Hello everyone, and welcome back to Kingdom Hearts III!

If you guys have not been following my other story, The X-Keepers (Or just haven't been paying attention to my profile updates), then you guys know why I haven't updated this story in a while. If your not in the know, I'll refer you to said update on my profile, that way we can get back on track. But anyway, I'm back now, and it's time to continue on from where we left off last time!

Also, if anybody has the need to complain that this chapter isn't as long as the last few, keep in mind that those chapters, having the worlds take up a while chapter, have A LOT to cover, while this one...does but doesn't entirely...you know what I mean? (Plus, I wanted to at least get this chapter out before the year ended) But, enough of my rambling, let's get on with it, shall we?

Kingdom Hearts and all related media are owned by SquareEnix/Disney


(Xemnas ~ 358/2 Days)

"Terra? Is that you?"

Mickey was wide eyed at the sight of what was in front of him, as were Riku and Kairi. The armor, however, made no sudden movements, yet somehow the trio could hear a voice coming from it.

"Who…are you?" the armor asked in a metallic sound, "Are you…the one I've chosen?"

While Mickey was confused at what the armor was asking, Riku seemed to have caught wind of what the armor might have been talking about. "The one I've chosen?" He muttered to himself, trying to decipher what it meant, before he stepped forward.

(End Xemnas)

Kairi, a little concerned for what Riku was doing, attempted to stop him, but decided to let him go, hoping he knew what he was getting himself into.

Stepping in front of Mickey, Riku tried to talk to the armor. "Terra…do you remember me?" Riku asked as carefully as he could, hoping the armor understood him.

(Destiny's Union ~ KHBBS)

Unbeknownst to him, the armor was thinking, contemplating, until a memory flashed before it. It was of a sunset; back dropped to a small island…it remembered Destiny Islands.

"The Island…" More memories flashed before him, "The boy…"

Riku's eyes flashed. Was it working?

"…to protect…what matters…"

Riku smiled, as Mickey and Kairi looked at each other, realizing what this meant.

"It really is you…the one I chose…" The armor spoke again, though it still did not rise from its place.

"I don't know if you can understand me, Terra…if you are still in there," Riku tried to explain the best he could, "But you have to come with us…we need you."

The armor, once again, did not budge, "I cannot leave…" The trio heard it say.

Kairi decided to speak up, "Why not?" She asked, stepping forward.

(End Destiny's Union)

Before anything else could be explained, a corridor of darkness opened up in between the armor and the trio. Riku stepped back, standing shocked as Xigbar stepped out, wearing his usual devilish grin.

(Thirteen Discretion ~ Re:CoM)

"Well, well, well, lookie what we have here!" The one-eyed sharpshooter remarked, as the trio readied themselves for whatever Xehanort's lackie had in store for them. "Looks like a couple of no good Keyblade Wielders getting in the way of our plans." He continued to berate the group.

"If anyone around here is no good, it's you!" Kairi remarked, to which Xigbar kindly scoffed.

"Us no good? As if," He shot back, "Xehanort's actually doing us a favor you know."

"You honestly expect us to believe that?" Riku challenged, to which Xigbar shrugged off.

"Hey, believe whatever you want, my man." He said coolly, "I'm just saying it as it is."

Mickey, admist this, tried to steer the conversation back on topic. "Why exactly are you here?" He asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Xigbar answered, motioning to the armor, who still sat in its regular place, "Terra belongs to us now. And because we have this here war coming up, we can't just let you guys go and revive him just like that." Xigbar then stepped forward more, being a little bit more serious this time. "So why don't you all just run along before things have to get messy, huh?"

(End Thirteen Discretion)

Though as hard as Xigbar tried to persuade them, the trio was having none of it, as they all summoned they're Keyblades. "Nice try," Riku said persistently, "But we're not going to give up that easily. Why don't you crawl back to where you came from before we have to put you there!"

Xigbar simply smirked at Riku's threat, eventually turning into a laugh, as he summoned his arrowguns, preparing for battle. "This is going to be fun!" He exclaimed, "But remember: no matter what you do, Terra will still remain a pawn of Xehanort!"


Before a single move could be made, everyone turned to hear the metallic voice speak. Xigbar in particular turned to see the armor was now looking up, and straight at him.

"Xeha…nort." the voice kept saying, as the trio's eyes all widened as they saw the armor begin to stand. "Xehanort!" the armor finally cried, as it stood upright, and slowly began to pull its large Keyblade out of the ground, and into its battle stance.

(Rage Awakened ~ KH2)

Xigbar's shocked expression started to turn back into that of his devilish smile, realizing what this meant. "Oh," He muttered with a smile, "This will be interesting." He said, as he dropped into a battle stance, as he prepared for both sides to attack.

(A/N: The player is controlling Riku for this battle.)

(OBJECTIVE: Team up with Terra's Lingering Will and defeat Xigbar!)

Immediately, the armor rushed for Xigbar, but the freeshooter was all too quick, as he teleported away, and fired aimlessly at his attacker. Riku took this opportunity to sneak up on Xigbar, slashing away from behind. Taking the combo, Xigbar teleported away again, leaving Riku to wonder where he was.

"Yoo-hoo!" Riku turned on heel at the sound of the voice, as he caught a glimpse of Xigbar, now suspended in the air, firing in his direction. Summoning a dark shield, Riku blocked the attack, as he saw Mickey leap up and swipe at Xigbar.

"Not bad," Xigbar admitted, reloading his weapons, as he teleported off again. Terra's armor, finding Xigbar back down on the ground, began slashing madly at Xigbar, who tried helplessly to dodge the brutal attacks. Teleporting away again, Xigbar attempted to attack a more capable opponent, namely Kairi, who was firing off magic spells in his direction. Noticing Xigbar moving in on Kairi, Riku attempted to intervene, casting Dark Firaga at the approaching freeshooter. Though Xigbar still began attacking Kairi, she managed to dodge his attacks, even managing to slash him down to the ground.

"Impressive!" Xigbar taunted, teleporting away once more, until he was completely out of sight. Knowing where he was, Mickey looked to see Xigbar placed atop the far mountain, where he attempted to snipe the group. Quick to counter, Mickey blocked the incoming blasts, as Xigbar fell back.

"Aren't you clever..." He muttered, before he teleported back to the battleground, where the armor was once again waiting for him. Summoning a Keyblade glider, the armor dashed for Xigbar, but he teleported straight through it, blasting the armor off its glider onto the ground, though it landed on its feet.

Thinking he was in the clear, Xigbar reloaded his weapons, ready to end it all there. Riku, however, noticed the one-eyed sniper charging his weapons, and made a mad dash to intervine. Unaware of his approaching attacker, Xigbar was caught off guard when he noticed Riku leap up and deliver a critical blow on him.

"Well, ain't that something…" Xigbar exasperated, as he fell to his knees. This fight was over.

(End Rage Awakened)

Xigbar laughed as he tried to catch his breath. "I really don't learn, do I?" Xigbar laughed, to which the trio were confused. "Oh well, at least I got the point across," He continued on, "Mess with us again, and next time, you won't be so lucky." He then smiled wickedly, "Cause that next time is going to be a REAL Doisy."

Riku glared at Xigbar, "Yeah, because that's really going to happen." He growled.

"Oh it will. Just you wait." Xigbar replied, as he summoned a corridor of darkness. "You be good now." He waved, as he disappeared into the dark abyss.

"Does he always have a knack for getting on your nerves?" Kairi asked, annoyed.

"You'd be surprised…" Riku answered, as the trio dismissed their Keyblades.

As the dust settled, Riku looked over to Terra's armor, which stood in the middle of the battlefield; its Keyblade to the side and its head down, while its cape blew in the wind. Cautiously, Riku approached the armor, which continued to stand still in the presence of the young master. Riku looked up to the armor, hoping he would answer Riku if he talked to it.

"Terra," He started, "Why can't you come with us?"

The armor remained still though it did answer. "My pain…My loss…My memory…is bound to this world," the armor responded, as it turned to look at Riku, "Until the pain…has been lifted…I cannot leave…"

(Riku ~ KH2)

As Kairi and Mickey approached the two, Riku thought on the armor's words. Until their battle with Xehanort has ended, and Terra has reunited with his will, the armor is left to remain bound to this world, ever haunted by the pain that was left here. Riku turned to his companions, as Mickey understood what was going through his mind.

Kairi, on the other hand, was a bit lost. "Riku? What does that mean?" She asked.

Riku tried to think, but ultimately decided that there was nothing they could do right now. Thus, he answered, "It means, we have to keep moving on." He then turned back to Terra's armor. "Xehanort will not win this fight." He stated firmly, "We will be back for you, Terra. I promise."

The armor then looked out to the horizon again. "I know…you will…", it said, as it quickly took its Keyblade into both hands and plunged it into the ground in front of him. The armor then slowly dropped to its knees, as it spoke one last time: "Thank you…Riku…"

Riku, initially shocked by the armor's words, began to form a smile. Now knowing the situation at hand, it had become clear to him, that now, no matter what, he would not let Terra down.

Slowly, Riku walked away from the armor, as he approached Kairi and the King.

"So, what do we do now?" Kairi asked, as Riku sighed.

"I don't know." He replied.

(End Riku)

Suddenly, a small light appeared in Mickey's pocket, as he pulled out the source: His Star Shard; it was blinking!

"Uh, you fellas might wanna hang on!" He exclaimed, as the light became brighter, "We're going for a ride!"

Then, before anyone had time to say anything, the light engulfed the trio, as they suddenly shot into the sky, and out of the world, blinking from one star to the next, before they could no longer be seen. As they disappeared, the armor made no movements, as a sandstorm began to swallow the figure, before disappearing and leaving nothing left but an empty crater, and an eerie chill.

The feels! They're too much!

But in all seriousness, I hope this satisfies you guys until next time, cause then, we return to our regular heroes, as they drop in on some old friends (And maybe even a few new ones?)

But hey, I don't plan to spoil anything, so instead I'll say (Depending on when you guys are reading this) have a Happy New Year, and here's hoping that SquareEnix fulfills that promise of bringing new KH III info in 2015. But hey, that's my hope anyway.

So, until next time, feel free to comment (No Trolling!) and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!