I stood there in the centre of the pulsing dance floor where everybody rubbing and grinding against each other, everyone was moving as one as Dave's most famous song played putting everyone in a trance of fiery passion. I started to sway letting the music, lights and the atmosphere take control of my body; I was free, all the worries I had just left me and I just let myself go and the passion consume me. I felt two arms wrap around my waist, pulling me flush against their chest, I didn't panic though because I knew it who it was; Eridan buried his face in the crook of my neck pressing his lips there before kissing his way up to my ear and then whispering in it.

"havving fun Jake?"

"yessss" I moaned out as he started to kiss back down my neck, his hand starting to play with the buttons of my dress shirt; we had both decided to leave our jackets at the bar. The music then started to pick up in tempo and I pushed myself further back into his body as his hands as I felt his hands brush against my bare chest; dam he works quick.

"Turn around" he told me, his voice firm and commanding; I turn around to face him and he pushed my shirt of my body exposing my tanned muscled chest.

"Gog English, you look fucking sexy" he groaned into my ear. I pulled him closer to me and started to work at the buttons of his shirt.

"this has to go, now"

"yes, yes" he panted out.

I got annoyed at the buttons and instead tore his shirt open and just stood there staring at his well-muscled chest. I could feel the music pick up the tempo again and I felt Eridan's hands run up and down my chest, caressing my abs and brushing past my nipples me fling my head back and moan. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close to him; I wrapped my arms around his neck running my fingers through his baby hairs as his hands ran back down my chest to rest on my hips pulling them against his, before he moved them against his own.

"wwell evven though it is fun standing here teasing you, how about we dance" he whispered in my ear.

I giggled at him before I started to move with the music, he started to move with me and as the music kept on getting faster we were moving as one, touching each-others body. As he brushed against my nipples again I moaned and bucked my hips into his, he gasped before looking at me his eyes starting to cloud with lust. We began to grind ourselves as hard as we could into each other, moaning at the feeling of our clothed cocks rubbing making us shiver in pleasure. I moved my hands into his soft hair before yanking his head so that our lust filled eyes met.

"Kiss me now!" I demanded

"Gladly" he moaned

He smashed his lips against mine in a sloppy lust filled kiss, his tongue running along my lips begging for entrance; I gasped and his tongue dove into my mouth caressing and coaxing my tongue to play with his. As my tongue battled his for dominance of the kiss he began to buck harder and faster against me, making me moan into the kiss and let his tongue dominate mine. I feel like I'm on fire, one of his hands ran down my chest towards the waist band of my trousers.

No…we can't do this…I love Dirk not Eridan!

"Eridan stop" I gasp out, breaking the kiss.

"No" he growled out

Not good! I could feel the panic rise in me, as he grabbed my hair more forcefully pulling my mouth to his. I tried to push him away but all the alcohol had made me slower and the panic was making me freeze up; I grabbed his hand trying to stop him as he moved his hand to get under my trouser, but I couldn't stop him.

I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable.


My eyes snapped open, when I heard Eridan scream, and I was shocked at the sight that greeted me. There on Eridan's back, with angry eyes glowing red and arms around his mouth and eyes was…


"Holy Shit, CAL!" I screamed out in shock, most likely getting everyone's attention. I was just so shocked that Cal would do, that he would help me…wait id Cal is here does that mean that…


He stumbled towards me and grabbed my wrist pulling me towards him so I could get Cal off him, most likely but I resisted and this grip on my wrist tightened enough that I let out a small sound of pain. Once that small sound had left my mouth, Cal disappeared from his back only to reappear on the arm that had a hold of me.


That one noise sounded so loud even compared to Eridan's scream, which was an ear-piercing scream and now I knew everyone's eyes were on us. I turned my head to look at everyone and my eyes found Roxy's but what I saw confused me she was looking at me with horror in her eyes and I just didn't understand. I felt Cal move to my head wrapping his arms around my head bracing it; I turned back around and I was met with a grey fist connecting with my cheek. My head snap to the side and I stumbled back, crumpling to the floor…well I now know what Roxy was looking horrified at.

"Thank you, Cal" I whispered out reaching behind me and patting him on his head.

"JAKE! I…I'm so sorry" he said, panic making his voice higher "Please forgivv…"

He never finished as a tall figure appeared in front of me blocking my view of him and the next thing I knew I could see him flying across the room and landing on a table hard, breaking it from the force of the punch.

"Don't you fucking dare go near him, EVER! If you do I will kill you Eridan Ampora!" the figure said, his deep angry voice holding an accent I knew all too well. I looked down from where I was sitting and saw orange converse, I quickly looked up at the figure and I was met with a pair of anime shades and if you knew what you were looking for a pair of orange eyes…Dirk

Wait Dirk…what is going on! Dirk is standing in front of me…he saved me, he fucking punched Eridan for me, HOLY SHIT! I just sat there staring, my mouth hanging open in shock as I processed this.

"…ke…ake…JAKE!" I heard a voice call my name but it sounded far away.
"He Is In Shock" Another said
"OMG…is he okay"

I could hear their voices, all of them talking at me but they sounded distant; I concentrated on the voices, shaking my head slowly to clear it but wincing at the pain.

"Easy Jake, you got hit quite hard even if lil Cal helped ya" Dirk said. I stared at him, he was concerned for my well being…wow

Wait the other voices

I turned my head around ignoring the pain and saw everyone who had attened the wedding staring at me, talking about me and I just couldn't deal with it; I could feel myself beginning to freak, I started to breathe faster because I had just ruined a wedding, the wedding of my best friends Mom. Dirk must have realised this.

"Jake, calm down. There's no reason ta freak dude" he said trying to calm me but that made it worst and I just snapped, listening to my instincts I jumped up and punched him in the jaw; I was feeling threatened and he was in my face, that is just not a good idea. Everyone went quiet and stared at me so I did the one thing I could do…I fled like a coward not an adventurer but at this point I didn't think about it nor really care, I just let my instincts take over and they told me to run, run as fast as I could.

I lost track of where I was running after I was up the grand staircase, so after what felt like hours of running I finally stopped and when I took in my surrounding I realised I had never seen this part of the mansion before…fucking hell I was lost. I took a calming breath and looked around the hallway; it was pretty plain for the Lalonde mansion, just white wallpaper, with black vines decorating it, some blooming purple flowers- other than that there was a single door at the end of the hallway. I walked towards the door because I was still an adventure and I loved to discover new places, I smiled at that thought.

I reached out my hand and tested the door handle and turned it to see if it was unlocked and to my delight I was; I pushed the door opened and I was greeted with the sight of a most beautiful room. A grand king sized bed was the main focus covered in black silk sheets, with dark green cushions piled up at the head of the bed. It looked so comfy, so soft and I was tired after everything that had happened- a little nap would be good…first things first though secure the area. I walked back to the door locking it before walking across the room to the windows, the entire room was decorated in black and green-it looked amazing. I stood in front of the large windows before locking them and closing the curtains, yep this room was secure I thought before stripping the rest of my clothing off so I was just in my boxers. I hoped onto the bed before getting under the sheet, dam this bed was so soft it felt heavenly. I laid back onto the cushions but felt movement before suddenly I dropped further into the pillows, I turned my head and looked straight at Cal.

Of course! I forgot Cal was still on my head. After everything that happened to me came rushing back to me I let out a whimper, suddenly I Cal was right next to me and I hugged him just needing some comfort. I felt his puppet arms wrap me in a hug and I lost it…I started to sob uncontrollably and through it all Cal looked after me; I felt my eyes finally dry up before I finally closed my eys and drifted off to sleep knowing Cal would protect me.

Yay 3rd chapter

Shout out to:


BlOo KiSsEs

for reviewing my last chapter