Finally the sequel to tumblrstuck, sorry it took so long haha.
I probably should have edited this, but it's almost 1 am...
The internet had always made Vriska a little nervous. There are dangerous people out there, and they could be lurking around any corner. Someone who seems friendly could be a fifty year old pervert, and no one's going to fall into that trap if they're friends with Vriska Serket.
Sure, she has a tumblr, but It's mostly to support her best friend Terezi. Terezi went through some rough time a few years ago, and Vriska wanted to make sure she was okay, especially since Terezi didn't really like talking about it.
She was thankful for her tumblr when Terezi started communicating with this shouty Karkat character, who does he think he is anyway? Saying all those deep and meaningful things, that's Vriska's job! She's supposed to bring Terezi out of her depression, not some guy, he must be like the last guy.
So when Terezi says she's thinking about meeting the shouty teen, Vriska is immediately skeptical. The older teen is driving down from his hometown a few hours away, and they are meeting in a local coney island. Vriska decides she needs to take matters into her own hands; no way she's going to let her friend get hurt again.
The meeting time is noon, so Vriska strolls in at 11:30, hoping that Terezi's new friend has a tendency to be early. Terezi said she was too nervous to show Karkat her picture, but she did have one of him. Kind of pointless since Terezi can't see, Vriska never would have even seen the photo if her blind friend didn't need someone to describe his every detail.
Small booths line the sides of the restaurant, and Vriska is pleasantly surprised when she recognizes the dark haired teen sitting in one of the booths near the door.
Karkat Vantas is taller than she expected, which is hidden even more by his deep slouch. His hair is tussled around his head in short messy curls, and he seems to have a permanent scowl plastered to his face. He's glaring down at his phone, perhaps cursing himself for showing up so early. He has a cup of black coffee resting on the table, and he's downed about half of it.
Vriska strolls over confidently. She is Vriska Serket, no one messes with her, and certainly no one messes with her friends. If this guy really who he says he is, everything will be fine. If not, she brought along a few of her eight sided dice to deal with the problem. Karkat doesn't spare her a glance when she stops in front of his table, his eyes still locked downward.
He stays in that position as she sits down across from him, only breaking his trance when she clears her throat loudly.
The startled boy's head snaps up quickly, and Vriska can almost see him shrink back like a turtle. "Terezi?" Karkat slips his phone into his pocket quickly, seeming flustered by her sudden appearance. "I thought you were blind?"
"Wow really? That's how you're gonna start off? Good job lover boy." Vriska leans back with a sigh, slinging her hands behind her head lazily. "I'm not her relax." Vriska runs her eyes up and down the teen, which only causes him to stiffen up more.
"What the fuck, how do you know Terezi?" He goes on the defensive, wrapping his hands around his coffee mug as if that'll protect him.
Vriska curls up her lip in a smirk, pleased when his right eyebrow twitches in irritation at her silence. "I'm one of her friends what do you think?"
Karkat relaxes a little at her answer, taking a long sip from his mug. This could be to buy him more time to think, and even though they just met Vriska is kind of enjoying watching this boy squirm. The cup clinks as he sets it down. His eyebrows furrow together slightly as silence washes over the two teens, and Vriska leans back even more to show how indifferent she is to all this.
Well saying she's indifferent is a lie, but Karkat doesn't need to know that. "I guess I'll cut right to the point, are you going to play nice today, or am I going to have to take you out?"
Surprisingly, Karkat seems un phased by the question. His scowl deepens and he glances away from the intimidating girl occupying the space across from him. "I'm not here to hurt your friend."
"How do I know that?" Vriska suddenly leans forward, her fists knocking the table lightly, "I don't know anything about you Vantas, how am I supposed to be sure?"
Karkat turns back slowly, and Vriska can see a hint of anger glint in his eyes. "I've known Terezi for three years! The reason I didn't drive down sooner is because of her situation. I get that you think you're so high and mighty, just sitting above the rest of us deciding who gets to be friends and who doesn't, but you don't with me. I haven't done one damn thing to you or Terezi, but if you're gonna accuse me with your slanderous, sexist, bullshit assumptions then I don't see why I need to put up with you. I'm here to meet Terezi, not you, fuck off."
Woah, Vriska wasn't expecting such an eruption from the previously somewhat quiet teen. It's kind of impressive, not at all what she was expecting. The boy who was brooding and silent has come to life, and he has a confidence about him that Vriska has only seen in one person, and that's herself.
Karkat takes a deep breath, seeming to regain his surroundings. "Look, I really care a lot about your friend, like ten elephants times three hundred okay? I want her to be happy, just like you."
"Fine, I'll allow it, but I'm going to be watching from across the room, and if you tell Terezi I'm here, you're dead." Vriska gets up with a huff, trying to be as powerful as possible as she moves to a bench on the opposite side of the coney island.
Vriska orders some food and starts stuffing it in, and it doesn't take long until her friend enters the coney. With her white cane in one hand, Karkat easily identifies her and goes to the front to get her.
Vriska is somewhat shocked by the actions that she witnesses next.
Terezi seems to be overjoyed to finally meet her friend, and doesn't hesitate to envelop him in a massive hug. Vriska hadn't seen her short haired friend hug anyone since before the incident, she must really like this guy. The two walk slowly back to Karkat's booth, and Vriska scoffs when he hangs up her coat.
The two order and start chatting, and by now Vriska has realized she didn't need to come at all. Terezi looks happier than she has in months, and they lean together slightly as the engage in what must be a fascinating conversation.
Vriska lingers in the corner for the remainder of the meal, but when Karkat gently plants a kiss on the shorter girl's cheek and leads her to where her parents are picking her up, Vriska knows that there was nothing to worry about in the first place.
Wow I've written 25 of these now, that's a lot dang.
I need to get back to frequent or at least regular writing.