"Skulduggery, you don't know anything about fashion." Valkyrie said matter-of-factly. The two sat at a large oak table in China's library looking over case files.

"Of course I do, just look at this tie." Skulduggery gestured to his dark blue tie.

"Well you can't fashion or design clothes so that means that you don't know anything about fashion."

"Well you don't know anything about fashion either."

This went on for a few more minutes, the argument escalating.

"You know what," Valkyrie said finally. "Fashion this."

She leaned over, took the stapler that sat on the table, grabbed Skulduggery's tie and stapled it to the table and left.

China was walking through her library, checking that everything was fine and making sure everything was in its place. She came to one section of the library and frowned.

She peered around the bookcase and stared.

Skulduggery sat at one of the tables she had set up and was jerking back and forth, his back to her.

He squealed as he frantically moved.

China's face slowly went from the calm demeanor went to extremely weirded and freaked out. She hurried along, not looking up.

Ghastly saw her, frowned then asked "China what's wrong?"

Without speaking, China grabbed him and drug him over to where Skulduggery sat, still having a spaz attack.

They peered around the bookcase and stared as the detective continued to freak out.

"Why is he doing that?" Ghastly asked.

"I don't know."

A few minutes later Valkyrie wandered back to Skulduggery and sighed. "Fine I'll let you go."

She walked over, grabbed his tie and some scissors. Then in one fluid movement, cut the tie in half.

Everything went quiet then Skulduggery finally spoke. "You're a mean girl."