came across this human's timeline. You'd wanted to learn more about him since then. You watched his every move, studied his daily routine, and waited for the right moment to go and talk to him in person. For weeks you've been just waiting and watching and waiting and watching…

Your name is Karkat Vantas and you are bored, again. You decide to take a look at the human you've been stalking for the past three weeks. Why did he pick your attention, you ask? Because he looked different from the other humans. Maybe it was the nearly white hair, or the shades he never seems to take off, there was just something about him that made you curious.

Today he was coming back from a club, as usual, and he looked a little tipsy. It was late at night and no other humans could be found on the streets. You decide that's the perfect opportunity to put your plan in action. You're going to finally introduce yourself to the human.

You step under the light of a lamppost, casually leaning against it.

"Hello, Dave."

"What the fuck?!" His voice shows surprise and maybe a little fear, but the shades prevent you from seeing the reaction on his face. "Who –no, what the hell are you? And how do you know my name?"

"I'm Karkat Vantas and I'm a demon. I've been watching you for the past three weeks."

"You mean, like, stalking?! Why would you do that? Do you want my soul or something? 'Cause I'll tell you now, you ain't getting shit from the Strider here."

"Of course I don't want your fucking soul! Why do you stupid humans always jump to that conclusion? Anyway, I've been stalking you because I find you to be different from the other humans and, as I had nothing better to do, I decided to find out more about you."

Dave's head moved to the sides, checking to see if there was no one around, and then back at you.

"Look, if this is another lame attempt of pulling a prank on me, I'll kill you, and John too." You roll your eyes at that. As if this puny human would ever be able to kill a mighty demon like yourself.

"Is this John a human – what do you call it? – friend of yours?"

"So, you don't know him?"

"I've only followed you, not the humans you have contact with."

"Yeah, John is my friend. I think I drank a little too much - I'm talking to a fucking demon here - and it's late and it's getting cold. I'm going home." And with that he resumes walking, not even looking back to see if you were following him.

You go after him to his lair, even though you already know the location. His apartment is on the top floor of a boring-looking building. The walk up is silent; he may have forgotten about you. Meanwhile you side-look at his shaded eyes, imagining what color his irises would be.

He goes to the bedroom and falls in the bed, ignoring you completely. You remind him of your presence.

"Hey, fuckass!"

"What?" His voice is muffled by the pillow.

"I didn't come all the way up here and introduced myself just to watch you sleep, so get your lazy ass out of bed and answer my questions!"

He turns his head to the side, so you can understand him better. "Not gonna happen, dude. Too tired."

You ponder for a second and decide that if you've waited this long, you can wait a few more hours.

"Fine. But you will talk to me in the morning."


"I'll get you out of the bed and hold you on the outside of this window if you don't get up in the morning and fucking answer to my questions!"

"Ugh, fine, whatever."

He was asleep the moment he closed his eyes and you had nothing to do but wait…