Disclaimer: Only Dove and Raven belong to me (so far), everyone else is a fantastic figment of Rowling's imagination.

The Winged Serpents

Chapter One: To the Letter


The two girls sat idly in front of a glowing blue fire. Until this point, they had never really been of much interest to anyone. They were just two Slytherin girls.  At least, that's what everyone thought. They were fairly secretive for girls. The letter had arrived only an hour before, and the note from Headmaster Dumbledore had immediately followed.

They had flown to Hogwarts straightaway, stopping only momentarily for food at Hogsmeade. Now, they had only to straighten themselves out before meeting him in his office. It had been only a month or so since they'd last seen him, but these were different circumstances. Their last visit had been spent trying to convince him that they could keep their past a secret. Now they were afraid he might try to convince them not to.

"What if he thinks we've done something wrong? What if we have done something wrong? What are we going to do?! He won't expel us, will he?" blurted the dark-haired girl. Her hair was black and fell past her waist in curly tendrils. She tended to think in shades as deep as her hair, and her sense of style was obviously affected by it. A thick black cloak hid long velvety robes which fit where they should. Beneath the robes, if you looked for them, you could just see the tips of her faded old high-top Converse. Black, of course.

"Come now, Raven. He won't send us away. We haven't done anything wrong, I'm sure of it. Nothing that compares to the things he already knows about anyway. And he didn't condemn us for our actions then, why start now?" came the light-haired girl's reply. This girl was identical to the first, yet entirely different. Their faces and bodies, even their thoughts, were exactly alike. But where Raven had black hair and eyes, dark robes and a grim outlook, Dove was just the opposite. With long white hair and eyes so light they were almost silver, it was a remarkable difference. She wore a white cloak over silvery blue robes, and if you looked at her feet, you could see her own faded pair of Converse. Naturally, they were white, and had been charmed so as not to stain.

"Dove, how can you be so damn positive? You just accept everything the way it's thrown at you, assuming there's a reason for everything. Why don't you fight back sometimes, huh? You make me do all the work."

"I do not make you do any work. You choose to do it. I am perfectly happy with how life conducts itself, even if I don't always agree with the methods. I can't help that. You, on the other hand, seem always to go kicking and screaming. Lighten up a bit."

"Lighten up a bit?" A very unlady-like snort followed. "This from the girl who bought an entire case of chocolate frogs when we stopped at Hogsmeade."

"I'm saving them!" Dove cried with an indignant smile. "It's not like I ate them all. I never would have made the flight up here. I'd be dipping and diving every which way if I had a that much candy in my stomach."

They both sobered quickly and returned to the subject at hand. "Dove? You're sure he isn't angry with us?" Raven said quietly.

"Of course not, heart. Look, he has been kind to us for the past couple of years when everyone else forgot us. And now he's been kind enough to let us return. It was practically his idea to let us use the Time-Turner, wasn't it? He gave us a place to stay when we were too scared to stay with Her. He let us hide before, and now that it's time to seek, I'm sure he'll be just as accommodating."

The two girls sighed at each other and leaned back in their chairs. The blue flame flickered on their faces. Finally, a tug at the backs of their minds. They both stood up and readied themselves. After straightening their cloaks, flattening their hair, and hiding their muggle shoes beneath their robes, they gathered their thoughts and opened the door.


"Ah, girls. Yes, do come in. May I offer you some tea? Or perhaps some chocolate?"

The two girls gazed into Albus Dumbledore's sparkling eyes. "No, thank you. No chocolate." they giggled. "Although, tea would be lovely."

"Miss Thomas, Miss Thomas." Giving a slight nod to each. "I trust you are both well-rested from your flight?" He leaned forward, offering rather generous cups of tea, and winked at the two girls. His eyes glittered with the light of some secret knowledge.

Dove smiled kindly and nodded. She absently brushed away a strand of white hair. See? she thought to Raven. I told you. He isn't going to expel us. She glanced over at Raven to see her scowl slightly. Then she heard her counterpart's soft voice gently reply. Perhaps he's softening us up first. Doesn't want us to go bonkers when he breaks the news. Perhaps he's heard about me, after all. And she sent a sly smile back at Dove.

Returning their thoughts back to the kindly old man before them, the rest of the conversation was carried on out loud, and with the Headmaster very much a part of it. Stories were retold, pasts re-explained, and a general knowledge of the two girls' existence up to such a point was handed to Dumbledore once more. After this heavy discussion, the three remained quiet, drinking tea, and wondering what each would think of the others, and wondering who would be first to breach the quiet. As it turned out, Dumbledore spoke first.

"Well, girls." he began. "That certainly was an interesting story." Oh great, thought Raven. Here it comes. To which Dove softly thought back, Quiet, dear. Surely not. Just listen. "I must admit, I had thought you already knew of these...details. But it's just as well you have only now learned of them. Your mother's recent death is unfortunate, or will be when it occurs, and you both have my deepest sympathies." Both girls gave a hollow laugh at the back of their minds. Well, Dove anyway. Raven made no effort to hide her misplaced amusement and snorted aloud. "However, as it has not technically happened yet, it must not be made known to anyone else. Now, I trust you will be prepared to resume studies next week at start of term?" Both girls nodded slightly.

"Good. But as for this," picking up the letter they'd brought with them, "I remind you to keep this to yourselves. It will not do to have students milling about with unnecessary worries and assumptions floating about in their heads." The girls nodded immediately and beamed at their new Headmaster.

"Sir?" Dove ventured, "May I ask if you have any knowledge as to our purpose? I mean, why did we just find out? Couldn't we have been doing something before now? And what about these past two years, did we mess something up? Or is it all just some kind of strange loophole that we can't heal ourselves." She shrugged, suddenly aware that she was bombarding the poor Headmaster, and continued. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid that this is all very confusing for us. We did have our suspicions about each other. But after these past couple of years we've been gone...we just didn't know for sure until now. It's kind of...daunting, I guess." Raven gave a snide grin at her sister and they both awaited an answer.

"I am sorry to say that I do not know the precise details. I have a few guesses, but nothing definite. And I do not think it would be wise to fill your heads with ideas that may only bring more confusion. It is best if you learn as you go. Do not try to outsmart the Fates, girls, for they will see you humbled."

"Of course, Headmaster." Dove replied, while Raven merely inclined her head momentarily.

"I will, of course, be informing your Head of House of this...interesting development," said the Headmaster. The girls started abruptly. Visions of their rather unflattering past danced about before them and they both reeled at the thought of Professor Snape knowing such private things. They both had very high esteem for their Head of House and did not wish to see his mutual respect for them diminished in any way. But the Headmaster smiled again and spoke kindly. "Don't worry, I will only tell him that which must be known. If you wish your past to remain a secret, I see no reason to disagree."

Dove threw a few frantic thoughts in Raven's direction and Raven muttered back. They both looked at each other and estimated the possibilities. Finally, Raven spoke. "No, Headmaster. It's alright. He should know what we've done. We do not know what may be asked of us in the near future and it would be imprudent to assume our past may not factor in somehow. It may be best he know. However, we leave it to your discretion."

Dumbledore looked at the two girls thoughtfully. He admired their courage to bare their souls so effortlessly. It was only natural that they be wary of the choices they'd made, but he knew their reasons and understood them, even if he disliked the outcome. He wondered if they would be prepared for what was to come, however. But he said nothing to them. He only smiled and reached for a box at the end of his desk. Inside were four glass objects. A gold lion, a black badger, a blue raven, and a green serpent lay upon a fold of black satin. The Headmaster softly touched the head of the serpent, then closed the box and returned it to its place at the end of his desk. Dove and Raven looked on curiously, but did not speak.

A few minutes later, a soft rap on the door. Following the knock, a tall man in dark robes entered the room. Both girls turned to look...and started once more at the sight. That was quick. The glass charms must be Summoners, I've never really seen one before. He won't tell him while we're here, will he? I don't mind the Professor knowing, but I don't think I want to be here when he finds out. I don't think I can handle his reaction, they both thought frantically. But they wiped their faces clean of any emotion before he had time to notice. He had rather long, black, lanky hair, shiny, almost greasy. His skin looked as if he hadn't seen sunlight in months. But his eyes had always mesmerized them both. They seemed to go on forever...

"Girls, you may leave. I am sure you still have a few things to pick up for school. And I know you have a great many things to sort through before next week."  With such an easy escape at hand, the girls had no choice but to nod gratefully. Professor Snape waited patiently as the girls gathered themselves and left.

Dumbledore turned to him and motioned for him to sit. Waiting only for the soft click of the door, he began to speak.
