Summery: Sam & Andy meet, but not as we all know. Sam's robbing banks and running drugs & guns. Andy just happens gets in the way, and has to now trust a stranger to keep her safe, while Sam's trying to figure out why he put everything on the line for a doe-eyed rookie cop. AU!
Thanks for all the awesome reviews & follows on Blurry Lines. Hope you'll enjoy this one too!
This is a tester chapter, so review and let me know what you think!
To the #RBFG's on Twitter- you guys totally rock!
As always thanks to the regulars & Kelly2727 & the Rookie Blue South Africa Page on Facebook, for being so awesome!
Chapter 1.
From the moment he opened his eyes this morning, he just knew that today was going to be a bad day.
It started with a hangover that made his head feel like it was splitting in half, then Tony was reported missing- only for them to discover that he had been arrested last night, so he was still sleeping it off in a holding cell.
So now, they were one guy down, which meant that he would be doing a little more on today's job.
When he really wasn't in the mood.
Everything for this had been planned for weeks, one big score to get them the home run they had been working for; for weeks now.
This was their break into the big time, the push that would set them up at the top, where the big boys ran.
Pulling on the ski-mask, he adjusted it so that his vision was not obscure by the tiny holes, his lips just barely visible through the small slit. Whoever made these things probably never intended for them to be used for this purpose.
"Hey Sammy, ready?". Damian called out.
Damian was like a pitbull, even looked like one with his shaved head and tattoos and eyebrow piercing.
"Yup". Came Sammy's dry reply, it was now or never.
"Soooo, we gonna hit the Penny tonight?". Traci asked in a giggle of excitement, a twinkle in her eye.
It told Andy that she was hoping to 'bump' into Detective Barber at the Penny. Traci had a serious thing for the guy.
"No". Andy tried to keep her face as straight as possible, Traci's face immediately locked in a look of disappointment.
"I'm kidding". Andy giggled out after her heart couldn't bare to watch Traci pout anymore.
Shift was slow, they were patrolling down town, in the cold. Winter had settled in and it was usually a busy time of year, but today accidents were scare even though it was snowing, and ther roads were slippery.
"Just think, in two weeks, you won't have to sneak around anymore" Andy suddenly blurted out winking at Traci as she turned the cruiser left as the traffic light turned orange.
"You know?". Traci shrieked out, her eyes widening at Andy's statement.
"Trace, everybody knows" Andy said brandishing a sweet smile.
Traci and Detective Barber had been seeing each other since the academy, but kept it very quiet because it was seriously frowned upon to be involved with a rookie on training, and for now that's what they were.
They were Rookies.
In two weeks they would be cut loose, their rookie status would fall away, and they would be cops.
And then Traci and Detective Barber wouldn't have to sneak around anymore.
It was Saturday so it probably explained why their shift had stayed quiet right up until lunch time. They had stopped for coffee and lunch at a diner in the middle of town, the place served the best coffee so if they were in the neighborhood, they never missed the opportunity to stop for one.
Making their way back out to the cruiser, a call came in, a silent alarm at a bank a block down from them had been triggered, and it was closing time.
Andy started the ignition and Traci radioed in that they were a block away and responding.
Damian heard the sirens, they were close. Really close.
He barked orders to wrap it up and leave, grabbing a little boy from his mothers arm's as he passed them on the way out.
The mother tried to hang on to her son, but a gun in her face and Damian's gun against the kids head made her screams die down as she lay back down on the tiled floor sobbing instead.
Just like he yelled that she should.
Damian pulled the kid all the way out the door and onto the pavement outside the bank, two guns drawn and pointing at them.
Sammy followed, handling a bag of the cash, then Scott, Bobby and Elliot.
"Let the kid go". The driver of the cruiser yelled to them as Damian began walking towards the waiting car a few feet away. He knew two female officers wouldn't shoot when he was holding onto a kid, so he let out a loud laugh and yanked the kid by the collar as he pushed him towards the car.
She yelled again, this time moving out behind the open cruiser door and out into the open with nothing standing between her and a bullet.
"I'll shoot the kid". Damian said in a voice so calm it made Sammy shiver. He knew he would too.
"I can't let you take him".
The cop was relentless, and still stepping closer, like she had no value to her life whatsoever.
Sammy tapped on the trunk when he reached the car and it popped open, so he lifted the lid and hoisted the bag into the back, followed by the ones Elliot and Bobby had before slamming it closed.
"If you follow, I will kill him". Damian said just as he lifted his leg to get into the passenger side of the car, Elliot being gentleman enough to open the door for him.
The cop tilted her gun to the side before bending down and setting it on the tarmac. She stood back up with her hands held out in surrender.
"Take me".
"Andy, what are you doing?". The other woman, the one that was on the radio had spoken out loud for the first time since they had stepped outside.
"It's okay Trace. He's just a kid".
Her words had stopped Damian from getting in to the car, he now stood facing her with his cold eyes running up and down her body.
More sirens screamed through the air, their arrival minutes away.
"Let him go... take me". This time her strong, assertive voice had slipped to a scared, weaker one.
She suddenly moved her hands and dropped her duty belt to the floor by unclipping it at the front, her movements slow and precise so that they could see what she was doing, and that no threat was meant.
Her bulky jacket was next, as she shrugged it off after lifting it up at the hem and turning around so that they could see that she wasn't hiding a gun. It fell to the floor in a crumpled heap.
Her gloved hands faltered when they moved to the velcro straps of her vest. They hesitated for a second, before she ripped them loose and dropped it on top of her jacket where it lay on the floor.
"Andy!". Her partner seemed really worried for her.
The brave one turned around slowly, her hands held high. Her face was hard and strong, but her eyes showed her weakness.
"Sammy". Damian called out nodding over to the cop, telling him what he had to do without saying actual words.
Andy noted the one standing behind the car moving around it and towards her, making her feel intimidated.
He took her by the hand and pulled her to the side of the waiting getaway car, spun her around and shoved her into the back door, hoisting her hands up on to the roof.
His hands were meticulous in their pat down, he knew how to do it, he'd had it done to him many times.
After that he didn't say a word, just nodded towards the one barking the orders who then waved her over with the gun.
In one swift movement, the kid was pushed forwards, sent sprawling on his hands and knees, skidding across the tar, while the arm that shoved him flew around her neck and pulled her backwards in one fluid motion.
"I will kill her of I see a squad car. Do you understand?".
The other cop nodded silently as she stepped out behind her door and caught the kid as he was running to her in a fit of tears. He was old enough to understand that he came so close to dying or being shot that it had scared him.
The back door was suddenly opened and Andy was shoved in, someone already sitting next to the other door.
Everything was happening at warp speed, that she was losing minor details along the way.
His hands hoisted her up as soon as she slid across the seat closer to him, as he neatly deposited her in his lap. His sudden movements caused her head to hit the roof as she let out a yelp in fright. She turned to glare at him, her eyes flashing a split second of fire before it dimmed to be replaced by tormented fear.
She recoiled away from his touch, leaning as far sideways as she could, trying to put space between him and herself by sinking into the back of the drivers seat.
Andy had no idea what she was doing.
But he was just a kid, and everytime she had looked at his scared face, she saw Leo's face instead. She could hear his mother screaming from inside the bank, and that was something she never wanted to see Traci go through, so why should she let it be someone else?
These guys were smooth, they knew what they were doing and she didn't think for one second that they wouldn't harm the kid.
They were in the middle of the city, if they drove off with the kid they would probably shove him out of the back of the car and into the road while driving, or they would just dump his body somewhere after putting a gun to his head and pulling the trigger.
They wouldn't want lose ends, and that is what the kid would become.
A lose end.
So this was how it had to happen, what had to be done.
The other two guys bungled into the back next to them, the door slammed and the car lurched forwards with spinning tires.
Sammy was fuming right now, so furious that he had to restrain his hands from moving up to her neck and strangling her.
She should have left it alone, stayed away. He would have defused the situation and made Damian see sense and drop the kid off a few blocks away.
Nobody would have been hurt.
Now he has a cop sitting on his lap and Damian eyeing her through the rear view mirror from the passenger seat like she was something to eat.
As if reading his mind Damian's eyes found his before he suddenly turned to face him.
Damian's hand was holding out handcuffs and a strip of a torn T-shirt so Sammy reached out and took the items before setting them down in her lap.
"Hands". His tone was dangerously low, and that was good because she lifted them up and held them together knowing exactly what he was about to do.
He clipped the cuffs on and yanked on them making sure that they were secure before his hand reached for the material, another timid groan leaving her lips as he caused the metal cuffs to chafe her skinny wrists when he jerked them.
He lifted his arm's up and drew the material to her face, her eyes seeking out his for a split second before his hand moved to turn her face away. The material was strung over her eyes and tied at the back of her head, in a double knot to hold it in place.
He could smell her shampoo as her ponytail shook in his face, a whimper escaping her as she was plunged into darkness.
She was shivering, her eyes pleading not to be covered when she turned to face him, but he had too. She couldn't see where they were going.
He wondered briefly if she was cold and shaking or scared and trembling. Or a combination of both. It was winter and she had discarded her jacket as a sign of good faith...stupidly.
He tugged her a little closer in a bid to try and keep her warm, her body tensing into a frigid statue as she felt his chest against her side and shoulder. His actions caused her to tremble a little more, telling him that she was petrified.
But that was a good thing, because right now that would be the only thing that kept her alive.
*****Thanks for reading, leave a review and let me know what u think?
Have an awesome day!
Jelly Bean Jenna©