And here we are Folks! The time for freedom has come for Sly! But even after the gang frees him, it's not over yet, we still got a few loose ends to tie up - namely getting back Sly's cane, figuring out what the mysterious signal in the fabric shop is, and, of course; kicking Delphine's hot-headed ass! The next Cooper ancestor after this will be...




Henrietta "One-Eye" Cooper! :D She got the most votes. No huge surprise there...

now, let's set our favorite thief free! Again if there are any typos, I am sorry, I'm typing this on my iPhone.

nekolover3: glad you like it, here's your update!

kyrogue23: I told you all that those ancient Egyptians were brutal. As for saving him, the gang's working on it!

Mammon Grey: I kinda thought of that after I wrote it, although I think Nahuel got it a little more brutally than Richards: Richards got a quick poisoning as opposed to Nahuel getting a knife in the chest. Poor Sly indeed...

Garrett4976: right now!

xReapZz: Oh you! :3 Thanks, glad to see someone else likes Total Drama and Sly Cooper! I won't stop updating until it's finished - which I hope to do before the actual fifth game comes out.

SLY98524: Another has come!

Bob Cooper: Thanks Bob. :)

The Padawan453: Awww! Thank you! 100 chapters huh? Haha, well I don't know if it'll stretch THAT long but this isn't gonna be a short story, I can promise that!

Chapter Four: Walk Like an Egyptian Pt. 3

Carmelita's Point of View

24 Hours Until Sly's Execution

Beep-beep. Beep-beep. The high pitched noise rung in my ears as I woke up the next morning. 6:00 AM. We'd worked out the last pieces of the plan during the night while we listened in on Delphine, then we'd gone to sleep so we'd be fully rested for the breakout. I changed into my old pair of jeans and combat boots; I quickly had gotten sick of wearing that stupid skirt and heeled boots. Ugh, what was I thinking when I wore those?

This was it, we were going to get Sly back. Bentley easily got the information we needed; including the guard schedule, any passwords we would need to know, and the location of Sly's cane - which was stashed somewhere in the basement in a large safe. Bentley gathered us all around for a final briefing.

"Okay gang, this is it. According to the information I got thanks to the bug in Delphine's room, the guards outside Sly's cell change shifts every hour. Slytunkhamen, you'll need to steal a uniform from a few guards patrolling the area; they should have the few pieces you need in order to take position in front Sly's cell door. Murray, you and Carmelita will make sure the security station outside the prison is cleared out so I can monitor everything as well as make sure we don't set off any alarms. Once we've signaled that everything is all clear, Tut, you can move in and take the guard's place and get the keys you need to free Sly. Once you've got him freed, be sure to contact Murray to make sure the two of you get out without any problems, if necessary. Let's move out we don't have anytime to waste." I grabbed my shock pistol as the three of them geared up, Slytunkhamen headed out to go steal the uniform while Murray, Bentley and I headed over to the security station.

Normal Point of View

Slytunkhamen made his way through town by the rooftops, making sure to stay out of sight. He was close to his old hideout when Bentley called in. Guards patrolled the streets below him.

"You in position?"

"Of course, there's a target just below me, I'll have the full uniform in no time." Tut leaped down from the roof onto a small stand below. Barely making a sound he snuck up behind the guard, relieving him of his money as well as a helmet that he need. Slytunkhamen quickly moved to the next way-point the Bentley had installed in the binocucom and found another guard and picked a cloak from him. After another quick run down a few roads, he found the final guard - who was nearly asleep at his post.

Sometimes these imbeciles just make my work too simple.

Tut took the extra pair of boots from him and put on the rest of the costume along with them. He blended in perfectly with the rest of the guards patrolling the city.

"Alight, I've got the disguise - how are things coming from your end?"

With the Gang

*A few moments earlier*

The hippo, turtle, and fox were stationed outside the prison security ward. Carmelita readied her pistol and Murray cracked his knuckles. "Cover me you two, I'm going in." Bentley wheeled towards the front door with Carmelita and Murray following close behind. A smaller guard came outside, spotting the three of them. He quickly screamed out for the rest of the men inside, at least a dozen men flooded out ready to strike.

"THE MURRAY IS UPON YOU! I WILL SMASH YOUR SKULLS AND CRUSH YOUR SOULS!" Murray commented rather...uh, passionately as he and Carmelita defended Bentley from the guards. Carmelita blasted three of them easily as Murray tossed one into the wall and grabbed another by the front of his shirt. Bentley made it inside as the two continued taking out the rest of the guards.

"Alright, I've got the disguise - how are things coming from your end?" Slytunkhamen's voice spoke up through Bentley's earpiece.

"I'm in, and I'll soon get control of the system. You've got the disguise on correct?"

"Yes, I'm heading towards the prison now."

"Good, the guards should have switched off by now, I'm sure the guard on duty will be happy to be let off early." Tut signed off, as Murray and Carmelita came inside with him.

"We took care of those idiotas out front, is Slytunkhamen on his way in?" Carmelita asked.

"Affirmative - he just checked in with his progress, now we wait."

Inside the Prison

Just as they had hoped, Tut's disguise was foolproof. The guard on patrol at the door let him in without question. The Egyptian raccoon followed Bentley's instructions; leading him through the large prison. In his disguise he felt almost invisible among the rest of the guards. After a few more minutes of navigating the halls, Tut arrived in the East wing. A large guard stood at his post in front of the door to what could only be Sly's cell. Taking a deep breath he approached the crocodile who eyed him down.

"What is your business here?" The guard barked down at the raccoon.

"I've come to relieve you of your shift." The crocodile quirked an eyebrow in suspicion.

"You're rather early, aren't you now? Well, if you're one of us, then tell me; what's the day-time password?" Bentley spoke the required code and Tut repeated;

"Sun, Nile, Nile, Eye." Emitting a low growl the guard nodded.

"Very well, you're legitimate." He handed the keys to the raccoon. "Have fun with your extra long shift, idiot." Tut smiled standing post at the door until the crocodile was out of sight. Making sure no one else was around, Tut quietly unlocked the door and went inside. What he saw made him cringe.

In the corner of the small, filthy cell, a very beaten and tired Sly laid chained to the wall. His blue sweater was reduced to a bloody ripped cloth that lay tattered over his body. Sweat beaded down his forehead, dampening his grey fur. His back was scarred and covered in dried blood and pieces of flesh showed through his fur. Tut quickly wasted no time and ran over with the keys in hand. Sly slowly lifted his head to look up at him, and shied away, expecting more pain.

"What do you want?" The beaten raccoon groaned in pain, a slight bit of venom in the tone of his voice. Tut gave a small sympathetic smile and removed his helmet.

"Such a kind way to great your rescuer." Tut said quickly unlocking Sly wrists from the shackles. Sly weakly rubbed his red, chafed wrists as he smiled gratefully up at the other raccoon. His eyes widened in realization.

"Y-you're Slytunkhamen Cooper the second!" Tut nodded, trying to ease Sly onto his feet. In response, Sly groaned in pain, barely able to stand straight, the pain tore at him, forcing the thief to his knees.

"Easy Sly, can you walk any?" Sly shook his head no, his eyes shut tight as he grit his teeth. Wasting no time, Tut bent down and heaved Sly over his shoulders. Sly cursed in pain. "I know it hurts, but please hold on, we'll get you all fixed up when we meet up with your friends outside." Sly suddenly seemed more awake at the last part.

"Friends? Who are they?" He asked hopefully.

"There's Bentley, Murray, and Carmelita. They've been very desperate to find you, as it sounds from what they've told me." Sly grinned, as tears sprung up in the corners of his eyes; although he wasn't entirely sure if they were from happiness or the intense pain. They were all here, she was here. Would she still be angry with him? At the moment it didn't seem to matter. The had only just made it out of the east wing when a guard spotted them.

"STOP! INTRUDER!" Tut ran, struggling as Sly weighed him down. Guards chased after them, shooting at the two of them. A crocodile guard came out from a door in front of them and whacked them hard with his tail. Sly flew out of Slytunkhamen's arms and collided with the wall. He grunted at the contact, moaning in pain as everything faded in and out. Tut grabbed for his canes, ready to fight off the guard.

"Coming through, you bastards! Get away from the raccoons!" Murray charged through the door, sending his fist flying into a guard's jaw. After a few minutes of battling it out, Murray and Tut ran back over to Sly as guards lied in unconscious heaps on the floor. "SLY! Buddy, we're here to rescue you!" Sly glanced up at his friend, who was nothing but a large pink blur and managed a small smile. Murray scooped Sly into his arms as Tut spoke up.

"Let's get going before any more guards show up."

They had just made it past the prison gate when the world went black for Sly.

The Safe House

Carmelita's Point of View

I'd never seen him look so broken. Bentley worked over Sly, cleaning out and mending the raw, lash markings on his back. It almost sickened me to watch. Every now and then Sly would shudder or let out a low moan of agony. I'd almost thought he was dead when Murray had carried his still, bloody body in his arms. I was going to kick that perra Delphine's ass, I swore it. No one hurts my criminal.

I still felt angry at him for everything he'd done in the past, but it didn't seem to matter now. For now, I just hoped that he would be alright. Bentley gave another shot to Sly in the arm - painkillers I presumed - and within moments, Sly was sound asleep. After treating and wrapping up Sly's torso, he had Murray carry him and put him in bed.

"He's going to be okay, but it'll take almost a week for him to heal enough to be up and about." Bentley smiled, still glancing worriedly at Sly's motionless form. I volunteered to keep watch while Bentley and Tut worked on a plan for stealing back Sly's cane and reconing the fabric shop. I wiped away the sweat from his face with a cool rag as his eyes stayed closed.

"Please be okay Ringtail." I whispered to him, even though he probably couldn't hear me. I got up to go get an ice pack from the other room, when Sly's voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Carmelita?" He mumbled so low I almost didn't hear him. I turned and saw him slowly lift his head towards me. I ran beside him and placed my hand on his cheek.

"Sly! You culo, you scared me half to death!" I growled at him, before smiling.

"I'm so sorry... about everything. I was an idiot for-" I shushed him before he could go any further.

"Relax Cooper. We can discuss everything later, just not now, you need to rest." He gave me a pained smile as the painkillers started to pull him back under. "Just promise me one thing Sly?"


"Don't ever leave me like that again." He reached for my hand, shaking.

"I promise.." He whispered as he fell back asleep.

Sly is free! And in the care of his friends. :D Carmelita hasn't forgiven him entirely yet, but she isn't really in a position to yell at him right now isn't she?

AND YES I WENT THERE AT THE BEGINNING - mocking Carmelita's Sly 4 outfit! I really hope they change that in the fifth game, I still don't get what they thought was wrong with the jeans and combat boots...or the curves Carmelita had in Sly 1-3.

Seriously, when I saw how thin she was in Sly 4 I was like: DEAR LORD WOMAN, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MUSCLES AND CURVES? EAT A SANDWICH OR SOMETHING! D:

Review. I think there'll be only another 1 or 2 chapters left for Egypt, after that, we head to the Caribbean with Henriette!