Hey guys. I'm sorry for deleting my previous story which is "The Life Of A Sollux Captor". I thought I couldn't make it work and it kinda sucked. So sorry about that.

Humanstuck, mainly because I don't know how tentabulges work. Yep.

Thanks for future reviews, follows, and favorites.

I don't know what warnings should I put but one thing's for sure. Possible OOC.

Also, I don't have a beta therefore, all mistakes are mine. :D

The day started with the usual rambling from the men which are Sollux Captor and Karkat Vantas. The shorter man plopped down the couch and stretched his feet before turning his view and giving the somewhat lanky figure a glare.

"You cheated. Again! That's so fucking cheap." Karkat released an agitated groan, almost sounding like a low roar from a lion being robbed off its prey.

"I can't help it if you suck big time." Sollux grinned at the other man. A smug grin, that's what. It pissed Karkat off. His face expression turned into something that looked like he wanted to punch him or just beat the ever living shit out of Captor.

A second groan came out. "You shitsteak. I don't suck. It's you who does! I mean, who the fuck spams the same move every single time, Sollux?"

"Why is that when I win it's always 'I cheated' or 'you gave me the chance to'? Can't you just recognize me for my talents? Jeez, Kk." He shrugged before placing the controller down and standing up only to go near his friend to annoy him more. Sollux sat on the couch, too close from the other, his grin turning into a smirk. "So, what about the deal?"

"What deal?" Karkat raised a brow pretending that he knew none of what the man in glasses was talking about. Yet, there was a loud beating on his chest. Beads of sweat crawling down his face and it seemed like it was getting hotter. He tilted his head, allowing comfort to pass by his neck and if he could just remove his sweater because god knows why he's definitely sweating like crazy, he would.

"Oh you know. The thing we talked about before starting the game." Sollux started climbing on top of the smaller man, straddling his hips as he gazed at his crimson pupils. "You're not gonna back out are you?"

Karkat pushed him back slightly and took a deep breath. "Actually I think I am. I can't do this kinda stuff, dickbag."

"It's just a make out session with some touching, dipshit. It's not like I'm gonna fucking shove my dick in your ass. And I'm pretty sure that whoever gets hard loses the deal." Sollux rolled his bi colored eyes and started raising his friend's sweater- if he would really refer to him as a normal friend- but it was quickly cut off by Karkat's hand. He clicked his tongue. "A deal's a deal. And if you're worried about getting a boner because you're that much of a weak pussy, then don't worry, you can go to the bathroom and take care of it. I won't touch it, ever."

"S-shut your fuckpooping mouth up." Yes, Karkat Vantas stuttered, fucking stuttered like some guy with a shaved hair. It was immediately caught by Sollux who made a bit more teasing by rubbing his thumb on Karkat's hip bone. "Stop that! And I won't get a boner. Don't be such a douche. That's like forcing a fucking snowball to freeze while burning it under the sun while you dance around it with shit melting on your head."

He narrowed his eyes. "I didn't quite understand your last words, but let's see what you got, Kk."

"Try me, ballsacks. Have a taste o-" his words were cut off after Sollux pressed his mouth against his, his teeth grazing at Karkat's lips. His thumbs still rubbed his hip bones, only now, it crawled up. Leaving heated trails every touch. The smaller man moaned against the kiss as he raised his hand above his head. Sollux bit Karkat's lips and was answered by an open mouth from his partner. He quickly slid in his tongue and pushed against the other's, his flickering inside, saliva dripping from their mouths. But what really took Sollux on a craze was when Karkat started sucking on his tongue wet and hard, and the sound was lewd. He slid his tongue in and out of his mouth, fighting for dominance. And they weren't kissing with closed eyes. Karkat moved onto sucking Captor's lips, biting them whenever he had the chance to. His eyes were open and crimson met blue and red. His gaze was lascivious. Karkat wrapped his arms around Sollux while he raised Karkat's black sweater to his chest. Captor ghosted his fingers on the tanned chest and after finding what he's looking for, he pressed the buds with his thumb, not removing his view of his enticing partner who was releasing sounds of pleasure and melting breaths against his kiss. He noticed the slight change of expression his partner gave. A bit surprised from the sudden interaction his nipples had with Sollux's skilled fingers. Wonder what it can do on his shaft? Karkat's face was painted with red and sweat. The heat was asphyxiating. He broke the kiss for a gasp of air.

"Was... that okay? God fucking dammit..." He panted heavily, wiping his face with his sleeve.

"Sloppy." Sollux grinned. "I like it. That'll do."

"Your face annoys me. I just want to fucking cut your fucking head off and throw it on a shitpile of fucking hyenas." he threw a glare on the other while fixing his sweater. "Why the deal, anyway?"

"Sometimes I can't believe you. You agreed to do it and you don't even know why the fuck I asked you to?" A giggle escaped Captor's lips. He sank himself onto the couch and turned his view on the clock, staring at it. "I'm pretty bored. That's all."

"So you're saying you'll do it with anyone?" A very slight hint of disappointment hit his tone. It wasn't all noticeable but Sollux looked at him and opened his mouth only to close it again, like running out of words.

There was a short pause between the two until Captor decided to break it.

"Yeah. It just so happened that you're the first one I thought of. I mean, if you didn't accept it, I could have gone off to Ampora or maybe Strider. Or Tz. I don't know."

"And I thought I was your last retort!" Karkat buffed, propping his feet up the table and his arms behind his head. "It was fine, I guess. It didn't seem awkward at all."

Sollux stood up and a small smirk crept on his lips as he put his glasses back on. "You lost though." He chuckled as he pointed on the other man's pants. Hardened shaft wanting to be freed, poking his pants.

Karkat's eyes widened, his face all flushed. He grabbed a pillow and covered his aching boner. "Oh my fucking god! It's not what you think- oh fuck this shit. Spare me, Sollux. Shut the fuck up." He cursed as he heard small giggles from his friend, now walking out of the room.

"Better take care of that, Kk!" Without any other word, he exited, the grin not fading from his face.

A far too embarrassed Karkat was left alone sitting on the couch and his head buried on the pillow. There was nothing but silence and faint sounds of curses from Vantas. His hands curled into fists which was soon returned to relaxed palms as he heard his phone rang. He raised his head and looked for his mobile, not so long before he found it.

"Great timing, Harley! Just when I needed my girlfriend!" He ran his fingers through his hair after noticing how stupid he sounded. "I mean, female friend. Not girlfriend. Okay whatever."

Jade answered with a questioning 'huh' before finally asking what ever loving shit happened to her buddy. "Karkat, are you sick?"

"Why the fucking fuck would I be sick? No. Actually, I am pretty sick. Sick of myself. Oh my god. Meet me at the coffee shop beside my apartment. Now"

Without another word, Karkat shut his phone off and placed it in his pocket. He stood up and switched to his crab printed shirt because who the hell would wear a turtleneck during the heat of summer? Good thing the bastard didn't leave a mark. Fortunately, his boner was gone thanks to that short conversation with Harley.

He went out and locked the door to his room then proceeded on going to their meeting place.

Karkat didn't really start off with a good relationship with Jade and nobody knew how they ended up being this close. They know things about each other, it's like they're each other's walking diary of some sort.

The wind outside was sticky. It felt hot and dry. It's not really something he'd enjoy. And for some strange reasons, it seemed like the sun was glaring at him with all its mighty rays. If Karkat was stupid enough, he would probably glare back but he's smarter than some sun-burnt cockcorpse so he wouldn't do that. The road was fairly quiet. It was noon and people are probably busy sleeping or doing god knows what.

Finally, after almost melting under the big ball of fire, he reached the coffee shop. He stepped in and the smell of coffee beans filled his nose. It was grand. Karkat doesn't really like the taste that much but he loves the smell. He's more of a hot choco person. What a baby.

It was a small shop and was a bit empty. There were two or three customers and the chatting of the workers kept the room away from being dead silent. The brewing machines also helped, of course. He spotted a seat in the corner, far from the others. Perfect.

He pulled a chair under the table and sat, patiently waiting for Harley. A few more minutes later, she arrived. Karkat raised a brow at the image of the woman. Her hair was in a messy bun, her round glasses were skewed and her long skirt looked like it needed ironing. After seeing Karkat, she directly made her way to sit beside him.

"Did you even try fixing yourself?"

"What?! You sounded so fucking troubled and all that, so I rushed off. Ugh!" Jade scanned his figure and groaned lightly. "But you look fine."

"Yeah, I mean... I'm physically fine... but..." He leaned in closer and whispered to her ear.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. She looked at her friend with eyes of mixed confusion and confusion alone. Jade almost slammed the table but the girl's got great self control. Instead, she answered with a simple "What?" as she slowly turn her view to him. "Can you please repeat what you said?"

Karkat rolled his eyes. "I said I made out with Sollux and it felt great. So damn great. Like an unending happiness. What more do you want?"

"S...so you lost your 'deal' and the punishment was to kiss him? Is that it?" She began scratching her head. "What is that deal all about anyway? Do you even like him?!"

"Well, it's like this. Yesterday, after school, we planned to play in my place the next day, which is today... then he came up with this shitty deal that if he loses, he'll buy me my long dreamed of game called Tomb Raider, because you know, Lara Croft is really cool, but let's not talk about her. Then if I lose, we'll kiss. The pindick kept on spamming the same move every time so we ended up making out on my couch and to be honest I don't fucking know if I enjoyed it or regretted the goddamn thing because it's like the shit." Karkat shifted his position, feeling a bit uncomfortable with himself. "And no, I don't think I like him."

"Maybe you do. Why else would you enj-"

"Shut up. Just shut up. Don't make my godly ass laugh. That would be more stupid than shoving a heart back on your dead grandpa's chest."

"Karkat, that's really offensive."

"I'm sorry." he sighed, staring at the blank wall in front of him. "Anyway. That's all. Let's keep it a secret between you, me, and that dimwit Sollux. But don't tell him I told you."

Jade giggled, being back to her usual self. "I'm pretty sure your boyfriend doesn't want to hear you calling him names like that."

"Yeah. Right. Let me just call Captor and tell him how much I love him and I want his mouth on my dick. Hang on a second." Karkat, once again, rolled his eyes at his sarcastic statement. He furrowed his eyebrows and called for a waitress. "Enough of that. What do you want? My treat."

She clapped her hands and it almost seemed like she jumped a bit from her seat. It's always nice to see little Harley all pumped up. "Really? Well, I want a mango shake and maybe a cookies n' cream flavored ice cream... And oh-"

"Jade, they don't serve those shits here. This is a coffee shop."

She made a small pout, her eyes squinting. "Then a frappe would do."

Karkat smiled weakly, almost a sarcastic smile but whatever. He's glad they don't serve those things. He's trying to save money, actually. The waitress came by and took their orders- both caramel frappe- It's good stuff.


Sollux's hand searched for the light's switch and when it finally felt like that was it, he turned it on. Flickering two or three times before staying still. He squinted his eyes at the sudden brightness that awoke his self. He placed his bag on the table and walked to his room. Seems like no one's home. His dad doesn't really want him off to some dormitory or apartment because 'he wanted to keep his eyes on his precious Solluxander'. Pretty sure it's not some trust issue, he's probably just too over protective after what happened to his other son-Sollux's big brother, Mituna.

He sank himself to his bed, arms stretched out as he stared at the ceiling. There's a lot of things that comes into a mind of a Captor such as Sollux. Specially Sollux. He's a twenty year old college student who goes to a University not far away from home. He has a part time job at a computer shop nearby, because of course, as his dad would always say 'Put those talents to good use'. And Sollux is obviously so fucking proud of these so called talents. To be honest, he's pretty tired and a bit conflicted. Actually, he lied to his friend, Karkat Vantas. It took a lot of courage to ask him about that deal and he's the only one Sollux thought of. He himself doesn't know why that idea came up to his mind, it just felt like 'hey I wanna do a thing with Kk, let's ask him'. He never planned to go to Eridan or Dave or anyone else if he gets rejected, which, fortunately, didn't happen.

Sollux stood up, running his long slender fingers through his brown locks while his other hand removed his glasses, placing them on the table beside. Next, he unbuttoned his checkered polo then threw them somewhere he doesn't even care anymore before lying down the bed once again and dozing himself off. Now's not the time to think about the thing that has already happened.


It was exactly four o'clock pm and Karkat was lazily sitting on his couch, the couch where they made out. He was watching one of his favorite movies and it just so happened that he took the courtesy of inviting his good friend, Jade. She was bored as hell. It was shown on her face but Karkat probably doesn't give a fuck because he's like that when it comes to his romdrams or romcoms. It's just him, the television, and the pillow which he was hugging.

Jade rested her chin on her palm as her green pupils examined the neat room. Yep, it was really nice for a boy's room. It didn't seem like a bunch of crazy cavemen took shelter there. It made her pretty embarrassed due to the fact that a man is better at keeping his place cleaner than her.

Not too long before she was interrupted by the buzzing of her phone from her pocket. She quickly grabbed it and looked at who the caller was. She made her way to the kitchen just to make sure she wouldn't interrupt Karkat's movie session because, god, the guy over reacts too much.

"Hi Dave!" she greeted with a smile on her face, obviously, he wouldn't see it... but still.

"Sup marina? where are the diamonds?"

"In your butt." she giggled.

"Woah there Harley. No really, what's up?"

"Cool I guess, how about you?" Jade sat on the table, her legs swinging gently.

"A bit troubled..."

"Is it about John?"

"Yes. Can you talk to your brother for me? I mean he wouldn't answer my calls and everything. What a dbag."

She curled her lips and lowered her gaze. "I don't like fixing people's relationship Dave. It's your own problem and if you keep on relying on me then you wouldn't learn from it."

"Pretty fucking please. I really miss him."

"I know. Okay." she closed her eyes and sighed. "but this will be the last."

"Thanks! Bye, I love you. Man, you are such a blessing."

"Yeah bye."

The call ended and Jade placed her phone back to her pocket again. She went to the living room and talked to Karkat, her hands behind her and fingers entwined.

"Hey, Karkat, I need to go home."

He looked at her for a split second before giving her a nod. "Yeah. Thanks for your time too. Sorry if I was such a complete tool sometimes."

A small smile appeared on her lips. "It's okay. See you tomorrow, I guess."

His view was fixed on the screen and he didn't even see her off. Oh Karkat. You're such a fucking gentleman.