So here is the next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy!


Special thanks to my friend Jelly Bean Jean. She the best BTW. (need to check our her stories.)

2 years later…

Andy walked into the same cabin she had two years ago.

Only this time she owed the property with Sam.

Dropping her bags by the door she felt tired. She has been feeling off her old self lately so she went to the doctor and found out that she was pregnant.

She was scared and took it out on Sam and ran up here.

She doesn't know why she's scared really.

Maybe it's because of Sam?

6 weeks after they came back from the cabin the first time, Andy officially moved in. She had too wait until her lease was up to make it official, but finally it was done.

They were lying in bed after a long day of moving stuff around, Andy lying half on top of Sam, both were drawing patter on each other.

"I forgot how tiring moving was." Andy said.

"We'll let's hope it's the last time you move."

"I hope it is."

The fight they had was stupid, now that she thinks about it.

Sam had bought the wrong dog food for Boo, and she flipped out on him and left.

Thinking if he can't buy the right food for Boo could he for a baby? But that was her just overthinking.

6 months of living together everything was great. Sam already knew he wanted to marry Andy a long time ago. He just had to get his shit together first.

The week before he took her to meet Sarah, they clicked just like he hoped. Sarah also told him that she would be looking for a ring on Andy's hand next time they came down.

The day they got back Andy went to have a girl's night with Gail, Traci and Marlo. And he went ring shopping.

That day he got a puppy too...

He was waiting for Andy to home come today from work. The puppy in his lap with the ring around the collar.

"Sam?" Andy called as she came in.

No answer. But she heard something running, she looked up and saw the puppy then Sam.

"This is why you got off early today?" She laughed picking up the puppy.


"Whatever. What's this guy name? Boo?" She said teasing him.

"Whatever you want." He told her as she put the puppy down.

She was looking at the collar when she saw the ring. "Sam?" she looked at him with the bambi eyes.

"Marry me."

She ran and wrapped herself around him. Nodding her head.


She was brought out of her daydream by her phone ringing.



"Dude where are you? Sam just came by looking for you."

"We had a fight, I left to cool off."

"He's worried about you. He's freaking out because he doesn't know where you are."

"He'll figure out where I am by the time I've cooled off." She wasn't really mad, she was more scared. Her nerves needed to cool down.

"Okay, just don't do anything stupid."

"I won't I've got to go. Talk too you soon."

"Bye. Call me and tell me what the hell is going on okay?"


The wedding day was beautiful. They didn't want a long engagement. So, the wedding was three months later. Only close friends and family came. Traci was Andy's maid of honor and Oliver best man.

They kept it traditional.

Andy wore a simply strapless, full length dress. Hair down in soft curls. Sam wore a tux.

They were both happy that day. The day Andy McNally became Andy Swarek.

She smiled at the memory. Why was she so scared about becoming a mother? Just because her parents were bad doesn't mean they would be.

Now she had made a big deal out of nothing and ran. She ran away from them again.

Is he going to be hate her now?

Would he throw away their marriage because she ran away?

By now Andy was crying, her mind flooded with regret.

What has she done?

She unlocked her phone and called Sam.

"Andy?" He answer on the second ring. He was already on his way to the cabin.

"I'm sorry," She whispered out.

"What is going on? You wouldn't just blow up about something small like that."

"I can't tell you like this. I. I uh, I'm coming home."

"No, I'm pulling up to the cabin now."

She went to the door and saw the head lights.

She waited until he was out of the truck and walking towards her before ran and jumped in his arms.

"I'm sorry," She said kissing his face all over.

Sam wrapped his arms around her tightly and breathed in her scent. "I know." He said then giving her a quick kiss, he carried her inside and sat them down on the couch.

"Now do you want to tell me why you came up here? Alone?" He asked rising an eyebrow. This was their getaway together.

"I needed to think and I knew you would find me here."

"I'll find you wherever you go. Now we need to talk." He needed to know why she ran. Why they had a fight about nothing.

"Yesterday at work I had an accident."

"I know. Marlo told me. That's why I grabbed the wrong dog food. I was in a hurry to get home to you. Marlo said after the hospital you were in a different place. I was worried."

"Yeah the doctor told me something to make me freak out."

"What? Are you okay?" He said looking over her, to see if there was any injures.

"I'm not hurt." She giggled at him as he searches her.

"Then why did you freak out?"

"It was more me overthinking. What he told me."

"Which is?"



She took one of his hands and put it on her stomach. "I'm pregnant. And I started overthi-"

She was cut off by his lips. After a while he picked her up a little so he could kiss her stomach. He was in a state of awe. "Really?"

"Yeah. The doctor confirmed it and everything. I'm about it four and half months."

"God I love you….I'm going to be dad."

"We're going to be parents."

They stayed that night at the cabin, they headed back to Toronto the next day.

Sam made arrangements for Andy to work with the D's all of her pregnancy. So she wouldn't go crazy with just desk duty. Everyone was excited about the new addition coming to 15.

The day Andy went into labor Marlo was at the house hanging out with her. She hated being alone so when someone had a day off they would go and hang out with Andy.

They were sitting in the lounge laughing at what was on TV.

"Who knew daytime drama was so funny." Marlo said as a commercial came on.

"I know. Pause it when it comes back on. I have to go to the bathroom."


Andy got up and waddled to the bathroom. As soon as the door was closed she felt wetness between her legs. She looked down and saw the puddle at her feet. "Shit,"

And the pain started and she screamed. Marlo came through the door with caution and worry on her face. "Andy?"

"My wa-water broke!" She said between very heavy breathing.

"Okay let's get you to the car."

Andy only nodded, scared she would scream again.

They didn't call Sam until she had a room and she was settled in there at the hospital.

"Okay I'm going to call Sam now."


Sam answered on the third ring "Swarek"

"Hey you busy?"

"Just finished a case. Fixing to get some lunch. What? Andy giving you problems?" he teased her.

"Uhh. No but you need to take the day off."

"Why? Is she okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Everything is good. But there is going to be another Swarek in a few hours so you need to get too the hospital."


It took him five minutes to tell Best and get in his truck to head to the hospital.

Just like Marlo said a few short hours later Sarah Fiona Swarek was in the world.


Sadly this chapter has came to an end. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

I have a few more stories ideas. So be looking out for them. Of course they will be Sam and Andy.

Bye for now.