All right, so I'm doing an overhaul of this story. For whatever reason whenever I work on my stories, I feel better and get more shit done... And since I won't be doing any classes this summer and just working I thought I'd get a head start on this :D

Right now I'm just reworking the chapters that are on here and drafting some background stuff that I come up with (largely Toni and Howard stuff). Hopefully I can start getting stuff up soon, I have finals next week and my boss is on vay-cay so I'll working double hours... So new stuff should be up in like 2 weeks.

5/7/15- H. Kai & Co.

Toni is working on a new rocket design; classic rock music blaring as she lies on the table fingers moving through the Halo display. She is running a calculation on how fast she can make the rocket when JARVIS's voice is heard and the music stops.

"Miss Stark, your visitor has arrived."

Toni sat up, "Thanks JARVIS. Save this for later, file-name: JERICHO."

"Yes ma'am. Should I sent Mr. Potts down, or will you meet him upstairs?"

Toni looked down at her clothing, which was a pair of drawstring grey sweats and a grease splattered tank top. "I'll meet him upstairs. How long have I been down here?"

"2 days, ma'am. You came down after Mr. Stane came to tell you that Mr. Potts will be here."

Toni grimaced, taking a water bottle from the fridge in the lab. "Thanks JARVIS. Make sure our guest is taken care of, I'm gonna get this grease off of me. Also, pull up the live feed from the room he's in onto my tablet, and send me his file."

"It will be there in a moment."

Toni picked up her tablet, taking the backstairs to her room. She pulled up the video feed, looking at the man that was to become her new P.A.

Mr. Potts, Virgil as Toni read on his file, sat in a chair in the front room. He had a briefcase by his feet and looked slightly nervous as a DUM E bot brought him a bottle of water. He looked tall, Toni could see that his legs were stretched out as he was left in the room. His face was very freckled, that and his red hair made him look young, though a quick look at his file showed that he was 32.

Toni changed into a Pink Floyd concert shirt before pulling up the rest of Virgil's file. He was part of the accounting part of the company, but had worked in PR when he first started at the company. College educated with a Bachelor's in accounting. Not married, father died three years ago, and his mother was in a retirement home in Spokane. Been with the company for 12 years, knows most of the inner workings which was Obadiah's main reason for suggesting him to the position. Obie sure worked to find this one.

Toni came down the main stairs, entering the room. "Hello." She said, announcing her presence. She almost laughed as Virgil jumped up, having been obviously been lost in thought about his surroundings.

"Hello, Miss Stark." He said, going over to shake Toni's hand.

"Just Toni please, Miss Stark makes me feel like I'm back at school." Toni said with a smile, shaking Virgil's hand.

Virgil nodded, "It's nice to meet you Mi-Toni." He said, correcting himself quickly.

Toni smiled, "It's nice to meet you as well Virgil." Who would name their child something like Virgil in this day and age? Toni thought to herself as they went back to the chairs. If he's gonna be my P.A. I really need to think of something else to call him.

Toni looked at the man's face as they talked, Toni having already heard why everything that she needed to know about him from Obadiah and his file. She began to notice how the freckles seemed to be peppered across his face, like someone had laid him down and started shaking pepper on his face.

"Pepper." She suddenly said, surprising the other man.

"Excuse me?"

"Pepper, that's what I'm going to call you. Virgil is too old-fashioned and your freckles look like a bunch of pepper was poured on it." Toni said with a smile. Virgil looked so confused, making Toni laughed, "I give most people nicknames. My chauffeur goes by Happy."

Virgil, now Pepper, nodded. "I see, well if it works for you ma'am."

Toni nodded, "Well, I'm working today in my lab. You can start on Monday, I'll have JARVIS send you my schedule and a list of things I'll need you to do." She stood up and Pepper followed suit. "It was nice to meet you. I hope that you enjoy your new position."

Pepper nodded, shaking hands with Toni. "A pleasure to meet you as well Toni."

Pepper soon left and Toni went back to her work.

Hello, well this is my first Avengers piece of Fan fiction. I've had this idea for a longtime, but am just now getting to writing it out. Basically this is going to be a Fem!Tony Stony story. After this will be a time skip to the part in the Avengers movie after Toni saved the city from the nuke, and follow the storyline set by those three movies (Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and The Avengers) but no one knows that Toni is Iron Man (and no, I will not be changing that name.) and they think it is just a bodyguard Toni hired after the Afghanistan stuff. I changed Pepper's gender as well, but his role will be less romantic and more platonic and brother like towards Toni. I may write him with Happy, to kinda take a nod at the comics but not sure about that at this time.

Well, I hope you like this :) Please Review :D

Also the title will make sense soon (I hope) but yeah, it's from the Elton John song of the same title.

here is a time line for the aging.

1943: Howard Stark 23

1980: Howard Stark 60, Toni is born

2007: Toni Stark 26 (Prologue)

2011: Toni 30 (Actual story takes place)